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Feeling incredibly fortunate to have so many caring and supportive people in the circles I run with. Always so much love everywhere.

The weather has been super autumnal lately, and I cannot wait until October. I have Halloween brain like crazy.

I'm in the best relationship I've ever had, and my heart just constantly overflows every day. I'm so in love with my partner, life, and who I've become right now. 

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OMG you guys with your cute pictures!!!

My current happiness is: It's actually kinda nice that couriers and stuff who come to the office regularly know me so well they remember things and chat to me about stuff because I'm sure they see hundreds of people all week so when somebody comes in and is like "wanna see a picture of a neat looking cat I saw yesterday?" It just feels nice.

Eta:  it was indeed a neat looking cat.

Edited by SleepingPhlox
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1 hour ago, facet said:

I just really love being trans

The world sucks and is shitty to us, but being transgender just brings me a lot of joy in my life


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Super lame and adult-ie but I'm so happy that I managed to fix my own dishwasher with nothing but a screwdriver, Google, and a lot of profanity. Homeowner joy :lol:

Edited by matilda3948
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my nephew is doing military service on the Syrian border and last night I got a video call from him, the first call after four months - and he told me the words I had hoped to hear from him - I'm fine💖

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I'M SO DEEP INTO DBH HELL GOD I LOVE IT THANKS BRYAN!!!!!! (I'll be sending you my medical bill for how many times you've killed me as your adorable self and conner, YOU TO AMELIA YOU AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL BLUE TRACI GOODNESS) 

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An older neighbor lady is moving out of state and trusting me with taking ownership of her little, white budgie, Edgar and I'm honestly pretty pumped! I love budgies and have been considering getting one of my own for a while now. :) 

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Budgies, and parrots in general, are pretty awesome. I hope the little guy will adjust well to his new home with you. I don't know if this is your first bird or not, but I've had pet birds, including budgies, my entire life, so please feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions about bird care, or even if you just want to chat about our pet birds.

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22 minutes ago, Shay said:

Budgies, and parrots in general, are pretty awesome. I hope the little guy will adjust well to his new home with you. I don't know if this is your first bird or not, but I've had pet birds, including budgies, my entire life, so please feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions about bird care, or even if you just want to chat about our pet birds.

Will do! He will be my first but I've been reading about them and watching all sorts of instructional videos for months now in case I wanted to get one then she offered me him last night at work and I'm just really excited! She's bringing him by tomorrow morning!

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Glad to hear you've been doing research. The only other thing I'll say for now is try to get yourself a good avian certified vet if at all possible. Birds tend to be considered exotics and vets without this certification might not be equipped to treat birds if they're ill or injured. Best of luck to you, and I hope you'll post some pics once little Edgar has had some time to settle in.

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People are awesome, I finally have control over my economy and my job is quite awesome! :)

Just gotta get a remove-mess routine and then solve a few minor things, then my life will truly be good! :)

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I'm so glad Bo Burnham exists. Out of all the things that can take my mind off of the fucked up things the world throws, his songs makong fun how life is like that makes me feel better. The world is fucked up, but his music just reminds me that the best we can do is to try to move forward from it and try to  make the best out of it. Hell, try to create better experiences from it for others to learn from. And seeing as to how his own life experiences helped inspired him write some if these is even better.

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After a long few months or so of art block and general dissatisfaction with my art, I've been feeling motivated and happy with where my art is going!

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My bird likes to slide their head under their bell and wear it as a lopsided hat..my day has been made! :inlove: 🐦 

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After years of hating and being scared of exercising, I've created a little simple workout plan for myself! Nothing major -- barely could be counted as exercise probably -- but I'm getting it worked into my routine and my life. I always used to go hardcore at first and burn myself out, feeling miserable about being sick/sore and then berating myself for failing. I'd get overwhelmed with caloric tracking, nutritional values, how much time I spent on each type of exercise, etc etc.. Now I'm starting suuuuuper slow, but gradually plan to work up to higher levels! I figured doing it "perfectly" for one day and then quitting was worse than doing it "slow/weak/whatever" for a few months!

I'm looking forward to feeling fitter and stronger! Here's to new and positive goals!

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I started making deco mesh wreaths and selling them online and I've already sold two ^^

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