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The Diverse Sneeze (Divergent)


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Hello everyone.... This is my first ever sneezing story seeming I'm new here ^_^ Please enjoy and tell me if you'd be interested in any more.... I don't know how well I'll do exactly... :unsure:

But here goes nothin!

(P.S. I am SO sorry if it's sort of long....)


*Tobias POV*

It was that time of year again. That time when new initiates came in from choosing the bravery faction... Dauntless. They'd fall from the net if they made the jump from the train... If not? They'd simply live factionless.

I now wait at the bottom of the net, Uriah and Tris both by my side.

"So who do ya think will be the first to jump?" Uriah now asks out of curiosity.

I stare at him but I don't reply.

"Hmm... Not sure. It might as well just be a dauntless-born... They're the ones who more than likely know what's down here." Tris replies quietly, peering up into the sunlit hole in the roof.

I didn't quite know my own answer, because you could never be too sure... Like the time when Tris fell from the sky and landed in the net. I'd never thought an Abnegation would be the first to jump. But she was...


"Alright listen up!" I call out rather sternly, walking in front of the propped targets. "Today is all about aim and attack. We'll be moving intp more common skills soon such as man-to-man combat, but for now? We at least want to make sure you know where your enemy is at all times. Got it?"

The initiates say nothing but nod, as they now step aside for my partner, Tris to give an example.

"This is the way to hold a knife... See?" She begins, turning it over in her hand as if she'd held it her whole life.

I stare at her for a minute and realize how her eyes are beginning to water.


"Uh... Tris?" I try and ask, but she only fixes me with a strong gaze. "I'm fine Four. Let me just show them how to throw..."

I blink in shock from the very words she threw at me but ignore them. Maybe she's just remembering when she use to practice with Will or something?

She now pulls back her arm to throw the knife when she suddenly bends forward and sneezes into her arm, throwing the knife to the floor in process. "Asshheww! Hasheeeewwww!"

D***! I had never heard OR seen Tris sneezed ever before in my life until now... And for some odd reason... It sort of turned something on within me.

She now straightens her posture, her face slightly red from the incident while she exhales slowly. "S-sorry guys... I don't normally do this during knife-throwing..."

"You don't normally do it all Tris." I now remark, stepping forward and handing her my own knife that I always carried.

She glances at me once or twice but she doesn't directly look at me. "T-thank you... You know... For the... Kn-" She suddenly shoves her fist to her nose as she stifles the oncoming sneeze. "HA-chthhhmp!"

She exhales loudly afterwards as if it were exhausting and glances at the floor, her face now crimson.

Was she perhaps? Embarrassed? Gosh Tris! It was only a sneeze!

I step back now, awaiting the next attempt to throw, covering a hand over the newly growing smirk. Tris honestly didn't look half bad sneezing.

Her face suddenly screws up in some odd manner as she's just now pulling back her arm.

She doubles forward and sneezes harshly towards the ground. "ASTHEEW! HATHSHEEWW!"

The knife hurls through the air towards me, as I leap back to the side in alarm. It sails right by my face before hitting the stone-wall behind me.

My heart feels as if it's boiling for some reason for Tris being in this state. Was she sick or something? "Tris... Maybe I should continue on from here..."

"No I'm fi-... HAH.... HATSHEEWW!" She sneezes right onto me as her small lithe body tumbles into my arms. "Tris. I'm not kidding. You should rest." I plead with as much ferocity as I can muster. For I just couldn't stay mad at her when she was sick.... Plus it was kind of getting a little too attractive for me...

"Tobias! I'm fine!" She now snaps, wrenching herself free from me and storming for the exit, leaving the rest of the initiates staring at me for the discovery of my real name.

Darn it Tris... Why can't you just give into weakness just this once!

I knew she didn't like weakness, in fact NO Dauntless did! But I couldn't just let her go wandering around the Dauntless compound sneezing helplessly all day long.


At lunch, I sit quietly beside Zeke and Uriah, awaiting Tris's arrival. She's much later than she normally is, for today was hamburger day, and she LOVED hamburgers. Ever since she started eating them!

I keep my head low as I chew on my own burger and watch as she appears in the doorway. Her face looks drained as if she just got done with a sneezing fit.

She now lowers herself slowly beside Christina. "WHOA! You look awful!" Her friend exclaims.

"That's what a Candor would say..." I growl sharply, trying my best to relieve a bit of attention from the sickly girl.

