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Sick Supernatural (uh...SPN)


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Please note that Season 9 and I are still in a fight, so I am using MY version of Season 9 to fit this story.

Prompt: Sick Cas in Season 9, coming down with a human ailment like pneumonia or food poisoning due to his inexperience with being human and the boys taking care of him and keeping him calm when the symptoms freak him out.

This was coupled with a request for human Cas with a really high fever.

Castiel didn’t have an interest in human medicine.

To be fair, he hadn’t been in a situation requiring it. He was an angel, after all, and angels with their powers didn’t get sick. Sickness was a human frailty, beneath a celestial being.

Cas pondered this as he filled the Slushee machine at the Gas-n-Sip.

However, he was human now, which meant, he supposed, that he could get sick, despite the retention of some angel-ness. His grace was definitely gone, along with his wings, so wouldn’t the barrier protecting him from things like germs also be gone?

He twisted, sneezing softly into his shoulder.

But, really, what were the odds of that happening? Everyone that came into the little store was friendly, appeared to be in good spirits, and not exhibiting any signs of illness similar to what Sam experienced during the Trials.

He sneezed again, scrubbing his nose against his sleeve while carefully watching the colorful liquid reach the maximum level inside the machine.

He was lucky to have a job where he didn’t have to worry about that sort of thing.

One Week Later…

Cas kept swallowing, trying to relieve the scratchiness in the back of this throat. Nothing helped at all. He drank more liquid that week than in his entire lifetime (which was really saying something), but all it did was remind him why angels didn’t drink in the first place, as he made numerous trips to the bathroom all day long.

Sam and Dean had been gone all week, and wouldn’t be back for a while. Insisting that Cas wasn’t quite ready to hunt, he was left behind in the bunker, continuing to work while studying how to be human.

He was pretty sure he’d learned a lot.

He just couldn’t figure out what was going on with his throat.

Two Days Later…

Thankfully, Cas figured out how to stop the tickling in the back of his throat.

Coughing. Lots and lots of coughing.

It made total sense, too, because if his nose itched, he sneezed, and the itching went away. Why wouldn’t it be the same premise for his throat?

He texted that revelation to Dean one night, only to receive a little image of two smiley faces slapping hands together. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but he took it as a celebratory gesture.

Two More Days Later…

“Steve...um...I think you should go home…”

Nora, Castiel’s boss, gave Cas this look, like she felt bad for him yet wanted him far, far away.

Cas started to protest, but cut himself off with a quick sneeze, followed by a long bout of coughing. The rough, wet sound ripped through the store, encouraging customers to flee without purchasing their items.

Nora held up her hands. “Yeah, you need to go home, and not come back until you’re better, okay? Really, Steve, go get some rest.”

“It’s just…” He paused to cough again, this round leaving him breathless and maybe his chest hurt a little.

“It’s just awful, Steve. Go. Home.” She gently, but firmly, shoved Cas out of the store.

With a sigh, Cas climbed into his car. He didn’t think he was that bad - he just had a lot of itching in his throat and nose. Perhaps he wasn’t as good at being human as he thought.

It took three times to get the key into the ignition because the keyhole looked so fuzzy. He finally started his car, and headed back to the empty bunker.

A Few Days After That...

An exhausted Sam and Dean pulled into the garage, ready for bed.

When Sam went towards the trunk for their stuff, Dean flapped a hand at him. “Leave it ‘til tomorrow.”

Nodding a thanks, Sam shuffled inside, yawning.

They were a few steps from the kitchen when they heard it. Something was whistling. Not the happy musical kind, but rather a weird wheezing kind, that mixed with an awful raspy sound.

Dean held up a hand, and they both stopped. Sam knew that look on Dean’s face, and whispered, “No, Dean, it’s not Darth Vader.”

Dean shot him a flat look that was also a bit petulant. One never knew…

Drawing his gun, Dean crept forward, peering around the corner and into the kitchen. Sam waited, tense with anticipation of a fight.

It took a second for Dean’s head to drop against his chest with a little laugh. He tucked the gun back in his waistband, whispering over his shoulder. “It’s Cas.”

Sam rolled his eyes and followed his brother into the room. Any and all amusement left as soon as they caught sight of the former angel.

He looked...terrible.

