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I can't do this (the voice adam/Blake)


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Well hello! I decided to sit my a$$ down and actually write something for you guys! I hope you like!


Adam woke to his alarm going off. He moaned and shut off his alarm, he went to bed with a headache hoping that sleeping would make everything better but sadly he felt even worse. His nose was running like a facet, his head was pounding, he was freezing and exhausted.

Adam pushed himself out of his bed and started getting ready. All he wanted to do was sleep but sadly they were filming season 8 of the voice and there was no sick days on live television.

Adam looked in the mirror, he looked terrible, his face pale, his nose had a small red tint to it, good thing there was makeup.

"HESK'EUH! HACHK'CHU!" He sneezed loudly and internally cursed. As soon as he sneezed once he would be sneezing all day.


Once adam was ready he hoped in his car and started to the studio. He was just about there without sneezing but sadly his nose was against him.

"Huhhh... Hitch... Hach... HESK'CHEU! HECH'KASH! HASH'CHEIU!" He sneezed his eyes watering he tried to keep his eyes on the road but his nose just had an insane tickle. He finally thought he was done and grabbed a tissue, as soon as the tissue touched his sensitive nose, his nostrils started to flare, eyes watering, snot attempting to run out of his nose until he finally erupted like and explosion.

"HITCH'EU! HASK'CHEU! HEAS'CHIE! HESK'CHEU! HECH'KASH! HASH'CHEIU!" He had to pull over halfway through because he could keep his eyes on the road. He also didn't have time to grab a tissue so he just covered with his hands which was a bad idea. When he was finally done he removed his gross snot covered hands. He picked up a few tissues trying to clean himself up. How was he supposed to go in live tv like this he couldn't control his sneezes they were to strong he didn't know what he was going to do but before he could think anymore about it he realized he was going to he late.

Adam continued his drive and finally made it to the studio. He parked and rushed as fast as a guy who was sick as a dog could.

As soon as Adam made it in the studio the first person to see was someone he really didn't want to see the Blake Shelton.

"You ok?" Blake asked curious, looking at Adam confused.

"I'm fine" Adam didn't know why he was lying but it just felt right.

"Fine city boy don't tell me" Blake said his accent sticking out.

Adam rushed to makeup accidentally running into pharell on the way.

"Whoa man you ok?" Pharell asked, Adam rolled his eyes.

"Yes I'm fine" Adam was really getting annoyed with that question. He hoped his nose would hold out to prove his point but sadly the chances weren't in his favor.

"HASCH'SKIO! CHEU'HASCH!" He sneezed into the crook of his arm. He refused to move his arm knowing that what was behind his arm was not pretty. He left pharell not even paying attention to pharell's voice which was talking to him.

He searched around backstage for tissues until he couldn't find anything so he went into the bathroom using paper towel on his already raw and sore nose.


It was almost time to go live and adam couldn't stop sneezing for the life of him. Every other minute he would have a wet fit. He tried to stay quiet but he couldn't stop. He hadn't even notice Blake staring at him.

"Adam you can't go on like this" Blake said sympathetically, sure they acted like rivals on TV but off they were more friendly and somewhat cared about each other.

"I don't habe a chboise" he answered sounding very congested and his voice going a bit raw.

Blake walked over to adam and started rubbing his back. He felt bad for the pop star, the poor boy looked miserable and should've been in bed resting not out working but he knew that on live tv there wasn't a choice.


About halfway through the blind auditions Adam couldn't take it anymore. He tried to holdback most of his sneezes during the show but his nose was burning and his nostrils flaring and his breath hitching every five minutes.

During the commercial break he got up.

"I'm done I can't do this anymore" he said waving to the other three judges. Christina was confused not noticing any of the symptoms Adam had.

"He has a nasty cold" Blake said getting up and following Adam to a couch back stage.

Saying Adam felt miserable would be a huge understatement, as soon as he sat down on the couch he let his sneezes loose.

"HITCH'EU! HASK'CHEU! HEAS'CHIE! HESK'CHEU! HECH'KASH! HASH'CHEIU! HITCH'EU! HASK'CHEU! HEAS'CHIE! HESK'CHEU! HECH'KASH! HASH'CHEIU! HITCH'EU! HASK'CHEU! HEAS'CHIE! HESK'CHEU! HECH'KASH! HASH'CHEIU!" Adam barely had time to breath but finally when it was over he caught his breath. He was breathing heavily tears streaming down his face.

"Oh Adam" Blake said watching the smaller man. Blake went and sat beside him and rubbed his back trying to get the poor boy to relax a bit.

"I feel terrible" Adam said snuggling a bit into Blake.

"Okay Adam I have to go back on stage but you stay here and rest" Adam nodded a bit. Blake looked down at Adam who was already asleep.

"Goodnight pop star" Blake whispered planting a small kiss to his hair.


I hope you like it!


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This definately caught my attension. The Voice is one of my favorite shows, like, ever!

And Adam being the target? And Blake....with that little peck kiss. YASSSSSS

Please do continue. :)

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Definitely I like very much keep up the Good work.

Thank you so much :)

This definately caught my attension. The Voice is one of my favorite shows, like, ever!