Tris tries a feeble smile at me as if in gratitude before reaching for a fresh metallic cup of water upon the table. I had saved it just for her...

Come on Tris... Just give in already....

I kept my eyes upon her at all times...

She jerks her head to the right and sneezes swiftly into her arm. “Heh-ikSSCHEWW!”

I try and ignore it, reaching for my own cup of water while in the process.

She now reaches forward and starts for a hamburger before retracting her hand slowly.

"W-what's wrong Tris? Hamburgers are your favorite!" Uriah proclaims in astonishment, obviously catching onto what was happening here.

But Tris simply shakes her head. "I... I'm not hungry..."

I drop my fork that was only inches away from entering my mouth and pull back from the table. "Tris come with me. You're sick."

"No, I am FINE Tobias! Can't I just decline food for ONE day?" She asks in annoyance, as she now rubs the back of her hand to her irritated nose. But I simply shake my head. "No. Not when it's your favorite meal."

She opens her mouth to object but closes it... For she knew there was no use in fighting against me.

I grab her by the hand and forcefully swing her into my arms, careful not to drop her. She wasn't that heavy seeming... This was Tris we were talking about.

Her eyes water excessively as we exit the lunch-room. And once we're far off from anyone to hear us, she snaps forward and sneezes right into my black T-shirt I had been wearing. “Heh-Hehh-ikSCHEW!” "HASSSHEWW!"

I smile down upon her with sudden lust for kissing her, as he beautiful dark-blonde hair falls around her face and onto my arms. This new sickly Tris was just too much for me to stand.

"S-sorry..." She replies lowly, her voice heavy with the urge to sneeze again. "Heh.... HEHCHSSEW!!"

"Don't be..." I whisper softly.


Hope it was ok.... I promise it'll be MUCH shorter in the future if you'd like me to do more.... And... I also apologize if it was kind of slow at first, just comment and tell me if you'd like more :blushsmiley::biggrinsmiley:

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Amazing! I loved how you wrote the characters. PERFECTION! And, of course I'd love more!

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Omg thank you so much! :biggrinsmiley:

I'll post more right now if you'd like!-


*Tris POV*

I felt as if I had just ran a thousand times around the fence of Chicago that kept us in the city. It was also extremely humiliating to sneeze in front of your fierce and strong boyfriend. This made me seem weaker than weak, which was something I didn't like.

Tobias carries me to his apartment and no sooner we walk in the door, he has me on his bed.

"Now you stay right where you are Tris. I've got some initiates to train so I'll be back as soon as I can."

I nod slowly, and wished he could leave faster than he was letting on! I really had to sneeze at the moment.

"You okay for the time being?" He asks as he heads to the door.

I nod again, trying as hard as possible to contain the swelling tears in my eyes. My nose felt as if it were on fire, like at any given moment I would sneeze.

Please go....

He stares at me for a second longer before ducking out the door, shutting it behind him while in the process. And as soon as it clicks shut, I bend forward and sneeze into my arm. “Heh-... hehhh... ikSSCHEWW! ASCCHHEW!!"

I lean back into Tobias's pillow, my head throbbing as if bees were buzzing around restlessly inside my brain. I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was the next upcoming sneeze I was preparing for. "Hahh..... HAH...." It left me suddenly, causing me to sigh in relief.

I couldn't BELIEVE I had sneezed during knife-throwing today... But worst of all... I couldn't believe I had sneezed in front of Tobias. What if he thought my sneeze was totally gross and disgusting? Most people do.... It just felt as if it put a huge dent between me and him somehow?... Did it? Nonsense! That's a stupid thought! Tobias not loving me for my sneezing? So stupid of me to think like that...

I suddenly snap froward again and sneeze in my arm. "HISHEEWW!"

I roll onto my side now, closing my eyes and hoping for sleep to overtake me. It soon did.


I woke with the need to sneeze, jerking my head to the side and sneezing into Tobias's pillow "“Hehhh-ASSSHEEWWW! ITSCHSSEWWW!"

I blink rapidly to clear the moisture in my eyes as I look around through the darkened room. I suddenly spot Four laying at the end of the bed, staring at me. "Y-you okay?" He asks me quietly.

I nod and reply. "Mmhmm..."

I didn't know WHY he had to watch me, for it was utterly embarrassing to be seen sneezing.

I then feel his strong hand grasp my side as he now sits up, his eyes never leaving me threw the darkness. What was he planning? "Just go back to sleep Tris..." He whispers in a coaxing voice.