Hunched over, arms wrapped around his stomach, Cas shivered, in his work uniform. His face, framed by seriously disheveled hair, was a deathly pale, his normally alert eyes blinked sluggishly, unfocused and glassy. An empty roll of toilet paper lie on the table, along with several small crumpled toilet paper snowballs.

Sam made a mental note to bleach the whole kitchen.

Dean swallowed, eyes darting to Sam real quick before cautiously approaching Cas. “Hey, Cas...what’s up?”

Pain-filled eyes slowly dragged their way upwards, eventually meeting Dean’s. “Dean...something...is wrong…” The words scraped their way out of his mouth, followed by a definite wheezing sound.

Sam swore softly. He could feel the fever from a foot away.

Dean pulled up a chair, nodding at Sam to get the med kit. “What happened? Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”

Sam’s eyebrow rose at the me part of that question, as he quickly left to get the much-needed supplies.

Cas coughed weakly against his arm, each sound grating against Dean’s ears. “Thought it...wasn’t a...big deal. Jus’...bein’ human…”

Dean sighed, dragging a hand down his face. Reaching out, he checked Castiel’s neck and throat, listening to his breathing and testing the heat on his forehead. “Dude, you’re a fuckin’ mess. Pneumonia is technically part of being human, but not a necessary one.”

Cas frowned. “Oh…I thought - “ He interrupted himself with another painful round of coughing.

Dean shook his head. “Stop talkin’, Cas. We’re home, we’ll fix you up. C’mon.”

Helping Cas up, Dean wrangled him to his room, meeting up with Sam on the way. “We have stuff for this?” he asked, pulling down the blankets and helping Cas climb in.

Sam huffed, setting the kit on a desk and checking inside. “Well, there’s some Tylenol, and half a bottle of antibiotics that aren’t too expired.” He sighed. “More first aid than anything, Dean. We’ll need to go to the store.”

Cas curled up, coughing, ending the fit with a pathetic little sniffle as Dean tucked the blanket up to his neck.

Sam sighed, rubbing his eyes. “We may want to hit up a clinic and get more antibiotics.”

Dean shot Sam a look. “When you say ‘hit up’...”

Sam shrugged. “Either way. I dunno if it’s a good idea to take him. Still, I mean, his vessel is human, right? So it’s not like they’ll find three hearts or something.” He blinked. “Would they?”

Dean looked thoughtful, while Cas muffled a cough. “No. I only have one.” He coughed again.

The brothers gave each other an Of Course look.

Sam continued. “But if something else triggers on their radar...I dunno. I guess I’d say let’s treat it here, and if we can’t get it under control…” He shrugged again, worried eyes on Cas.

“Right. I’ll go to the store. Cas, stay put. Sammy’ll keep an eye on you.”

Sam’s mouth opened to protest, but Dean waved him off, tugging on his shirt until they were both in the hallway. “Look, you’re exhausted, and I’m not making you go to the store. I’ll be back as fast as I can.”

Sam sighed. “Dean, you’re just as tired as I am. At least let me come with you.”

Dean shook his head. “I am just as tired, but I’m not the one who got slammed into a wall three times. Stay here. I’ll be right back.” He clapped Sam on the shoulder and took off, leaving Sam standing there, once again, feeling like a little kid.

A little kid who always got what he needed.

Sam scrubbed his hands over his face, returning to Cas, who hadn’t moved. “Cas? I’m not sure when Dean’ll be back, so...let’s get this Tylenol in you, and some water. Then, I’m gonna get changed and cleaned up. Okay?”

Cas nodded weakly, mouth slightly open, that wheezy breathing the loudest sound in the room.

Nodding with lips pressed tightly together, Sam took a moment to examine him before doling out the pills and water. Something about Castiel’s whole demeanor left Sam feeling so bad for him.

He sat on the bed, pulling at his chin. “You know, Cas, being human...it’s not something you can pick up in a month. It’s kind of a lifelong learning process. We experience new things all the time, and have to figure out how to integrate it into what we already know.” He winced a little at how technical he sounded, but Cas seemed to follow what he said, nodding gravely in response. “So, I guess what I’m saying, is...if you’re experiencing something you don’t understand, just ask. We’re...we’re here for you. Letting something like this alone...well. It always ends up worse.”

If Dean were there, he’d probably throw a tampon at Sam’s head, but Sam knew Cas needed to hear those words, be given permission to ask questions.

