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After The Battle - HP (Drarry) for truth


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This is a little Drarry oneshot I wrote for truth. I've never written this pairing before, but I did my best with it!

Should this have a spoiler warning on it? :lol: It's set in book seven, just after the final battle of Hogwarts, so they're both around 18. I sort of wanted to write this particular scene because in the script for the final film, Draco was originally written as standing on the Death Eater's side during the final face-off and running to the Hogwarts side when he realised that Harry was still alive. I just thought that was interesting. :P

Warning for language at one point (I always forget the warnings...)

I hope you enjoy it, truth! ^_^

After The Battle

It's quiet, out here, just beyond the Great Hall, where the survivors are gathered. The battle is done, and this time next year, the castle will be immaculate once again; rubble cleared, the dust swept, in preparation for the arrival of a new generation of students.

For now, it's difficult to see beyond this moment, hard to comprehend anything other than the simple fact: the battle is done. That, in itself, is not simple. It's been a long time coming; and yet, it's done.

Now, the mourners and the victors alike converge beneath the enchanted ceiling of the hall. Blue skies, virtually cloudless, ironic given what has taken place.

Outside the hall, at the top of the staircase that is missing its banisters, two voices echo dimly, the only thing to break the suffocating silence.

"You really are alive," Draco's voice holds relief, exhaustion, too many emotions to name


"How did you get away from your parents?" Harry doesn't directly reply to the other man's comment, because he doesn't need to. It's obvious that he's alive, unmistakably alive, hair rumpled and glasses cracked and crooked. Draco doesn't look much better, his usually unflappable exterior deteriorated. His typically slicked back hair is hanging in his face, dirt from the fight standing out all the more against its dull, pale shine.

Does it really matter?" he shrugs, takes a step forward. Harry doesn't look up. He hasn't made eye contact since the battle, and Draco is all too aware of why. "You know I didn't have a choice. You know that."

"I know that," Harry responds, "But still-you still could have stayed. On our side." Unbidden, his voice is tinged by bitterness.

"What difference would it have made? They would have killed me."

"They wouldn't. They're your parents, they-"

"It didn't have to be them. It could have been any one of the Death Eaters. My parents wouldn't have been able to stop them."

At last, they make eye contact, blue on green, and it's as though the relief of the battle comes crashing down around them. They both stumble forward at the same time, and neither are quite sure how it happens, but suddenly they're embracing.

"Careful, Draco. You're going to crack my ribs, you're squeezing too hard."

"Shut up." Draco responds simply, burying his face in Harry's shoulder. If the other man notices the quake in his voice, he doesn't show it. "I thought you were dead, you bastard."

"I was. Well, for a while. But I can explain later," Harry replies. He closes his eyes, imagining that they're somewhere else, away from the still settling dust of the all too recent fight.

"You need a shower," Draco says pointedly, wrinkling his nose in distaste.

Harry's shoulders shake slightly as he chuckles, "Touché. You're not exactly great, either."

At length, Draco draws back and buries his nose in his robed shoulder: his arms are still safely wrapped around Harry, and he doesn't intend to let go any time soon.

"That bad?" Harry jokes, raising an eyebrow.

Hastily, Draco shakes his head, before it dips down into the crook of his own shoulder. "hiih-tsschh!"

"Aww, is the dust getting to someone?"

"Shuuhh-uhh-tt'sschu! Shut up, Potter."

They're smirking at each other, the status quo restored. They've never been good, as a couple, at the deep stuff. This is more their dynamic; snarky, yet light-hearted and affectionate.

Draco raises an eyebrow when Harry closes in and brushes the wayward strands of hair from his forehead, but doesn't try to duck away until his hand drifts lower, to his forehead.

"Excuse me? What are you doing?" he glowers and tries to push him away.

"Just stand still," Harry catches Draco's chin with his right hand. His grip is firm, yet gentle enough that he could pull away if he was determined to.

Draco doesn't.

This surprises both of them, and Harry takes the opportunity to press their foreheads together.

"You're hot."

"Are you really going to come onto me now?"

Harry lets go, laughs, shaking his head, "Seriously. I meant temperature-wise."

Draco folds his arms uncomfortably and tries for a condescending eye roll, but it comes off more as exasperated amusement than anything else, "I think we have more pressing issues to deal with than whether or not I have a bit of a fever right now. Or are you trying to avoid discussing them?"

Harry shrugs and frowns.

"I'm just looking out for you." There's a beat, before he admits, "Maybe I'm also trying to avoid it a little bit."

Draco scoffs, his suspicions confirmed, but he doesn't push it. Though, his lack of argument has less to do with an absence of wanting to, and more to do with- "-tt'shhuu! h'tschuu!" Ugh, that.

"Bless you," Harry's voice is soft, softer than Draco would ordinarily have tolerated. He doesn't object, however. The relief at the end of the battle weighs out over any ill-feeling towards his boyfriend. “You’re shivering, too. Here.”

When Harry removes his admittedly grubby jacket and throws it around Draco’s shoulders, he doesn’t bother shrugging it off, because he’s freezing. The fabric is still slightly warm from being worn.

"We should go."

Draco gives him a look of incredulity,"Go where?"

"The Great Hall. Then...somewhere, I don't know," Harry regards Draco with piercing green eyes, "Somewhere I can take care of you."

"I dond't dneed takidg care of," Draco grumbles, directing his gaze towards the ground.

"At least let me make you tea and force you to rest on a sofa with a ton of blankets...maybe in front of a fireplace."

Draco bites his lip, caught between his pride and the building congestion beginning to make his head ache.

"Okay, the fireplace and tea doesd't sound too bad..."

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This is too sweet :) I love their relationship dynamic here! I love the idea of the two of them being a couple through the final battle, and then coming together as a power couple after...I love Drarry. Ugh.

Super cute! <3

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oooh my god. You write them soo well and this is perfect ahhHh. thank you so much!!

I'm really glad you liked it, truth! You're very welcome! :heart: And thank you for saying I write them well omgh. I've never written Drarry before, so I wasn't really sure how to portray their relationship, so thank you so much!

This is too sweet :) I love their relationship dynamic here! I love the idea of the two of them being a couple through the final battle, and then coming together as a power couple after...I love Drarry. Ugh.

Super cute! <3

Waaahhh thank you! <3 And I can totally imagine that happening!!

I have to admit, I do kinda have a thing for this pairing... and it's written so well.

Thank you, that's such a compliment to say that it's written well!! <33 Tysm!

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UGH love the pairing and this was lovely to read... I know you said it's a oneshot but if you ever feel like continuing it, I'd love that too!!

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Somuchfog, that's exactly what I was thinking. Can I plead for a continuation of this. I've been searching for Drarry fetishist fics and there are so few and I'm in love with this fic.

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UGH love the pairing and this was lovely to read... I know you said it's a oneshot but if you ever feel like continuing it, I'd love that too!!

Somuchfog, that's exactly what I was thinking. Can I plead for a continuation of this. I've been searching for Drarry fetishist fics and there are so few and I'm in love with this fic.

Wow, thank you very much, both of you! I'm very flattered that you enjoyed it enough to want a continuation! :heart:

I can't promise anything, but I'll have a think about it. They're an interesting pairing to write, I liked playing with their relationship dynamic, but I'm really not sure where I would go with the plot from what I've written. :lol:

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