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" The council can wait" ( Legend of Korra ; Sick!Tenzin)


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Hi guys! Legend of Korra is still on my mind, so I'd thought I'd write a cute sickfic for Tenzin. He seemed easier to do than Dadatar!Aang, because we know more about what his day to day life was like. and he is very attaractive, in both mannerism and looks, for a middle aged man at least.

Tenzin slammed the top of his alarm and swung his legs gingerly over the edge of his bed. He swallowed and coughed a few times, harshly into his wrist. He swallowed and winced at his dry throat and mouth, a consequence of spending the whole night breathing through his mouth. He downed the half glass of water at his bedside table and silently kissed Pema goodbye.

He trudged over to the bathroom and surveyed himself in the mirror. Thick shadows under his eyes , his face paler than normal, with red streaked across his sharp cheekbones. His head and nose were so full that keeping his lips parted was the only way he could breathe, and they were chapped and brittle. What had started as a simple sore throat had now evolved into full blown illness. He washed his face, shaved, and brushed his teeth with some diffuculty, and just as he was about to leave shower, he inhaled sharply and

"Het'EASCH-oo!.." into his elbow.He narrowed his watering eyes and pushed the back of his hand against his burning, itching nose, keeping his arm raised to his face for another sharp inhale and - " Het- SHOO!..Ugh...." He sniffled wetly and pinched the bridge of his nose. His head ached, his throat was even more raw and sore now than it was before. He grabbed some toilet paper and blew his nose roughly, doing little to clear it, but enough to stop it running for a while.

He undressed and stepped into the shower, turning on the water as hot as his body would allow, already feeling the dull weakness settling in. He inhaled the steam as much as he could, hoping it would ease his stuffy nose and head. He pulled on his ordinary clothes, blew his nose yet again, and prepared to face his day.

Just as he exited the bathroom he was greeted by tiny, quick footsteps, and soon the pajama-clad form of Jinora appeared.

"Morning Daddy." She yawned, just about to enter the bathroom her father had exited.

"Bordig, Hodey." He croaked back, crining at his awfully congested voice.

JInora stopped just a pace short of the bathroom, her eyebrows snapping together " Dad, are you alright? You sound horrible."

"Fide. My dose is just stuffy...Heh..." He shut his eyes and brought his arm to his face "Huh-NGXSHT-yu..ughh..."

"Bless you."

"Thangs. Now get ready for school, don't be late dow." Jinora shook her head at her head at her father's stubborness and started getting ready for the day.

Tenzin pulled the handkercheif from his pocket, blew his nose, and sighed. Today was going to be a long day.

Whaddaya think? I'll update soon, but for now, it's bedtime! :)

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Sick daddy Tenzin is the BEST Tenzin! ! I mean he's so cool and one of my favorites in the show. I'm so down for this! Great start!

Edited by Artygirl22
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Aww so excited for this!!! Love the fact that he's a dad and his daughter is worrying about him. Love this!

And what's better than avatar?! Nothing!!

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This is lovely!!! So bummed there's not more! I love the scenario (illness but working through it bc of responsibilities at work and at home) so much! Would lurve to see moar! ;-)

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