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Look What the Sammy Dragged In (SPN, Dean) (COMPLETED 11/23/16)


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This is a fill from a prompt from Tarotgal's meme from last year, which I started forever ago but never finished. I'm gonna post this in two parts, since I'm still not quite finished. (But it is almost done, and I think posting the first half will give me the kick in the pants that I need to finish it.) Anyway, the prompt was from the lovely Sen Beret, and was as follows:

There's a cat at this place that won't leave Dean alone. Sam acts as his brother's savior and distract the cat, holds it, plays with it etc. until they're able to leave. Only now, Sam's clothes are covered in fur and dander and, for whatever reason, they aren't really in a position where he can go and change.

So um... I didn't realize until I recently went back and revisited the original prompt that I really only kinda-sorta halfway filled the prompt...sorry about that. shy.gif But the general plot is pretty close.

(Warning for language, btw.)

Look What the Sammy Dragged In (Part 1)


Sam quickly scanned his eyes past the three rooms near the end of the dimly-lit hallway. It wasn't difficult for him to figure out which bedroom was that of a teenage boy. Sam entered the room, waded his way through a sea of clothes, electronics and food wrappers, and quickly located a black laptop beneath the disheveled bed.

Sam made quick work of breaking the computer's passcode, and after fifteen minutes of sifting through the kid's emails, school documents and IM's, came up completely empty-handed. Sam had just started sifting through a tattered collection of comic books that were piled high on a cluttered wooden bookshelf, when his phone started vibrating on his hip. He looked down at the name on the phone, then flipped it open. "Yeah, Dean."

"Dude, Code 17. Cat Lady and McLovin just pulled up. Get the hell outta there, man."

"Shit." Sam snapped his phone closed, darted into the living room, and pressed his body hard against the wall. He turned to peer out the window through the green-and-white paisley drapes. A short, stocky lady with a head of spiky brown hair, and a lanky teen with thick-rimmed glasses and a button-up white shirt were making their up the walkway towards the house, their arms filled with paper grocery bags. Shit shit shit. Sam had figured on the two being away from the house for at least another hour or so.

Sam strode towards the middle of the house to a door which led to the basement, and hurried down the wooden stairwell. He'd almost made it to the bottom of the stairs, when a loud hissing sound, followed by a sharp, stinging pain to the left side of his face caught him completely off-guard. Startled, Sam lost his footing momentarily and caught the heel of his boot on the underside of one of the wooden stair planks. His other foot overshot the last step completely, and with his arms flailing wildly, Sam plummeted to the ground and fell hard onto concrete basement floor, landing flat on his stomach.

Sam groaned softly, then slowly rolled onto his back, pausing for a moment to gather his bearings. The fall had knocked the wind out of him, and Sam was all but certain that he had jammed his shoulder in his collision with the floor. A strange growling sound caught his ear, and Sam looked upward to find the source of his predicament - A large, long-haired grey cat was seated haughtily on the banister, observing Sam with a wary eye. Sam brushed at the left side of his face, and glanced at his hand, noting a thick smear of blood across his fingertips. A bit slow on the draw, Sam was finally able to piece together what had just happened to him - that goddamn cat had swiped at Sam's face and scratched the hell out of his left cheek. Sam glared at the cat, and the damn thing lowered it's head and growled again, then let out a sharp hiss. Sam's eyes widened. He wasn't even aware that cats could growl, but this was one seriously pissed off-looking feline he was dealing with. Gazing around the room, he saw three more cats approaching him with tentative curiously.

Sam had just about enough of this shit. He laboriously pushed himself upright, then had to stifle a gasp as his left leg almost buckled beneath him as he stood. Apparently, he had also wrenched his knee pretty damn good during the fall. His pants were ripped at the knee on both sides, and his right knee was bleeding heavily enough that Sam could feel the warmth of the blood tricking down his shin towards his boot.

"Puhfft." Sam spit out a wad of cat hair that had managed to find it's way into his mouth during his faceplant on the filthy concrete floor. Sam darted his eyes around the room to locate the exit, and spotted a cellar door in the far north corner of the room. Sam limped his way towards the door, his left knee screaming in pain the entire way. Finally, Sam crawled his way out of the basement, and hobbled through the backyard towards the direction of the Impala.


