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No One is Sick as Gaston


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Hi so this is my first ever story and I'm kinda nervous about posting buuuuuut whatever I'm doing it. (Yay me) I posted awhile back about wishing I could draw this out, but me being me lacking skill but not inspiration I decided to write it up instead. So this is about Gaston from Beauty and the Beast (my all time favorite Disney movie, with magic plates and hot villains) with a terrible head cold. I know that he's a big ***hole, but hey, aren't those the best people to see miserable with a horrible cold? ;) Anyway here we go.


Gaston looked up into the crystal blue winter sky and aimed his musket once more. His prey, a plump duck flying low overhead, soared into his crosshairs. He took careful aim, concentrated, steadied his breath, 1...2...3... and, AHTSHOOOOOOWWWW!!!!!, the massive sneeze rumbled from deep within his burly chest. Gaston growled with frustration, "That" he thought angrily, "was the third shot today ruined by my stupid, beautiful well defined nose" "I don't have any allergies and I haven't gotten sick since I was a small boy." "My body is so strong it could probably fight off the plague. Must have just been that the light hit my eyes just right" "I think I once heard someone say that the sun could make you sneeze". About this time that annoying fool came running over "Gee Gaston you never miss that many shots in one day. What's up with you today?" Gaston looked down at the smaller man, his handsome face turning into a glare. "Thank you Le'Fou, for pointing out something completely obvious. And nothing is up I just decided that duck wasn't the one I wanted" "More like your nose decided for you" the little man began to laugh until Gaston's glare intensified "Let's head back to town I'm done hunting for today."

On their way back to the village Gaston let loose two more massive sneezes "HAH'TSHOOOOOUM, HAH...HEH... HTCHEEEEEEEEWWW. Gaston sniffled and noticed some slight wetness from that last sneeze. He decided to ignore it and headed down to the village pub. Once inside Gaston immediately tensed, the sudden temperature change and walking into the dusty pub had reawakened the burning tickle in his nose. He stood stock still as the feeling grew and blossomed inside his nose. Gaston tried to fight it but it was too strong to be held back, with his great chest heaving, HEH...HEH....HEEEEEHCHOOOOOOOO!!! The sneeze had bent him in half and when he stood up he realized that every person in the pub was looking at him. "Well I must be allergic to one of you fools!" He joked trying to hide his embarrassment at his moment of weakness. The people laughed and Gaston moved toward a table in the back of the bar.

He sniffled again and wondered was was wrong with him, his nose was rebelling against him and he didn't appreciate it. Gaston realized that he was incredibly tired and only drank two of his regular six flagons of ale then gathered his things and headed home telling everyone that he was going to wake up early the next day so he could hunt for large game. This seemed to satisfy their curiosity and Gaston left to them singing, what he normally wouldn't have missed for anything, the song all about him. He found himself humming the tune as he went home stripped out of his hunting gear and into his long johns and crawled under his blankets of thick furs. He immediately fell into a deep slumber and began to snore louder than normal.

So what do you guys think? This has more parts I just haven't written them down. I really hope you guys like it.

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This was so straight up true to character, so much so that I could almost see it. :D "my stupid, beautiful, well defined nose"...brilliant!

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so good!! I have always wanted a Gaston sick fic!! It's great and I anxiously wait for more!!!! You need some Belle care taking too!! Or Bimbettes!!

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Count me in as wanting to see the update, this is adorable. :D Gaston is the perfect victim, he's so arrogant and he hates to show any weakness. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite Disney Movies and Gaston is a favorite villain.

"My stupid, beautiful well defined nose" A++++

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