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Taking Charge (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Iron Bull, M) part 1/?


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Summary: Bull turned his back on the Qun to save the Chargers, but the fight is far from over. Back from the Storm Coast, Bull's hit with a bad cold he won't admit to having, and this time it's the chargers to the rescue. Whether he wants them to or not. Set after Demands of the Qun.

Notes: Based on art and a story idea by Nosetouch, I originally just sent this to them, because for some reason I completely blanked on posting the story here. Probably because it's been so long since I've been on because life stuff. But I hope this is a good way to come back. ^ ^

Warnings: Some language due to Bull and the Chargers being Bull and the Chargers.


They weren't supposed to worry about him off the battlefield. That was just over blowing things. He was The Iron Bull after all. There was nothing, he couldn't fight, kill, and then make jokes about what parts of the dead made the best things to toss around like toys. But Bull seemed to have a habit of ignoring his own advice when it came to worrying. Every wound they got was serious, and every out of place cough or sneeze was looked at with a critical eye. And after everything that happened at the storm coast and the sheer amount of injuries they sustained...Krem wasn't all that surprised to find it had taken it's toll on their boss.

Even if their boss wouldn't admit it.

Krem folded his arms as he stepped into the courtyard near the armory, and heaved a sigh watching Bull slice into another training dummy. The thunder overhead only seeming to add violence to each strike and the torches gave the night's shadow eerie movement.

“What are you doing out here, chief? I thought you'd be holed up inside with something warm in your hands by now.” Krem could see Bull's breaths form small clouds in the cold, rain water having soaked every part of him.

“H-h-how do you k-k-know...I don't have p-plans to grip...s-something warm lat-t-ter?” Bull smirked at his lieutenant, though the innuendo would have worked better if it hadn't been said through chattering teeth, and accompanied by a flush more to do with a fever than anything else.

“Two reasons. One, pretty sure your preferred gripping partners are to tired to give you a good time right now.” Krem grinned before his expression became more serious. “Second, you're sick.”

Bull had just moved to bring his weapon back up and resume attacking when Krem's words gave him pause.

“I'm n-n-not si-c-ck.”

“Yes, you are.” Krem strode up towards him. “We've all noticed. You've been fighting this ever since we were halfway back, and you're getting worse.”

“Y-you all should h-have been p-paying more at-t-tention to your own inj...injur...hhh!” Bull's jaw tightened and breath caught. More clouds of breath hovered near his face as if trying to provide a literal smoke screen. His head tipped back, and his nostrils twitched before he pinched them shut in his hand, taking a gulping breath. “Injuries...” he finally got out. “I'm fine...” he sniffed, but the hazy look in his eye suggested anything but.

“No. We're fine. You're the one who needs looking after.” Krem insisted. They had all noticed Bull's changing demeanor on the way back. The way he seemed just a bit slower, how he huddled under his cloak trying to keep warm, and stifling a cough or sneezing fit almost every other few minutes. “Come on, lets go inside and get you out of this rain. I'd have thought you'd had enough after everything.”

“Get-t-ting a bit c-cocky aren't you? Giving me orders.” Bull tried to glare down at Krem, but either because he was fighting a sneeze or it was Krem, it was harder than usual to look intimidating. Krem held his ground, staring up at the Bull.

“I'm not giving you an order, I'm giving advice. That's my job as a lieutenant isn't it?”

“Then I'll ignore t-that ad....ahh...Hhh...” Bull's head fell back again and this time Krem knew there was no stopping the sneeze and quickly moved out of the line of fire. “HHRRSSZZHUEE!” Bull doubled over with the force of the sneeze, nearly dropping his weapon as his other hand searched frantically for his handkerchief. “Hhh...Hhhh...” he patted at his pockets with growing desperation, but he was finding nothing.

“Here.” Krem pushed his own into Bull's hand just in time.

HHRSSZZHAUUE!” Bull snapped forward again, this time into the soft white cloth. “Hrrrshhuue! Hhhhitchhuue! Iiichssue!” he seemed to be sneezing quieter as the fit went on, but with more force until finally he was left nearly breathless and leaning against the training dummy he'd once been carving up.

“My advice? Blow.” Krem chuckled.

“Addbole.” Bull muttered, but blew his nose all the same, keeping the cloth in place afterwards. “Fuck...”

“See? Sick. You didn't even ask what to blow, you just called me a name. If that's not evidence I don't know what is.”

“Qunari don't get sick...like h...hhah..” Bull's voice caught, undermining his statement as he wrenched forward with another throat tearing 'Hrrsshuuee!' “like humans...” he sniffed awkwardly.

The amount of times Krem had heard that line from Bull was staggering, and every time carried less and less reassurance. Qunari got sick like everyone else. Bull was simply the most stubborn about it.

“Of course you don't get sick like humans. You get sick like a Qunari.” The rain seemed to pickup and the night wind seemed to grow colder, making Krem grit his teeth as he gripped his arm, where he'd been stabbed during their latest mission. This didn't go unnoticed by Bull.

“You s-should have Stitches l-look at your arm again. Make sure it isn't get-t-ting infected.”

Krem opened his mouth to do some protesting of his own when an idea sparked and he simply shrugged.

“Might be a good idea if I could find him. Not sure where he is. Looked kind of pale earlier...might be lying down.” Krem needed to get Bull out of this weather before what might only be a cold turned into pneumonia. But that wasn't going to happen if Bull getting rest was the premise. “Mind helping me find him, chief? I'd like to check on him to.”

