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could you pass me the death please?(mormor)


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Hello every one hope this one goes well,basically it's about how love can hurt

he has never tried like this ,getting so close that he could feel shorter man's breath on his skin

,warm and comforting.who could have thought that the most dangerous man in Britain or maybe half

of the world would look so peaceful and innocent in his sleep,the first time that Moran was allowed

to sleepover he thought Jim Moriarty can't possibly sleep or at least he sleeps in a coffin like some

movie shit ,then he realized how wrong this theory was.Actually it was quite the opposite ,Jim had intensively strict rules for sleeping

"not even a minute past11,you get me tiger?Not a single minute past11"

therefore he was bound to sleep and share his boss's bedroom ,at first for protection reasons

mainly but then he could not resist the dire need of being near him,watching over him,tuck him in

during the night. things had changed and not necessarily for the better ,he stated feeling something

lurking inside his heart each time Jim called him by this nickname

" Tiger you please go and terminate this filth" like he was ordering some shit from supermarket like

"if you happen to walk down that street ,an assassin would be nice"

sometimes Moran could not get how spontaneous it was to be bound to his every whim.and how

obedient the tiger was......sometime he didn't want to kill but some power was definitely possessing

those deep dark eyes which made Sebastian so fragile ,and those lips,that carved body.

it was Jim's habit to leave the bathroom door ajar when he took shower.Sebastian could see it

water drops dancing on that warm skin....."stop it" he shouts to himself

"what are you trying to pull?If he wakes up and see you trying to touch his lips so desperately

you think he would welcome you with open arms? no ...you would be punished by death"

so he recede and runs to the bathroom looking in the mirror and realize hoe dejected he looks

splashing cold water on his face he hears a sound like someone gasping for breath right behind him

startled he looks back only to find his boss standing there building up for a sneeze Sebastian

quickly fetch some toilet paper press it in Jim's hands and waiting for the inevitable

He knows exactly how long will it take for Jim to let the sneeze go

like torturing build ups and then maybe help of the light would be needed

"Just let go of it boss" he states


"let me give you a hand then"

doesn't wait for reply he grabs boss's waist and it is like and electronic shock touching that slender body "get it together man" the voice in his head shouts

leading the other man to the living room ,he pull the curtains away and one touch of the sunlight is enough for Moriarty to be released


pressing tissues hard to his face stifling

"Stop that stifling boss,you will kill yourself "

recovered from that fit Moriarty gave him a sharp look

"Bless you?"

" sorry boss ...bless you" Sebastian ached to say " but you have been already blessed by that talent" instead he just bite his tongue

" can't help my stifling,where is my breakfast?" he asked with a smirk

"on it's way ,just a min"

"But it\s half past 7, you were suppose to make it by 7"

" Not your cook"

Jim step close and put his finger on tigers chin

"you do as I say" he says

" Alright I do it ,you are such a tyrant"

"shut up,you love me "

He knows? how could he....?Moran panics so obvious that Jim see it in his face

"Hey I didn't mean that kind of love....don't be stupid"

He just wanted to gather his wits and say "but it is the exact type of love that I mean"

He just gives a stupid laughter instead " I know.." he says

goes to kitchen somehow sluggish his heart is ripping from the burden it carries .he wanted to stand

there and burst out crying then pack his stuff and leaves simply leaves and get vanished in to the thin air

"but how about Jim?he will be distressed ,will he?or he'll soon find his next tiger and be so

complacent about it someone who could make breakfast in time"

"Do you this Sherlock Holmes guy?"

Jim shouts from living room

" No boss never heard of him"

" he seems like a good catch"

Sebastian heart just drops as well as Jim's cup of coffee and shatters on the marble floor


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