I open my mouth to reply when suddenly my voice hitches. "Hehhh-...HAHHHH.... HATCSSSHEWWW!" My entire body racks from the force of the sneeze as Tobias presses his lips into mine.

He soon breaks the kiss and stares at me. "You've gotta quit doing that..."

I was rather scared at what he was implying. "Quit doing... W-what?"

"That. Sneezing." He replies with a cocky grin.

I smile feebly and pretend it doesn't bother me. But it does... My face felt as if it were on fire as he continues to stare at me.

As we stare for a little while longer, I then watch in amazement as Four retracts his hand from my abdomen and shoves a hand to his face to stifle an oncoming sneeze. "Hit-chmmp! Hat-chmfff!"

I stare... Until a smirk curves into my lips. "Tobias?"

He turns to look at me and glares down at his hands as if scolding himself. "Could you just go back to sleep Tris?"

I smile an actual smile at him for once as I too turn to sneeze. "HATCHSSHEWW!"

Sinking into my pillow I watch through the darkness as he takes his place at the foot of the bed. And you know?... Seeing Tobias stifle a sneeze like that almost left me craving for more...


Ta-da! Here's part 2! Hope you enjoy! :) Please tell me if you like, and if so, I might see about making a Part 3 in the near future :yes::wink1:

Thank you again!

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YAY! Thanks so much! This was amazing! I love Divergent! I can't wait for part 3!

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Here's part 3 :)


*Tobias POV*

I press my nose into my sleeve so as to stop the next upcoming sneeze. Darn it Tris! Had she seriously gotten me sick too? This wasn't like me at all. I couldn't sleep practically from the throbbing of my head, and it was impossible to go 5 minutes without sneezing!

My breathing hitched suddenly as I bury my face into my shoulder. "Hah-Hahhhh.... HATCHHHEWWW! HATCHSSSHEEW!"

I didn't dare move as I spot Tris's silhouette through the darkness.


"Tobias?... Did you just sneeze again?"

I roll my eyes in frustration and shake my head stubbornly. "You must've heard the wind blowing outside or something Tris... I don't sneeze."

I didn't even have to look, I knew she was smiling at me. "Tobias we ALL sneeze..."

"Yeah? Not me." I retort sharply, my face feeling hot from the incident.

I then roll onto my side when suddenly I feel that same feeling... The urge to sneeze. My entire body tingles with the need to clear my nose, but I simply hold my breath as long as humanly possible.

When I no longer can hold it, I exhale which stimulates the sneezes. "Itchheeww! Isssheew!.... heh-HATCHSSSEWW!"

I feel the sheets move around me as Tris now towers over me. "Ok that definitely was a sneeze."

I sigh, but it simply only causes me to sneeze again. "HATCHEEEWWW!"

I finally give in and roll over to look at her, my face feeling redder than ever. "Fine... Maybe that was a sneeze." I watch in utter amusement as she then turns to sneeze into her own arm. "“Heh-ikkSSCHEWW!”

She now turns back to me and blushes. "S-sorry...."

I smile slightly as I continue to look at her brilliant eyes. "You shouldn't be... Your sneeze is a one of a kind..."

"My sneeze?" She laughs. "No... I wouldn't say that."

"Oh but I would." I quickly reply. "It's what one would call.... Diverse."


Yay! Done with Part 3! Sorry if it was slightly rushed... I'm packing for some long trip of mine but I really like how this came out. :D Please tell me if you ever want more or even a diff story/topic! I'm always up for writing! :happysmiley:

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Okay this is very cute I loved it. So much better than mine. I would love to see one with the same idea but with both amazing at stifling and denying I would trade if u want! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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Thank you so much!! I didn't think it was all that good but thx so much for the encouragement :D @metallicstars + @Artemis :blushsmiley:

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Oh,my God!That was perfect!Thank you for sharing this wonderful fic with us!

You should write more fics of Tris sneezing,write like the second part of your fic,showing her thoughts and reactions!I loved that,my God!

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This is so so so adorable!! I love a good Divergent fic :3 well done, it's so good! Thank you for sharing with us :)

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Omg tysm guys :D (@LastHope + @Blessing Queen) I didn't think it'd get this far honestly... :guilty: ... But I guess I was dead wrong! I'll write part 4 for you guys if you'd like! ^_^

*Tris POV*

I wake with a start, glancing around the room to find that Tobias was already up and throwing on another one of his good T-shirts. My head still throbs as if needles penetrated through my skull overnight, but I try and hide it. "M-morning..."

