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Care of the Mudblood, HP Draco/Hermione


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Hermione sat alone by the lake. It was sprinkling rain, but she didn't care. She hugged her knees to her chest and rested her head on them, crying. Why does that git have to go around kissing her? Why should I care? It's not like I thought he would notice me. Hermione sighed, not noticing someone approaching.

"Well well, what do we have here?"

Hermione stood and whirled around, anger flashing in her eyes at the white haired boy. "Malfoy."

Draco sneered. "Crying, are we?"

"In case you haven't noticed, it's raining."

"So you fancied a sit-down by the lake?" He laughed.

Hermione opened her mouth to retort, but stopped her lips parted slightly. Heh-HIHSHIEW! She was barely able to cover the sudden sneeze.

Draco's eyes softened, if only for a moment. "Sick, are we?" His smart-ass tone was half-hearted.

"What do you care, bloody git?" Ehh-HIHXCHT! Hermione managed to stilfe the sneeze, coughing lightly.

Draco laid a cool hand over her forehead. "You have a fever," he gently slid his hand down her cheek, looking into her eyes. "You should be in the hospital wing."

"Not everything needs magic." Hermione shivered.

"Here," Draco took his coat off and draped it over Hermione's shoulders, "You should at least be inside."

"What for? So that stupid git can flaunt his prize some more?" She blushed when she'd said something, then it dawned on her, Why does he care?

"Then don't go there. There are better places than Gryffindor Tower you know." He turned so he was beside her and put an arm over her shoulders. "Come on." He led the hesitant Hermione toward the castle, then through a secret passage he'd discovered. The passage led to a place near the Room of Requirement. He led her through the door and to a completely separate common room. It had Slytherin colors, as well as a lot of black, but it was clearly Draco's own personal style. He led Hermione to a couch. "Sit." He flicked his wand and started a fire in the fireplace.

Hermione shivered a bit and rubbed her finger under her nose, attempting to stop the tickle. She sat on the black leather couch which was surprisingly comfortable.

"Warm enough?" Draco still had the snide tone of voice, but it was laced with genuine concern.

Hermione nodded, pinching her nostrils shut. HIH'XCHT! HUH'XCHT! Heh-Eeh--HEH'XCHT! Her ears popped with the force of stifling increasingly powerful sneezes.

Draco shook his head. "I still say you should visit Madam Pomphrey." He sat next to her and put an arm around her. "You know, I feel a bit selfish at times."

Hermione turned her head and looked at him. She HAD to hear this.

"I see you with that Potter boy and the Weasel, and I just think how I want you for myself."

WHAT?! Hermione was completely off-guarded by this. "You..what?"

"You heard me. If you were in Slytherin, not a soul could hurt you. Not even that Weasel you seem to fancy."

Hermione blushed. "He's just some stupid git who wants to flaunt his prize."

"Right, but you still fancy him. Pity."

Not thinking, Hermione leaned into Draco, resting her head on his shoulder. Though the fact he called her mud-blood still infuriated her, she now understood. She found herself amazingly tired suddenly and coughed into her elbow. Draco half laughed under his breath and rubbed her arm. "You should get some rest at least if you won't visit Madam Pomphrey."

Draco stood to let her have the couch, but she grabbed his hand suddenly. "Please stay." The white haired boy smirked and sat back down, holding Hemione close. He drew a blanket with his wand and laid it over both of them as they lay down, slowly falling asleep together. Both of them knew it could only be this once, but this once they lay their true feelings on the line. Neither felt anything could be more right than this embrace.

(AN: This is old, and my first Dramione fic ever. A similar version is on fanfic but I thought I'd share the original here. Be constructive please!)
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Ooohhh snapples I mean.. I think I've been converted from HermionexRon to

Draco x Hermione

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