Krem knew Bull saw what he was doing with the request, but looking after his own was one of the few chinks in his stubborn armor that could be exploited. Sometimes being a lieutenant meant working with what he had as best he could, even if it was a bit underhanded.

“...C'mon, l-lets find him. L-last thing...hhh...you need is that arm fall...hhhh...falling...off...o...ahhahh...or...HHHRSSSZUE!” Bull wrenched forward with another violent sneeze, and Krem grabbed hold of his arm to keep him upright. Another awkward sniff followed. “...you'll be fucking useless.” he muttered. Krem half wondered if Bull wasn't referring to himself in the present moment, as he wiped his reddened nose.

“I don't know about that, you could always use me as a human battering ram.” Krem laughed.

“Y'know...that's n-not a bad idea act-t-tually...if I can get Sera to agree t-t-o being thrown in a f-fight, we might put on a real show.” Bull mused through chattering teeth.

“Shit, Bull, I wasn't serious.” Krem groaned, but it was more acting than actual exasperation, and there was a bemused smile on his face.


Hhhh...HHHCHHSSUE!” Bull sneezed into a fresh handkerchief. Once inside, he'd all but been bullied and forced into resting. Any insults or denials, were lost to the folds of a handkerchief as sneeze after sneeze left him winded. Now he was wrapped up in blankets in his room near the fireplace, his feet soaking in a large basin of steaming water, and a hot drink at his elbow. The room was just a bit bigger than a usual tavern room, warm, and well lit with Bull's weapons in easy reach. He liked it. But that didn't mean he wanted to be forced in here like a child by his own men. Damn insulting.

“Traitors...” he grumbled, only to physically flinch at the word a split second later. Traitor. Isn't that what he was now? A traitor to the Qun? His people? Everything he'd known and fought for? The choice had been the inquisitor's, but there was part of him that wasn't so certain about that. The fact there'd even been a choice, that he would do anything other than what the Qunari demanded, that wasn't on the inquisitors shoulders.

“Glad Krem brought you inside when he did.” Stitches voice interrupted Bull's thoughts as he stepped inside, carrying a small bag and a kettle of hot water. “You look like hell.”

“Couda knocked...mighta bee...been...hhhh...HHISSHHUE!” Bull cupped both hands over the handkerchief, and he nearly tipped over the basin of water, sloshing some on the ground.

“Asleep? Or otherwise engaged?” Stitches smirked. “Considering you can barely go five minutes without the entire tavern hearing you sneeze, I doubted that.” he set the bag down, and poured fresh water into the basin, the steam rising up and sending a shudder of comfort through Bull, as well as igniting another itch in his nose.


“Besides, if I'd knocked you'd have told me I was being overly polite.”

“Nah...I'd have asked...why you weren't in bed...” he eyed their healer skeptically. Krem hadn't been lying about Stitches looking pale, but they'd found him a bit faster than if he'd really been lost. Bastard almost seemed like he was expecting them. But he still looked worse for wear himself. A bandage was tied tightly around his neck that ran down to his chest. Bull had changed the bandage himself on the way back.

“Because we have to make sure you stay put.”


“The chargers. All of us. We're taking you in shifts.”

Bull's jaw dropped.

“You're what?!”

“We all know how you get when you're sick. You deny it until you pass out and risk making it far worse. We're not letting that happen this time.” Stitches pulled out a bottle from the bag, and even he had to grimace at the smell once it was opened.

“That's because Qunari...”

“Don't get sick. And if I told you humans don't get sick while looking like you do, you'd tie me to the bed to get rest. If I recall you did that once.” Stitches glared from underneath his eyebrows, but it lacked any real venom.

“Look, I am not going to...” Bull started to rise, only for dizziness to force him back down in the chair with a heavy thud and the blankets fell from his shoulders. It was only then he realized how cold he still was, and the smell of that potion...

Hhh...” he took a gasping breath. “What's...i...in...t-that...hhh” his eyes were watering as Stitches got closer and it felt like his nostrils were on fire as soon as he poured some into his hand and rubbed a portion on Bull's chest. Any innuendo or smart remark left Bull's mind as he fumbled for the fallen handkerchief, pinning the back of his hand to the underside of his nose as his chest heaved.

“Elfroot, mint, lavender, fish scales, a few local herbs, and concentrated stripweed.”

HAHHHHRRSSUUEE!” Bull felt his nose tickling more with every added ingredient, and by the end there was no point in even trying to fight it. “HHHRSSSUUE...HAHHHRSSZZUE! ISZZSSCHOOUE!

“Didn't expect quite that strong of a reaction...” Stitches blinked. “Give it a minute. It'll help with congestion and chest aches.”

“A...all it's...d-doing is...ma...making me...s...snee...hhhh...Hhahh HAASHHRRRSSZZUE!” every sneeze left him winded and his head spinning, but just at the edge of his perception, Bull could feel it was easier to get the air in to sneeze. And he seemed to be breathing a bit better after every one. After several minutes of a near nonstop fit, Bull sagged back in the chair with a heavy creak, back of his wrist to his nose. “Shib.”

“You mean shit?” Stitches smiled, pulling out a small stack of fresh handkerchiefs from the bag and passing them to Bull. “Sorry. It's strong stuff, but if you've taught us anything, start with the best so you don't need a followup.”

Bull groaned, blowing his nose, and finding himself unable to protest as Stitches rewrapped him in blankets.

