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Special Big Brother Magic (Harry Potter; Sirius & Regulus, m)


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Title: Special Big Brother Magic
Author: tarotgal
Fandom: Harry Potter, Marauders Era
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: This is a fanwork. I received no money personally for its creation nor am I affiliated with WB, JKR, Scholastic, etc.
Summary: Sirius did not want to come home to spend the Christmas holidays with his family.

Word count: 3,083
Author Notes: Written for Sophie<3 as a thank you for donating on my fundraising page for the Walk to End HIV. The requirement was a 2,000 word fic.

Special Big Brother Magic

To say that Sirius had been in a bad mood since leaving Hogwarts would have been an understatement. He'd wanted to stay at school for the Christmas holidays with his friends, but his parents had insisted and perfect little Regulus had obeyed. Sirius had brooded and pouted, grinding his teeth and balling his hands into fists during the train ride back. He had still felt on edge when he sat at the dinner table with a family he didn't respect.

But his bad mood disappeared almost like magic when his brother sneezed. Or, at least, he did what passed for sneezing in Regulus Arcturus Black's book. Their mum was busy rambling on about some muggle deli that that short-changed her on a cut of meat when Regulus lifted his hand, pinched his nose at the bridge, and closed his eyes. Sirius watched as his head bobbed forward, soundlessly.

For most people, just one sneeze didn't mean anything. It could be that the house elf put too much pepper in the soup or maybe the house elf had been neglecting the dusting. Or maybe it was just a little tickle. Perfectly normal for anyone... except for Regulus. Regulus never let little tickles get to him. He never, ever sneezed unless he was ill. And even then, he held them back, covered up, and hid how he felt. Mum and Dad almost never noticed.

And Sirius always noticed. Maybe it was some special big brother magic or maybe his parents were just naturally oblivious. Maybe both. But Sirius noticed.

He saw Regulus lift his gray napkin out of his lap and wipe it at his nose. Then Sirius saw a flash of panic in his brother's eyes. Regulus covered his nose and bobbed forward with a stifled “h'Ngtt!” How was that sneeze at all satisfying? Remus sneezed like that, too, because he never wanted to draw attention to himself, and Sirius sometimes teased him about it. And he might have teased Regulus as well if they hadn't been at the table. There was no talking out of turn at the Black family table.

“Did you hear me, young man?”

Sirius' head snapped to the side. His father was staring at him with dark, narrow eyes. Crap. He hadn't been paying attention. He never paid attention to his parents if he could help it. It was always “muggles are horrible” this and “wizards never have enough pride in their blood” that.

His father seemed to know he hadn't been paying attention. "We'll be visiting family all this week, seeing my sister and her husband tomorrow and then your mother's side of the family for a few days."

Inwardly, Sirius groaned at the thought. Though he didn't mind his Uncle Alphard, Sirius was not fond of most of his relatives.

"But as you boys are older now, it's up to you whether you would like to accompany us or stay here."

Sirius perked up at this. He suspected it was less because of his age and more the fact that they were ashamed of him. It had been years and half of his relatives still had not forgiven him for sorting Gryffindor. His parents were probably worried he might let slip that he had muggleborn or half-blood friends... if only they knew about Remus, they'd have even more cause to worry. "I'll stay, thanks," Sirius said, scooping a couple beans onto his fork. Things were definitely looking up.

"Me too," said Regulus. Their parents looked a little surprised at this, which only emphasized to Sirius that they were utterly oblivious to the fact that their youngest son was coming down ill. Normally, Regulus seemed like the dutiful son, though Sirius knew he mostly sucked up to them because it got him what he wanted.

Orion Black recovered quickly from the shock of Regulus wanting to stay behind, as did his wife. "Well then we'll need you to properly sort out the trunks in the spare bedroom."

This time, Sirius groaned out loud. "Aw, Mum, that's a task for house elves!"

Seeing the fire alight in her eyes, he knew at once he had made a mistake. She flew off the handle faster than those motorbikes he was lusting after. "Trust house elves with our precious family heirlooms? They wouldn't know a ceremonial crest from a coaster! If you cared at all about your heritage, you wouldn't make such a statement. How dare you disrespect us in this fashion! I thought I raised you better than this!"

Regulus spoke up. "We'll take care of the chests, Mum." He was so sweetly and obviously arse-kissing, but his voice sounded a little strained. Sure enough, as soon as their parents looked away, satisfied in his response, Regulus' head bobbed down, meeting his cupped hand that barely had any sneeze at all to catch. "Ih-tff!"