He turns, his eyes filled with concern and love. "Morning... How are you?"

I knew it was a selfless thing to ask me, seeming his was raised within Abnegation in all, but I wanted to know about him. I didn't think whatever I had was contagious... But it might have been seeming he had sneezed throughout the entire night. "I'm good. You?"

Before he can reply, his eyes slam shut and his face screws up while he jerks his head to the right. "HATCHHHEWWW! HATCHSSSHHHEEW!"

I smirk at this and slowly slip out of bed. "Do you need a tissue?" If there was one way to embarrass Four, it was acting as if he were weak and/or pathetic. His eyes veer towards me, then towards the door as if bothered by my question. "No. I'm fine. I'm not sick, like you Tris... You need to rest."

"Yes well... I'm not the one sneezing anymore..." Just as the words slip from my mouth my nose itches like crazy. "“Heh-... hehhhhh...HEEHHH.. ikSSCHEWW!"

"So! You're not sneezing?" Four pesters me, strutting up towards me and wearing this smug look only an Erudite would give his teacher from answering a well-thought out answer.

I open my mouth to reply but I'm instantly overcome with the need to sneeze again. " HAH...HASCCHHEW!! ISSHHHEEEEWW!!!" I double at the waist, my head colliding nearly right into Four's abdomen.

"Whoa..." He breathes cockily, unable to hide his pleasure from watching me.

I feel my cheeks burn a bright red as I blink away the moisture returning to my eyes from the night before. Darn it! What the heck was wrong with me!? What could be worst than nearly bumping your head into a guy's private areas.... The thought humiliates me so much that I turn towards the wall, my face like fire and whisper, "C-could you leave me alone for a bit?..."

There a long pause before Tobias replies. "Sure..." And with that, the door closes behind him.


*Tobias POV*

I exhale loudly as I push my way into the fear-landscape room. I always made my weekly trip in here to try and concur any of my still-existing fears... It's never worked before though, but you never know...

I screw in the vile to the syringe and steady myself to inject. Suddenly I feel the urge to sneeze. "Hahh... Hahhhh...." It soon dies down though.

"What a relief." I mutter to myself, injecting the serum into my neck-vein and relaxing into the large chair that awaited me. I was quite ticked this morning from the fact that I had apparently caught what Tris had. Being the legendary Four in all, it was that great to see someone so great such as myself sneeze all-day, which is why I picked today to be isolated in a room with just me and my fears.

Suddenly I blink and I appear on a small strip of metal, that runs between to tall buildings. I stand, balancing myself at first before looking for the closest building to walk towards.

Sweat builds upon my brow as I begin to walk. The height I'm at is pretty nerve-wracking, but not as nerve-wracking as the sudden tingle within my nose.

Not now... Not here...

"Hehh... HAHH... HITTCHHEWWW! HATTCHSSSEEW!" The force of the sneeze causes me to lose my balance. I fall forward, my hands gripping each side of the metallic strip that runs between the two buildings.

Sweat was no pouring down my face from the incident. I knew that if I fell I'd simply move onto my next fear, just like a Divergent would do... But no. I was Dauntless.

I carefully pick myself back up and inch for the building, leaping into the opened window that awaited me.

Next I'm in a metallic box, the sides and ceiling squeezing me together like clay.

"Hehh.... HETCCHHEEWWW!" I bang my head on the side of the box, my heart pounding madly.

Get a grip Tobias! It's only a little allergies!


I finally reach my final fear, the fear where my father would beat me with his belt. I calm my breathing as much as possible and step into the abnegation-like room. "Tobias!" My name is called from that familiar spine-chilling voice. He glares at me as I take a step back, my voice hitching as I have to sneeze suddenly.

"Hehh... hetcheeeww!... HATCHSSEEEW!!"

Dazed from the sneeze, my father lunges and whips me on the hand with the belt. I grit my teeth and wrench my skin from the hard leather, my nose still burning.

"Are you this pathetic!?" He mocks as my gaze blurs from the watering of my eyes. I feel my face flush from the very words he uses against me. "NO!" I yell, my head jerking instinctively to the side to sneeze suddenly. "HASSHEEWW! HATCHEEWW!... HAHH.... HITCHSSEEEEEW!!!"

I awake within the chair, my body racking from the force of the sneeze, while my skin is coated with sweat.
What the **** is wrong with me!?


