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Unnamed 'Young Ones' fic (Vyvyan)


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So I found this old document on my laptop, I think I wrote this little drabble last year. It's not a masterpiece or anything but I thought I'd share it in hope that somebody will enjoy it.


“Would you keep the blooming noise down Vyvyan? I am trying to catch some shut-eye if you don’t mind!” Rick’s voice bellowed through the hall, cucumber sliver slipping from his eye. Vyvyan proceeded to come crashing through Rick’s bedroom door, having it swing from its hinges and land at the end of his bed.

“EEEUUGH, VY-VY-AN you bloody twerp! Don’t you know it is much more polite to knock?”

“Yes,” Vyvyan shrugged.

“Well…” Rick rolled about uncomfortably. “What do you want? I ask you politely to turn down the volume on the television and what do you do? You come crashing through my door without a care in the world like a bleeding maniac!”

Vyvyan rolled his eyes melodramatically, “Complaints, complaints, complaints! All you ever do is bloody complain!”

“He’s right you know,” Mike popped his head around the corner before disappearing into the kitchen.

“Oh, right on! Let’s all ignore what Rick has to say and mindlessly pick on him!”

Vyvyan looked up in mock thoughtfulness, “Good idea.”

One minute later in the kitchen…

“Doesn’t anybody around here sleep? Goodness me!” Rick crossed his arms and huffed.

“I guess not,” Mike shrugged and continued to shuffle the deck of cards in his hands.

“Well, how very thoughtful. You’re all up playing Go Fish, yelling and carrying on, and I’m upstairs trying to--”

“Rick, we are trying to have a game of Poker, do you mind?” Vyvyan interrupted.

Neil sat by, seeming very disturbed by the atmosphere. “Guys, let’s just relax and have a nice game of Go Fish.”

Vyvyan looked at Neil questionably, “Neil! This is Poker, and Poker is not a relaxed game! Poker is very manly, very rude, very loud, and by the end of it we’ll all be drunk!”

A sudden loud banging shuts everybody up and they dart their eyes toward the window.

“Neil, go answer the door!” Everybody but Neil said in disharmony.

“But… the banging was on the window.”

“Well, go see what it was, then,” Rick furrowed his brow and twisted in slight panic.

Before Neil could even get up, there was a loud crash and a thump. Neil gasped, running over to the object that had been thrown up through the window, “Oh no!”

“What is it?” Mike requested.

“It’s… uh… um… well… um… a bag--”

“It’s flour, Neil,” Rick twisted his hips and examined the bag of flour, “And I suppose we could use some flour. Vyvyan, catch!” Rick thrusted the heavy bag into Vyvyan’s shoulder.

AAAaagh! Rick, you bloody idiot!” Vyvyan shoved the bag into the back of Rick’s head, puncturing the corner.

“Oh, look what you’ve done this time Vyvyan! Just great! There’s flour all over the blooming floor! Neil, come and clean this up!”

“Oh yeah, right. Make Neil clean up another mess he didn’t make.” Neil glumly walked over to the dustpan and began to slowly sweep up the powder.

“Ugh, you’re doing it all wrong Neil!” Rick lent down and grabbed the broom and dustpan out of Neil’s hands, “You have to do it much more quickly! We don’t have all night you know!” Rick demonstrated.

“Rick! Rick, you’re getting it everywhere!” Neil hid underneath the table as Vyvyan stood up, clearly bothered by his nose.

“Uh, where are the tissues?” He asked, looking over at Mike for an answer.

“Behind Rick, where they’ve always been.”

“They have not! Since when has Rick been wandering about with tissues under his bottom?” Vyvyan grabbed the box, though not without getting a considerable amount of flour up his nose.

Neil noticed the expression on Vyvyan’s face and pulled the tablecloth over himself, “Oh no, take cover everybody!”

“Uh… hUUuhh…” Vyvyan’s nose twitched and he wiggled it dramatically, “AAARSSSHHHHHOOOOO!”

There was an explosion of flour and Rick’s face was powdered white.


Obviously I can write more if anybody would like me to, I'd just have to get back into the Young Ones frame of mind again, it's not an easy fandom to write for. :sweatdrop:

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Agreed!!! Agreed!!!

Cool! There are some people interested.

If anybody's got any ideas or requests I might be able to use them. Don't expect any more too soon but I will get some more done, I promise.

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I must say, this is WAY better than the Young Ones fanfic that I wrote back in the day!! I easily read all the dialogue in the character's voices and it actually felt like a proper episode! Good job, Sir!

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I must say, this is WAY better than the Young Ones fanfic that I wrote back in the day!! I easily read all the dialogue in the character's voices and it actually felt like a proper episode! Good job, Sir!

Thanks heaps! I'm glad it reads like an episode. I was really getting into the Young Ones at the time, making up little scenarios in my head so I guess it came pretty naturally.

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If you use pepper next time then I will bow down to your writing skills

I'm thinking I might make this kind of a Drabble thread so I can definitely use pepper in another story. I can't really see the point in continuing the story I've already written. But anyway, I'm glad to write for Rick as well as Vyvyan so either or, your choice.

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I must say, this is WAY better than the Young Ones fanfic that I wrote back in the day!! I easily read all the dialogue in the character's voices and it actually felt like a proper episode! Good job, Sir!

Thanks heaps! I'm glad it reads like an episode. I was really getting into the Young Ones at the time, making up little scenarios in my head so I guess it came pretty naturally.

Remember that Neil had sneezes that were literally explosive (Episode 2). Just saying ;)

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