Almost regretting his decision to stay home, Sirius rounded up a few more beans on his plate and stabbed them with his fork.

His father was busy eating as well, barely looking up. “I'm counting on you to take care of the house while we're gone.”

The house. He wasn't concerned about his youngest son's head cold... or maybe flu... just concerned with the house. What the hell did they have house elves for then? “Of course, Sir.” Regulus promised.

Their father beamed proudly at Regulus. “Good lad.” As soon as he looked away, Regulus shot Sirius a smug look that their father didn't catch; he was already tucking back into his heavily seasoned steak.

Sirius glanced over at Regulus again. His brother had a hand pressed to his nose, trying to make that look casual. But he sniffed lightly. Even if their parents couldn't hear it, Sirius could. It was just a little sniffling. No big deal, right? Sirius knew better. He might not sound miserable, but if Regulus was sneezing, he must feel absolutely miserable.

Sirius smirked to himself.


“You're the one who promised we'd get this done,” Sirius reminded Regulus. His younger brother was drawing breakfast out to last an eternity. One might almost think he didn't want to sort through old junk during his Christmas break.

“Oh you go right on ahead,” Regulus said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I'm still finishing up the paper.”

Sirius stood and snatched the paper out of Regulus' hand.


“Hay is for hippogriffs. Now stop playing around. You're done with breakfast. Family heirlooms await. And the sooner we get done with sorting through them, the sooner we can get on with enjoying our break.”

Reluctantly, Regulus sighed and followed him upstairs. Sirius hated how it had suddenly fallen on him to get this job done, especially as he hadn't wanted to do it in the first place. He hated Regulus for making him be the responsible older brother. If Sirius had had his way, he'd be at James' place by now. He could practically smell Mrs. Potter's Christmas cookies just waiting for him, assuming Peter hadn't gotten to them all first. Instead, Sirius got the task of wading through old junk with a bratty brother.

“This trunk is too heavy,” Regulus said, pretending to put all his strength into pulling the trunk away from the wall and huffing in an overly-dramatic fashion when the trunk only budged an inch. He rubbed at his forehead. “I want to switch.”

Sirius had already dragged a trunk away from the wall far enough to be able to open the lid and throw it back. They'd tried using magic on the lot, but the trunks had been spelled to withstand simple magic, naturally. Sirius sighed. Regulus always got what he wanted. Just once Sirius wanted to see him get what he deserved. “Fine,” Sirius said, throwing the tapestry he'd just started to unroll back into the trunk. “It's all yours.”

They switched sides of the room, Sirius intentionally bumping into Regulus as they passed each other. “Ow!” Regulus over-reacted, rubbing his shoulder and arm as though the encounter had actually hurt.

“What, no rich fancy boy Slytherin friends to stick up for you here? Poor baby.” Sirius grabbed hold of the heavy trunk's handle and yanked it away from the wall. Regulus hadn't been kidding; it actually was pretty heavy. But he managed to pull it out far enough to get the top open. Half the trunk was filled with old books. Remus would have been in heaven. Sirius had a different word for it.

“At least my friends... my...” Quickly, Regulus turned and pressed two fingers to his nose. They did nothing to help. “heh-H'ngh!” His head snapped forward sharply from the force of stifling the sneeze. But he wasn’t quite done. He wound up for another, breath catching, fist pressed to his nose. “h’INGsh! Hetch! H’Ngh!” When he was finally done, he coughed a few times and seemed to have forgotten whatever retort he'd had in mind. Sirius didn't care to remind him.

Peter had once asked Sirius if he were ever scared of getting caught pulling one of his pranks at school. The truth was that no detention at Hogwarts could ever be as tedious as the tasks his parents inflicted upon him. He'd once had to polish their entire silver collection by hand and then his mother had insisted he count each and every piece not only to be sure it was all there but so that he became familiar with what would one day be his inheritance. And then there was the time they'd been worried about the loyalty of one of their house elves and Sirius had been forced to do laundry for a month.

"H'Ngff!" Sirius looked up from his insanely large pile of hardcovers to see his brother staring up at the ceiling, nostrils twitching with another sneeze already. They'd been working all morning and Regulus had been sneezing all morning.And it really had been all morning. "h'Wifff! hut-Chhff!"

