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Arc Reactor has gotten through the week of hell and is going to watch Infinity War tonight!!! She's been waiting for this movie for a very long time and it's finally here. She deserves this 

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I have my window open for some fresh air, and I just heard a bird making the funniest sound...! It sounded like "Kvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk-ka-cheeeko!" over and over. I'm laughing so hard, I've never heard a bird sound like that before! :rofl::lmfao: It totally made my day! 


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I got the perfect job for me at this stage in my life. It's not My Dream Job but it's exactly what I need for right now and I'm really excited about it! I start May 15th and I'm anxiously and impatiently tapping my foot until then.

I'm in a good place right now and aside from my brain just being a fuck a lot of the time, I have a lot to be happy about.

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The weather is really nice (by English standards) - it's warm and sunny, meaning:

  • No coat required!
  • No jumper required!
  • Windows open in my flat!
  • Air conditioning turned on in my car!

Who'd have thunk it?



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When you've had a headache-turned-migraine pounding at your skull for the last two days, then you wake up and it's finally GONE, and it feels soooo amazing, and you feel like you can take on the whole f-ing world right now     :boxer:      :starwars:           (But then you're completely worn out ten minutes later :lol:)

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I bought a lilac bush late last summer and it's gearing up to bloom for the first time since I planted it and I am actually so excited.   And I spent today surrounding it with petunias so that area outside my front door is going to smell SO FREAKING AMAZING.  Good smells make me happy.

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My friend bought me a game on Steam as an early birthday gift and I've been up all night playing it lol :lol: 

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I love my new role coaching the new starters at work. Three of them called dibs on me to sit with them because they only wanted to work with me, we laughed for a solid hour at one of the guys (who is 27) who didn't know what a vulva is :rofl: and I had to be the professional one explaining it to him as seriously as I could*, and myself and the whole group spent a lot of the day intermittently trying to think of all 50 states without using Google. 

I actually cannot wait to be signed off in August so that I can do this role full-time. It's the most exhausting thing in the entire world, and I get home at night barely able to stay awake, but I really can't wait for this to be my actual job :heart:

ETA: I work in medical insurance, and it was relevant to the claim, just in case anyone wonders why I had to explain this to him :lol:

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My cat is running around like an asshole knocking over all my stuff and this is actually a good thing because two days ago I was pretty sure she wasn't going to make it but two very expensive vet visits later and it looks like she's in the clear.

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Going to Pointfest for my birthday and I couldn't be more excited! It was so much fun last year! :) :punk::headphones:

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I went out in a thunderstorm for the first time this year. The storm wasn't as intense as I like it, but the rain was refreshing and I just have this nice feeling of contentment and peacefulness.

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The training for my new job is going super well! The woman training me told me I'm picking it up much quicker than she would expect someone to. The job is a lot more involved than I was originally led to believe it would be, but I feel confident that I'm going to be able to do a good job at it anyway. At least I won't be bored. AND I get to order whatever office supplies I want for my office, for free. Anything I want, y'all. I can't wait to start working at my clinic and get my office set up the way my little obsessive-compulsively disordered heart wants.

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I finally told someone about my fetish and it’s going extraordinarily well so far!

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I feel so mentally healthy and well adjusted right now. This year has been so positive and freeing for me. I'm happy. I'm really, really happy. 

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1 hour ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Today I overheard two of the ladies at the stable talking about me, how they really wished I would ride out with them (I avoid riding in the woods because I'm scared) and they just stood there listing things they like about me, like "Chanel is such a great girl, and she has such an awesome sense of humour, and even when she has her problems to deal with she's always doing her part around here, and she always cares about others, you can really trust her..." 

I stood there in disbelief. I always feel like I'm an at best an inconvenience because I'm scared of so many things and my abilities fluctuates wildly depending on how I'm feeling. I'm also big and clumsy, and everyone else there are super thin and fit, and those two are also both very well-accomplished career people and travel a lot, while I'm on disability for mental health issues and almost never leave town at all. So I've always felt like I'm below their league, you know? And then I hear something like this, directly from the source... 

Let's put it this way. It's not the first time I've cried after hearing people talking about me. But this time it was happy tears. :heart::cryhappy: 


Give yourself some credit, and use this experience as evidence in the future whenever you feel like you're somehow inferior. You have a lot of positive qualities and I'm glad people see them! :) Maybe now you'll be more inclined to join them?

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53 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

this made me really, really happy

Awww I’m so happy reading this! Glad you got that boost today! 

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@Chanel_no5 you are beautiful smart kind utterly amazing passionate and inspiring I look up to and I have a pretty good judge of character you were one of the first people on The Forum I met and you are probably one of the kindest to me ever even though we barely talk which we should and you are just amazing and you never lose patience with me and you never make me feel bad for being different and I want you to know that really really really helps me, let me tell you you are probably one of the most amazing women I've ever met even though it's through the internet but you know what I mean your Mandela effect post was amazing and I was like oh my God that's awesome Plus really freaking cool you are really really cool

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57 minutes ago, Bandit said:


@Chanel_no5 you are beautiful smart kind utterly amazing passionate and inspiring I look up to and I have a pretty good judge of character you were one of the first people on The Forum I met and you are probably one of the kindest to me ever even though we barely talk which we should and you are just amazing and you never lose patience with me and you never make me feel bad for being different and I want you to know that really really really helps me, let me tell you you are probably one of the most amazing women I've ever met even though it's through the internet but you know what I mean your Mandela effect post was amazing and I was like oh my God that's awesome Plus really freaking cool you are really really cool

Oh my God Bandit... :lol: I don't even know how to respond to that gushing declaration of love, other than THANK YOU! :hug: Thank you so, so much, sweetie. :D


And just to keep with the thread's general theme, I'm so happy with the fic I'm writing, it's such a relief to be back to writing and find that sense of flow again, the fic itself is just so much fun to write, and I even find myself enjoying certain fetish-related things I've never liked before, actually been violently opposed to. :blink::lol: 

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Just came down here to swoop in and say that I bope all you lovely individuals have a great day. <3

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22 hours ago, Binkyt11 said:

Just came down here to swoop in and say that I bope all you lovely individuals have a great day. <3




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