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Indisposition - Supernatural, Castiel (M)


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I am back, spamming the Fanfiction section again~! And guess what? WITH MORE SUPERNATURAL. AND NOT JUST SUPERNATURAL. MORE CASTIEL.

I know, I know. Shocking. I've never written anything like that before. <w<

Okay, so I wrote this for MaiMai because she needed something fun and light and fluffy in her life today so I knocked this together, hoping it would cheer her up some and I really, really hope it has <3

There are one or two silly bits in here and maybe an inside joke or two, but I don't think it detracts from the story xDD


Here it is~ My gift for MaiMai :heart:



The sounds had been repeatedly emanated from the angel for a good thirty minutes now. Whilst they were sporadic, they were still baffling. Neither brother had ever heard Castiel so much as sniffle before, never mind sneeze, and as if angel sneezes weren't weird enough, the way that he was reacting to them made the whole situation even more bizarre.

"Uh, Cas? You okay?" Sam looked up from the textbook he was reading to address the angel - again - to check how he was doing. Not that he had gotten as much as a passive glance from Cas each time he asked so he wasn't sure why he still bothered asking but he just couldn't help himself. Dean had always taunted Sam for being a little bitch when it came to his compassion and empathy; not that Dean was one to talk. Besides, Cas was sniffling almost constantly so it wasn't like his question was unjustifiable. Remaining focused on the Latin scribes splayed out before him, Cas barely even acknowledged Sam... or the sneezing.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why?" Cas didn't even raise his eyes to meet with the younger Winchester's suspicious glance. Instead, he raised a hand to swipe at the underside of his increasingly pinkening nose but little else.

"You're, um-.. well, you're sneezing a lot."

At this, Cas finally lifted his head slightly, eyes squinting at Sam in that inquisitive-come-know-it-all way he usually did. Initially, Sam thought that Cas was addressing him, but when Cas's mouth fell open slightly, eyes squinting tighter, shoulders hunching quickly as ragged breaths were sucked in and out rhythmically, he realised exactly what Cas was preparing for.

"hhih'TSCH'iu!-ktTCHHhh! ..hh'TDZShh'uu!"

As soon as the paroxysms were finished, smothered into the lapel of his coat (no doubt a trick learned from Dean), Cas returned to his book, apparently unphased.

"So... do angels sneeze a lot, or...? 'Cos I've never heard you before and we've spent more time together than Thelma and Lousie." It was Dean's turn to chime in this time. The entire situation was baffling to all of them, and one would have thought it would have baffled Cas the most, but he remained this brooding, stoic presence at the table, looming and majestic like a marble sculpture. It would have been a lot less unsettling if he had been freaking out about the whole thing. In fact, Dean would have welcomed it. There was little he enjoyed more than watching Cas flap about newly experienced human traits - his wide-eyed, deer-in-headlights gaze was always something which amused Dean greatly and he would have appreciated a little amusement right now, but... nothing. Just cold, blue eyes raising from the book and glaring at Dean.

Of course he would address Dean, Sam pouted silently to himself.

"No. This is a f-first.. experience for m-mihh.. hh'TSCHHhh!"

Sam muttered a sulky bless you under his breath, stung at being ignored as Dean continued to stare Cas down, examining every contour on his face before darting his eyes around the room for something - anything - which could be causing such an adverse reaction.

"Do angels even have allergies?" There was a moment of ponder as Cas considered the question, rolling it over in his mind before lowering his eyes back to the scribe and answering in his typical fashion.


Well, that was a bust. Thanks for sharing that vital bit of info, Cas. Useful as always. Unless...

"Does-.. did- Jimmy have any allergies?"

The question piqued both Sam and Castiel's attention, both of them looking up from their research and settling their gazes upon Dean. He suddenly felt very under pressure, like an unwanted spotlight had caught him red handed.

Whilst Sam cast his eyes towards Cas, the angel appeared vacant, like he was focusing on something that wasn't in the room. Probably scouring his vessel. After a terse moment, he finally sniffed wetly before stating a simple, flat "Yes."

The brothers exchanged looks of exasperation. They weren't sure what they were expecting from the angel - if anything - because every time since they had known him that he had answered any question, it had always been elusive. Still, it never got any easier to tolerate the more it happened.

