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First Date (BBC Sherlock/Mystrade)

Subtly Clashing Wishes

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Hi, this is my second long fic. Juto07ab asked for my take on Greg and Mycroft's first date in my drabble thread. It went rather long, so I'm posting it here in two parts.

I own nothing. I love comments. Constructive criticism is always welcome. I hope everyone enjoys it. There is a little language. Thanks to cally for being my beta. Thanks to Spoo for loaning me one of her OCs. :D

First Date

Part one

Mycroft Holmes stared at his mobile. He did not want to make this call. He’d tried to get Anthea to do it. She refused stating since it was a personal appointment he needed to cancel it personally, if that is what he wished to do. She had a point and he refrained from reminding her what the “P” stood for in “PA”. Mycroft sniffled and swallowed, feeling the drainage burn its way down his throat. He took a sip of honeyed tea. Well, he was not going to have this first date (Really, was there not a less juvenile phrase?) compromised by a head cold. It would be better for all involved if the meeting were postponed. Firm in his resolve, Mycroft dialed Detective Inspector Lestrade’s mobile number. If anyone asked, Mycroft would deny he felt any relief when Greg’s voice mail picked up rather than the man himself.

“Gregory, this is Mycroft. I am terribly sorry, but I will not be able to keep our appointment for dinner tonight.” Mycroft felt his nose start to prickle. “I find I am bit heh-under the wea-heh-ther.” No, he would not sneeze now. “If you wish to resch-heh-schedule, do let me know.” Mycroft finished in a rush. “Hhhnnchx, hhnnchx, hhnnchx.” Wonderful, the sneezing had begun. He hoped the line had disconnected before his sneezes had escaped.

Sighing he found a handkerchief and blew his nose. “Hih’tishoo, hih’Eish, Tish, Hih’TSHOO!” Mycroft felt the tingling recede, but it certainly was not gone. He activated the intercom to his PA.

“Yes, Mr. Holmes?”

“Anthea…hhnnchmmpf, hhnnchmmpf, hhnnpfchoo!” Mycroft muffled the stifles in his handkerchief.

“Bless you, sir. I will notify the cabinet you will not be attending the afternoon conference. Would you like me to call your driver?”

“No,” sighed Mycroft. “Bring me the latest file on the Middle East.” I can at least catch up on my reading, he thought.

“Sir? Would you like me to call Detective Inspector Lestrade?” Anthea asked tentatively.

“No, thank you. That has already been taken care of. That will be all.” He switched off the intercom.


Greg smiled when he looked at his messages; it faded quickly as he listened. Well, fuck, he thought. They had been trying for weeks, actually months, to get together for a date. Since he’d asked Mycroft to dinner it had been one thing or another interfering with their plans. First, a complicated murder case, then meetings and extra shifts, followed by an unexpected trip to God knew where, and now illness had conspired against them. Greg was fairly certain there was interest on Mycroft’s part. They had managed to have a few brief visits over coffee and Mycroft had shown up at various crime scenes, under dubious pretenses. Greg hated for this evening to be lost. He was off and Mycroft wouldn’t be working this evening, not if the sound of his voice and the sneezing were anything to go by. Greg pondered his contact list on his mobile and then made a call.

“I am in the middle of a very important experiment. Any case you have must be at least an eight.” Sherlock sounded distracted.

“No case. I want to know where your brother lives,” Greg replied.

“If he has not told you, then you are not meant to know.” Great, Greg thought, Sherlock wasn’t feeling helpful.

“C’mon. He cancelled our date because he’s not feeling well; I want to check on him.”


“Fine. It was a long shot you’d tell me.” Greg sounded disappointed, but not surprised.

“Wait. You aren’t going to threaten to withhold cases or come do a drugs bust?” Sherlock was puzzled.


“I thought you wanted to check on him?”

“I do, but if you won’t give me his address then I assume it is because you know he’d hate it if I did check on him.” There was a moment of silence and Greg felt the hook set.

“Perhaps you should check on him,” Sherlock said. The mischief was evident in his voice. “I’ll text you the address.”

“Thanks, mate.”

“Oh and Lestrade, you should know that Mycroft has cats.” Sherlock hung up.

Well, fuck, thought Greg.


