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Kise's a Troublesome Kohai


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I love Kuroko no Basket so much somebody kill me.

Hope you like this I wrote it at 1am


Kasamatsu stood in the doorway of the locker room, watching as Kise sat motionless facing away from him - half dressed.

"What are you doing?" he asked, annoyed at his kohai's lack of action.

"Ah! Sendpai!" Kise jumped at the question - probably thought he was alone - and turned to face his captain. Kasamatsu's eyes widened as he took in the other's appearance; Kise's nose was bright red and irritated looking, his voice nasally and eyes watery.

"What the hell Kise, are you sick?!" he demanded, rushing over and planting his hand on the younger's forehead. No fever...

"Is sendpai worried about be? Haha, I'b not sick though, -sdff- I've been having trouble with a sduck sdneeze all day -sdf-" Kise explained, rubbing roughly at his nose. Kasamatsu sighed, what a troublesome kohai.

"Stop rubbing it, you can't be a model if you scratch your nose off." he huffed as he removed Kise's hand and rummaged through his own school bag.

"Here, use this." Kasamatsu handed a Q-tip to the ace.

"Huh? For whadt? -sdff-"

"To tickle the sneezes out, stupid!"

"Ehhh?! Bud sendpai, that's too embarrassing!"

"Would you rather continue to suffer like this?"

Kise blushed to his ears, sniffling and replying with a soft "...no" before taking the offered inducing tool.

"Don'd watch sendpai, I don'd want you to see by sdneezy face~"

"Just shut up and do it idiot, you're holding up practice."

Kise whined before slowly pushing the Q-tip up his left nostril, flinching as the cotton fibers brushed against the walls.

"Ahhh...it -sdff- heeh! tickles..." Kise muttered, voice breathy and nose twitching around the tickly intrusion. Kasamatsu crossed his legs and arms, fighting down a blush. How could someone still look attractive with a Q-tip up their nose and snot dripping down their face??? Stupid models.

Kise carefully twisted the tool, breath knifing into his lungs and face contorting. The younger was completely flushed, his whole body quivering as the tension built. He hummed desperately in the back of this throat before teasingly rubbing the tip of his nose. That must have pushed him over the edge because he hurriedly ripped the Q-tip from his nose, hands not making to cover his face in time.

"Hyaaahhhh!! AT'CHhshhh! hat'shhh! cht'tchoo! ...heeh- et'chhh! EH'Chchhoo!! -snf snff-"

The end of the fit left him in dire need of some tissues and his face totally red, but he looked exceptionally relieved from behind his tented hands.

"Wipe your gross face and blow your nose dumbass." Kasamatsu grumbled, handing his kohai a pack of tissues.

"Thanks for your help senpai, I really needed that!!" Kise beamed happily at his captain, who blushed in response.

"Yeah yeah, hurry up and get dressed freshman. We can't have a practice match without our ace."



This might actually be short enough to be a drabble oh well...

I also made a doodle of Kise inducing here


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  • 2 weeks later...

UGH THIS IS SO CUTE~ <3. Seriously, can this get any more adorable?! I love how you capture Kise's sweet, happy-go-lucky personality and (by contrast) Kasamatsu's more gruff words and actions. And this situation is super precious too >w<


"Don'd watch sendpai, I don'd want you to see by sdneezy face~"

"Just shut up and do it idiot, you're holding up practice."

Ahahahaha! Oh my gosh, I love it xDD. The congested speech is great!

Edited by BlackScatter
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  • 2 weeks later...

Kasamatsu, Kasamatsu why do you have a convenient Q tip in your pocket?? :P

This was just MAGICAL~! Kise is indeed a very troublesome kouhai, and Kasamatsu secretly enjoys it... I'm so glad someone else wrote a knb sneezefic, the world needs more sneezing anime basketball players!! :mf_dribble:

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