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I met a dog today that would jump up and lick your face if you made a fart noise at it.  "Sheer delight" would be the words for that experience.  Entertained myself for quite some time with that.

Plus something awesome I bought for myself ages ago is finally ready to ship on Wednesday.  It's an Iron Man thing because of course it's an Iron Man thing.

Those things really salvaged what was otherwise a crapwaffle of a day.

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27 minutes ago, SleepingPhlox said:

I met a dog today that would jump up and lick your face if you made a fart noise at it.  "Sheer delight" would be the words for that experience.  Entertained myself for quite some time with that.

This has to be the best and most hilarious thing I've heard all day :lmfao:

Selene is happy because she knows that in this very moment somewhere on this planet a person might just make a fart noise at a dog to be kissed by it ^_^

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"It's sunny outside... Wait?! There is actual sunshine outside? :woot1:" <---- This was me after the cold morning mist had cleared up and the day started to become quite beautiful. It's still super cold, but at least I now have sunshine while working at my desk and it feels incredible ^_^

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A television at the gym was showing a program about injured dogs getting physiotherapy through play to get their strength back and that was the most motivational thing in the world.  "Yes!  I will run fast and try hard just like the brave Good Boy has shown me!"

(It was right next to a tv showing the Olympics but the Good Puppers had more of an effect on me! :D ))

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I have recently discovered how to play Dungeon&Dragons and I am really happy because it’s such a fun game! :D 

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2 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

A television at the gym was showing a program about injured dogs getting physiotherapy through play to get their strength back and that was the most motivational thing in the world.  "Yes!  I will run fast and try hard just like the brave Good Boy has shown me!"

(It was right next to a tv showing the Olympics but the Good Puppers had more of an effect on me! :D ))

A heckin' good boy is the only good reason to run! xD


I'm making baked chicken and I can't even lie, I'm excited for food lol :P 

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Good Puppers are the only workout inspiration I will ever need!

I seem to be posting in here a lot but what the hell.  Some days I hate my job.  Other days...I get handed a toy mjolnir that makes noise when you swing it and told I get to keep it.  That made my MONTH.  Seriously.

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2 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Watching the so-called "Snowflake Millennials" taking down the NRA little by little makes me happy. Didn't see that one coming, did ya?? ^_^ 


SAME DUDE. :heart:

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Recently I had some good quality knitting needles get bent and they were a large enough size that they shouldn't have gotten bent so easily, but I honestly have no idea how it happened. I just pulled them out of my project bag one day and they were bent. I managed to straighten them out well enough that there was only a slight curve in them and they're perfectly useable like that, but it makes me pretty paranoid about my needles, especially smaller sizes, getting bent/broken while on a project in my knitting bag.

I did a lot of searching for a product that would protect the entire needle while it had a project on it, but the only ones I could find were for either double pointed needles or circulars, and nothing for the single pointed straight needles I was using. It seemed like the only options were either DIY things that were over my head or needed access to a 3D printer. I had figured out an outside the box solution that would work, but wasn't really the most ideal for a couple of reasons. Still I was resigned to it, but just never got around to making a final decision on which option I wanted to go with.

Then, quite by accident when I wasn't even looking for it, I found a new product that was pretty much exactly what I was looking for. These needle protectors are adjustable to fit both double pointed and longer single pointed needles. I guess this is one of those times when procrastination pays off. I'm definitely going to order a couple of them(one in each size), and cross my fingers that they live up to my expectations.

Edited by Shayla
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2 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

I think my father is waking up to all the hurt he's caused. I saw him today, and he was unusually candid and sensitive. Not in his usual "milking it for favours" way, but he genuinely seems to realise that he wants to change and he can change, it's okay, it's not too late to put everything on the table and go from there. It wasn't just about my aunt, although I think that's what set things in motion, but he was just... likeable. I don't think I've found my father likeable since I was a very, very small kid. He said he was going to take me out to lunch as a belated birthday present, and I threw my pride to the wind and asked if it would be alright with him if he bought me some groceries instead. He bought me about two weeks worth of groceries (way more than I had imagined; I thought it'd be great if he could get me some breakfast stuff and maybe some eggs and milk and that kind of things) and then took me out to lunch as well. And it was nice to talk to him, I felt like he was LISTENING and communicating WITH ME for once! And when he drove me back home, he helped carrying the bags up, and I kind of felt like I had to apologise for needing help, and he said "Don't. It can be tough, and I'm glad I could help. I liked it. It made me feel good."

His old friends (and my mother) always went on about how he used to be so helpful and just all-around good guy, but I never saw that side. Today I did, and I think he woke up to his real self again too. As far back as I remember, he's always hated having to give up anything for anyone else or go out of his way, today he did, and it was like he lit up and became a completely different person. I'm insanely grateful for the groceries he got me, don't get me wrong, I gained on this, but that was nothing compared to seeing him doing something kind out of free will (I did ask, but he could have evaded it as he has done so many times in the past). Today, I felt like my dad is capable of love and compassion. I felt like he loves me. And today, I felt like I love my dad. 

That makes me happy. And that's all that really matters. Screw guilt and guilt-tripping. He did something different today. Some may scoff and say it's nothing after everything bad he's done in the past, but really, you can feel what's coming from the heart. This did. This came with love. 

...I just wanted to say I'm so happy for you. :cryhappy:



As for me: it was a really nice day out today, and it looks like I'm going to have a really light week as far as homework is concerned. 

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Thank heavens that I live in a country where a foot of snow brings everything to a complete standstill. I spent 4 hours driving today to get to and from work, but I am now home and can spend the rest of my day sleeping :awesum:

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2 hours ago, PuddinPop said:


Thank heavens that I live in a country where a foot of snow brings everything to a complete standstill. I spent 4 hours driving today to get to and from work, but I am now home and can spend the rest of my day sleeping :awesum:

I'm happy for you!!! :heart: Though also jealous. Because I walked through a snow drift on my way back from university which came up to my knees. :lol:

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4 hours ago, PuddinPop said:


It's snowing heavily where I am now and it was snowing heavily when I drove to work this morning.

I arrived at work early and left early and now I'm happy looking out at the snow from the comfort of my home.



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I finally bought a BTS hoodie from Wish and I'm so exited for it to arrive but it won't arrive for a month but I'm still happy!

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6 minutes ago, MeForever said:

I finally bought a BTS hoodie from Wish and I'm so exited for it to arrive but it won't arrive for a month but I'm still happy!

Oh man, be prepared for like, swimsuit material on the hoodie :lol: I love Wish, but their quality is.. questionable xD 

I hope it turns out to be a Wish win and not a Wish wash :P

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12 hours ago, PuddinPop said:

Oh man, be prepared for like, swimsuit material on the hoodie :lol: I love Wish, but their quality is.. questionable xD 

I hope it turns out to be a Wish win and not a Wish wash :P

The last time I bought a shirt from them the quality was really nice, so I hope I will have another hit!

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I’ve done so much for my best guy friend in the past, just being a kind person, and tomorrow (or sometime soon), he’s going to drive me home with my instrument I let him borrow while his was in the shop, because he said it’s the least he can do. It’s so sweet of him! :) And we’ll be able to chat for about forty minutes, and I’ll be able to see his car for the first time! I’m looking forward to it!!

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