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Summer Cold (SPN, Sam)


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Title: Summer Cold

Author: 27_jaredjensen

Word count: 640

Characters/pairing: Sam, Dean (gen)

Summary: It’s summertime. Sam has a cold, but he thinks Dean might more miserable than him.

A/N: I don’t own anything.

::: ::: :::

“How are you not dying right now?”

Dean’s slumped against the wall, stripped down to his boxers. Sweat drips down the side of his face and he wipes it away with the bandana in his fist.

Sam, lying with his eyes closed on the bed, smiles. He’s wearing a t-shirt and jeans. The sun shining through the window covers him like a blanket.

“Kind of feels good.” His answer is quiet, voice hoarse. “I was freezing this morning.”

“Yeah, that’s because you’re sick,” Dean snorts. “But it’s like a hundred degrees outside. I’m fuckin’ melting here.”

Sam opens one eye and looks over at his brother.

“The hell are you on the floor for?”

“Heat rises. Jesus, Sam, don’t laugh. I’m serious, I think it’s about ten degrees cooler down here.”


“Bless you.”


Sam sniffles and props himself up on his elbows to blow his nose. He watches his brother for a moment, then sighs.

“You look miserable.”

“Shut up, you look miserable,” Dean retorts.

“No, seriously. You look awful.”

Dean wipes more sweat from his brow and closes his eyes.

“I’m fine. I’m just hot. I’m tired of this fucking heat. I need a cold beer. I need to be poolside. Bikinis, y’know?”

“Yeah,” Sam laughs, which turns into a rumbling cough. When he recovers, he stands suddenly, a grin on his face. “Yeah.”

Sam’s got his boots on and is opening the door before Dean realizes he’s leaving.

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll be back in a few,” Sam replies, and then he’s gone.

::: ::: :::


“Well that’s one way to make an entrance, Sam.”

“Shut up, jerk. HAH-SCHSH! Hhh-ETCHSHhuh! OhnohhshSHCH! Ahh-HTSHCSH-huh!”

“Seriously. We could be having an earthquake right now and we wouldn’t know if it was you or the San Andreas Fault.”

“I’ve been trying to hold those in,” Sam pants. His nose is bright red, tears streaming down his face. He wiggles his nose back and forth, trying to keep another sneezes at bay. It doesn’t work.


“Bless you. Also, where the fuck did you go?”

Sam sniffles and holds up a six-pack of beer.

“Cold beer. Can you grab me the tissues?” His breath is hitching like he might sneeze again.

Dean stands and brings the box from the nightstand over, but it’s empty. He frowns, then looks down at the bandana in his hands for a second before holding it out to Sam.

“Ugh, that’s soaked in your sweat. I don’t want it.”

“Well, what do you-”

“HhhHETCHSH! Ugh. Fine.”

Dean takes the beer and sets it on the table while Sam sniffles and blows his nose and sneezes a couple more times. He’s about to open a bottle and resume his position on the floor when Sam grabs it from him.

“Not yet. C’mon, put on your shorts. There’s a pool at the motel across the street.”


“Seriously,” Sam nods. He sniffles and coughs into his elbow. “No bikinis, but it’s a hell of a lot better than hanging out in here.” He coughs again.

“You gonna be okay, Sammy? Maybe you should stay back and rest.”

“So you can have the pool to yourself? Yeah, right. Besides, I need to move around a little. I can barely breath through my nose.”

“Okay. What are we waiting for, then? I need that beer.” Dean snatches the bottle back from Sam, and the two pull on shorts and grab their towels. They head across the street and climb over the fence that surrounds the pool.

“Nice thinking, Sammy,” Dean says, already halfway through his first beer. Sam smiles and sits on the edge of the pool, letting his legs dangle in the water.

“The San Andreas Fault is in California, by the way.”


“The San Andreas Fault. We’re probably not going to have an earthquake here.”

“Whatever, bitch. Shut up.”


::: ::: :::

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Woah, I love this so much! The bickering about the San Andreas fault was just perfect. :lol: Also your spellings~ :blush: They're so perfect!

I'm just in love with the whole thing basically. :wub:

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Ahhhh yes. Summer sniffles and a pool!

The bickering was spot on an your writting never stops amazing us!

Loving every word :D

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Oh, that was super cute! Loved the fluffiness throughout. And the sneeze spellings gaahhh... :wub2:

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“Well that’s one way to make an entrance, Sam.”