"Bless you," Sirius said teasingly, seeing Regulus' hand drop and his body relax, a sure indication that the sneezes were over for the moment. “Got a widdle tickle in your nosey?”

"Dust," Regulus barked out, though his voice was getting worse and Sirius hadn't bought it from the start. His brother looked ill--pale face, overbright eyes, flushed nose and cheeks. He was breathing through his mouth and rubbing at his nose and forehead every few seconds.

"Right. The dust is making your flu worse."

Regulus glared at him from across the room. "I don't have the fuh... the flu-hip-tsh!" He scrubbed his wrist at his nose and leaned heavily on the trunk.

"Bless you."

"I don't."

"I'm sure you do."

"But I don't."

"You're going to sneeze again."

"Damn it! Hngg!"

Sirius put down the books. They were all first editions, naturally, but some in better condition than others. His parents had been talking for ages about sorting through all the possessions Great Aunt Lycoris had given them when she died, to determine what was worth keeping and what worth selling. There were some things of real value and some things of sentimental value and some things you had to be crazy to want to keep. Those were the things Sirius liked finding the best. There was a muggle baseball card that smelled of something sweet and a tin of gaudy plastic jewelry and a single old, broken-in ballet slipper. All of these were now sitting in the trash pile... except for a pocket watch chain of fake teeth Sirius thought would look excellent as part of a Halloween costume he was already starting to plan for next year. They'd made it through about half a trunk each, so it seemed time for a break. Sirius was starting to get hungry and Regulus was starting to get useless.

All he did now was sniffle and sneeze and rub at his nose. "That's enough for now," Sirius said, stretching. "I'll go tell the house elves we want lunch."

Regulus didn't look like he wanted lunch. In fact, he looked like he was going to be sick at the mere mention of food. He swallowed and sniffed and nodded. "Gonna go... wash up."

"If you mean you're going to go sneeze your head off in the bathroom where I can't hear you, don't bother."

Regulus' glare intensified.

"Your sneezes are so quiet I can barely hear them anyway," Sirius said with a shrug before heading out of the room and down to the kitchen.

He hated Number 12 Grimmauld Place, but loved the Black family kitchen. No matter what time of day it was, it always smelled good. Today, in particular, it smelled of cinnamon and cloves. The house elves were baking something and wouldn't let him anywhere near the oven for a taste test. They asked him what he wanted for lunch and, even though he was in the mood for a good roast beef sandwich, he thought of Regulus and requested soup. Then Sirius sat at the scrubbed wooden kitchen table, which was infinitely more comfortable than the formal dining room table his parents always insisted on using, and watched the house elves cook.

They moved so quickly and with enviable coordination. One would adjust the flame on the stove and have it at just the right height when another placed the pot on the burner. One would chop vegetables and as soon as he would done, the board would be pulled away by another for the vegetables to be dumped into broth. They'd never had more than three house elves at any one time, but in the kitchen it felt like they had a small army.

The soup was ready in no time, served in silver bowls Remus would have thought twice before touching. Peter would have stuck his face right in to test it. James would have swirled the vegetables and meat around with his spoon, thoughtfully, probably dreaming of Evans and the date she was never, ever going to agree to. Man, he missed his friends terribly. It just wasn't the same having Regulus around for company instead of them. Sirius blew on a spoonful of soup and wondered where exactly Regulus was.

Because he hadn't shown up yet. The trunks hadn't been the cleanest things, even after the spells they'd used, but washing one's hands for a quarter of an hour seemed excessive. Sirius murmured a spell to keep their soup from getting cold then went off searching for his brother.

Regulus wasn't in the downstairs bathrooms. Or, it turned out, the upstairs ones. He wasn't back in the spare room either. Sirius headed to the bedroom with its sign reading Do Not Enter Without the Express Permission of Regulus Arcturus Black above the door and knocked.

He heard coughing. And sniffing. And a weak, "Come... in..."

Regulus lay on top of his covers as though he were hot but half-curled up as though he were freezing. Sirius wondered if he might not be both. Regulus clutched a hanky loosely in one hand and hid his nose and mouth behind it. But the rest of him was exposed, so Sirius didn't give a second thought to walking over and pressing the back of his hand to Regulus' forehead. Regulus had to have seen him, but he still jerked back in alarm at the touch. Sirius tried again to pursue his prey but Regulus turned his head into his pillow, coughing and shivering. "Reg..."

"Go away!"

"You just told me I could come in."