Later that evening Mycroft was standing in his kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil. He had left the office only when the headache made reading too difficult. He sniffled and wished he dared to take more antihistamines. Looking at his mobile again, he felt a little ache in his chest that he had not heard from Gregory. He rubbed his temples. The pounding had not stopped despite the ibuprofen he took an hour before. Mycroft debated taking a decongestant and decided to go ahead. He was going to be alone tonight; he didn’t need to worry about the side effects.

As he swallowed the tablet the mobile chimed. Looking down he saw he had a text from Gregory. He opened the app, smiling to himself. There was a picture of his building.

* Guess where I am? –GL *

Mycroft felt his heart rate increase. Another picture appeared, a takeaway bag and a Blu-Ray disc.

* I brought dinner and a movie. –GL *

Mycroft’s breath became a little short. No, he thought, I do not wish to be seen this way. I only wanted to hear from you.

Another picture popped up on his phone, this time of the buzzer to his flat.

* If I buzz this, will you let me in? –GL *

Yes…no…maybe. Mycroft had never felt so indecisive. He sent a text back.

* I am truly not fit to be good company this evening. –MH *

* You don’t have to be good company. That’s why I brought the movie. –GL *

Mycroft had made ten more important decisions today alone. Why was this one so hard, he thought.

* I do not wish to expose you to this virus. –MH *

* Mr. Holmes, what kind of cad do you think I am? I would never kiss on the first date. –GL *

Mycroft snorted a laugh and then started to cough.

* I just want to see you. Please? –GL *

How could he refuse such a simple request?

* Very well. –MH *

The buzzer sounded and Mycroft moved to the front door to release the lock. He sniffled and felt that tell tale prickle in his sinuses. He pinched his nose, hoping he could make the feeling go away.


Greg was relieved when he heard the main door unlock. He really wasn’t sure if Mycroft would let him in. Perhaps he felt, as Greg did, that a window of opportunity was closing. If certain moments weren’t taken advantage of, then nothing would come of this feeling between them.

Juggling his parcels, Greg made his way to Mycroft’s door. Taking a deep breath, he tapped on the door with the toe of his shoe. The door opened promptly and Greg smiled broadly.

“Hullo My!” Where the nickname had come from Greg had no idea, but he rather liked it, he thought.

Mycroft didn’t answer, though he nodded in reply, and stepped aside to let Greg into the flat. Looking about as he entered, Greg noted the umbrella stand by the door and a small table next to what he presumed was a closet. He set his packages on the table and shrugged off his coat. He noted Mycroft had his shoes off, so Greg slipped his off as well. He turned back to ask Mycroft if he should hang his coat in the closet. Mycroft had closed the door and leaned against it, pressing his wrist to his nose and mouth.

“Hhnnchx, hhnnchx, hhnnchx.” Mycroft’s attempts to thwart his need to sneeze were unsuccessful.

“Aw, bless…”

“Hhnnchx, hhnnchx, hhnnchoo!”

“Bless you.” Greg left his coat hanging on the doorknob of the closet. He reached out and laid a comforting hand on Mycroft’s upper arm. Mycroft pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his nose.

“Apologies…” Mycroft began.

“No, need,” Greg interrupted. “I came knowing full well there’d be coughing, sneezing and nose blowing.” Greg smiled at Mycroft. “Now show me the kitchen. I’ve brought dinner. I hope you like…” Greg trailed off as he noticed Mycroft staring at his coat hanging on the doorknob. “Would you like me to hang it up?” Greg asked.

“I will do it.” Mycroft replied quickly. “If you don’t mind.” He plucked the coat from the doorknob and opened the closet. Greg watched as Mycroft very precisely selected a hanger and carefully hung Greg’s coat preserving the pattern of coat, hanger, coat, hanger, coat along the hanging bar. He did not comment, but filed away that Mycroft had obsessive-compulsive tendencies.


Mycroft was having second thoughts about having let Gregory in. First, the sneezing as soon as Gregory set foot in the flat; Mycroft knew that was not going to get any better. Second, he could feel his anxiety ratcheting up thanks to the decongestant he took just before Gregory arrived. He closed the closet door, feeling a tad better now that Gregory’s coat was hung properly, and turned toward his guest, who smiled brightly at him. That gorgeous smile made his heart race and his head spin. Mycroft could not help but smile back.

