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Picture This (Jurassic World)


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(So, after just watching all four Jurassic movies in a row, it got me wanting to write...a FANFIC. That’s right, my first one in this group...Hope you enjoy it! )

Picture this (Part 1 of ____)


Kairi Acer looked outside her window, and although she despised flying, she loved the view. Luckily for her, they would be landing soon in--in--”How is it pronounced?” she thought to herself. “I don’t want to call it Dino-Land in front of people...Nebular??.... Nublar! Isla Nublar!! That’s it.”

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be landing momentarily,” a chipper voice announced over the intercom speakers, to which a rally of tourists cheered loudly. “Please raise your seats to their upright position…”


“Ah, there she is, our star photographer!” a voice called out at baggage claim. Kairi looked up, and saw a gentleman dressed in a gray suit and tie to match; his outfit was very well-kept, his white button-up shirt tucked in perfectly, nothing--not even his slick, chestnut brown hair--seemed out of place. “I’m Matthew Timrek, your personal guide back in time.” His smile was dazzling, though his joke was corny.

However, it’s not everyday you can get an upclose look at dinosaurs.

“I’m glad to be here, Mister Timrek,” Kairi smiled back, shaking his hand.

“Call me Matt, please! Our ride is right outside.” Kairi was expecting to walk outside to a limo, but she was instead ushered through an elevator, and was heading up to the top. “So, National Geographic covers, awards in best photography of nature...you have an eye for this kind of thing, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Kairi blushed, brushing her short brown hair behind her ear.

“Well, the people I represent didn’t ask you to come here just by a ‘guess,’ Miss Acer,” Matt informed her, a serious tone in his voice as the elevator dinged. “They hire the best, because--well, that’s what this calls for.” When the doors wooshed open, Kairi felt nauseous.

“A---a helicopter?” Kairi eyes the flying machine cautiously. She wanted to tell him about her fear of flying, but with all those zeros at the end of her paycheck, and her mother in the hospital...how could she turn something like this down?

“Exactly! Get your camera out! What better way to get a look at Jurassic World than from above??”

“Well, I wuhh--heh--HAAH-CMPF!” Kairi sneezed in the crook of her elbow. “Damn, allergy medicine wore off already,” she thought to herself as she dug into her bag for her little pill box. Her nose was another reason she hesitated taking the offer of a private photo opportunity of the unopened park, being told it would “open the eyes of the world and have millions of viewers observe the natural beauty of the park.” Her sneezes weren’t like other sneezes. Since she wasn a child, she was big. Not WIDE, mind you---well, average build, yet voluptuous with curves and large breasts--but height wise, she was tall, standing at almost six foot, and her chest--well, her mom always said “We have big chests because of our big lungs, that’s all.”

“Hehhheh...HAH...HAH-CHMPF! Ugh, sorry...allergies,” she explained to Matt, who handed her a handkerchief.

“Gesundheit,” he muttered. “Some mighty big sneezes, there. I’m guessing the medicine helps a lot?”

“Yeah,” she replied as she popped a small red pill in her mouth and took a swig of water. “Pollen is the worst for me...but if I want to take the best pictures, I have to gehh---get cre-hayy--hah--HAH--HAH-CHMMPH! Creative,” she gave a poor sniffle, “and roll with the punches.”

Matt showed off another dazzling smile. “Just don’t try to scare the dinosaurs away, for Christ’s sake!”

Kairi gave a small sniffle and nodded, thinking the exact same thing...

Edited by Mysterion0325
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