"That was just... h'Ing! Just so I could tell you to go."

Sirius didn't go. Instead, he sat down on the bed and pressed a hand to Regulus' shoulder. It didn't take much strength to roll his brother over and then palm his warm forehead. Sirius couldn't tell how bad it was, but there was definitely a fever there, no question about it.

"Dust," Regulus insisted pitifully.

"Riiiiiight." Sirius stroked his head, even as Regulus tried to wriggle away. “Then why are you in bed? All tired out from a couple hours of real work?”

Regulus didn't answer, but he didn't need to.

"I think you need some Pepper-up."

"hah-hah-INGH!" The stifled sneeze was stronger than usual, fighting to get out. Sirius was amazed he could hold it in even that much.

Sirius pulled out his wand. “Accio Pepper-up!” A couple moments later, a potion bottle sailed into the room and straight into Sirius' waiting hand. Regulus looked away, trying to not look impressed. Sirius uncapped the bottle and looked inside; there wasn't much left, but there was enough for one dose. This, he forced upon his brother until it was all swallowed and steam shot out Regulus' flushed ears. But Sirius wasn't done. “Accio face flannel!” He spelled this to be cold and lay it across Regulus' forehead. “Accio feather comforter!” He spelled this to be warm and tucked it around his brother. “Better?”

Regulus shrugged, the blanket shifting as his shoulders rose and fell. Sirius tucked it tight again.

“Do you want me to have the house elves bring the soup up to you? Or tea, maybe?”

Regulus opened an eye and looked up at him. “Why are you being so nice?” Now that Regulus was content to run around school with some of the worst Slytherin house had to offer, in Sirius’ opinion, the two barely spoke to each other at Hogwarts.

“Maybe 'cause it's almost Christmas.” Sirius rubbed his arm through the blanket, amazed that Regulus was letting him; he must be feeling worse than Sirius had guessed. “Maybe because you're my brother and even though you're a stuck-up brat, I still love you.” He smiled and continued to rub Regulus' arm. Sirius gaze traveled upward. Above the bed was the Black Family crest and their motto “Always pure.” Regulus' room was overwhelmingly Slytherin in color and design; there were even snakes carved into his bedposts. And here he was, lying weak and feverish and completely pathetic a midst it all. “Or maybe because I get a kick out of seeing you miserable and you're too weak to push me away.”

A small and brief smile appeared on Regulus' face. Then he closed his eyes. “Maybe I'm only doing this to get you to p-pamper me?” His face screwed up and then his whole body shook. “H'nt!” After the sneeze, he let out a breath, sniffling into the hanky. “Or maybe I'm faking to get out of sorting through the trunks?

Sirius laughed. “Wish I'd thought of that.”

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D'aww :) I've missed your Mauraudeur fics and this one is a lovely peek at Sirius and Reg. Thanks for sharing!

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D'aww :) I've missed your Mauraudeur fics and this one is a lovely peek at Sirius and Reg. Thanks for sharing!

Aw, thanks. I'd forgotten how much I LOVE writing the Marauders until I started this. Probably that's why all the references to James, Remus, and Peter kept sneaking into Sirius' narration. He and I both miss his friends :wink2: I loved writing him at home feeling homesick for his life at school; he and Harry both have that in common.

It was my first time writing a more detailed Regulus, so I was a bit nervous. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks so much for the feedback!! *is relieved it wasn't terrible**

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Ahhhhh this was so awesome. Bros for life.

Well... in their case, "life" isn't all that long, I'm afraid. But at least I could write them some happy, brotherly bonding moments before Reg goes Death Eater.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the kind words :-)

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Ahh wow this was such an interesting read! Your take on Regulus seems very authentic and realized -- quite a feat for so minor a character! And your Sirius POV is just perfect, and this whole this was just so cute! And also quite sad to see such brotherly affection, (however begrudging) in their relationship -- considering what's in store for the harsh future, but I'll just stop myself there before I get too teary eyed.

But yes. Love dem marauders, and really loved this!!! Thank you for sharing it!!! :D :D

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Ohhh my gosh, you've already posted it!! When I got your email, I was totally over the moon! Can't believe how quickly you got this done! That's truly admirable! You should see me tiptoe around my own fics for weeks! :lol:

And OMG, it turned out wonderfully!! :wub2: :wub2: I just read through it for the first time (many more will follow, trust me!) and there are just soooo many beautiful parts I want to quote and comment on! :inlove: (I'll just copy and paste, because otherwise I'd exceed the permitted amount of quotes and would have to split the reply... Hope that's okay. xx)

> when Regulus lifted his hand, pinched his nose at the bridge, and closed his eyes. Sirius watched as his head bobbed forward, soundlessly. <

This first description already totally got to me! It's just goes so well with Regulus character, I feel. Like, he wants to be in control so badly and he's been taught to be disciplined and not show any weakness, you know?

