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One Direction (Niall)


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“Niall” harry whispered softly into my ear.
“Ugh” i replied turning over, my head was pounding and my throat felt completely raw and sore.
“Niall” Harry said a bit louder.
“What?” I replied loud enough to make my voice crack.
“We have a radio interview, you have to get dressed we’re leaving in an hour” ugh I didn’t want to do anything but sleep, which was hard enough considering my nose was running like crazy and my head was pounding too hard. I sat at the edge of the bed as harry left the room my feet touched the cold floor. I got up and quickly sneezed softly into my elbow. I slowly sauntered into the bathroom looking into the mirror i looked absolutely dreadful. I showered hoping it would clear my sinuses and quickly threw on a white t-shirt, a flannel and some ripped jeans.

“Morning” Liam sang as I walked into the bus' kitchen.
“huh’nxgh huh’nxgh” I sneezed softly into my elbow hoping nobody noticed. Thankfully nobody did. I sat down and had a cup of tea before we left.

We were now in the car heading to the interview my head against the window, as I rubbed my running nose with my sleeve. The boys didn’t notice at all they probably just thought i was tired.

It was a few minutes before the interview and all i wanted to do was curl into a ball of blankets.
“Huh’nxchoo huh’nxchoo” i tried to sneeze as quietly as possible due to the fact i didn’t want the boys to know I was sick we had a long day and they didn’t need to worry.
“Huh’nxchoo” I sneezed again into the crook of my elbow.
“Bless you” Harry said looking over at me.
“*sniff* *sniff* thanks” I replied faking a slight smile.

The interviewer then came and the interview started. she introduced herself then got straight to the questions.
“So hows the tour going?” she asked
“It’s been great so far" Louise replied enthusiastically.

Halfway through the interview I felt a forceful tickle in my nose. I tried my best to subside it rubbing my nose on the sleeve of my flannel.
“Huh’nxchoo huh’nxchoo huh’nxchoo" *sniff* *sniff*. They boys all turned to look at me.
“Bless you” Harry said and Louis laughed a little. Liam didn’t acknowledge it at all. Thank god they didn’t think much of it. I quickly turned around sneezing once more into my elbow.

This is my first fic so sorry it sucks. Let me know if you like it and I'll continue. Anyway thanks for reading it :)

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I think you should continue this it's really good and I love the way you can write the people

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So here is part 2 I hope you like it :)

After the interview I was completely warn out. My nose was running like crazy and i couldn't stop sneezing. Luckily the boys aren't the most observant people.

"Huh'nxchoo huhnxchoo" i attempted to stifle for what had seemed like the 50th time today. I had pretty naturally quiet sneezes but knew the boys would notice if i didn't stifle them at least partly.

About an hour later we were at another interview, this one was luckily a radio interview as well. I sat at the end next to Liam who was on his phone probably tweeting. I hunched over my arms now resting on my knees.

"You okay?" Liam asked, being daddy direction as usual.

"Yeah just a bit tired" I replied sheepishly.

Throughout the interview i was constantly tuning to hide my sneezes.

"Huh'nxchoo huh,nxchoo huh'nxchoo" I sneezed so rapidly i had forgot to turn.

"Bless you!" Liam yelled sounding suprised.
"Thanks" I whispered and let the interviewer continue what she was doing.

After the interview we headed to where the concert was happening later for soundcheck. During soundcheck I was leaning on things around the stage and at this point I knew I must've had a fever. After a few songs I headed back stage to see if I could find some ibuprofen or something before anyone realized I had a fever. After I had taken something I headed back out to the stage. All the boys were now staring at me.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked sounding concearned. I knew he would figure something was wrong but he couldn't know I was sick.

"Yeah I'm fine, I think I have allergies or something I just took some medication" I stated. The boys nodded and we continued soundcheck.

It was an hour before the concert and I was curled up on a couch backstage freezing cold, due to the lack of blankets.


"Bless you" Harry said sympathetically.

"Huh'nxchoo huh'nxchoo huh'nxchoo"

"Bless you" the boys said in unison.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, to which i answered with a nod. I then turned into the couch hoping to fall asleep for at least 10 minutes before I had to go out in front of thousands of people.

​Please let me know if you have any ides or anything you want me to incorporate into this fic. I'm open to anything. Thanks for reading :)

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I think you should continue this it's really good and I love the way you can write the people

Thank you so much1

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So here is part 2 I hope you like it :)

After the interview I was completely warn out. My nose was running like crazy and i couldn't stop sneezing. Luckily the boys aren't the most observant people.

"Huh'nxchoo huhnxchoo" i attempted to stifle for what had seemed like the 50th time today. I had pretty naturally quiet sneezes but knew the boys would notice if i didn't stifle them at least partly.

