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brotherly love (Finn and Jack Harries Oneshot)


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so idk how many of you know of the YouTube twins Finn and Jack Harries, but for those of you who do, I hope you enjoy this! Finn comes down with a cold and Jack has to take care of him)

"Finn!" Jack called from his room, spinning in the rolling chair. "Finn!" When he got no answer from his twin he sighed and got up. He walked down the hall to Finn's room and knocked softly on the door. "Finny. you in there, man?" he asked. there was no reply so he pushed open the door and looked inside. The room was dark, and he saw his twin's form under the covers. He was sleeping. 'that's wierd...' Jack thought. Finn never took naps. it was 3 pm, wierd enough he didn't wake up until 11am. Jack sighed. He was gonna ask him to do something with him because he was bored, but that's a no. He wandered into the kitchen and grabbed a handful of grapes, throwing them up and catching them in his mouth. Just then his parents came into the room. "Why are you guys so dressed up?" he asked, mouth full of grapes.

"We're going out to dinner and a movie with your aunt and uncle." His mom replied.

"We won't be back till late, so you and your brother are on your own for dinner." his dad added.

"okay." Jack swallowed, "well Finn is sleeping right now so-"

"okay well we'll see you guys later, love you!" his mom interrupted as they left through the front door.

"k... bye..." Jack rolled his eyes as he popped more grapes in.

Later that night, at around 5 or 6, Jack was laying on the couch watching reruns of Full House. Finn wasn't up yet, and he was still bored. It was raining now so he couldn't even go outside. He was debating making another video when he heard coughing coming from his brothers room. not normal coughing, but like sick and congested coughing. then silence. he shrugged it off, guessing it was just because Finn woke up. But then he heard movement, and the sound of footsteps and sniffling coming down the hallway. Jack looked over and found his twin wrapped in a comforter and leaning against the wall. One look at Finn told him that he was sick: his nose was red, his face was pale, and he looked overall tired. "hey.." Jack said, pausing the TV, "you okay?" Finn coughed and shook his head."c'mere." Jack patted the spot on the couch next to him and Finn shuffled over. he collapsed next to Jack, snuggling into the comforter that was still wrapped around him. "Finny, what's the matter?" Finn lifted the comforter up to shield his face and sneezed twice. He was so sick and congested that his sneezes had a bit of a squeak to them. "bless you," Jack said as he handed Finn the box of tissues they keep on the side table. Finn blew his nose but it didn't seem to help his congestion. When he was done he laid down, his head close to Jack's lap, and groaned.

"I thingk imb sick." he said, his voice rough and scratchy. then coughed. Jack placed the back of his hand on his twin's forehead.

"yeah, you are. You're burning up." Finn coughed again.

"I feel shiddy." he mumbled, sniffling again.

"do you want some water?" Finn nodded. When Jack returned with it he helped his twin sit up and helped him drink. "better?" he swallowed and nodded.

"huhISHiew. snff. where are mbomb ad dad?"

"dinner and movies with Aunt Mary and Uncle Sal."

"huhISHiew. huhISHiew. mmmmmm!" Finn was frustrated. He rubbed his red raw nose vigorously.

"bless you. Relax, man. Im gonna go get the thermometer and the meds. brb." Jack went into the bathroom medicine cabinet, searching for the medicine. He decided that he would just give him Tylenol for now, and then NyQuil later. He grabbed them both along with the thermometer, and sighed when he heard Finn sneezing from the other room. "Bless you!" he called. He came back shortly after, to Finn blowing his nose. his twin looked so miserable. "here," he handed him the Tylenol chewables, knowing he hates pills, "take these. I'm gonna call mom." Finn nodded, staring off it space and chewing the pink tablets. He came back 5 minutes later. "they say it's prolly just a cold. They'll be home around midnight." Finn nodded, sniffling then coughing."do you want some soup, or something?" Finn nodded.

"sure." so as Jack went to go make the soup, Finn closed his eyes. He woke back up to Jack placing the bowl of chicken noodle by his head.

"wake up, Finny. you gotta eat something." Finn nodded groggily and struggled to sit up. He sneezed congestedly into his elbow, making his head reel.

"bless you." Jack said as he handed the bowl of soup to his brother.

"thangks." he sighed. He slowly started eating the soup while Jack sat down next to him.

"why are you staringk at mbe?" Finn laughed uneasily.

"just making sure you're okay..." Jack said, not laughing.

"Jack, itds just a cold. imb dnot dyingk." He put the soup down on the table and adjusted to face his twin."I dnow you're worried, butd imb okay. I'll be bedder mby tomborrow. you're doingk an excellendt job ob beingk a brother, okay?" Jack nodded. It was the first time he ever had to take care of someone because his parents were normally home. Finn sneezed.

"what can I do to help you?" Jack asked. Finn sneezed again.

"nothigk. youb dond endough." Finns breath hitched as he buried his nose and mouth in a pile of tissues and sneezed twice congestedly.

"bless you, Finny."

"whadt you cand do," Finn said as he wiped his nose, "is pud ond a mbovie." Jack smiled.

"okay." He and Finn chose a movie and watched it together, Finn falling asleep with his head on Jack's lap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I'm in love with this... I've wanted a fic like this for so long and you just made my dream come true thank you! Please continue

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I've been meaning to comment on this...you're writing was so enjoyable! I adore these guys even though I don't even know who they are! You really drew me in and it was just so sweet with brotherly love!

I hope you write more soon! or something else, you are talented! :)

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