> Regulus never let little tickles get to him. He never, ever sneezed unless he was ill. And even then, he held them back, covered up, and hid how he felt. <

This. Again. Very much Reg and very much adorable, in my opinion. :wub:

> Then Sirius saw a flash of panic in his brother's eyes. Regulus covered his nose and bobbed forward with a stifled h'Ngtt! <

Gahhh! I loved, loved, loved this, because... Regulus realizing that one sneeze wasn't enough and that he's gonna have to try and hold back a second one just kills me! Flash of panic... awww!! :heart:

> There was no talking out of turn at the Black family table. <

I'm also very much on board with this. And I like all references to the brothers' upbringing and their strict parents and all that. (I feel like too many people ignore Sirius' background in their stories... Or anyway, I like when it plays a role.)

> It was always muggles are horrible this and wizards never have enough pride in their blood that. <

Nicely put. That's basically what I imagine their dinner table conversations to be like. With a little bit of "Regulus is the better son and you're a disgrace, Sirius" on the side maybe. ;)

> if only they knew about Remus, they'd have even more cause to worry. <

Now, I know that this was mooost likely meant as a reference to Remus being a werewolf, but I like to imagine that it could also be read as a hint as to Sirius and Remus's, um, special sort of relationship... *whistles innocently*

> This time, Sirius groaned out loud. "Aw, Mum, that's a task for house elves!" <

I like this! Like I said, many people seem to forget what Sirius's upbringing was like and I think it's only natural that he acted like a bit of a snob occasionally and maybe didn't think too highly of house elves. Only realistic, that. I like. :)

> One might almost think he didn't want to sort through old junk during his Christmas break. <

Haha... whaaat? But chores are so much fun, no? Especially when you're ill? :lmfao:

> Hay is for hippogriffs. <

Cuuute! :lol:

> What, no rich fancy boy Slytherin friends to stick up for you here? Poor baby. <

I have a feeling I love this line more than I should...? :laugh: But teasing just... gets to me. Especially when the people teasing each other actually love each other! :blush:

> His brother looked ill--pale face, overbright eyes, flushed nose and cheeks. He was breathing through his mouth and rubbing at his nose and forehead every few seconds. <

Ohhh gosh, my poor baby! That description is so vivid and almost more than I can take! *melts into a puddle of feels*

> "I don't have the fuh... the flu-hip-tsh!" He scrubbed his wrist at his nose and leaned heavily on the trunk. <

Denial! Interrupted denial! And then leaning on the trunk because he's so weak? My heart! :heart:

> "If you mean you're going to go sneeze your head off in the bathroom where I can't hear you, don't bother."

Regulus' glare intensified. <

I loved this! Sirius casually letting him know that, yeah, he knows what's going on. And Regulus just glaring, like, shut up! :lol:

So now, before I start quoting the entire thing, some more (hopefully coherent) comments:

1. I reeeeally loved the entire set-up, like, your idea with the sorting through trunks! Because it means Sirius and Reg being alone at home together and Regulus having to work despite being ill!

2. I very much enjoyed all your references to the other Marauders! I was thiiiis close to requesting a Marauders fic, but changed my mind, because there are much more of those around than there are of Sirius and Reggie. But yeah, I was extra happy that you still mentioned them. And that comment about Remus stifling his sneezes came as a nice surprise! ;)

3. That entire last part basically had me in tears! The situation, with Reg almost passed out in bed and Sirius coming in, the descriptions of his room and all of the dialogue was amazing! Especially: Or maybe because I get a kick out of seeing you miserable and you're too weak to push me away. That may be my favorite line from this entire fic, not sure why! :laugh::heart:

4. All the fever descriptions and the forehead feeling and ahhhh... I get too emotional talking about it! It was just too good! :blush::wub2:

I hope you can tell I seriously loved this! THANKS A TON! :hug: I really, really appreciate it your effort and - oh, wow, the fic turned out even longer than expected!! I was really excited when I saw that! This is really much more than I deserve and I'm so happy and really thankful!