“I'll have to add a bit more later, and this,” he poured something into Bull's drink. “is for your throat. Don't worry I didn't make it taste like sewage. That's the potion you're supposed to drink.” he felt Bull's forehead once more. “I'll need to mix something up for that fever to...in the meantime, just get some rest and stay put. Grims at the door if you need anything before I'm back.”

Before Bull could offer any kind of protest or swear after him, Stitch had left and he heaved a sigh, reaching for the drink. He took a sip and his eyes brightened just a bit.

“For the throat huh?”

That was some strong whiskey if he'd ever had any. But the combination of warmth, exhaustion and now drink, was pulling his eyelids closed. As much as he fought it, Bull found himself drifting off in the chair, till his snoring replaced his sneezing. At least for awhile.

To be Continued...

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Don't know much about this fandom but I gotta say I did very much enjoy this! Really nice writing, wonderful characters, and great strong sneezes. Thanks for writing!

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This is amazing. The dialogue is just perfect, I can literally hear the character voices in my head, the scenario is totally believable and I love all the little hat tips to dialogue in the game - 'That's the potion you're supposed to drink.' - love it!

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OH MAN I'm so glad you posted this here!!! Nosetouch is my blog and I'm still over the moon about this story. It's so wonderful and sweet and everything I could ever want :''D thank you again for writing it!!

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Don't know much about this fandom but I gotta say I did very much enjoy this! Really nice writing, wonderful characters, and great strong sneezes. Thanks for writing!

Thank you! I'm just getting more into the fandom myself and so far I really like it. These characters just kinda grabbed my attention in a way I didn't expect and I'm having a ton of fun writing them. Really glad you're enjoying the story. It means a lot. ^^

Gooooorgeous!!!! I'm in love ^u^

^/////^ Thank you!

This is amazing. The dialogue is just perfect, I can literally hear the character voices in my head, the scenario is totally believable and I love all the little hat tips to dialogue in the game - 'That's the potion you're supposed to drink.' - love it!

Thank you. ^^ This really makes me happy that you're enjoying the story and the characters sound like themselves and everything fits. I was a bit worried if it would be alright since it's my first Dragon Age fanfic, but I had so much fun writing it and writing these characters. The Chargers just...I have no words for how much I love them. And some of the dialogue from the game was to perfect not to reference. XD I feel like Skinner must just had moments of pure facepalming when he saw someone drinking a potion that wasn't meant to be drunk. Everyone probably keeps their healer on his toes with their general antics, but I like to think he's just as big an offender when it comes to getting into trouble. XD

OH MAN I'm so glad you posted this here!!! Nosetouch is my blog and I'm still over the moon about this story. It's so wonderful and sweet and everything I could ever want :''D thank you again for writing it!!

You're so welcome! Thank you for putting the story idea out there! I had so much fun playing with the characters and I love all your Iron Bull drabbles and art! I saw the two you did, of Bull looking like he was in bed with a handkerchief, and then the page of sick! Iron Bull drawings and just...*covers my face* I loved everything about them. I think my favorite was the one where he looked like he'd fallen asleep with a smile on his face. That just made me melt into a puddle, and the way you write and draw Iron Bull (and Dorian!) in general is wonderful. Really glad that you've enjoyed the story so much. I really want to write more with the chargers, because I am nothing if not a complete sap for relationships like they have with each other.

Second Part

Warnings: Some violence in the beginning of this part.


Battle sounds echoed around Bull as he held his weapon, charging into the fray as always. The chargers were at his side and there was bellowing laughter in his throat.

Horns up boys!”

How about up their arse?” Skinner laughed, slicing through an enemy with one clean strike. Blood spurted and Bull grinned.

As long as it gets the job done.” he twisted around, slicing downward as two more enemies tried to double team him, and instead they wound up both missing heads. This is how fighting should be. Loud. Bloody. The chargers giving everyone they came across hell and moving in unbreakable unison. It was perfect.

Then the scream came.

Bull whirled around as shadows seemed to twist up from where enemies had fallen, forming new foes and he watched as one pierced Dalish through the back. Her staff clattering to the ground as she pitched forward. Bull heard himself swear and yell, but he didn't know what he was saying. Just that he was trying to get over to her.

Rocky got there first, grabbing her arm and trying to pull her onto his back when another shadow reared up from behind and sliced into him. More blood that wasn't meant to be spilled and Rocky collapsed. Bull was racing faster and faster towards them. Eye blazing and every curse he knew on his lips as the shadows grew. They were trying to stop him getting there. Grabbing onto him as he moved to slow him down and no matter how he hacked there was always more. The smell of acid and burning flesh and blood twisted his stomach in a way it never had before.

There was a grunt of pain not to far from his left, and he watched as Grim was run through. He heard Stitches scream out after him, trying to get over, and then watched as an iron cord was thrown from the darkness and wrapped around Stitches legs, pulling them out from under him. He hit the ground hard and Bull moved to the left to try and get to him. Before he could, shadows were on top of the healer. Ripping into him and his screams of pain faded soon to nothing, but the shadows cackling. It seemed more were rising from his blood.

C-chief!” another voice. He turned to the right to see Krem. Weapon raised in one arm, Skinner slumped in the other with arrows in her front and back. “Chief!” Krem screamed again, desperation, fear, a look on his face Bull hadn't seen since they'd first met.

