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All He Can Do (Dan and Phil, M/M) Trade with MaiMai!


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Hey guys!! So MaiMai made this beautiful Destiel fanfic for me which you should check out, it's wonderful! So now I should add my first part of my fic, because I'm not entirely done yet! There will be three parts and this is M/M Phan, just to make you aware. I hope this does justice to MaiMai's amazing fic and I hope you will all enjoy it! For now, this starts off very angsty and heavy but I promise it will be more fluffy and sneezy by the half of the second part. This takes place in SitC or Vidcon, it really doesn't matter. And I apologise for mistakes, English is not my mother tongue and I grew up in an American English country but atm I live in a English country so there will probs be inconsistencies..sorry. Well anyway, here's the fic.

All He Can Do-A Dan and Phil Fic Part One

He feels sick, really sick. And he wants to collapse and he swears that it's been so long since he's felt this shit.

Dan looked around the area, his eyes scanning the entire land and all he could see were piles upon piles of youtubers but he needed Phil. He needs Phil. Dan felt sick, his skin tingling and heated with illness and his nose constantly running and needing to sneeze.

He felt like he was going to fall any moment and all the youtubers would surround him and capture what was happening now. Then the footage would be be released to youtube, with ridiculous titles like "Danisnotonfire COLLAPSES!!!!". Then everyone would swarm over him and send him to the help he needs. Maybe the horrible headlines were in fact worth it, anything seemed better than this terrible feeling that rises in his chest and drains it all that he has left.

But he's Dan, isn't he? He would do anything to please his fans, he fears letting them down, he loves them and knows that many of them have been waiting for this day for so, so long. So of course he doesn't s a y a w o r d.

"HNnxHHHCHTTheuu!!" Dan sneezed softly into the crook of his arm, hoping no one would notice. The odds decided to be for one in his favour and no one did. It was packed with security guards and youtubers and all sorts of people, getting ready for the panel and he wished Phil was there with him. If he was there Phil would help him out in the way he liked because his best friend was the only one he could really trust.

"Everyone, in your respective lines!!"

People whipped their vlogging cameras out, some didn't and stuffed their phones into their pockets. The youtubers huddled into a line and bounced on stage when their name was called. A stroke of anxiety entered his heart, he didn't have the energy to bounce and hop and scream. People would think he was a snob, what would he do? Dan shook his head and forced himself into a smile, and then he heard it.


Dan took in a deep breath and walked onto the stage, twirling and doing a silly pose for the laughs. The crowd went wild and laughed, which made Dan happy but he regretted it because immediately a throbbing headache attacked him, and he sat quickly on the chair in attempts to steady himself and practically not fall on the floor. The youtubers began to introduce themselves, which Dan found a bit ridiculous because as if they'd have to introduce themselves, he didn't mean to be cocky but he found it a cheesy attempt to appear humble. He didn't see himself as greater than anybody but these people did know who they were.

In the midst of his thinking, he didn't even realise that it was his turn to introduce himself. Marcus Butler prodded him on the knee to snap him out of his fantasy and he turned to face the crowd and see a few girls giggling. In that moment, in the sudden on the spot question and the daze of his illness, he forgot his name. Dan saw this as succumbing to his illness bit the crowd found it funny and just another "Reasons why Dan's A Fail! (yay!)" Dan tried to keep up his normal sarcastic humour, "Daniel. My name is Daniel Howell." The youtubers laughed at him.

Dan sighed in relief and he was grateful that the questions were being thrown at the other youtubers. He flashed smiles and waved and answered questions as he normally did. A shy girl took the mic, and she gripped it tight,

"This is for Dan. Um, has there been any funny experiences since you've been here? Oh and by the way, I love you..I uh didn't mean it like that I just--"

"No please! Don't worry about it!"

"Well first off, thank you very much! And there was a funny incident. Phil and I were dancing, don't ask why, well to be honest I don't know why we were. Then you know, Phil pulls a Phil and he pushes this girl in front of me and she just..sneezes on me. I mean, she was a little girl who came to meet like, Annoying Orange or something and she just gives me and Phil this HORRIBLE face and leaves, her little fairy wings banging onto Phil! And you know, he's Phil and he runs after her and he trips and grabs onto her foot and her mum gives us this awful look! Oh Phil. He's more of a fail than I am, to be honest."

The girl giggles and thanks Dan, and passes the mic to the next person. Then a pang of sadness comes to his heart. The fever has made him sensitive, and each second that passes he misses Phil even more. Hours pass and more questions are answered and eventually, it's over. The last panel for tonight and Dan praises God. He walks out, hearing youtubers plan to party that night, but he's too sick for that. Hopefully Phil didn't come to any of those parties.

