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One Night in Wichita (Supernatural, Dean)


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Title: One Night in Wichita

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean (gen)

Summary: Sam and Dean spend the evening at a bar.

Time frame: Preseries. Dean is 21 and Sam is 17.

Warnings: None

Author's note: Really short and not very sneezy, but this idea wouldn't leave me alone.

One Night in Wichita

December 2000.

Sam and Dean are drinking on a Friday night at some hole in the wall in Wichita, enough of a dive that Sam, who might be taller than the bartender but otherwise looks about twelve, gets handed a beer without question. John dropped them off on the way back to the motel saying he’d swing by later, but all three of them know he doesn’t mean it. He and Sam have had it up to the eyeballs with each other, and John can tell his boys need to blow off some steam without him around.

Head cold or no head cold, Dean’s still on a hunter’s high. Shifter got the gank an hour ago, John only got slammed into a wall twice and Dean only once and Sam not at all so it was a good hunt, on the whole.

“Textbook,” Dean grins, clinking beers with Sam, trying to jolly him out of his sulk. It’s the wrong remark, though, since Sam’s already sullen that John pulled him out of school an hour early to come help with the hunt.

“If there were a hunting textbook,” he grumbles, “it’d probably be the only one Dad would let me read.”

Dean’s not having any of it. He’s irrepressibly happy tonight, and he’s not going to let his bummer of a brother or the regrettably crappy beer bring him down.

The night wears on; they play poker, then pool. Even sick and drunk, Dean demolishes all comers. The competition drifts away, disgruntled, fed up with losing bets to some kid who’s plastered and keeps sneezing all the time, until it’s just the two of them, Dean off his face, and Sam beginning to enjoy himself a bit. His brother’s a moron, but sometimes he doesn’t mind.

Dean isn’t any better or any worse than he was this morning, still sneezing the same as he always does when he’s sick, once every few minutes or so, face buried in his left elbow. In this drunken haze it’s like the only two things he remembers how to do are pocket an 8-ball and sneeze these CDC-approved sneezes.

And then he forgets. It’s Sam’s play, a tricky shot, and he sinks it, looks up at his brother to smirk. Dean’s leaning on his cue, and then he sneezes, uncovered, over his shoulder. This is the first and last time Sam has ever seen this happen. Neither of them says anything about it, but that’s when they both know it’s time to call it a night, because Dean’s not that sick, but he is that drunk, although realizing what happened has sobered him up a little.

Dean wins the last game, Sam still trying his hardest, and they close their tab and head out into the frosty midnight. Dean’s lucky Sam remembers the way.

Back at the motel, Dean hands John his $175 and climbs into bed.



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This is adorable. Kinda reminds me of the story Dean tells about him getting drunk in NYC when he's a kid and John comes to drag his ass out of the bar :laugh:

Lovely detail though, you paint a very vivid picture and sometimes it's nice to read a sick!fic without sneeze spellings every few words. :heart:

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In this drunken haze it’s like the only two things he remembers how to do are pocket an 8-ball and sneeze these CDC-approved sneezes.

I love the whole thing but this line is so good. It's encapsulates the feel of the whole rest of the fic for me, and also is just so very Dean, who is still my bb (even though I haven't seen the show in forever.) :wub:

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Mmmm... just wanted to swing by with a quick note to say how much I always enjoy your characterisation and your writing. Also, for some reason, colds that make people really sneezy but still perfectly able to function are my favourite.

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I really liked this, Dean always trying to be discreet with his germs.

Thank you! : ) Glad you liked!

This is adorable. Kinda reminds me of the story Dean tells about him getting drunk in NYC when he's a kid and John comes to drag his ass out of the bar :laugh:

Lovely detail though, you paint a very vivid picture and sometimes it's nice to read a sick!fic without sneeze spellings every few words. :heart:

I'd had this written for a while and one of the reasons I held off posting it for as long as I did was because I wasn't sure about posting one w/o spellings, so it's encouraging to hear that you liked it in part because of and not in spite of that, so, thanks!!

I really enjoyed this! I like slices-of-life stories, and the sick part is just there.

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)

Love it :wubsmiley:

Yaaaay! :D

In this drunken haze it’s like the only two things he remembers how to do are pocket an 8-ball and sneeze these CDC-approved sneezes.

I love the whole thing but this line is so good. It's encapsulates the feel of the whole rest of the fic for me, and also is just so very Dean, who is still my bb (even though I haven't seen the show in forever.) :wub:

Thanks, this made my night!

Simply put: this was beautiful

I'm blushing. Thank you!

Mmmm... just wanted to swing by with a quick note to say how much I always enjoy your characterisation and your writing. Also, for some reason, colds that make people really sneezy but still perfectly able to function are my favourite.

Thanks for being so awesome and lovely. That's my favorite kind of cold, too. :)

Oh my god. The CDC approved sneezes. I think I died a little.

Heehee. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dammit, Dean! Sick, sneezy, drunk, and landing shots. Greatest night ever, I'd say ;)

Ah, yes, to be a fly on the wall. :) Thanks for reading!

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