He focused on his lieutenant. His friend. Fighting as hard as he could to get to him. The shadows threw themselves at him. Biting, clawing, ripping, and stabbing at him. They were trying to force him down. And he responded just as vicious. Biting them back, and running them through, breaking off shadowy arms and throwing them to the side like garbage. He was trying to say something. To let Krem know he was coming. He was almost there. Then a foot away, more shadows slammed down onto him, taking Bull to the ground as they dog piled on top of him. His hand outstretched, still fighting to get to what was left of his men.

But he couldn't move. He could only watch as a mace was brought down on Krem's back. His eyes wide and suddenly dull as a sickening crack filled the air. He collapsed to his knees and Skinner tumbled from his arm. Bull locked his eye with Krem's now lifeless ones. The ground soaked with blood and the shadows roaring with laughter.

'Dead. All dead.'

'You led them to their death...'

'Fitting...you'd have killed them anyway....'

'You'll go mad...lose your mind...kill them all...kill them...'

The shadows whispered snaking inside his head and he watched in horror, with a scream so loud it was silent, as the shadows took more solid forms that mirrored his own. Their faces and hands covered in blood, their single eye mocking him and lost to madness. He could feel the blood on his own hands now...taste it in his mouth...he did this...


“HUUHHH!” Bull gasped as his eyes shot open and he was up and reaching for his weapon. Unfortunately his feet had still been in the basin and the blankets around him caught on chair's arms. He pitched forward stumbling headlong towards the bed, and flipping over the entire basin with such force it nearly landed on his head. Instead of a comical image it settled for simply dousing him in what was now cold water and slamming onto his shoulder. The blankets wrapped around his torso making it nearly impossible to move far so that he smacked his head on the floor as opposed to the edge of the bed frame.

Bull opened his mouth to curse, but the only thing that came out was a harsh gasp as he tried to regain his breathing and looked around as if expecting an enemy to be behind him. There was nothing. Just a crackling fireplace. Just an empty room now in disarray. He stayed where he was, trying to reconnect with reality, and holding his breath. He wasn't possessed. He wasn't. That wasn't a demon, just a nightmare. He wasn't possessed and he wasn't mad. He was Tal-Vashoth now, but that didn't mean he was going to lose himself. Or at least not this fast...he wouldn't...

“Fucking hell...” he rasped, his throat no longer sore, instead it ached painfully and he shivered both from the chills and cold water. The combined dirt and dust on the floor seemed to reach up and add more irritation to his nose as well.

There was a grunt from outside the door and a second later it opened. Grim stepped inside, moving to grab hold of Bull's arm and help him up.

“Mnngh.” Grim grunted and Bull shook his head, but didn't have the energy to push Grim away. Or maybe he was afraid to raise his hand to him at all.

“I'm fine...just...tripped over my own damn feet...” he winced.

“Hnghff.” Grim raised an eyebrow and in only a sound, Bull felt like he'd been asked a barrage of personal questions.

“I said...I'm f...fi...hhh Hrrsshue!” he sneezed sharply, turning into his shoulder as he was finally on his feet again. Any growl he'd attempted faltered and he simply rubbed the back of his neck in exasperation.

“Hnnff.” Grim kept a hold on Bull's arm till he was moved over to his bed.

“I don't give a shit if you don't believe me. I don't need you all acting like nursemaids.” Bull managed a good growl this time.

Grim was unimpressed and in response, simply pushed Bull back down onto the bed. The dizziness left him unable to fight back and he fell onto the mattress with a soft thud, head spinning.

“Y'know...if you wanted me in bed...just had to...had...to...” Bull's eyelids fluttered and his head tipped back as he raised a fist to underside of his nose. “HHRRSSUUE! ISSCHZZUE!

Grim sighed. A different sound for him, but it spoke volumes as he grabbed Bull's legs and pushed them up onto the bed. Bull shook his head. Grim was surprisingly one of the easiest people to shout at because he didn't shout back, and also one of the most disarming when it came to arguing. Some people thought it was because he came off as creepy or stoic with only gruff sounds for communication. It was the exact opposite. He had a way of using other things, like his eyes and small facial twitches, to tell someone how he felt. Or how he knew they were feeling. It could get under the skin. Like trying to fight someone holding up a mirror. Bull only hoped Cole and Grim never got to chatting. Now that would be creepy.

“Thanks.” Bull muttered as Grim handed him a handkerchief from the pile, but they both knew it was for more than that simple action.

“Everything alright in here?” Skinner poked her head in, weapon at the ready in case of a fight. There were no arrows wounds Bull could see on her. She was fine. Grim was fine. Just a nightmare.

“Unghff. Hmmph.” Grim folded his arms, rolling his eyes in Bull's direction.

“Don't tell me you're surprised he's a stubborn jackass.” Skinner smirked re-sheathing her weapon. “Of course he is. To be honest, our name should have probably included more to do with mules than bulls.”

“I can think of a few names for y...you...Hrrrsshue!” Bull sneezed, sagging back against the pillows.

“Oh more nicknames. I'm terrified” Skinner grinned, but there was a rare softness to it. “Well looks like you got lucky Grim. You get off right as I get on and I get to clean things up.”

Grim seemed to protest before Skinner set her hand on his shoulder.

“Go on. You need some sleep to or else we'll gang up on you next.” she smirked and then added when he hesitated at the door. “If you want to do one more thing, tell Stitches Bull's awake for...whatever he was cooking up.”

“Now that's a threat.” Bull groaned, watching Grim leave from the corner of his eye. “Sorry 'bout the mess...”