Dean glanced nervously at his watch for the 10th time, as he waited impatiently for his brother to emerge from the house. What the hell was taking him so long? Dean despised the fact that he was being momentarily benched while Sam broke into the house and searched through the teen's computer files....Goddamn cats though, man. The lady must have had a herd of them in her house.

When the brothers attempted to interview the widow and her teenage son the day prior, Dean was inside the house for no less than ten seconds before his nose registered the fact that there was at least one, probably multiple cats residing in the home. Not thirty seconds later, the sneezing started up, confirming Dean's suspicions on the matter. Dean ignored Sam's wary glances and reigned himself in for the interview, maintaining his composure to the best of his ability. Ten minutes into the interview, however, Dean's sniffling and sneezing had grown so incessant and distracting that nobody in the room was able to maintain their focus on the conversation at hand.

Sam finally put his foot down and directed his brother out the front door, then stayed to wrap up the interview. Defeated, Dean sat on the stoop of the front porch, and finished sneezing out whatever cat shit had found it's way into his nose during his short stay in the dander-infested house.

Dean felt like crap for the rest of the day, nursing a headache and a lingering cough late into the evening. The lingering after-effects of the exposure compelled Sam to coax some Benadryl down his brother's throat, which forced a drowsy Dean to turn in for an early night, instead of carousing at the local bar as he had previously intended on doing.

There was no way in hell Sam was going to let him back in that house today, and even though Dean hated allowing his ridiculous cat allergy to dictate his ability to work a case, he had to admit that he was in complete agreement on that front. After all, It'd been way too long since the last time he'd gotten a little action between hunts, and Dean had been peeling beer labels for at least a couple of weeks now. There was no way he was going to allow some stupid cats to derail his plans for a second night in a row.

Dean pulled his phone out again and was just starting to text his brother's cell, when a head of floppy brown hair emerged from the cellar door of the house. Sam himself was not far behind, as he creeped his way out the door and began hobbling his way through the yard.

Wait...hobbling? Dean cast a critical eye on his brother as he trudged his way towards the Impala. Sam was walking with an exaggerated limp, his hair sticking up in all directions, and he was tightly hugging his left shoulder with his right hand. Dean couldn't help but think that Sam looked a bit like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, during the chase scene in the hedge maze. Minus the ax, that is.

Sam groaned as he dragged himself into the car, weakly pulling the door shut behind him.

"Wow. Looks like that went well." Dean mused, eyebrows furrowed in concern. Dean took stock of Sam's mangled, bloody jeans and the angry scratches on his left cheek, shaking his head in bafflement. "Christ, Sam. What the hell happened to you in there?"

Sam winced as he rubbed at his throbbing shoulder. "Nothing, man. I just, uh...I fell."

"You...fell?" Dean raised his eyebrows and shook his head. "Dude. All you were supposed to do was hack into that kid's computer and look through his goddamn files. That should have been a piece of cake, in-and-out job, man." Dean scrunched his face, swiped roughly at his nose with his wrist, then started the ignition. "I've had run-ins with black dogs that left me in better shape than you are right now."

Wasn't a black dog...It was the fucking cat from Hell, Sam thought to himself, as he glanced down at himself to survey the damage. He was a fucking mess. As he gave himself a once over, he noted the tattered holes in his jeans, the blood stains that had seeped through his pants, and the grime, dust, gravel, and cat hair that appeared to be matted over every inch of his clothing.

Cat hair....Uh oh. Oh, shit.

Sam looked over at Dean guiltily, who, predictably, was already scrubbing frantically at his nose with the back of his hand. This definitely wasn't good. Sam was all too aware of how very sensitive his big brother was to cat dander, and dragging a shitload of the stuff into the Impala was not going to go unnoticed by him for very long. He cringed as Dean cleared his throat and scrubbed the knuckle of his index finger into his right eye, as he pulled out onto the main road. Crap. Any second now, Dean was going to start to-

"huh. hii....huh-emmmph'shew!"

