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On 1/18/2018 at 9:31 PM, BlackScatter said:

@forestdaze, I actually just did that same thing this month! :laugh: Congratulations to you, and I hope the move goes smoothly~

And I came to this thread to say I LOVE MY JOB, AHHHH!! It's literally my dream job, and I've been enjoying every minute of it. I'm still adjusting to it, but I am so happy to have it. 

that is uhhhmazing! So HAPPY. Thank you, I can't wait to start!


( i have 6 chins)


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I just spent two hours on the phone with my mentally ill, unstable, manipulative, abusive father. I'm sure you're wondering if I'm in the right thread, but I'm posting here because I said some things to him that were really empowering for me, following my sister's example who had done something similar yesterday. Our phone conversation ended with him cursing me out and hanging up on me, and despite being yelled and cursed at, something  that would normally cause my heart to race and make me burst into tears, I can't stop grinning. The fact that I pissed him off so much that he lost his temper enough to hang up on me means that I had all the power in that conversation. It also means that the conversation was significantly shorter than it would normally be(on average over 3 hours), so that was less time I had to deal with his BS. It'll probably be several months before he tries to contact me again, and if he ever dares complain again how I never call him, I'll just say what the hell did he expect after ending our last conversation like that? So yeah, I'm just riding some sort of adrenaline high right now.

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The man is going on a trip with friends and I've taken five days off from work which means I get to be completely selfish and without responsibility for a whole week for the first time in 25 years and I am so incredibly PUMPED. 

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On 1/29/2018 at 11:32 PM, Anonymouse said:

The man is going on a trip with friends and I've taken five days off from work which means I get to be completely selfish and without responsibility for a whole week for the first time in 25 years and I am so incredibly PUMPED. 

:cheers::yay::hug::heart: You have SO earned it!! Have awesomely fun and lazy times and indulge shamelessly in everything you enjoy! :hug: 



Edited by Chanel_no5
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All tax returns submitted for clients, with a day to spare (!) before tomorrow's deadline.

(except for one woman who year after year doesn't provide us with the information until February and thus has to pay a penalty - which is madness, because if she can get it ready by February each year, then she could get it ready by January each year. After all, she has had since last April).

Anyway, I don't count her, so I am happy.



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22 minutes ago, Joal 555 said:

All tax returns submitted for clients, with a day to spare (!) before tomorrow's deadline.

Only you can be excited about completed tax returns, Joal :rofl::heart:

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16 minutes ago, PuddinPop said:

Only you can be excited about completed tax returns, Joal :rofl::heart:


Removal of stress = happiness :awesum:




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I've literally spent the last three days reading AMAZING fanfiction by an off-forum writer whose writing legitimately makes me cry. :lol: It's SO BEAUTIFUL, and I always walk away feeling wholesome and happy. (For all of you curious cats, it's LotR fanfiction :P). 

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I had a really awesome gynecological appointment today, which I think is probably a sentence very rarely said. The doctor was so understanding and thorough and didn't even blink when I told him I'm nonbinary and trans. He was just like, "Oh, okay!" Not in a dismissive way -- in a way that I could tell he took it on board. He listened to everything I said very carefully and was really attentive and kind. I feel surprisingly really at ease with the procedure we're going to attempt soon (and if I can't manage it while conscious he's willing to sedate me to do it, which is wonderful).

I dunno, it's really rare for me to click with a medical professional to that degree and I'm just really happy I ended up having an appointment with him specifically when I didn't really know what I was getting into.

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I cannot stop thinking about my friend's birthday brunch tomorrow (entrée + personal bottle) & how my last dose of penicillin is tonight, so i can drink and not feel bad about it!

MEANT. TO. BE. :cryhappy:

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My kitty was doing so well at the vet's today, despite being sick and terrified. :heart: And she got her first dose of antibiotics and painkiller right there, so I don't have to start wrestling with her to take pills until tomorrow. She very much deserves some peace and quiet tonight after the day she had, my sweet little baby princess. 

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50 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

My kitty was doing so well at the vet's today, despite being sick and terrified. :heart: And she got her first dose of antibiotics and painkiller right there, so I don't have to start wrestling with her to take pills until tomorrow. She very much deserves some peace and quiet tonight after the day she had, my sweet little baby princess. 

This makes me happy on your behalf.  It's so awful when they're suffering and I'm so glad your princess is okay.

(Though I'm a little jealous of the well behaved bit, last time I took my "little angel" in he peed in my lap and I had to walk down a busy street back to my car like that!!! :laugh: )

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11 minutes ago, SleepingPhlox said:

This makes me happy on your behalf.  It's so awful when they're suffering and I'm so glad your princess is okay.

(Though I'm a little jealous of the well behaved bit, last time I took my "little angel" in he peed in my lap and I had to walk down a busy street back to my car like that!!! :laugh: )

Well, she had peed all over her cage and herself, and then decided that the safest place to sit when the vet gave her the shots was in my arms, so my jacket was covered with fur and cat pee, but, this is the cat who gets a total panic meltdown if she accidentally sneaks into the stairwell in the apartment building, and compared to that, the fact that she was actually still in my arms when she got two injections was brave and well-behaved as hell for her! :lol: Plus, she didn't scratch any of us! 

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I cannot express my elation at having a medical exemption certificate. Being on a life dependent drug really sucks, but if I wasn't entitled to free prescriptions, my meds would have cost me £50 today (that's almost $70 in the US). I am so thankful that the NHS isn't a complete shambles, otherwise I woud never have been able to afford this. 


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Sick as a dog but watching the Men's SP from last night makes me happy. Adam Rippon, Yuzuru Hanyu. :heart: Can't wait for the FS.

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My dog just got done at the groomer's and he looks and smells fantastic! :D:heart: Pic because I'm a horribly proud pet parent! 



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10 minutes ago, SneezyHolmes said:

My dog just got done at the groomer's and he looks and smells fantastic! :D:heart: Pic because I'm a horribly proud pet parent! 




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35 minutes ago, Anonymouse said:

This is a dog in need of his own Instagram!

Mouse is happy because she feels relaxed.


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1 hour ago, Anonymouse said:

This is a dog in need of his own Instagram!

Mouse is happy because she feels relaxed.

I had an instagram once upon a time ago lol :laugh: I'm glad ya'll like him though! :hug: 

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