"Y'wanna elaborate there, Johnny Tightlips?" Dean was unable to keep his slight vexation out of his tone. Cas was annoying as hell but above all else, they were actually worried about him. If this was a rogue allergy which had started to take effect as a result of his fading grace then it had the potential to turn nasty. Even life threatening.

Cas considered the question again, pursing his lips as he contemplated. "Horses."

Dean bit his bottom lip; it was all he could do to prevent himself from groaning out loud. Horses. They hadn't been anywhere near a horse in weeks. No, there had to be something else.

"We're not getting anywhere with this. New plan." Dean wasn't sure who it was who he was addressing, muttering the words to himself as he flitted around the room, grabbing the occasional object as he went. Having finally distracting his attention away from the parchment, Cas watched on in awe as Dean pulled out the chair next to him and sat down, laying out an array of different objects across the table in front of them.

"Dean, what are you-" Sam's question was cut short as Dean snapped up a hand in a motion to silence his brother, not losing eye contact with Cas. Reaching over and grabbing a round, glass tub from the table, Dean held it out towards Cas's face.

"Sniff this." It was a scented candle, still warm from when it had been glowing only minutes prior. If this was the trigger then Cas would be in fits within seconds, the pungent fumes even irritating Dean's sinuses a little. Cas eyed Dean sardonically before leaning forward and sniffing as best he could through the tide of congestion that had begun to build up inside his nose. Being met with nothing but another curious stare from Cas as he sat back, Dean plonked it back on the table, huffing under his breath before snatching up a small aerosol canister. Popping the lid, Dean sprayed a short tssssst in the air between them and waited.

"Feel anything?" The question was hopeful but judging by the look on Cas's face, Dean already knew the answer.


The rigmarole continued for a few minutes, Dean trying various different irritants ranging from dust to laundry soap. In all actuality, they didn't really have that much that the angel could be allergic to. Sam had even tried his hand at finding something, allowing Cas to sniff his aftershave but was met with the same reaction - no reaction.

"So, what the hell is causing this?" Sam asked everyone and no one at the same time, voicing his own curiosity as opposed to expecting an answer. They were probably spending too much time focusing on what makes angels sneeze when they really should have been researching but not knowing the answer to something had always been one of Sam's biggest pet hates; everything had an answer somewhere, it was just a case of looking for it until it was found. And dammit, he was adamant that they were going to find the answer to this. He wasn't going to let something as innocuous as this beat him when he had resolved closing the gates of hell, cramming Lucifer back into the cage and other such complexities.

"WE JUST DON'T KNOW," Dean said perhaps a little too loudly, given the close proximity of the other two. He studied the items which now littered the tabletop, lost in his thoughts. What the hell was this? If nothing within the bunker was causing this then it had to be something else. But what?

It was only when a wet, hacking cough reverberated throughout the room, ricocheting off the high ceilings and hollow walls that realisation dawned on Dean, cascading over him like a wave. For the first time he studied the angel's appearance; dark circles under his eyes, pale(er than normal) skin, a slight sheen of sweat covering his brow, blunted consonants when he spoke. Dammit.

"Hey... Cas? Can angels... get sick?"

Sam's eyes suddenly shot up to glare at Cas, his eyebrows flying up so high they were in danger of leaping off of his forehead and continuing straight up to Mars. It would have made a lot of sense, given the off-handish way the angel had been acting - even more so than usual - and Sam found himself straining himself to hear to what the response would be, genuinely curious.

Cas just sniffled, shuffling around uncomfortably under the scrutiny of both hunter's eyes. "I, umb-... I dond't..." Before he could continue, Dean had snatched a hand up and practically slapped it against Cas's forehead, scowling deeply.

"You're burnin' up, man. Why didn't you say somethin'?"

Cas wanted to flinch away - he really did - but the coolness of Dean's palm provided a much greater relief than he anticipated and he found himself leaning into the touch.

"Isdn't that what humands do? Say they're fidne whed they're dnot?" Dean's expression suddenly darkened at Cas's words, feeling monumentally guilty; it had been drilled into both him and Sam - but mainly him - since being very young that under no circumstances do you allow something as mundane as sickness debilitate you. You battled through like a good soldier and you were thankful for being alive. You were fine.