“This way,” Mycroft headed down the hall to the kitchen. Greg picked up two of his packages and followed.

“Now you sit,” instructed Greg as they entered the kitchen. It was a large enough space to hold a comfortably sized dinette.

“I was in the process of making tea when you arrived. May I at least make you some?” Mycroft asked.

“Nope. I’ll finish it. You sit.” Greg gently nudged Mycroft over to a chair. He set the packages on the counter.

“But it would be more efficient if I…”

“My, I didn’t come over here to have you wait on me. Rather the opposite. Now where do you keep your mugs and tea?” Greg was gentle, but firm.

“The tea service is in the cabinet to your left. The tea is arrayed along the counter next to the stove.” Mycroft sat down uneasily and bit his bottom lip as Greg went to open the cabinet.


Greg was not prepared for what he found in the cabinet. A delicate, bone china tea set graced the lower shelf, and nothing else. The teapot was in the center and flanking it were eight teacups sitting on their saucers. The handles of the cups all faced the same direction. The sugar bowl and cream pitcher were positioned directly in front of the teapot. Greg swallowed and blinked. Yeah, Mycroft definitely had obsessive-compulsive disorder, he thought. Strangely, he didn’t feel put off. If anything it made the man seem more human in Greg’s eyes.

“Whoa, Mycroft! I’m just a copper. I don’t need to be treated like the queen.” Greg turned and twinkled a smile at Mycroft. He could see how anxious Mycroft was and wondered if coming over was a bad idea. He didn’t want to make his friend feel any worse.

Mycroft chuckled weakly at Greg’s jest. “That is the everyday set. I know it seems excessive, but I like nice things and I use it daily.”

“And why shouldn’t you,” agreed Greg. He paused a moment, considering the tea set. Greg looked back Mycroft and met his eyes. “Mycroft, is it going to bother you too much if I use your kitchen?” Greg spoke seriously. “I can see you like your things…a certain way.”

Mycroft was quiet. He sniffed a bit and then coughed. Greg was patient. “No, I am fine.” Mycroft hesitated a moment before going on. “I took a decongestant earlier. They tend to increase my anxiety.” He smiled a little at Greg. “It is good of you to ask.”

Greg smiled back, feeling relieved. “Right, then. Tell me if I do something that bothers you, yeh? I’ll either fix it or get out the way.” Greg captured Mycroft’s gaze and raised his eyebrows.

Mycroft nodded, his long nose wrinkling. He raised his handkerchief as his eyes fluttered shut. “Hhnnchx, Hhnnchx, Hhhnnchx, Hhnnchoo!” He sighed softly at the end.

“Bless you.” Greg winced inwardly with each stifle. Didn’t it make his head ache to do that, Greg wondered. “Now, tea and dinner. If you clean your plate, I’ll let you have dessert.” With a wink and a grin, Greg turned back to his tasks.


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Their first date may not have gone as planned but it's still very sweet. I can't wait to meet the cats (and see the effects of Greg meeting the cats, ha.)

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This is such a cute scenario.

I especially love how Greg picks up on Mycroft's slight discomfort (the coat, rummaging around his kitchen) and has a kind enough heart to ask if it's okay. Awwwwww..... Just sweet!

I adored the text exchange! It was so sweet the way Greg announced his presence.

Uhh... Can't wait for part 2... Bring in the cats, please. :lol: poor Greg! Lucky, lucky us :lol:

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Ah yes, "the cats", Spoo's OC (original cat). I'm a little worried you are going to be disappointed by "the cats". She has her role, but not until the end. I'm just trying to manage expectations here.

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Ah yes, "the cats", Spoo's OC (original cat). I'm a little worried you are going to be disappointed by "the cats". She has her role, but not until the end. I'm just trying to manage expectations here.

Aww, don't worry! Part 1 was really good, and I have no doubt part to will be as well (even if it didn't have ANY cats/"cats"!)

To be honest, I'm more looking forward to how things play out with Mystrade. Not really a cat-fan, unless it dances to the music of Lloyd Webber. But cats are good for allergic reactions, don't get me wrong, but Mystrade in general is my main focus :)

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Don't worry, everyone. You will all be pleased with the entirety of their first date. :)

Looking forward to it! So far, so good. :)

I like how sweet your Lestrade is.