Yep, aaand, here we go...

Dean half-stifled the sneeze into back of his wrist, then brought his eyes back towards the road, shaking his head a little. Immediately, his nose started twitching again. Dean sniffed loudly and swiped roughly at his nose. "Ugh...crap, Sam. Something's..." Dean stopped short, and eyed Sam with a suspicious look. "Sam? Please tell me you weren't messing around with those goddamn cats while you were in that house." Dean's eyes widened as he studied Sam even closer. "Dude! You are, like, plastered in cat hair.I...sh-shit." Dean's eyes, narrowed, and his chest began to heave spasmodically. "Eh-eh...huh....heh-'eessschtccchew!" Dean pulled his head up and glared at his brother. "What the hell did you do, Sam, roll around in freaking cat hair while you were in there?"

Sam cringed. "Well, no. I mean, uh...Sort of? But not on purpose. Their stupid cat ambushed me! I fell down the goddamn basement stairs, and...the floor was filthy, man." Sam couldn't believe he hadn't had the foresight to at least brush himself off before dragging all that cat dander and shit inside the Impala. Even in his haste to leave, and preoccupied with his injuries, he really should have thought that through a little better.

Sam was now giving Dean the critical eye, instead of vice versa. His brother's eyes were already teary and red-rimmed, and his eyebrows were raised high on his forehead, as if expecting another sneeze to present itself at any time.

And he was completely and utterly pissed off about it.

"Christ, Sam! What the... hii'eeh...huh.' sniff. "What the hell was the point of me st...st'EETCH-huh! ...Staying in the car if you were just...juh....hi-hi- hi'EEEshhuh!..." sniffff! "Shit....just goig to drag all this fuckig cat hair back id my car anyway?"

Sam cringed. Dean was really starting to struggle with himself now, and the sneezing was getting worse by the minute. Then suddenly, a light bulb went off in Sam's head. In attempt to lessen the proximity of Dean's nose to Sam's fur-coated jacket, Sam zipped off his jacket and pulled it off, quickly tossing it into the back seat.

Sam's genius plan didn't quite work out the way he had envisioned. As the jacket flew into the back seat, a cloud of dust and cat hair puffed up visibly into the air, the tiny particles filling the tiny confines of the Impala.

Dean looked on in horror at the cloud of allergens that had suddenly infiltrated his breathing space. "Jesus Christ, Sam! Are you trying to kuhh..kill me? heh...uh. hii-hiii....eh. giihhh..." Dean's head was bobbing up and down involuntarily with little false starts, as he fanned his hand in the air helplessly, all the while trying to keep his eyes open and on the road. Sam quickly rolled down his window and used his notebook to try and fan the little particles of dust and dander out the window.

Mercifully, the stoplight in front of them flickered to red just as Dean was approaching the intersection. As he rolled the Impala to a halt, Sam watched guiltily as Dean's chest appeared to swell to twice it's normal size, as Dean's head reared back in slow motion, then exploded into an enormous sneeze. "HI'HHH'giiiIISSSSHHHHoooo!" After taking a moment to recover from that monster, Dean cupped his right hand over his face, as several more sneezes quickly followed suit."hek'kfshhhhhew! heh....hi-hiii....hey'YYYEEshhewww! hi-hmm....huh-hi! hi-ehxx'shh-huh!"

Dean had his hand clamped over his face with his eyes still closed and his breath hitching raggedly when the light turned green. "Uh, Dean.." Sam nudged his brother and motioned his head towards the road.

Dean lifted his wet green eyes towards the road, nodded, and moved his hand from his face back to the steering wheel, sniffling loudly. He immediately gasped, and jerked his arm back towards his face, barley catching another violent sneeze in the crook of his arm. Dean once again attempted to lift his eyes back towards the road, but the latest sneeze had apparently set off a chain reaction in Dean's nose. "IIISHHHuh-h'GISHshha-h'UUSSHshoo." Dean directed an urgent trio of sneezes into his cupped hands - and Christ, when Dean started up with that rapid-fire shit, Sam knew that his allergies were seriously starting to spiral out of control.

