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Sneezy Harry


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Harry Styles sneezed for the hundredth time that day.

"Mate?? You alright?" Niall asked feeling bad for his bandmate.

"N-n- A'eCHOO!" Harry groaned.

"Aww mate.."

"Achoo!! Ha'echoo! HACHOO!!" Harry sneezed.

Tears started streaming down Harry's face.

"Harry? Look at me alright? You're doing great, just take some flu medicine and you'll feel better right away." Liam told Harry, knowing that even though he said that Harry would not take medicine.

Harry nodded and pointed at the medicine while stifling a sneeze. Liam's eyes widened and bulged out.

"Y-You want m-medicine?" Liam stuttered, still surprised that he did not have to force feed Harry medicine.

"Wow mate.. You must really feel horrible.." Louis said, feeling bad for the poorly boy.


So?? What do you guys think??? Please comment!!

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Niall stumbled into the room, face pale and cheeks flushed.

"Hey Ni." Louis said cheerfully without actually looking up.

"Hey." Niall mumbled.

Louis finally looked up at Niall and noticed that he wasn't really looking that great either but since his attention was all on Harry, he did not think much of it.

"Ha'eChoOO!!" Harry sneezed once again.

"Ha'echoo! ACHOO! HA'ECHOO!" Sneezes erupted the room once again.

Louis and Liam looked around trying to detect where the sneeze came from and was surprised and concerned when they realised that it was Niall.

"Aww, you''re not feeling that well either mate?"

Niall shook his head stiffly.

Liam reached his hand out and felt Niall's forehead.

"Mate! You're burning up!! Liam hissed, quickly retracting his hand from Niall's forehead.


There's Part 2!!! Hope you enjoyed it!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALL! LOVE YA SO MUCH!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay... I'm really really really sorry for not updating in a while! I had been suspended for some random reason but I'm back now! :) Hope you enjoy the next part


Liam and Louis looked at each other, concerned about their 2 bandmates.

It was Liam who broke the silence first.

"I think we should take them to see the doctor, don't you think?" Liam asked.

"Hmm.. I don't think we should just yet. I think we should wait a couple more days and if they're still not better by then, we'll take them to the hospital."

"Good idea mat-"

"Ha'eCHOO!" Harry's sneeze cut off Liam's sentence.

"Ha'CHOO! ACHOO!! A'a'a'CHOO!!" Harry and Niall's sneezes erupted around the room once again.

Liam looked at Harry and Niall, concern showing all over his face.

"Louis? Are you SURE we should wait a couple of days before we take them to the hospital? They seem pretty sick to me.." Liam asks, turning into daddy direction mode.

"Mmm.. I really don't kno- A'eCHOO!!" Louis's face turned beetroot red.

"Lou? Are you alright??"


Heyy! Hope you enjoyed that chapter!! I will try to update as soon as possible but I'm really busy so it might take a while.. Anyways, love you!!

~ Nikki

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oooooh, this was bumped and I discovered it! It's rare that I find a fanfiction that I like since I'm not into many fandoms, but this is actually really good! Please do continue!

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  • 1 month later...

Oooooh, this was bumped and I discovered it! It's rare that I find a fanfiction that I like since I'm not into many fandoms, but this is actually really good! Please do continue!

Thank you!!!

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  • 5 months later...

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