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Thank you to everyone who has read and commented. I really appreciate everyone's support. I hope people are enjoying this. Here is the second part, in which we finally see a cat.

First Date

Part two

Mycroft felt surprisingly relaxed after dinner. Gregory’s cheerful chatter as he prepared tea and assembled the meal was strangely soothing. Mycroft was sure the man’s smile should have been registered as a controlled substance. Every time he began to feel edgy, Gregory would smile and Mycroft would lose focus. It was a disconcertingly addictive sensation.

The food was wonderful, if not quite what Mycroft would have selected for himself. He was not familiar with the takeaway shop from where Gregory had brought the warm, spicy soup that went straight to his sinuses. Nonetheless, it was delicious, though not without its drawbacks. Mycroft had felt embarrassed when he started to sniffle and sneeze in the middle of their dinner. Gregory declared it was exactly the hoped for response and let Mycroft disappear for a few minutes to repair himself. Despite not having quite cleaned his plate, Gregory allowed that Mycroft had eaten enough for dessert. It was a light, cool lemon sorbet that felt brilliant on his sore throat. Mycroft was able to convince Gregory to only rinse the dishes and leave them stacked in the sink, promising the maid would take care of them tomorrow.

“Now you should go get your pajamas on,” Greg instructed. “If you point me to your Blu-Ray, I’ll get the movie ready.”

“I am comfortable in my current attire,” Mycroft replied. Greg gave him a look. “Truly, I am.” Mycroft was still essentially dressed in his suit from the day. He had removed his suit jacket and shoes and loosened his tie a bit, but otherwise he was still wearing the stiff shirt, waistcoat and trousers.

“Yeh, but by the end of the movie you’ll be ready to sleep and it’ll be nicer to be already in your jammies.”

“Jammies?” Mycroft smirked at Greg.

“Sorry, I’ve two kids; it slips out.” Greg looked apologetic.

Mycroft, wanting to see that smile again, relented. “You do make a good point.” He sniffled and rubbed at his nose frustrated that he felt like sneezing. The tickle continued to build and he pulled out his handkerchief, again. He could really use a fresh one, he thought.

“Heh…Heh’Etch….Hih’TISH, tish, tish, tish…Hih’TSHOO!”

“Bless you, Mycroft. Good to hear you not trying to stifle those, “ Greg observed.

Mycroft blushed. He hadn’t realized he had stopped stifling his sneezes. Maybe he was more tired than he thought. “Yes, well…the entertainment system is in the drawing room. I will change as you suggested.”


Greg went back to the foyer to retrieve the Blu-Ray disc and his final package. Walking back to the drawing room he looked about for evidence of cats. He hadn’t discovered any so far. He’d never seen cat hair on Mycroft. The flat did not smell of cat, but then Mycroft had a maid in daily. Maybe Sherlock was just having him on. Greg scratched his nose.

Once in the drawing room Greg was relieved to find the Blu-Ray player was a higher end version of his model. He easily figured out the controls and loaded the disc. Leaving his other package on the coffee table, he went back to the kitchen to make another pot of tea. He would have preferred a beer or a scotch, but given Mycroft’s cold he thought tea spiked with brandy would make the best after dinner drink. Greg had returned to the drawing room and finished prepping the toddies, when Mycroft arrived, looking delicious in his blue silk pajamas and robe.

“Mmm, aren’t you a treat!” Greg beamed at Mycroft.

Mycroft rolled his eyes. “Please, I saw my reflection. Pale face, bruised eyes and red nose are not attractive.”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Greg watched Mycroft cross the room to sit next to him on the couch. “All long, lean lines and sparkling blue eyes are what I see.” He forbore to mention the pleasing way the robe clung to My’s bum and the tantalizing hint of ginger chest hair at the top of his collar. Mycroft blushed and, as if he read Greg’s mind, he adjusted the neckline of the dressing gown. Greg smirked.


Mycroft seated himself next to Gregory, close but not touching. “Do tell, what film will we be viewing?” He reached for the teacup in front of him and took a large sip. He was caught off guard by the brandy and began to cough. The vibrations surged through his chest and head setting off a flurry of sneezes.

“Heh’Etschoo! Etsch! TISH! Heh…heh’TISHOO! ISH! ISH! ...Heh’TSCHOO! Heh’SHOO!”