Dean shook his head frantically, in an attempt to regain his composure, but his breath started hitching wildly yet again, and he buried his head in the crook of his arm, succumbing to a second desperate-sounding trio of rapid-fire sneezes.

The car behind them honked several times. Sam heard Dean mumbling from behind his sleeve. "Yeah, yeah. Fu...uush...hiii...huh. hoo." sniff. "Fuck off." Dean's tear streamed face finally emerged from behind his sleeve. "Holy crap", Dean panted, as he set his jaw, narrowed his eyes, and pulled the Impala through the light.

Part 2 to follow...

Edited by gingerdean
tried to fix weird font sizes
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AWESOME! Loving Deans cat allergies!!! I like when you write about his hitching and build ups :D and as he talks through the sneezes, soooo great!! Thank you thank you!

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Holy sweet apple pie!!! If only Dean had those allergies, it would make the whole Fandom explode!

Oh lord, that was intense! SO can't wait for the next part! :bounce:

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I've been prowling the forum for another Dean story! This was just fantastic. I love how angry Dean is about his allergies-- great characterization!

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This is so amazing. I love the scenario - being unable to drive because of an allergic reaction with someone behind you honking the horn. You really hit on Dean's anger and frustration. and I love how Sam is able to predict Dean's reactions virtually as they happen. I also love that Dean is so angry because the whole point of being "benched" was to avoid the very thing that is happening anyway.

I am really looking forward to the next part.

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Dean with cat allergies is delicious. Your writing is outstanding and the descriptions are hot as heck. I am eagerly awaiting the next part.

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Oh my god this was amazing. I cannot ever get enough of allergic to cats!Dean, and your angry Dean/guilty Sam combo was wayy hotter than I'd expected.

Sam's genius plan didn't quite work out the way he had envisioned. As the jacket flew into the back seat, a cloud of dust and cat hair puffed up visibly into the air, the tiny particles filling the tiny confines of the Impala.

Dean looked on in horror at the cloud of allergens that had suddenly infiltrated his breathing space. "Jesus Christ, Sam! Are you trying to kuhh..kill me? heh...uh. hii-hiii....eh. giihhh..." Dean's head was bobbing up and down involuntarily with little false starts, as he fanned his hand in the air helplessly, all the while trying to keep his eyes open and on the road. Sam quickly rolled down his window and used his notebook to try and fan the little particles of dust and dander out the window.

Loved this bit especially *evil laugh*. Really glad you posted this and would love to read more!

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OH MY GOD YES A DEAN ALLERGY FIC! Seriously this is too perfect. Your writing is wonderful, and your characterization is great! Please continue!! :D :D

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Brilliant! So fantastically characteristic of Dean. Can't wait for more!

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  • 1 year later...

*Waves sheepishly*

Hello all! So...I promised a second part to this story, um, over a year ago? :shy: Well, I finally have it. I'm really, really sorry for the wait. I'm trying to tie up my loose ends, fic wise, and this was one of those weird ones that I couldn't figure out how to finish, so I just let it sit and rot in my files for waaay too long. Anyway, I'm sorry that the ending's not the best, but I seriously need to wrap this one up, so, it is what it is at this point. :lol: I know it's not worth a year's wait or anything, but I hope it still satisfies!


And thank you guys soooo much for the awesome feedback for the first part, too! It is very much appreciated!  I just re-read all of them, and they all made me super happy, again :biggrinsmiley::biggrinsmiley::biggrinsmiley: You guys are the best  :heart:


Part 2

As Dean pulled the Impala through the stoplight, Sam glanced over at his struggling brother, and sighed. "Bless you. Uh, Dean...you really oughta pull over. If you start sneezing like that again while we're moving, you're gonna wreck the car."
"T-hii... Traffic, Sab." was all Dean was able get out. And Dean was right. They were in the middle of a three-lane stretch of road in stop-and-go traffic, and they were flanked by a line of cars on either side. They were in a precarious situation now, and they both knew it.
Sam scratched at his chin thoughtfully, then grabbed some old fast food napkins from the glove compartment and held them out to his brother. "Here, try blowing your nose. See if it helps."
Dean grabbed the napkins greedily from Sam's hand and pressed them to his face, sneezing in mid-attempt to blow his nose. "sn-efffffttt!" After he was finally able to get in a couple good, honking blows, Sam grimaced as Dean tossed the soggy wad into the back seat, which landed neatly on top of Sam's jacket.
Sam turned to Dean with wide eyes. "Come on, Dean! Gross, man."
"Doesn't matter. We're gonna burn that damn thing when we get back to the hotel, anyway."  Dean's voice was a little clearer now, but he still had that unfocused, pre-sneezy look on his face. Sam chewed nervously at his cuticle and looked ahead. They were only about a mile from the hotel now...as long as Dean could restrain himself from having another fit like the one he'd had back at the stoplight, they really should be okay. Sam scrunched his enormous, fur-covered body as close to the passenger side door as he was physically capable of, not wanting to do anything else to set his brother off again. Knowing Dean, it wouldn't take much.
Unfortunately, the traffic was still moving at a steady crawl, and it was a slow go back to the hotel. Dean managed to make it a good several minutes before his breath started to catch again, and Sam started to notice Dean shifting around in his seat, just a little. Not a good sign, but Sam was actually pretty impressed with his brother's control up until this point.  Aside from stifling three random, near-silent sneezes into his shoulder, Dean was actually managing quite well, all things considered.
That was until, out of nowhere,  a violent sneeze erupted from the driver's side of the car, loud and sudden enough to make Sam's whole body jolt in surprise. He glanced over at Dean, who was now scrubbing at his nose with a frantic look on his face.
"Geez, Dean. Bless you."
Still looking straight ahead, Dean took in a sharp breath, then clamped down hard on his nose, jerking forward with a silent,  painful-looking sneeze. Even as he came up for air, his breath was already starting to hitch again.
"Uh, Dean...are you alright?"
Dean nodded, paused, then started shaking his head 'no' instead, as his nostrils started to flare. "It's...I guh, gotta. Hunnh..."  Dean had one hand hovering uncertainly in front of his face, and was in an obvious struggle to keep his eyes open and on the road. Fresh tears had welled up in his eyes, and were starting to spill over onto his cheeks. Uh oh. Sam could tell that Dean was on the brink of going into a sneezing fit, and Dean obviously knew it as well. Looked like it was gonna be a bad one, too.
Unsure of what else he could possibly do to help the situation, Sam slid in close to his brother and put one of his hands on the steering wheel, a move that would cause Sam to get his ass handed to him under normal circumstances. "K' dude...If you gotta do it, go ahead. You're covered."
The deathly glare that Dean shot towards Sam lasted all of about half a second. The sudden increased proximity of Sam's dander-covered body was Dean's breaking point, and a desperate sneeze burst out of him before he'd even had time to move his hand from the steering wheel to his face.  A fine mist sprayed the steering wheel of the Impala, and Sam's hand along with it, but Sam didn't have the heart to even pretend to be bothered by it. 
"Bless you."
"hih'ESSHH'huh, 'EEESHH'hue!"
"Bless you."
"Oh shit, Brake!"
Dean was right in the middle of another build-up, but having heard Sam's yell, he somehow managed to abort the threatening sneeze, and stomped clumsily on the brake pedal, bringing the Impala to an abrupt halt. The car behind them layed on the horn for at least several seconds.
"Alright, we're switching. Move over, dude." Sam jumped out of the car and hobbled over to the driver's side of the car, cursing to himself as the pain shooting through his left leg gave him an untimely reminder of his injured knee.  Sam nearly took a nosedive as he turned the corner towards the driver's side of the car, and had to grab onto the hood of the Impala to regain his balance.  As he was getting ready to open the door, the man in the SUV behind them poked his shiny, bald head out the window, and started screaming at Sam. "Are you people drunk, or something? Get off the damn road before you kill someone, assholes!"
Sam raised his hand towards the furious man.  "Sorry! We're sorry. It's my brother, he's uh...sneezing. Just...sorry!" he repeated stupidly, as he ducked into the car. "Dude, come on. Move over."
Dean was too preoccupied with his allergy attack to register what Sam was saying at first, but finally managed to multi-task enough to sneeze-slide his way over to the passenger seat, with a little pushing and prodding from Sam.
Once he had the Impala moving again, Sam glanced in the rearview mirror, and winced. "Dude, Mr. Clean back there is ready to kick your ass. He thinks you're drunk. We need to get off the main road in case he calls the cops on us."
"Mr... HNGG'isshh! ...who? What?"