Hope it's as good as you all hoped it would be :sweatdrop: I'm planning for more Tris+Four scenes later maybe in Part 5. But I just thought it'd be interested if they also got a little alone time while dealing with their sneezing. Please comment and tell me if it needs more work or not

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Ok... Here's another chapter if interested :blushsmiley: Hope it's good...


*Tris POV*

I walk into the large Dauntless cafeteria, pinching my nose every so often so as to stop a sudden sneeze. I didn't wanna sneeze in front of my friends like last time... Especially since I hadn't seen Four enter the cafeteria yet to save me from anymore embarrassing attention I gain.

I slowly inch in beside Christina as usual. "Hey girlfriend!" She greets me. "You look.... Same as you did yesterday.."

I try a feeble smile, clearly not wanting to show my apparent anger for my friend at the moment. She had to be Candor didn't she... Not Amity or Abnegation or even Erudite!

Suddenly I spot Four, his head down, his eyes shifty as if guilty of something, and his T-shirt damp as if he'd either been sprayed by something... Or he had been sweating.

"There he is!" Uriah welcomes as Four takes a seat beside him. "Where have you been? Lunch is nearly over by now!"

"Just been.... Practicing..." He hesitates as he speaks as if trying to conjure up an excuse.

I watch as he leans back from the table and sneezes harshly towards the floor. "Hitcchheew! HATCSSSHHEEWW!!"

Silence sweeps across the table like a tidal wave from this. For it wasn't everyday you saw Four sneeze. And if you ever did?.. What would your reaction be? Bless you?... It seemed intimidating.

He finally regains control of his allergies and resumes his position at the table.

"So!..." Uriah starts again, looking rather nervous at the moment. "How's.... Uh...... The initiates been Tris?"

I turn to reply when my eyes suddenly start to water, which also causes my nose to run. I sniffle as casually as possible and reply. "Oh it's been great.... Uh... I think they're almost ready for stage 2. Don't you say Four?"

Four nods and jerks an arm up to his face as if he were on the verge of sneezing, but it must have stopped just in time, as he now pretends to scratch carelessly at his shoulder. It was an obvious attempt not to gain attention once more.

Christian clearly must have noticed this too though. "Were you about to sneeze again?"

"And why does this concern you again?" He retorts rather harshly, reaching forward for his cup of water.

I sniffle again quietly, which instantly triggers a sneeze. "Heh-ikshheew!"

"Whoa! Is there something going around that I should be worried about?" Uriah jokes, his white teeth gleaming within the sunlight's glaze.

I shake my head, while Four simply gets up and leaves. I dismiss myself shortly afterwards, heading towards where he disappeared.

I find him over-looking the chasm. "Tobias?" I ask, walking towards him slowly.

He smiles at me as if delighted by my company and asks. "What's wrong?"

Spray from the water below drifts up into my nose, causing for me to sneeze mid-sentence. "I just thought-HETTCHEEEW! ITTCHEEEW!... HEH-HASSSHEEEWWW!"

I fall into his arms, suddenly feeling weak and exhausted from the constant sneezing. "...N-never mind."

"Tris." Four says softly. I glance up to stare into his dark eyes. "Yes?"

"You're sneeze is amazing..." He replies gently, pulling me into a hug as he speaks. I smile to myself from his words. How can my sneeze possibly be amazing?...

I then listen as he stifles his own sneezes into my shoulder. "Hit-chmmp! Hatchmmph!" His large well-built body racks from the force and causes me to smile even more. "I think you have a cute sneeze too..."

"You do?" He finally asks, sniffling while at it as if heavily congested.

I nod, and together we continue standing by the chasm, letting the spray wash over us and the sound drown out the rest of the world.


Finally finishes. :) I think that'll be it for this thread. But if you'd like be to write a sequel or something or maybe even a different topic... Just let me know and I'll begin as soon as possible! Hope you enjoyed it :happysmiley: Thanks for reading!

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Thank you again for sharing with us.Like I said before,I would love to see more fics of Tris sneezing,write like the second part of your fic,showing her thoughts and reactions.It was perfect!

Another suggestion/request,you could write a fic with Cristina having a bad time due to cold and add care taking scenes!That would be awesome!

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Ok I love love love love love this and it is just too amazing for words I do have a request I would like to see one with a sick stifling denying four and tris getting really mad and did I mention I love this story thanks bye


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Love this trilogy and your fic! Wonderful job capturing the characters and brilliantly cute story. Thank you so much!

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