“Heh. Easier to clean up than body parts. Besides you actually think I'm mopping this water? Just let it dry. Most of the blankets are fine.” she turned the basin back over and gathered up the dry blankets, giving some of them a good violent shake. Unfortunately that unsettled dust they'd picked on the floor and Bull clamped the handkerchief over his nose.

Hiishhue! Achhssue! HHHHRSSUE!” his eyes were wet and his nose was now a bright red, but at the very least the sneezes weren't getting stuck. It seemed colds were the ultimate way to break through a Qunari's defense against sneezing.

“Sorry.” Skinner winced in sympathy. She used one to dry him off before settling other blankets over him. When it came to Bull, two blankets were needed to do the job of one, often resulting in him looking like an oddly built blanket fort. “There. Try to get some sleep...”

“S'fine...” he waved off the concern as best he could. “Not tired...been sleeping to much...” he rasped.

“Oh I wasn't aware two hours counted as to much sleep. When you get a hangover we can't get you up before noon.”

“Beat you by an hour...”

“That's because I drink harder stuff.” Skinner seemed to try and puff up her chest in such a serious way, Bull couldn't help laughing at that and the word choice.

“Right...kaff...you...drink...the...Koff...Cooofff...h-hard...KAFHFF!” the bed frame shook from the force of the coughing and a tear ran from his good eye as he struggled to get a breath.

“Easy there, chief. It wasn't that funny.” Skinner seemed to look around frantically in case Stitches left something, and then held up her hand. The drink from earlier was empty and there wasn't anything else she could see. “Stay there. I'll be back.”

Bull wanted to retort he couldn't really go anywhere, but the coughing left him with barely enough air to breath. He was vaguely aware she was gone, and then in what seemed like only a minute, was back with a mug of something pressed to his lips.

“C'mon, I know you swallow.” she tried to hide the concern, and Bull would have laughed again if his ribs hadn't been on fire. Instead he did what he was told, taking a swig of whatever was in the tankard. Half a minute and a few more sips later, he felt his breathing evening out. He closed his eye for a minute, taking a deeper breath and wishing Skinner wasn't looking at him with that much concern.

Instead of mentioning that he focused on the drink.

“What's that...”

“Hot mead.” Skinner smiled sitting on the edge of his bed. “I thought I sensed a challenge earlier, so, lets see whose got the stronger stomach.” she motioned to the bedside table, and Bull noticed there were several bottles and an extra tankard now sitting there.

“You're kidding.”

“Well if you're admitting defeat now...”

“Hardly. I just mean...can't believe you're cocky enough...you think you'll win.” he grinned, though he wondered how much of this was about an actual contest and how much was getting him to drink enough he'd fall asleep. With that thought he almost pulled back his hand from the tankard. He didn't want to sleep again. But a drunken sleep...he didn't dream during those. Even his subconscious was to liquored up to trouble him with anything, and it'd be better than falling asleep without. Besides, he did have a point to prove.

“Brought some cards to. You get a bit better and maybe you can challenge your mage friend to something with the word 'strip' in it.” she grinned.

Bull nearly started laughing again. He knew the chargers knew that if something hadn't happened with Dorian already, it was bound to. There was to much tension there. To many sideways looks from the mage. To much of everything, and he knew they were going to enjoy being in the peanut gallery when it happened. According to Krem they were already taking bets.

“I'd skip the cards...go right for the strip part.” Bull smirked as the cards were dealt. He tried to focus on the game and drinking. Ignoring the pain throughout his body and the way his head split. Most of all he wanted to ignore the dreams. If only to keep Skinner or anyone, from asking questions.

He wasn't sure how long they played, but he could feel himself being lulled into sleep again. That is until Stitches came back and proceeded to rub more of that garbage on his chest.

ISCHHSUUE! HHSHHUE! F-f...FSUUCHHUE!” Bull sneezed so violently the cards on the bed seemed to take flight.

“Oi! No trying to see what hand I got!” Skinner snapped as his head ducked down again, giving the illusion he was trying to see over her hand.

“Sorry. Tried to make it a bit less...potent this time.” Stitches smiled sheepishly.

“G-good...f-fucking...j...jo...HHHHRSSSUEEZZ!” his sneezed into handkerchief with enough force Skinner felt like grabbing onto the bed to keep steady.

“Anyway...err...make sure he takes this before he goes to sleep. It'll help with the muscle aches and fever.” Stitches pressed something into Skinner's hand, as well as setting something on the bedside table. He lingered at the door until Skinner motioned him away.

Bull was left in throws of a sneezing fit for a solid two minutes, smaller ones leading up to bigger, room shaking ones. With a final 'Hchhss!' He collapsed back, holding the cloth to his running nose.

“Bless you.” Skinner grinned and Bull shot her the best glare he could from the corner of his wet eye.


“Just trying to be nice. Aren't you always encouraging better behavior from me?” she beamed innocently and if Bull had the energy he'd have smacked her upside the head. Instead he just groaned and turned away. “Come on, take this before you pass out or Stitches'll have my head.” she poured the drought into the tankard and held it up for him again. Bull didn't even bother fighting the medicine and finished off the last bottle as well.

“Last bottle...means I win.” he grunted his eyes growing heavier by the second.

“No. It means I get more bottles.” Skinner huffed, but she made no attempt to move. “We'll finish later. Right now...”