Sam shook his head. "Never mind." Dean was now hunched over with both hands over his face, breathing in deep, measured breaths. It was only at that moment that Sam registered the fact that the passenger side of the seat was coated in a layer of dust and cat hair, from when Sam initially drug all that shit into the Impala earlier. And now his brother was sitting right in it.  Shit. No wonder Dean was still struggling so much.

 Dean continued to sit in silence for several seconds more, until finally his hitching, gasping breaths filled the silence in the Impala. Dean's body shuddered as he launched into a lengthy fit of rapid-fire sneezes into his cupped hands, each sneeze louder and harsher than the previous one. This time Sam counted, holy shit, seven sneezes in a row, at which point Sam looked over at his brother in wide-eyed concern. Finally, Dean finished up with one more powerful sneeze, before he brought his head up, gasping for breath. Yikes.

 When Dean was finished, he lowered his head back down into his hands, groaning softly in the aftermath. Sam couldn't stop himself from reaching over and rubbed several gentle circles on his brother's back. Dean let out a loud, muffled grunt in response, indicating that the last thing he wanted right now was to be pawed at, and Sam quickly pulled his arm back.

"Sorry. Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I bet. Damn. That was some fit you just had."
Sniff! "Ugh...We back at the hotel yet?"
"S'just around the corner dude. Hang in there for just a minute, alright?"
One hour later...
"Jesus, Dean."
"h'atcchh'hooo!  hihh-"
"Dean, you really need to-"
Dean held up a finger at Sam, eyes still closed, and breath hitching wildly. "Hiii-uh. eh'heshh...huh. hiiiiii....hi''ESSHSHH'hooo!" Dean scrubbed at his nose with his sodden tissue, and sat back in his chair, sighing. "Okay...I think I'm done now."
Sam rolled his eyes. "Sure you are. You've said that five times already. I give you two minutes, at most."
Both Sam and Dean were now freshly showered, wearing clean, cat-dander free clothes, and were now recuperating from their respective injuries and allergy attacks in their hotel room.  Sam's clothes from earlier were wrapped neatly in a trash bag in the trunk of the Impala, ready to be laundered. (Or burned, depending on which Winchester you asked.) Dean had somehow managed to wrap Sam's knee, in between his body-wracking sneezes, and Sam's leg was now propped up on a mound of pillows, with a bag of ice sitting on top of it. A second ice bag was sitting on Sam's injured shoulder.
Sam sighed. "Dude, stop. Sneezing. There's not one shred of cat hair in this entire room."
Dean blew his nose, then glared at Sam over the wad of tissues covering his face. "Well I don't know what to tell you, Sam.  I guess my nose hasn't gotten the memo yet, 'cause it's not like I'm sitting here sneezing my face off for kicks." Dean narrowed his eyes as his nose twitched sharply once, then two times more. "Oh, come on. Dammit. ih-hiii..."
Sam sighed as Dean lunged forward with another sneeze. Dean's nose definitely hadn't gotten the memo yet, not that it was at all surprising. Dean was always like this after suffering a particularly bad allergic reaction. Sam could expect at least an hour or two more of relentless sneezing from his brother- especially if he continued to refuse the only medicine that ever gave him any relief.
"Dude, please. I'm begging you here. Will you just take the damn Benedryl already?"
Dean scowled. "No. If I take that crap again,  I'll be good for nothing for the rest of the...damn...night...hng-usshhh'huh!"  sniff. "Ugh, God." Dean threw his wad of tissues on the floor and plopped down onto his bed, and was practically sulking. "This isn't fair. All I wanted was one night, Sammy, one night. Is that really so much to ask? Just some good, cheap booze, and that hot little bartender down the street...She gave me her number two days ago, dude." Dean crossed his arms and glared at Sam." Screw the Bendryl. I'm not gonna let those goddamn cats cockblock me for the second day in a row."