And Adam being the target? And Blake....with that little peck kiss. YASSSSSS

Please do continue. :)

Adam is my favorite so I thought it was only appropriate. And here's more for you



I'm back! I'm so happy you guys enjoy this!


To say the audience was confused during the second half of the show would not describe the audiences feelings.

Blake couldn't even concentrate the whole rest of the show, he was to worried about Adam. Somehow he managed through the whole show and Blake rushed out to go find Adam.

Once the couch came in to view Blake couldn't help but internally awe. Adam was all snuggled into the couch a blanket over him, his nose red and chapped, but he really didn't look like the popster Adam Levine he more looked like a small slender teenager. Sadly the cute moment was ruined with Adam sneezing.

"HASK'HEU! KASH'EU! OASH'IE!" He sneezed sitting up. Adam grabbed a tissue out of the box hiding beside him. He blew his congested nose.

Blake walked over and sat on the other end of the couch.

"Hey Adam" he said looking at the miserable boy.

"Bey blabe" He was so congested Blake could barely understand him.

"How about we get you to your trailer" Blake said getting ready to lift the smaller man.

The producers had decided that since the judges had shows every day that week there was no point in them going home so they all got to stay on set.

Blake picked up Adam and started toward the trailers. Everything was super calm until Adams chest started to heave his breath starting to hitch. Blake could tell he was trying to hold them back until they got to the trailers.

Adams eyes were watering, his nostrils flaring but he was going to hold them back even if it killed him.

"Huhhh.... Hahhh.... Hich hiesh..." His breath kept hitching but he was holding them back.

Finally they arrived back at Adams trailer and somehow Adam had been able to hold back his sneezes the whole way. Blake set Adam on the couch then Adam stopped holding his sneezes back but now sadly they were stuck.

Blake watched the mans expression he noticed Adam wasn't holding them back but they weren't coming out.

"They stuck?" He asked, he watched adam nod helplessly. The mans eyes were closed his breath hitching every other minute but nothing was happening.

Blake suddenly got a great idea. He looked to his nails they were a little long perfect, Blake began gently moving his finger down the bridge of Adams nose then beginning around his nostrils, he felt them flare but continued anyway.

"Itch... Hask... Hesch..." Blake continued all around them. He felt bad for torturing Adam but they had to come out some way. Blake didn't stop until it was to late he didn't even have time to move his hand.

"HESCHOO! HASK'EU! HESCH'OIE! ITCHOO! HESC'AE!" The sneezing eventually subsided, Blake looked down at his snot covered hand then up at Adam. He saw tears coming out of Adams eyes and his head down. The poor man was so embarrassed. Blake wiped off his hand then wrapped Adam in a hug.

"Calm down bud, it's ok, everything is alright" Blake whispered in his ear.


I hope you like!


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"They stuck?" He asked, he watched adam nod helplessly. The mans eyes were closed his breath hitching every other minute but nothing was happening.

Blake suddenly got a great idea. He looked to his nails they were a little long perfect, Blake began gently moving his finger down the bridge of Adams nose then beginning around his nostrils, he felt them flare but continued anyway.

"Itch... Hask... Hesch..." Blake continued all around them. He felt bad for torturing Adam but they had to come out some way. Blake didn't stop until it was to late he didn't even have time to move his hand.

THIS BLOODY KILLED ME!!! ..........stretcher.gif

Oh girl.....you gonna do great things for this world. Please please PLEASE don't ever stop!

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This might be the end sorry *hides*


Adam was sobbing now, he was just so embarrassed no matter what he just wouldn't stop crying.

Blake just calmly sat there playing with Adams short hair hoping he would calm down eventually. The only time he would calm down is when he had a sneezing fit. His sneezes were miserable and weak.

"HASK'EU.... HIA'SHU!..." He continued sneezing for what felt like forever but was really only a few minutes. Eventually Adam had stopped crying and was now just shaking. Blake quickly stood and got a glass of water. He placed the glass against Adam's dry lips and supported his head while Adam took small sips.

Eventually Adam had fallen asleep against Blake. Blake smiled and placed another small kiss to his temple.


Adam was sleeping peacefully until he had to sneeze again for what felt like the millionth time that day. These ones were odd though they were small and rapid.

"Itchoo! Itchew! Ichew! Hachew! Heshoo!" They were still deep but they were smaller then the others which was strange usually Adam's sneezes were big and lots but slower. He just brushed off the feeling.

Blake gave Adam an odd look while he was making the tea for them both.


A few days later and a few hundred million sneezes later the roles were reversed.

The boys were in Blake's trailer Blake's head in Adam's lap while he was sneezing his head off.

"HAAASCHOOO! HEEEEESCHOOO! HAAAASK'EEEEEUUU!" The loud sneezes escaped the country singers mouth.

"I'm sorry Blake" Adam apologized, he felt bad for giving him his nasty cold but now Adam could repay the favour.

"Good night country singer" Adam whispered and placed a kiss on his temple.


Last part really sucks sorry :( I kind of ran out of inspiration

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The last part was brilliant it didn't suck at all same with the last chapter i missed both of them just cute together.

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