Castiel’s brow furrowed. “Thank you, Sam. I’ll...think over what you said.”

Nodding, Sam patted him on the leg. “Good...that’s...good. I’m gonna go shower. Try to rest. I’ll be right back.”


When Sam left, Castiel sniffled and began a thorough pondering over the condition of his vessel. He’d been so preoccupied with considering this illness on a philosophical scale, he didn’t really stop to think about what, exactly, he was experiencing.

What if...what if he died from it?

At that point, Cas obsessively took note of everything and anything affecting him.

A legitimate freakout began.


Sam opened the bathroom door, a towel wrapped around his waist, trying to figure out which, if any, clean clothes waited for him in his room. He wasn’t expecting a droopy ex-angel hovering outside the door, which explained his yelp/jump and almost-losing the towel.


JesusChrist, Cas, what the hell?” One hand desperately held the towel in place while the other made sure everything was still covered.

Cas sneezed weakly. “I’m sorry, Sam, but I...I had a question.”

Sam’s first reaction was to snap about timing and maybe letting Sam have a minute to get dressed, but the angel’s blue eyes were boring into his brain, and Sam did tell him to ask, so any irritation he initially felt melted away when Cas started hacking, clutching his chest.

Sam almost reached out with both hands to steady him.


“Fuck...hold...hold on a minute…” Sam hurried to his room, quickly changing into sweats and a t-shirt, ignoring which clothes were clean and which were...gently used. Cas was still coughing when Sam returned.

Now able to steady him, Sam reached out, guiding Cas back to his room and into bed. After managing a few sips of water, Cas was finally able to take a decent breath.

Sam brushed wet hair off his face. “So...what - “

“I’m making noises,” Cas announced, settling into bed, wiped out from the fit in the bathroom.

Sam frowned. “Ooooo-kay...and…?”

Cas sighed. “And when I cough, the noises change. I don’t...I don’t understand why.”

Sam’s mouth opened, then closed. He shifted his seat, raising a finger and opening again, only to close it and scratch his head. “Well, uh, you’re sick, Cas. It’s probably something with your lungs and airways, being affected by this infection. It’ll clear up, man, I promise.”

One look at Castiel’s face, told Sam how inadequate the answer sounded. He quickly wiped dripping water off his cheek, noting the spread of wet down the back of his shirt. “Okay, these sounds...are they when you breathe?” He palmed Castiel’s forehead and cheeks, felt around his neck. He knew Dean already did this, but Sam figured doing it again, in light of Castiel’s question, would help alleviate the angel’s worry.

Cas succumbed to the examination, feeling better just knowing that someone was investigating. “Yes...it’s that sound...there...there again...and it’s there...and - “

“I hear it, Cas.” Sam suppressed any and all potential laughter. Scrubbing a hand along the back of his neck, Sam sighed. “It sounds a lot like when Dean had pneumonia a couple years ago. He had trouble breathing, because he was so congested. When he did, the air that got through made that kind of noise.” Without thinking, Sam tucked Cas in, setting the Kleenex box a little closer. “It’s normal, Cas. Well, normal for someone with pneumonia. It’ll be there for a while.”

Cas closed his eyes in relief. “Thank you, Sam.”

Sam patted his chest. “Sure thing. I’m gonna boil some water for tea. I think it’ll help. Stay here, and really, try to get some sleep.”

Cas frowned. “If you’re making me something, shouldn’t I stay awake?”

Sam wondered if he was like this as a child. If so, Dean deserved a medal. “No - tea is easily heated up again. Sleep is more important, okay?”

Coughing, Cas nodded.



Cas woke thinking, everything was hot. Sweat poured off him, his hair clung to his head, his clothes were uncomfortable and stifling.

The last time he felt this warm, he was on a rescue mission for a human.

Wait. He completed that mission, right?

Blinking sluggishly, Cas tried to focus on his surroundings. Where was he? It didn’t look like Heaven, but it had the same sense of safety, of comfort.




Find Dean.


Dean grinned in his sleep. It definitely wasn’t a smile, it was a grin. He was five seconds away from making a killer shot at the pool table, that gorgeous brunette was giving him a solid Come Hither, and -


...and she was at his side, breathing in his ear, hot, steamy…


...and coughing. She was coughing in his ear what the fuck - “Cas?” Dean sputtered awake, wiping his ear, barely catching his friend as he toppled on top of him. “Whoa!”