About an hour later we were at another interview, this one was luckily a radio interview as well. I sat at the end next to Liam who was on his phone probably tweeting. I hunched over my arms now resting on my knees.

"You okay?" Liam asked, being daddy direction as usual.

"Yeah just a bit tired" I replied sheepishly.

Throughout the interview i was constantly tuning to hide my sneezes.

"Huh'nxchoo huh,nxchoo huh'nxchoo" I sneezed so rapidly i had forgot to turn.

"Bless you!" Liam yelled sounding suprised.

"Thanks" I whispered and let the interviewer continue what she was doing.

After the interview we headed to where the concert was happening later for soundcheck. During soundcheck I was leaning on things around the stage and at this point I knew I must've had a fever. After a few songs I headed back stage to see if I could find some ibuprofen or something before anyone realized I had a fever. After I had taken something I headed back out to the stage. All the boys were now staring at me.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked sounding concearned. I knew he would figure something was wrong but he couldn't know I was sick.

"Yeah I'm fine, I think I have allergies or something I just took some medication" I stated. The boys nodded and we continued soundcheck.

It was an hour before the concert and I was curled up on a couch backstage freezing cold, due to the lack of blankets.


"Bless you" Harry said sympathetically.

"Huh'nxchoo huh'nxchoo huh'nxchoo"

"Bless you" the boys said in unison.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, to which i answered with a nod. I then turned into the couch hoping to fall asleep for at least 10 minutes before I had to go out in front of thousands of people.

​Please let me know if you have any ides or anything you want me to incorporate into this fic. I'm open to anything. Thanks for reading :)

Let me know if you like this and if i should continue it

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I like this even though I don't know alll that much about 1D but it's really cute and I like it because you don't write these teenage boys like crazy caring people who know what to do all the time and that's problaly not realistic GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like this even though I don't know alll that much about 1D but it's really cute and I like it because you don't write these teenage boys like crazy caring people who know what to do all the time and that's problaly not realistic GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much omg your so nice!

Please continue I love it!

Thank you I'm going to start the next part I'm just not completley sure what to add to it so if anyone has any ideas please let me know!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had just been woken up due to the fact Lou had to do my makeup before the show. I shuffled of the couch feeling 10X worse then before I fell asleep. I could hardly breath, well not out of my nose anyway. I walked over to where Lou was set up and plopped into her chair.

"Hey Lou" I said trying my best not to sound coongested, which had actually worked out pretty well.

"Hey Niall" Lou replied smiling and taking out products for my hair.

"Looks like someone took a nap" she said ruffling my hair. I slightly smiled resting my head on my hands.

After Lou did my makeup i went over to get my mic set up. this day could not go any slower. I just wanted to be in bed where i could lay and soak in my misery.

It was now 15 minutes before we had to get out on stag and I had just took some more medication. I was standing with the boys talking and getting ready.

"Huh'nxchoo" I sneezed trying to muffle it into my elbow. The boys all looked over at me not saying anything Louis just slightly patted my back. This was going to be a long show.

About half way during the show I looked over at Louis he looked like he was freezing. It was quite cold and I was sick but I just didn't want to see Louis get sick, plus I was already sick. I knew if Louis knew i was sick he wouldn't take my sweater but I had told him it was allergies so I was hoping he would take my sweater. I walked over to him taking off my sweater here i mouthered he rose his eyebrows I then mouthed it's just allergies he nooded and accepted my offer taking the sweater from my hands. After giving it i turned sneezing and rubbing my nose on the sleeve of my shirt.

After the concert I heade directly into the bus not saying a word to anyone just heading straight toward my bunk. I could've just drifted off then and ther it was so quiet and nice till the rest of the boys came in and the bus filled with the sound of laughter. Theres no way I could get any sleep with how loud they were being. All I wanted was a little sleep was that too much to ask for, I didn't think so. I got up walkig out to the sitting area on the bus to se why the hell they were being so loud.

"Look who's still alive" Louis yelled loud enough to make me wince from the pain in my head. The boys had found it quite funny actually, if they only knew how much it hurt.

"What are you guys even doing?" I asked coldly.

"Well someones tired" Louis said laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my bunk hoping maybe they would get the hint and quiet down even just a bit. A few minutes later Harry and Liam came over to my bunk.

"Ni" Liam whispered.


"You alright, mate?"

"Mhmm" I replied dozing off into sleep, finally.

Sorry all my parts are so short, I just dont know what to write anyway I hope you enjoyed this part! I'm thinking for the next part contagion would ypu guys like that? Just let me know! Thank you so much for reading this part :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

We had just landed in Australia. I slept the entire plane ride thankfully, yet my nose was even worse then before. I followed the boys off the plane and to the car.

"You okay?" Liam asked sitting down beside me.

"Yeah, um allergies are still acting up"

"Maybe you should take some medication the boys and I will get you some when we get to the hotel okay?"