Bull was sure she said more, but he didn't hear it as he fell into a light sleep. Unlike last time, there were no dreams that followed. Only sensations. More warm soft things were being put on top of him, some of his bandages were being changed, but any pain was far away and dull. He felt more like he was floating than anything else, and the rain outside was almost soothing. He could have slept like that for hours. Days even.

Unfortunately his nose decided against that as the smell of smoke and spice tickled inside it.

To Be Concluded...

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YO I have been trying my damned-est to not let myself get dragged into the Dragon Age fandom bc there is no way I'll ever actually end up playing it, but you're totally right, the characters are just so interesting not to! And this wonderfully-written coldfic is not helping the struggle AT ALL, I have to say! Alright, alright, I give up!

I know very little about these characters, but I love the way you've written them here. Particularly Bull. OF COURSE he's stubborn about his cold, like it would have been a sin for him not to be, but you're making his resistance awfully entertaining! Krem I love as well, and the hints at their relationship don't hurt either. Stitches and Skinner also seem like fun characters, and this whole last bit had me giggling for sure! Aha, I can't wait to see how this progresses! Awesome job so far! :thumbsup:

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YO I have been trying my damned-est to not let myself get dragged into the Dragon Age fandom bc there is no way I'll ever actually end up playing it, but you're totally right, the characters are just so interesting not to! And this wonderfully-written coldfic is not helping the struggle AT ALL, I have to say! Alright, alright, I give up!

I know very little about these characters, but I love the way you've written them here. Particularly Bull. OF COURSE he's stubborn about his cold, like it would have been a sin for him not to be, but you're making his resistance awfully entertaining! Krem I love as well, and the hints at their relationship don't hurt either. Stitches and Skinner also seem like fun characters, and this whole last bit had me giggling for sure! Aha, I can't wait to see how this progresses! Awesome job so far! :thumbsup:

I tried to keep from getting pulled into Dragon Age, but I'd heard so many things about it and seen so many things from my friends, and character design is one of the things I absolutely love, and Dragon Age has some great character designs. All that combined I didn't stand a chance. I'm glad to have helped pull someone else into this with me though. lol.

Thank you! <3 That really means a lot. I'm having so much fun writing them, and just writing in general. (If you want to see more things with the Chargers and don't mind spoilers, look up their scenes on youtube, particularly the tresspasser DLC to see what these dorks do for Bull's birthday.) Bull has quickly become one of my favorite characters to write, and Krem makes me smile. I'm really glad the last part made you laugh. I don't know why, but I like to imagine that Bull is actually terrible at a lot of card games, but he's good at pretending to know what's doing. Really glad you're enjoying the story.

Part 3


Hhh...hhichhsue!” it was probably the softest sneeze he'd ever woken up with, but with how raw his throat was, he wasn't sure he could manage more.

“Think that's enough wood? Might be a good idea to get more so it can be dry in the morning.” he heard Dalish whispering, cracking his eye open to see her standing by the fireplace with a small cauldron, while Rocky seemed to be replenishing the wood on the fire.

“This'll be fine. It's warmer durin' the day anyway. Don't want him to get to hot or he could be in real trouble.”

“Whas'you...doin'...?” Bull blinked blearily towards the pair, struggling to lift his arm up from under the blanket and wipe at his nose. He was still clutching a handkerchief with a death grip.

Both chargers turned around at once, looking like guilty children as opposed to battle hardened mercenaries.

“Sorry. We didn't mean to wake you up. How're you feeling?” Dalish asked setting the cauldron down and spooning some of it's contents into a bowl.

Hhrshhue!" a sharp sneeze was the answer.

“Thought so.” Rocky added more wood to the fire. “Don't worry, you'll be up and killing things again before you know it. Just in time to see my perfected black powder to.”

“Gonna...blow us all up...” Bull sighed, but there was a small hint of amusement to it.

“Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't get to crazy with it.” Dalish grinned coming over and taking a seat on the edge of his bed. “Worse comes to worse, we can just pack 'em in fireworks and shoot those at people.”

“Ya...sound like...Sera...” Bull chuckled, coughing hard, but only once.

“And you sound terrible. Now open up.” Dalish settled what turned out to be a bowl of soup, on her lap, and brought a spoonful up for Bull.

“I can...feed myself...I'm not a...a...” his head tipped back, the spices in the soup reigniting his sinuses and Dalish grabbed the bowl, nearly jumping up before Bull unleashed his sneeze.

ACHHSSSUUE!” the Quunari nearly pushed himself out of bed with the force. It sounded like the hours of sleep were getting back at him for sneezes built up and each tore at his throat. “IshhhUUE! IZSSHUE! HACHSSRRSUE!

He muttered a curse under his breath, settling back down.

“Er...you sure this is a good mix, Rocky?” Dalish eyed the strongly spiced soup before looking over her shoulder at the dwarf.

“Absolutely. Old recipe that'll clear up anything you got. Just...maybe hold your nose while eating it.” he suggested with a half-convinced shrug.

It was only this close to actual food, Bull realized how hungry he was, but he wasn't sure how much more sneezing he could take.

“That...gonna work...” he sniffed weakly.

“Should. Can't smell it, can't sneeze.” Dalish shrugged as she sat back down, seeming to expect Bull to argue. Instead he simply nodded and pressed a tight finger to the underside of his nose. It was to sore to pinch shut at the moment.