Dean was about to attempt to explain himself, make it clear that it was okay to admit to not feeling good. That he and Sam were raised as soldiers in their Father's futile battle against-... well, everything. He would have stopped himself, realisation that Cas had been - raised? Were angels raised the same way humans were? - in the exact same way; a soldier fighting a losing war in his father's honour. However, the hitching breaths and scrunched up pout stopped Dean from saying anything and he just pulled his hand away quickly, reeling back slightly in preparation.


Dean managed to pull his hand away before being pelted by angel germs. He felt himself wince slightly at the thought of catching whatever this was - were angels even contagious? - but he managed to regain his composure, a soft smile managing to creep its way across his features, crinkling his eyes slightly in a look of pure fondness. He couldn't deny that Cas looked funny as hell when he needed to sneeze.

Standing suddenly, Dean hoisted Cas up by the elbow and began guiding him towards one of the spare bedrooms. He wasn't even sure if angels could or would sleep, but it was worth a shot.

"Come on, Angel of Death, let's get you to bed."

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*soars in from offscreen*

PUDS. PUMPKIN. THIS IS SO CUTE. Ugh, you have a magical way of writing the most simple situations but making them entirely endearing and novel. Like, watching Cas sneeze for the first time never gets old, and the fact he's so unconcerned about it here make it even more amazing. I love his deadpan answers. Like this is seriously something he could care less about. And then you bring on the feels with the poor thing being like, "O^O If I feel bad, aren't I supposed to lie?" *TAKES ARROW TO CHEST* CASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS </3. The balance of humor and feels here is incredible. I especially love the Sam parts >w< xDDDDDD Poor Sammy.

"WE JUST DON'T KNOW," Dean said perhaps a little too loudly, given the close proximity of the other two.


we've spent more time together than Thelma and Lousie."

>w>..... I see what you did here~ and I am so in love with ittttttt

Edited by BloodSpatter
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AAAAAHHHHHH YOU POSTED IT!!! I've already flailed a ton about this on Skype, but why not do it again? :P

Dean had always taunted Sam for being a little bitch when it came to his compassion and empathy; not that Dean was one to talk.

I love this part so much! I can completely imagine Dean giving Sam shit for being empathetic and stuff! :laugh:

Of course he would address Dean, Sam pouted silently to himself.


Sam muttered a sulky bless you under his breath, stung at being ignored

The 'sulky bless you' though. :rofl: It's so Sam! (See, told you you write Sam well :bleh: )

Cas considered the question again, pursing his lips as he contemplated. "Horses."

NEW HEADCANON!? xDD I love how you included this little detail though! (I feel like I've said this before, but the detail in your writing is just phenomenal...)

"WE JUST DON'T KNOW," Dean said perhaps a little too loudly, given the close proximity of the other two.


Sam's eyes suddenly shot up to glare at Cas, his eyebrows flying up so high they were in danger of leaping off of his forehead and continuing straight up to Mars.

AS DID THIS :rofl:

Cas wanted to flinch away - he really did - but the coolness of Dean's palm provided a much greater relief than he anticipated and he found himself leaning into the touch.

Ffffff this bit is so adorable! <3

"Isdn't that what humands do? Say they're fidne whed they're dnot?"

And this is too! Cas copying Sam and Dean is so sweet!

"Come on, Angel of Death, let's get you to bed."

Best nickname ever. :lol:

I'm sorry if this was repeating a lot of what I said last night, but this seriously made me so happy and still does! Thank you times a million for writing this for me! QWQ

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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Two things.

1) Horses

2) Johnny Tightlips

It's always tricky to figure out why Cas would have some sort of reaction to something. Using Jimmy is perfect, not to mention the failing grace situation. Made it all so plausible and easy to accept.

Loved it!

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This is honestly one of the most adorable things I have ever read. Cas is so completely innocent and unaware of the possibilities that he can get sick... Wonderful job, Pumpkin.

Edited by Sophie83540
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I always forget to thank people for the praise, I bet I look so friggin' rude on most of my threads, omgh xD

*soars in from offscreen*

PUDS. PUMPKIN. THIS IS SO CUTE. Ugh, you have a magical way of writing the most simple situations but making them entirely endearing and novel. Like, watching Cas sneeze for the first time never gets old, and the fact he's so unconcerned about it here make it even more amazing. I love his deadpan answers. Like this is seriously something he could care less about. And then you bring on the feels with the poor thing being like, "O^O If I feel bad, aren't I supposed to lie?" *TAKES ARROW TO CHEST* CASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS w< xDDDDDD Poor Sammy.