Castiel’s body emitted so much heat, Dean actually recoiled. “Shit, Cas…”

“Dean?” Cas rasped. “I...did I save you?”

Dean struggled to sit, propping Cas on a pillow while trying desperately to fully wake up. “What’re you talking about? Jesus, you’re burning up.”

Cas blinked, gripping Dean’s shirt tight in his fist. “Hell. Did I save you? I can’t...I can’t remember…” His words were swallowed by a harsh wheeze. He rubbed his chest. “It’s so hot...just like…” Cas swallowed hard, eyes locked on Dean’s. “Are you okay?”

Dean’s mouth opened and closed a couple times. He hadn’t honestly thought about Hell in a long time. How messed up was that? Purgatory, the Trials, the Apocalypse, Bobby...all of that happened since Dean died. It actually trumped being tortured in Hell.

Gotta love the life.

“Yeah...yeah, Cas, I’m fine. You saved me, buddy, you definitely did. No worries there. Look, you’re the one who’s not fine right now. We need to get this fever down, okay?”

“What fever?” Cas asked, leaning to the side as Dean slipped out of bed.

“Exactly. Come on…” As Dean hauled Cas to his feet and to the door, he called out, “Sammy!”

Before Dean had Cas fully out of his room, Sam came bolting down the hallway, gun drawn.

Dean raised an eyebrow over Cas’s head, which was resting on Dean’s shoulder. Really, Sam?

Sam huffed, stammering, “I...you sounded like...nevermind.” He switched off the safety, tucking the gun into his sweats and grabbing Cas’s other arm. “What the hell happened?”

Together, they helped the angel to the larger bathroom, which held a huge soaking tub. Dean sighed. “He came in my room like this...and he’s a little…”

“Sam? Sam...it’s too warm. Should it be this warm?” Cas’s voice broke a little, confusion and worry on his face.

Sam gaped at Dean before answering. “Um...no, Cas, you shouldn’t be this warm. It’s...it’s too warm.” He held Cas upright as Dean started filling the tub. “We need to cool you down, okay? This temperature isn’t good for your vessel.” Again, Sam hated how technical he sounded. “The water will feel really cold, but we gotta do this, Cas.”

Sam deftly felt Cas’s forehead, grimacing at the sweat. “Dean…”

Dean dragged a hand down his face. “Yeah. I know.”


When Cas was finally back in bed (Sam even changed the sheets), he was shivering, his chest ached, his throat was raw, and he was so tired.

But his brothers, his real brothers, were there, checking his temperature, giving him medicine, assuring him that he’d be okay, it’d just take some time.

Cas believed them.

He sleepily watched Dean putter around his room, reading labels on bottles, rearranging the covers, adjusting the humidifier.

“Dean…” Cas whispered weakly.

Dean immediately halted the sporadic activity, equivalent to a nervous facial twitch, and sat on the bed. “Yeah? You need something?”

Cas wheezed a laugh. “It’s kind of funny. There were many nights when I sat, watching over you as you slept.” Dean raised an eyebrow. “You were my charge, and I was determined to see you through each night, one way or another. And now…” He feebly gestured at the bed with one hand, wiping his nose with the other.

Dean gave him a small smile. “And now? I’m returning the favor. Get some sleep. I‘m not going anywhere.”

Cas smiled his thanks, and did just that.

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Holy Angels!!! You have returned! And with it you bring a very feverish Castiel! ~swoon~

He sleepily watched Dean putter around his room, reading labels on bottles, rearranging the covers, adjusting the humidifier.

“Dean…” Cas whispered weakly.

Dean immediately halted the sporadic activity, equivalent to a nervous facial twitch, and sat on the bed. “Yeah? You need something?”

Cas wheezed a laugh. “It’s kind of funny. There were many nights when I sat, watching over you as you slept.” Dean raised an eyebrow. “You were my charge, and I was determined to see you through each night, one way or another. And now…” He feebly gestured at the bed with one hand, wiping his nose with the other.

Dean gave him a small smile. “And now? I’m returning the favor. Get some sleep. I‘m not going anywhere.”

Cas smiled his thanks, and did just that.
It might just be the music im listening to, but this part here grabbed me tight and shook me. Castiel watching over him in his sleep. And then having it returned. Calling them 'brothers'. Couldn't have written it better :D
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