She took her time with careful spoonfuls, and Bull was grateful to have actual food in his stomach again. The broth helped his throat as well, and he could feel the spice beginning to work at his congestion and the heat at the pain in his chest. Though there were several times during that Dalish had to stop and Bull had to press harder against his nose.

Hhh...hhh...HHHAHH...” he grit his teeth, and felt Rocky aiding him with a hand over his nose. The extra barrier made it a bit easier to come down from the would be attack.

“Close one.” Dalish smiled.

“Don't tempt fate to much, Dalish.” Rocky smirked carefully removing his hand.

Bull finished off the last of the soup, rubbing back and forth under his nose.

“Thangbs.” he sniffed hard, his voice almost completely gone and what was left was scratchy at best.

“You still sound horrible.” Rocky picked up a fresh handkerchief and held it up to Bull's face, taking the other one out of a loosened grip. “Blow.”

Bull complied with a feeble, almost pathetic sound. But it did the job and he could breath through his nose again.

“One more thing. Stitches made this up for you, but you had to eat before taking it.” Dalish took a vial from her pocket, pouring out a spoonful. “Didn't look like you were getting much sleep before. This'll help.”

That was when Bull turned his head. He wasn't about to take something that could trap him in a nightmare.

“Don't need it...”

“Yes you do. Come on, just take it.” Dalish sighed.

“I don't...need something...messing with my head...” he growled, but it looked more pathetic than menacing.

“It's not messing with your head. It's just getting you to sleep. There's no magic involved if that's what you're worried about.” she held her ground, watching to make sure he didn't push her arm away.

“I'm not...worried...”

“Good, because we're fucking terrified.” Rocky suddenly snapped, folding his arms and staring down at Bull. The Qunari seemed almost stunned into silence. Rocky swore just like the rest of them, but not as often, and usually with sharpness meant to cut. “After everything...” he trailed off and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Just...just take the damn medicine, alright? Please?”

Bull was quiet for a moment, his eye moving from Dalish to Rocky. The concern was written in every line. Every facet of their faces. As terrified as he'd been about losing them, they were just as scared of losing him. They were still scared. Qunari got sick like everyone else, but it was rarer. It hit harder. This wasn't something his men were used to seeing or dealing with...

“Fine...you all...worry to damn much...but fuck it. Let me...take it...” he sighed exasperated. It didn't help that this was a rare moment he was to tired to fight much. He was scared to dream. To see what he had again. But if he kept protesting he'd have to explain that. They'd find a way to get that out of him and night was the worst time for those kinds of talks. So he opened his mouth and took the drought.

“There. We'll get you some candy later for being such a good patient.” Dalish smiled.

“That our new codeword for a certain mage?” Rocky laughed, his stance relaxed once again.

“Could be. Gotta see what Bull comes up with for a nickname first. Ours might be better though.” she chuckled, bringing the blankets up and under Bull's chin.

“Yer all assholes...but you're mine...” Bull slurred as the potion started to take affect.

“Damn right. Horns up till the end.”

He wasn't sure who said that as everything started to blur. He wasn't sure if it was seconds or minutes later, but he was out in record time. Again no dreams. Probably a result of the alcohol still in his veins, or maybe Stitches had added a little something else to the potion as well. He wasn't just good at medicine. He could read people.

The floating feeling returned as Bull drifted. He was aware of certain sensations, but not as keenly as before. He was hot, and there were worried whispering voices overhead, though they were too familiar to cause alarm. He felt his chest grow almost painfully tight once before it relaxed and his breathing deepened. Neither change was enough to wake him as exhaustion and the potion had finally lulled him deeper into an oblivious and restful state. It wasn't until hours later he began to stir. At the edge of his perception, he heard what sounded like birds outside and soldiers training in the distance. He felt something cold dabbing at the side of his face and then at his forehead. It felt nice. He nearly shuddered at the contact before taking a deep breath and opening his eye a sliver.

Krem's face was a blur overhead, but he could still make him out in the early morning light. As he came into focus, Bull noticed he had dark circles under his eyes, and despite the smile, genuine concern.

“Morning Chief.” Krem moved the cloth over Bull's cheek and neck and then back to his forehead. “Rough night, but looks like you got some rest after all.”

“Mmmhmm...” Bull murmured still half asleep. “Everyone else...alright...” his throat stung, but not as badly as before.

“Everyone's fine. Just resting. If you listen close you can hear Grim snoring through the walls.” he chuckled. “Though he's got nothing on you.”

“I'm loud...what can I say...”

“Usually that depends on who you're in the room with.” Krem teased and Bull smiled.

“Been hangin' around me...to long Krem de' la creme...”

“Probably.” he dunked the cloth in a bowl of water on the nearby table, ringing it out again before smoothing it over Bull's forehead and the base of his horns. “To be honest, I'm glad I get to keep doing that for a long while.”

Krem sucked in a breath as if he hadn't meant to say that last part, and the room settled into silence. No one had talked about what happened on the coast. The closest Bull had come was last night with Rocky and Dalish. But that was it. As much as Bull wanted that to be all there was, there were still questions...something he wanted to ask.

“Did you...think I'd leave you...” he asked after a moment, watching Krem's face for any sign of deceit.

“I thought you'd do the right thing. Whether that was getting the job done or getting us out of there.” he finally answered. “I'm not gonna pretend I wasn't hoping you'd pull us back, or that I'm disappointed we didn't go out in some blaze of glory. I like living a bit more than being a legend.” Krem sat back a bit, running a hand through his short dark hair. A nervous habit of his he'd picked up somewhere during their travels. “But you know what...we're your assholes. We'd have been your legends to.”