BWUHHH SCATTER SPATTER, YOU ALWAYS LEAVE THE NICEST COMMENTS QwQ Thank you so much, I am so glad you liked it >w<~ Getting praise from you is like, having Senpai notice me and it's always such an honour and never gets old, so thank youuu <3333

Cas <3

Poor guy, thinking he wasn't suppose to say anything. :'( let me love you!

Ahaha "let me love you" :lol: I'm glad you liked it though ^^

I'm sorry if this was repeating a lot of what I said last night, but this seriously made me so happy and still does! Thank you times a million for writing this for me! QWQ

I'm just going to quote this little bit xDD BUT I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT?? Like, it was so much fun to write so I am so happy that you enjoyed it >w< also, I am forever humbled by you complimenting my Sam skills because they always feel so clumsy and you're the best Sam writer? So it's such an honour xDD but you are so welcome for this <333

That's sweet.

Thank you ^^"

Two things.

1) Horses

2) Johnny Tightlips

It's always tricky to figure out why Cas would have some sort of reaction to something. Using Jimmy is perfect, not to mention the failing grace situation. Made it all so plausible and easy to accept.

Loved it!

Ahh, thank you~! I always enjoy experimenting with what invokes a reaction within him and this was a really fun one to use >w< I'm glad you liked it though!

This is honestly one of the most adorable things I have ever read. Cas is so completely innocent and unaware of the possibilities that he can get sick... Wonderful job, Pumpkin.

Oh my gosh, thank you so much QwQ I'm so stoked that you enjoyed it~! <3

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So cute! I love Cas's dry one-word answers "Yes" and "Horses." Can totally hear him saying it! And Dean's balance of exasperation and caring is really sweet, and I loved these couple of lines in particular: "Dean managed to pull his hand away before being pelted by angel germs. He felt himself wince slightly at the thought of catching whatever this was - were angels even contagious? - but he managed to regain his composure, a soft smile managing to creep its way across his features, crinkling his eyes slightly in a look of pure fondness." :wubsmiley: Also, "Angel of Death" made me giggle, as did, of course, "WE JUST DON'T KNOW!" :D

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I love the idea of using Jimmy, the vessel, as an excuse. And horses? Yes please!

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"Isdn't that what humands do? Say they're fidne whed they're dnot?"
This line honesty just made me pull half a grin and half a frown. The innocence pictured in Castiel's tone made me want to hug him lead him him to a bed to be pampered. What on earth have these boys been teaching him? Of course it's true, we do say we are 'fine' when we aren't, but just the influence...its hysterical and sad at the same time.

Other than that, lovely! It was adorable and a perfectly short write :D

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Late to thanking people again. So rood.

So cute! I love Cas's dry one-word answers "Yes" and "Horses." Can totally hear him saying it! And Dean's balance of exasperation and caring is really sweet, and I loved these couple of lines in particular: "Dean managed to pull his hand away before being pelted by angel germs. He felt himself wince slightly at the thought of catching whatever this was - were angels even contagious? - but he managed to regain his composure, a soft smile managing to creep its way across his features, crinkling his eyes slightly in a look of pure fondness." :wubsmiley: Also, "Angel of Death" made me giggle, as did, of course, "WE JUST DON'T KNOW!" :D

Thank you so much! I'm really glad that you liked it ^_^~

I love the idea of using Jimmy, the vessel, as an excuse. And horses? Yes please!

Ah, thank you! xD

This line honesty just made me pull half a grin and half a frown. The innocence pictured in Castiel's tone made me want to hug him lead him him to a bed to be pampered. What on earth have these boys been teaching him? Of course it's true, we do say we are 'fine' when we aren't, but just the influence...its hysterical and sad at the same time.

Other than that, lovely! It was adorable and a perfectly short write

Haha, not sure if that's a good thing? I'm glad you liked it though, regardless ^_^

This is so adorable and flawless. It made me so happy. :3

Aw that's so sweet, thank you so much~ <3

Omgg love this! Hands down the best Castiel fluff piece I've read on here.

Oh gosh, thank you! >w< There are some amazing Cas writers on this site so this is a really huge compliment, thank you <3

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