Sam rolled his eyes. "Dude, even if you don't take the Benedryl, there's no way you're gonna get any action tonight. Your eyes are so damn swollen, no girl is going to want to take you anywhere, except maybe to the nearest emergency room."
"Whatever. You're exaggerating."
"Oh really? Go look for yourself.'
"Such a drama queen", Dean muttered, as he stumbled his way over to the mirror, scrubbing at his nose the entire way. Dean took one look at his reflection, and winced, hissing loudly. "Ah, crap." Dean turned to glare at his brother across the room. "I'm gonna kill you for this, Sam."
Sam still felt guilty as hell for causing Dean so much distress today, but he was getting pretty damn tired of Dean's constant abuse at this point.  "Dude, I can only say I'm sorry so many times. And besides, it's not my fault that you're so damn allergic to cats-"
"-ESSH'uhhh, 'heh'eshhh'huh!" Dean cut Sam off with an explosive double, then groaned as he sunk back down miserably on his bed. "Ugh, God. Don't even say that word."
"Sorry." Sam couldn't stop himself from grinning at that, and he turned his head away so Dean couldn't see. Even Sam had to admit that Dean was kind of adorable, sometimes. Sam pulled himself up from his bed and limped over to the dresser across the room. He pulled the box of Benedryl out of the top drawer, chucked it into Dean's lap, then grabbed his wallet off the nightstand. "Come on, man. Give it up. Find us something to watch on tv, I'll go grab us a pizza."
"Uh-uh. You're not...not...hi'KISSH'ooo!...Not going anywhere on that knee, gimpy. You need to keep ice on that for another half an hour, at least."
"Well you're not going anywhere until I vacuum out the inside of the Impala. Sneezy."
The two brothers glared at each other for several seconds, but it wasn't too long before they both relented.  Neither of them were getting anywhere like this, after all, and they certainly weren't getting anywhere in the Creative Insults department. Sam sighed, reclined back on his bed, and threw the ice bag back onto his knee. "Fine. Bring me over my cellphone. I'll see if there's any place around here that delivers."
"Fine." Dean dry swallowed two of the Benedryl, grabbed Sam's phone off of the bedside table, and tossed it towards his brother, who caught it mid-air.  "See if you can find some place with Chinese."
"I don't want Chinese."
"Dude, you owe me."
Sam huffed loudly. "Fine." Sam started scrolling through the internet, in search of local restaurants. "Alright...there's a Chinese place about six blocks from here that delivers. What do you want?"
"See if they...they have, have uh...hi-.hiiii ...'ETCHHHH-ooo!"
"Sure thing." Sam smirked. "Do you want that with rice or chow mein?"
Sniff!   "Ugh. Bite me."



Edited by gingerdean
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Ohhh thank you so much for finishing this! You're one of my all-time favourite SPN writers and I come back to your stories over and over again, so finding this one newly tied up made my day. As always, your characterisation is absolutely spot on! :)

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I agree with Sam; Dean is really kind of adorable sometimes, and so is this.  :wub:  The wait doesn't matter to me; just loving this a lot right now.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎11‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 6:28 AM, estrelleta said:

Ohhh thank you so much for finishing this! You're one of my all-time favourite SPN writers and I come back to your stories over and over again, so finding this one newly tied up made my day. As always, your characterisation is absolutely spot on! :)

Oh wow, I don't even know what to say to that...thank you so much!! :heart:  I'm sorry I took so long to respond, but your comment made me sooo happy, and I really appreciate it! Thank you for reading! 


On ‎11‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 8:21 PM, telltale said:

I agree with Sam; Dean is really kind of adorable sometimes, and so is this.  :wub:  The wait doesn't matter to me; just loving this a lot right now.

Thank you so much, and thank you for reading!!  :) 

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