“God bless you, My!” Greg rubbed Mycroft’s back. Mycroft blew his nose in the handkerchief he managed to retrieve from his dressing gown pocket.

“Apologies.” Mycroft gasped. He just knew it was not over.

“No, no. I should’ve warned you I’d spiked the tea,” Greg hurriedly offered.

Mycroft nodded. The prickling in his sinuses flared again. His eyes fluttered shut and nostrils gaped wide.

“Hih’TISH…Heh’Etsch! Heh…Heh’Etsch…Hih’TISHOO!” Mycroft curled in on himself wanting to disappear.

“Bless you!”

“Hih…hih’TISH…Hih’TISH…Heh’ETSCH! ETSCHOO!” Mycroft’s handkerchief was soaked, but he dared not remove it. Just please let this end, he thought.

“Bless you!” Greg left the sofa.

Feeling anxious and embarrassed, Mycroft was sure Gregory had left disgusted by the display. Unbidden, tears started to leak down his face.

“Heh’Etsch…heh’Eftshoo…Heh’SHOO! Heh…heh’TSH…heh’ TSH…Heh’TSCHOO!”

“Bless you,” came Greg’s rough voice, soft and mild. He gently pulled Mycroft’s hands and sodden handkerchief away. Mycroft felt soft tissues pressed into his hands and more tissues carefully blotting the tears on his cheeks. He sniffed a bit and finished tending to his nose.


“So sorry, My,” Greg apologized. He couldn’t help but brush back the curl of Mycroft’s hair that had come loose.

Mycroft, looking dazed, sat up. “Well, if that outburst did not persuade you to leave, I am not sure what would.”

Greg laughed. “It was impressive.” It occurred to him that perhaps Mycroft wanted him to leave. “You must be knackered. We can skip the movie and I’ll leave…if you want me to.” Greg hesitated on the last bit.

Mycroft shook his head. “No, please stay. I am not tired. I would like to know what film you thought I would enjoy.” He reached for the tissues that Greg had helpfully brought over during the fit.

Greg smiled. “I thought a good action movie would suit.” Greg felt rather excited to share this passion of his. “I brought my favorite Bond movie, Thunderball.”

“Ah, a Sean Connery fan.”

“Yeh, the underwater battle is incredible and it doesn’t hurt that he looks great in that pink bathing suit.”


“Haven’t you seen it?”

“Yes, but it was some time ago and I do not remember a pink bathing suit.”

Greg started up the movie. “You’re in for a treat. Now get comfortable and give me your feet.”

Mycroft raised an eyebrow. Greg patted his lap and smiled winningly. With an eye roll, Mycroft scooted back toward the arm of the couch. Sliding his slippers off, he swung his feet up onto Greg’s lap.

“My Gram said you had to keep your feet warm, when you have a cold.” Greg reached into the bag on the table and pulled out a jar and a pair of ugly, thick, woolly socks. Opening the jar the scent of eucalyptus permeated the air. Mycroft’s nose wrinkled.

“That must be very strong. Even I can smell it.” Mycroft sniffled and wiped his nose the tissues in his hand.

“Yeh, Gram’s special receipt. I don’t put it anywhere near my face.” Greg took a small amount and closed the jar. Mycroft looked worried. “Now watch the movie.” He gestured with his head at the television. Slowly, Greg began to work the ointment onto Mycroft’s feet.

“You are not planning to put those socks on my feet, are you?” Mycroft eyed the monstrous footwear dubiously.

“Yes, I am. Your feet are like ice. ‘Sides, the socks will hold the rub where it needs to be to help your head.” Greg’s hands on his feet felt heavenly.

“That makes no se…heh..sense.” Mycroft rubbed at his nose as it started to tingle.

“Hey, I don’t question my Gram, and neither should you.” Greg grinned at Mycroft and was pleased to see the smile returned.

Mycroft ducked his head into the tissues at hand. “Heh’Etchoo, Etsch, Etschoo!” He wiped his nose. “Why is it that everything you have brought has made me sneeze?” Mycroft complained without any heat.

“Bless you. You’ve a cold; everything’ll make you sneeze. S’posing they have made you sneeze; you feel better don’t you?” Greg queried.

“Hmm…perhaps.” Mycroft admitted.