“Dead legends.” Bull grunted.

“Well yeah that's part of being a legend. You know we'd follow you there though. To death and back...or just there with no return trip. We all trust you.” he paused before an amused smile took over his face. “You know we probably confused the hell out of Venatori and scared a few at least. I don't think they were expecting us to break out into song near the end. Now that can be legendary at least.”

“Horns up...” Bull felt a small smile twitch at the corner of his mouth.

“Woulda made you proud. Of course I think we do that on a fairly regular basis.” Krem's expression was a picture of smugness and if he'd been wearing anything with straps, he'd have snapped them for emphasis.

“Cocky git.” Bull chuckled, coughing halfway through, but it faded quickly.

“You did say I've been around you to long.” he set the cloth down and reached over, bringing up a hot mug of tea for Bull to take a sip from. “Fever's gone down finally. For awhile we thought we were going to have to put you in an ice bath.”

“Just make sure...none of you catch this...” Bull sighed and then his eye widened as he realized what he'd said.

“What? You mean there's something to catch? You're admitting you're sick?” Krem's eyes glowed and Bull felt his cheeks grow dark.

“I'm not...”

“Yes you just said!”

“I'm delusional!”

“Because you're sick?”

“Because Skinner got me drunk!”

Krem was laughing so hard by that point there were tears in his eyes and even he wound up coughing a bit.

“Good to see...you're feeling a bit better, Chief.” he laughed, wiping at his eyes with his thumb and forefinger, but there was something else about the tears as well. Something that left Bull feeling like he'd been punched in the gut when they didn't stop, even when the laughter trailed off.

“Krem...” he reached over to grip Krem's arm as the young man paused, his jaw tighter for a moment as he took a deep, almost shuddering breath.

“I'm fine...just...didn't sleep last night and...I can already feel the pollen trying to get to me from outside.” Krem swallowed hard, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand.

“You should have slept.”

“I was busy. Had to keep an eye on you after Dalish and Rocky. ...Wanted to more than had to.” he admitted, looking down at his hands, struggling with the next words. “You weren't...the only one scared of finding bodies...we didn't know what we'd find when we got back. No one wanted to say it, but...”

“Like to think...I'm harder to kill than that.”

“So do we. You're not the only one who dislikes being reminded The Iron Bull is mortal.” he looked over at him, and Bull tightened his grip just a bit. That was same look Krem had when they first met. When he'd first gotten hurt for him, and every time after. He looked more like a scared kid than anything else, and it was a reminder of just how young he was. Of how much he'd already lost and been through. He hated that look. He hated the people and situations that put that look on Krem's face. He never wanted to be a reason for it.

He wanted to say something reassuring. To joke about the situation and give Krem a friendly punch in the stomach to tell him everything was alright. Instead he felt his eyelids flutter as his head tipped back and he let go of his lieutenant's arm.

“K...Krem...do you...se...see...a...han...a handk...handker...hhh....” he tucked a finger under his nose trying to stay the explosion until he had something in his hand.

“Shit! Yeah...here! Hang on!” Krem fumbled for the cloth.

Bull's entire frame shuddered as he took in a deep breath.


“Here!” As soon as Krem had it pressed to his face, Bull surrendered the battle with his nose.

HAHHHCHHOOUEE! HRRIiishue! HhhHICHRRSUE!” he blinked back tears in his good eye, cupping the handkerchief over his nose. “Hhh...hhh...” he motioned with his hand for Krem to move and the man almost dove out of the way and wound up sprawled on the floor.

ASCHZZCHHHRRSSZZUEE!” the bed and floorboards alike creaked as Bull snapped forward. Krem wasn't convinced the window itself hadn't shook.

“Ughh...hschhue!” Bull sniffled. “S-sorry. Musta...needed that...” he blew hard, leaning back in bed.

“Sounded like it.” Krem picked himself up, gingerly taking his seat at the edge of the bed again. “Maybe I should go get...hhh...HCHISOO!” Krem buried his nose in the crook of his elbow, and Bull's eye widened. “Pollen...”

“C'mere.” Bull rumbled. Before Krem could move he reached up to feel his forehead. “Warm.”

“Because you have a fever...”

“Because you caught this.”

“I...Hchhhss!” Krem sneezed again, taken off guard and unable to get a hand up to cover.

Bull sighed, holding up a hand to cut off any protesting. They were both to tired for this.

“How about I make a deal with you? You feel like shit...I feel like shit. Lets feel like shit together.” he moved over enough to make room for Krem on the bed.


“But what? You give advice, I give orders. So lay down, or I let everyone know you're sick.” it was a threat in purest form and not an idle one.

Krem sighed, kicking off his boots.

“Fine. I hope you know you're an asshole though.” Krem muttered, climbing into the bed and resting his head on Bull's shoulder.

“But I'm yours.”

“Yeah...looks like we're all stuck with each other.” Krem didn't bother stifling a yawn, but he did reach over to grab the cloth and continue wiping at Bull's forehead for a bit.

“Wouldn't have it any other way...” Bull wrapped an arm around his friend, pulling him a bit closer as his eyes grew heavier. It didn't take long for them to both fall asleep. There were dreams this time. But at least for now the nightmares had left, and in the shadow's place, Bull saw his chargers with their weapons raised, victory on their faces, screaming 'Horns up!'


Thank you all for reading. I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you all enjoyed the story.

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