xxx, Sophie<3

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PS: Oh wow, the paragraph thing again... My mom's laptop is this horrible, paragraph-eating thing. *heavy sigh* I thought about waiting with this reply until my new laptop is all set up, but then I thought you deserved a reply now. Gosh, I just hope you can read it. I don't even know why it does this. It all looks fine until I hit post. *even heavier sigh*

PPS: Now if you excuse me, I'll go reread my fic 1,000 times, squealing incoherently! ;)

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Ahh wow this was such an interesting read! Your take on Regulus seems very authentic and realized -- quite a feat for so minor a character! And your Sirius POV is just perfect, and this whole this was just so cute! And also quite sad to see such brotherly affection, (however begrudging) in their relationship -- considering what's in store for the harsh future, but I'll just stop myself there before I get too teary eyed.

But yes. Love dem marauders, and really loved this!!! Thank you for sharing it!!! :D :D

Aw, thank you! It was such a pleasure to dive back into the HP fandom for a fic. Am glad you enjoyed all the Marauder-ness!

Regulus is such a fascinating character... how did he find out about the Horcruxes? What made him decide to betray the Dark Lord? How did he really die? It was fun to write something with him that wasn't filled with so much mystery. I agree about the sadness... Regulus died when the two were estranged, unable to tell his brother the truth. And Sirius died still thinking Regulus was working for Voledmort.

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PS: Oh wow, the paragraph thing again... My mom's laptop is this horrible, paragraph-eating thing. *heavy sigh* I thought about waiting with this reply until my new laptop is all set up, but then I thought you deserved a reply now. Gosh, I just hope you can read it. I don't even know why it does this. It all looks fine until I hit post. *even heavier sigh*

PPS: Now if you excuse me, I'll go reread my fic 1,000 times, squealing incoherently! ;)

Oh, I am SO THRILLED that you like it!!! Thank you for leaving me the best feedback ever! :-) It was definitely a pain to read without the paragraph breaks, but I managed to read it through. Three times during breakfast. And then twice again just now *G* So no worries.

Not all my fics are so easy to write, but this one definitely couldn't be stopped. I love when fics just demand to be written.

<1. I reeeeally loved the entire set-up, like, your idea with the sorting through trunks!

I'm glad you liked the task. I can't believe I forgot it in my author notes, but I owe that bit to cowboyguy. I emailed her a few days ago in a panic. "I need some chore/task for them to do that house elves couldn't preform!" My suggestion was writing Christmas cards or cleaning out the attic. Um, I am very grateful that she suggested going through old heirlooms instead. LOL

I love your take on Regulus and the Black family. I'm so glad that this fic was close to your mental images of them. And I'm glad you liked his suffering as well. Poor Reg, thinking he had no one to look after him except a big brother who kind of hates him, insisting he's fine because he wants it to be that way/totally in denial until he's alone and it just hits him too hard and all he can do is curl up in a feverish little ball until someone finds him. And then Sirius knowing just what he needs and taking care of him because it doesn't matter how he feels about Regulus; Sirius is still a good guy and this is his brother, so he's going to lay a cold compress on his head and sit with him and, okay, maybe tease him a bit too... but he does that to everyone ;-)

> if only they knew about Remus, they'd have even more cause to worry.

< Now, I know that this was mooost likely meant as a reference to Remus being a werewolf, but I like to imagine that it could also be read as a hint as to Sirius and Remus's, um, special sort of relationship... *whistles innocently*

Oh, so you noticed that, did you? Yeah, I absolutely wrote it that way on purpose. *EG* They're always going to be my OTP.

<2. I very much enjoyed all your references to the other Marauders! I was thiiiis close to requesting a Marauders fic, but changed my mind, because there are much more of those around than there are of Sirius and Reggie. But yeah, I was extra happy that you still mentioned them. And that comment about Remus stifling his sneezes came as a nice surprise!

Awesome! I'm so glad you didn't mind the Marauder references (it was Sirius' POV... he couldn't NOT mention them! heehee) and that you liked the mention of Remus stifling his sneezes. Seems like something he'd do, right, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to himself. I adore the Marauders, but I'm glad you gave me a chance to play with the Sirius and Regulus dynamic a little. Good choice!

Thank you for all this feedback, seriously. It makes me so happy to enjoy writing something for someone and know that they liked the finished product! And thank you for donating to a good cause!

Edited by tarotgal
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