It has been a long time since Mycroft had felt so relaxed and cared for. He enjoyed the movie, ridiculous as it was. Gregory laughed at all his snide remarks and was quite right that Sean Connery looked smashing in his pink bathing trunks. The foot rub, along with careful sips of the hot toddy, conspired to make Mycroft quite drowsy. He wasn’t quite sure how it happened, but he found himself curled up against Gregory, his arm was draped over Mycroft’s shoulders. The most hideous pair of socks was bundled around Mycroft’s feet. Faintly, he could smell the rub, but, as it was on his feet, it didn’t bother him. In fact, it helped his congestion and his headache was gone. He didn’t remember being so comfortable when ill, or well, for that matter.

Mycroft rubbed his nose with the tissues in his hand. Not moving his body, he turned his head and sneezed. “Hih’tsch, Tish, Tish, Heh’TSCHOO!”

Gregory gave him a gentle squeeze. “Bless you,” he murmured without turning his attention from the film.

Mycroft wondered, when did he stop caring if he sneezed in front of Gregory? He settled back against Greg. He was half asleep when he felt Greg stiffen and take a deep, quick breath.


All at once Greg snapped forward with the force of his sneeze. Mycroft jumped back to the far end of the sofa, eyes wide and heart pounding. A fluffy streak shot from under the couch and stopped in the doorway.

“Gracious, Gregory, bless you.” Mycroft managed to choke out.

“Sorry, but I think that is my signal to leave.” Greg helped himself to the tissues and wiped his nose.

“Are you feeling unwell?” Mycroft could not imagine Gregory would have caught his cold already. Perhaps in a few days…

“No,” Greg sniffed. “It’s just I’m allergic to cats.” He was looking at the affronted feline in the doorway. The cat was assiduously cleaning its paw.

“Oh Elizabeth…” Mycroft murmured. “I am terribly sorry, Gregory. I did not realize and it was unforgivably inconsiderate of me not to have advised you that I have cats.”

Greg reached out and touched Mycroft’s leg, rubbing his knee. “Hey, hey, Sherlock warned me, when he gave me your address. I took an antihistamine before I came over. I’m sure that’s why I lasted as long as I did. And your flat is so clean; I was coming to believe Sherlock was having me on.”

Mycroft blinked, processing that Sherlock had warned Gregory about the cats. Those thoughts did not distract him from noticing Gregory’s nostrils begin to twitch and he offered a handful of fresh tissues. “Bless you.”

“Wha…Huh’rrrDSCHOO!” Mycroft flinched only slightly. Elizabeth bolted from the room.


Mycroft escorted his guest to the door. He was still wearing the hideous socks because Gregory insisted he keep them. Privately, Mycroft had decided they would be buried in the back of his sock drawer.

“Thank you coming over and keeping me company this evening. I am sorry about the cats.” Mycroft apologized again.

“Stop apologizing, My. I’ll be fine.” Greg sniffed. “Thank you for letting me come over and fuss over you. I enjoyed it.” He smiled at Mycroft.

True to his word Greg did not try to kiss Mycroft goodnight. However, the gentle caress of Mycroft’s cheek and affectionate squeeze of his arm lead him to believe that Greg regretted the promise.

“You’ll call me when you feel better and we will have a proper date?” Greg asked hopefully.

“Yes, Gregory, I will.”


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“Yeh, but by the end of the movie you’ll be ready to sleep and it’ll be nicer to be already in your jammies.”

“Jammies?” Mycroft smirked at Greg.

“Sorry, I’ve two kids; it slips out.” Greg looked apologetic.

Absolutely adorable. Just like the fic in its entirety. Greg is a great, patient caretaker and Mycroft is lucky to have him. :yes:

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Awwwww scw! This was simply adorable.

Feeling anxious and embarrassed, Mycroft was sure Gregory had left disgusted by the display. Unbidden, tears started to leak down his face.

“Heh’Etsch…heh’Eftshoo…Heh’SHOO! Heh…heh’TSH…heh’ TSH…Heh’TSCHOO!”

“Bless you,” came Greg’s rough voice, soft and mild. He gently pulled Mycroft’s hands and sodden handkerchief away. Mycroft felt soft tissues pressed into his hands and more tissues carefully blotting the tears on his cheeks. He sniffed a bit and finished tending to his nose.

Awwwww....don't be sad. Caring!Greg is here!!! This was simply the cutest!!