"Yeah, thanks" I attempted to quietly unblock my nose yet nothing seemed to happen ugh.

As soon as we got back to the hotel I got into bed, we had a concert in a few hours how was I going to last? Just as my eyes had become heavy and I was about to drift off to sleep there was a few loud knocks at the door.

"Coming" I attempted to yell, to my surprise it came out as a raspy whisper. I opened the door to see Liam standing holding a box of allergy medication. I felt so guilty, I knew I didn't have allergies and he’d gone out of his way to get me medicine.

"Thanks" I said grabbing the medicine.

"No problem, we have an hour till we have to head to the stadium"

"Okay" I slowly closed the door and headed back to my bed. At least I had a bit of time to get myself drugged up. Luckily I had cold medication in my bag.

"Heh'nxchoo heh'choo " great back to sneezing.

I had just got my hair done by Lou and I was laying in Lou's dressing room while Harry who was getting his hair done. Harry turned to talk to me when I saw his nose twitch;

"Heh'etchoo" he sneezed into his hands. Shit I must've gotten him sick.

"Bless you" I said maybe it was just a sneeze.

"Thanks, my hay-fever has been terrible since we landed here, it always is here" he said. I sighed grateful I didn't get him sick, yet I still felt bad his hay-fever usually got pretty bad here. Well last time it did.

It was a few minutes before the show and we were about to do our group huddle.

"Heh'nxchoo heh'nxg" I sneezed into my elbow.

"Bless you" Liam said continuing to huddle. I had just took some medication so it hadn't kicked in, but hopefully it would do it's job during the show.

We had just finished where do broken hearts go and I looked over to see Harry sneezing yet again, he'd sneezed at least 7 times throughout the song. My meds had been working pretty well and I hadn't sneezed yet even though it was half way through the show.

"Heh'nxg heh'nxchoo heh'nxg" I could hardly stifle my sneezed at this point.

"Heh'nxchoo heh'nxg" ugh my nose continued to tickle but luckily I could hold my sneezes back. Liam had been talking so nobody saw me thankfully, I wouldn't want the fans to worry.

Harry walked over to me wrapping his arm around me. Now that he was closer i could see how red his nose was, awe he was really suffering.

“I guess we’re in this together” He said smiling.

Sorry this is short and took me so long to write I'm running out of ideas ugh. Let me know if I should continue and thanks for reading!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

After the show the boys and I all decided to go hang out in Liam’s room, well I wouldn’t say all I could tell Harry wasn’t feeling to well considering his hay fever. Once we got to Liam’s room I sat on the couch next to Harry well Liam, Louis, and Zayn sat on the floor.

“Wanna play truth or dare?” Louis asked. We agreed and began to play.
“Niall truth or dare?” Louis asked me.
“Uh, dare I guess”
“I dare you to jump in the harbour with nothing but your pants” Immediately I began to panic. Especially considering it was winter in Australia and was only 53℉ (which is 12℃).
“Okay I guess…who’s coming”
“We’ll all come” Liam replied. I quickly went the bathroom to strip down and blow my nose.

Liam’s P.O.V

Niall stood at the edge of the dock sniffling. He’d said his allergies were really bad but I don’t recall him ever even having allergies. I knew if he was sick he would tell me, but I was still concerned.

“Heh’choo choo heh’nxgh heh’choo” Niall sneezed into his elbow wetly sniffing.
“Bless you” Harry and I said in unison. Niall prepared him self then jumped into the dark water. Louis and Zayn were cheering well Harry and I sat back a little concerned. Seconds later Niall’s head popped up from the water and he scurried onto the dock.

“You okay” I asked as Niall shivered beside me.
“Yeah we just should’ve brought a huh towel heh’tcho”
“Bless you. Here” I said tearing off my sweater to give it to him. Niall took my sweater giving me a small smile.

Louis P.O.V

“Y’alright lad” I asked Niall clapping his back.
“Huh’chiew choo huh’atcho”
“Sounds great” I said sarcastically.
“Sorry, yeah I’m fine just my stupid allergies” I have to say Niall is one of the worst liars i’ve met, but whatever I’ll go with it. He’s probably just embarrassed cause he never sneezes in front of us.
“Harry has some hay fever meds he could give you” Niall nodded in response and walked toward Harry.


Sorry this is so short and took me so long to update. Also it's pretty bad cause I'm out of ideas and I have no idea how I should continue this. If you have any ideas for what I should add let me know. Thanks for reading.

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On 2016-01-03 at 9:26 AM, TheWolfOfStone said:

Yes yes yes! Please, do continue! I love this!

Thanks I'm glad you like it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

More contagion!!! You really should get the other boys sick! The more contagion the better muahahahahaha! Oh yea and I really am loving this story!

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