“Shut up, jerk. HAH-SCHSH! Hhh-ETCHSHhuh! OhnohhshSHCH! Ahh-HTSHCSH-huh!”

...almost died right there.


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Oooh I love me some sick!Sam! The contrast between Dean dying from the heat and Sam freezing from being sick is hilarious. And he actually went out and got beer for his lazy sweaty older brother? Pure love.

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Aaah that was lovely! I could really feel the heat - great, visceral descriptions

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Goddamn guys, I'm smiling so big. Thanks for taking the time to read and leave a comment!! Y'all are fueling my desire to write so much fanfic right now ha:) THANK YOU FOREVER

p.s. always open for Sam prompts...

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I really loved this story! Sammy being a sweetheart and taking care of his big brother even when he's the one with a cold!

In my canon, Sam's a stifler until he just can't hold back anymore. At least, up until the late seasons when he has bigger fish to fry. In the early days, and even pre-Stanford, Sam does a quiet little half or full stifle that always triggers more. Dean absolutely hates it because it sounds so uncomfortable.

Maybe Sammy (pre- or post-Stanford) is coming down with an especially snotty and tickly cold and Dean is lecturing about how trying to stop the sneezes is just going to make it worse because a) Sam's body is doin' what it's doin' for a reason and there's no use 'n tryin' to stop it and b ) it's annoying as heck!! (Dean speak for it's worrying me)

Sorry if that's too detailed, but I love your writing style!!

Edited by lillian
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Your Sam and Dean are so cute arguing and worrying about each other. I love when Sam somewhat tries to talk when he is about to sneeze because false starts and build ups are my fav :D love the fic so thanks so much for sharing!

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stretcher.gif That's it, I'm a goner.

I'm gonna try to say something articulate here but my brain is just... asflkjwelfisdf


1. Sam is sick. This is a good starting point for any fic, as far as I'm concerned.

2. And it's a summer cold, which is a perennial favorite of mine.

3. AND Sam is a competent sickie. Just... guuhhhhh this is my weakness.

4. Dean is all hot and sweaty. Um.

5. There's beer. And a pool. And brother banter.

6. *incoherent whimpering*

I may need to take another run at this once I've had more time to process. Have to say, every time I log on here I have my fingers crossed there'll be another fic from you and I nearly went into conniptions when I saw you'd posted this. You had me at the title, and you didn't disappoint. You're such an adept writer and I always feel like the boys' characterizations are completely safe in your hands. Always a true pleasure; thanks so much for writing and sharing.

P.S. Sam prompts, huh? muahahaha

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I really loved this story! Sammy being a sweetheart and taking care of his big brother even when he's the one with a cold!

In my canon, Sam's a stifler until he just can't hold back anymore. At least, up until the late seasons when he has bigger fish to fry. In the early days, and even pre-Stanford, Sam does a quiet little half or full stifle that always triggers more. Dean absolutely hates it because it sounds so uncomfortable.

Maybe Sammy (pre- or post-Stanford) is coming down with an especially snotty and tickly cold and Dean is lecturing about how trying to stop the sneezes is just going to make it worse because a) Sam's body is doin' what it's doin' for a reason and there's no use 'n tryin' to stop it and b ) it's annoying as heck!! (Dean speak for it's worrying me)

Sorry if that's too detailed, but I love your writing style!!

Hmm. Okay, I think I could write something along these lines:) Gimme a couple of days?

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stretcher.gif That's it, I'm a goner.

I'm gonna try to say something articulate here but my brain is just... asflkjwelfisdf


1. Sam is sick. This is a good starting point for any fic, as far as I'm concerned.

2. And it's a summer cold, which is a perennial favorite of mine.

3. AND Sam is a competent sickie. Just... guuhhhhh this is my weakness.

4. Dean is all hot and sweaty. Um.

5. There's beer. And a pool. And brother banter.

6. *incoherent whimpering*

I may need to take another run at this once I've had more time to process. Have to say, every time I log on here I have my fingers crossed there'll be another fic from you and I nearly went into conniptions when I saw you'd posted this. You had me at the title, and you didn't disappoint. You're such an adept writer and I always feel like the boys' characterizations are completely safe in your hands. Always a true pleasure; thanks so much for writing and sharing.

P.S. Sam prompts, huh? muahahaha

You are fucking amazing.

And yes please prompt me!! I can never think of any ideas these days:)

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