“Yeh, but by the end of the movie you’ll be ready to sleep and it’ll be nicer to be already in your jammies.”

“Jammies?” Mycroft smirked at Greg.

“Sorry, I’ve two kids; it slips out.” Greg looked apologetic.

Nothing but pure love for this!

All long, lean lines and sparkling blue eyes are what I see.” He forbore to mention the pleasing way the robe clung to My’s bum and the tantalizing hint of ginger chest hair at the top of his collar. Mycroft blushed and, as if he read Greg’s mind, he adjusted the neckline of the dressing gown. Greg smirked.

Awww, the way Greg compliments him despite Mycroft believing himself to be unattractive in his current state!!!!! So cute!!! And Greg discreetly checking him our... Rrrrrraaaaaww

Hahaha Elizabeth?? Naturally!! So the cat was Spoo's OC?

Such a lovely piece of fiction. I really love your writing and your attention to detail. And the spoken language! Just amazingly accurate! So them :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

I don't even ship these two together but that might change. God Mycroft you are sooooooooo cute, I love that he calls him "Gregory" Oh you proper man you. Very cute!

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This was so adorable. What terrible luck for Mycroft to come down sick the day of their first planned date, but I love Greg's perseverance and level-headedness regarding going to him anyway. I'll echo what previous people here said about the "jammies" line. I also love them calling each other "Gregory" and "My." And the sneezes were utterly delicious, every one. But my favorite part was Mycroft's characterization--both coming from his POV and from Greg's as well--with the anxiety and OCD tendencies, having such a proper/fancy tea service, arranging things just so, and Greg being not just observant (also totally in character) but easy-going, kind, and understanding about it. My heart just melted when he told Mycroft to let him know if he was doing something wrong. That level of consideration and respect and even admiration for the man was so beautiful, especially as their relationship is just beginning. I loved that so much. This whole story was such a joy to read from Mycroft's phone conversation to Greg finding his cue to leave as the cat dander finally gets to him. YUM!

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I feel like a failure that I never commented on this! And it's so brilliant! Caretaker!Greg is adorable! Jammies and ugly socks. I love it!

Mycroft ducked his head into the tissues at hand. “Heh’Etchoo, Etsch, Etschoo!” He wiped his nose. “Why is it that everything you have brought has made me sneeze?” Mycroft complained without any heat.

Awww. I certainly don't mind! LOL

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As I got recent comments I realized I hadn't responded to the comments on part 2. My apologies! I put a link to the page in my drabble thread where an Epilogue to First Date is for those who are interested in Greg's full reaction to Mycroft's cats.


Now that said:

Awww that was so cute!!! I usually don't care too much for Mystrade stories but this one was so precious and perfect I loved it

I don't even ship these two together but that might change. God Mycroft you are sooooooooo cute, I love that he calls him "Gregory" Oh you proper man you. Very cute!

Thank you!! I am so pleased you have enjoyed my take on this couple and liked it enough to comment.

@ Spoo, Juto and tarotgal

So glad you enjoyed it and particularly the "jammies." :D

I also love them calling each other "Gregory" and "My."

But my favorite part was Mycroft's characterization--both coming from his POV and from Greg's as well--with the anxiety and OCD tendencies, having such a proper/fancy tea service, arranging things just so, and Greg being not just observant (also totally in character) but easy-going, kind, and understanding about it. My heart just melted when he told Mycroft to let him know if he was doing something wrong. That level of consideration and respect and even admiration for the man was so beautiful, especially as their relationship is just beginning. I loved that so much.

Thank you. In my head Greg is very observant and thoughtful. How else could the Holmes boys and he put up with each other? There is a little discussion of the nicknames in the Epilogue. You might enjoy it. :)

Spell Casting Witch, on 23 Sept 2015 - 06:50 AM, said:

Mycroft ducked his head into the tissues at hand. “Heh’Etchoo, Etsch, Etschoo!” He wiped his nose. “Why is it that everything you have brought has made me sneeze?” Mycroft complained without any heat.
Awww. I certainly don't mind! LOL

Yeah...me neither! :winkiss:

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  • 1 year later...

In my mind Sherlock will see them flirting. And because he's Sherlock he will run to John and say something like juvenile. Somewhat like the reaction of children who see their parents kissing. Why? Because why not!

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