However while the hotel was 10 minutes away, at least, Dan knows this journey was going to hurt like hell because over the hour his illness has worsened. He could feel the fever taking over his body and mind. His vision started clouding, he stopped in his tracks and he could feel his lungs taking in heaps of air, his nose burning and the tickle reached to the very tip of his nose,


The force of his sneezes toppled him over, he staggered to a wall to support himself. He didn't even bother to cover, no one was there, it seemed, and his sneezes had built up quite the power from holding back too much. He stuck his nose up in the air, the sneezes building up and he rested his hands on his knees, feeling the tickle build up again and travel teasingly around his nose. "Hhhhh..AHHHH..hhhhiihhhhhhh..HEHHH..hhhhahhh!!!" The burn was unbearable, Dan rubbed a finger across his nostrils and looked up at the light, and finally succumbed to the tickle,


Dan breathed in heavily to recover, sniffling and moaning softly. He rubbed his nose and groaned, there was still quite some more to walk. He already felt like he was to collapse. As he looked up, he expected to see the hazy view of the street but in fact, three men stood by him, smirking at him mischievously. Dan bit his lip, there was no way he could defend himself in this kind of state.

"Bless you, boy, sick aren't you? One of those youtubers, uh? We're sick of you blimmin' lot."

Dan knew there was no way he could win, surrounded by his possible demise and his head throbbed, panic in his heart but his shoulders still squared and face still proud, "Yeah, I'm one of them. If that makes me less than you, so be it."

In a flash, he was hurled into the wall, and he saw red. He expected to feel the blow of steel fists and the pang of iron feet but they never came.

"We're takin' it easy on ya, kid, blimmin' bodyguards may come soon."

Dan coughed harshly, pain soaring in his body. The world turned and his body screamed but no sound came and he tried to speak but no words could come to explain this pain. He rested his head on the floor and let his body settle into the cold wind. He was not terribly injured, he knew that for a fact, just a scratch on his cheek, which he could tell by the hot liquid that streamed down into a small pool. However his fever had risen to a high temperature that forbade him from moving, and all he knew of movement and health were gone from his memory.

Dan sneezed softly, "hehshhtt-uhh! Hushhoo..hehshh.." He felt the fine mist on his hand and cringed. He sniffled and groaned, willing all the muscle in his body to work, to just fucking work but it wasn't having any of that. He felt so hopeless, screaming but all that came out was a hoarse whisper. No one could hear him. No one. He feels tears welling up in his eyes and he feels beads of tears trickle down his cheek, and he begins to sob. His chest trembles and nose runs, prompting yet another sneeze. "Huhhshhhoooo...!" He coughs and shivers, feeling so terrible and the only movement he can manage is to look up at the starry night sky and plead that somewhere Phil might be there. Hoping that Phil is listening, that somehow he'll come for him and pick him up. Dammit, Phil, he thinks and hopes that he'll come to him.

And that's all he can do.


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*squeals* Oh my gosh, Snowydays~! I love this so much aaahhh! Thank you so much for writing it for me!! I adore your spellings. So cute and in character. :blush: And what a cliffhanger! I can't wait for the next part!!!


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Mmmm I love Dan and Phil <3 i love this! And your spellings are just perfect.

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I am so excited for this to continue!! It's really good so far and I can't wait for Phil to make his appearance!

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Ohhhhhh poor guy...

Haha, I know! I feel kinda bad, but he's got Phil to come for him soon enough! ^-^

*squeals* Oh my gosh, Snowydays~! I love this so much aaahhh! Thank you so much for writing it for me!! I adore your spellings. So cute and in character. :blush: And what a cliffhanger! I can't wait for the next part!!!


Thank you!~ It's the least I can do for what you've done for me~ I'm really happy I've pleased you! I've just got to tweak the second part and finish the third part now~

Mmmm I love Dan and Phil <3 i love this! And your spellings are just perfect.

Who doesn't love these two? <3 and thank you so much! Hopefully I can appeal to you with the upcoming parts.

I am so excited for this to continue!! It's really good so far and I can't wait for Phil to make his appearance!

Omg thank you so so much! I hope you'll be pleased with what's to come. :D

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That was amazing!! Please continue

Aww thank you!! I'm glad to hear it! I'll be uploading part two tonight I think. ^-^

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  • 1 month later...


Sorry for the wait. ^^; and I'm sorry, English is hard for someone like me :( anyway, I tried and Mai's part for me will always be better than this. Ah well. Here we go. I also decided to join everything up into one part.


It's 12 pm and Phil still feels the adrenaline in his blood. He didn't drink in Zoe's party but he had the time of his life, well, nearly.

He couldn't if Dan wasn't there with him.

Dan should've been home by now, his panel finished at 9:30 and as far as he knew he didn't come to any party either. He had asked if anyone knew where Dan was, and every single person he asked didn't know where he was.

Phil had just assumed that he had went home and sat on tumblr. He chuckled to himself as he sat on the taxi with Zoe and Alfie on the way back because their hotel room had this sofa in which Dan had found another sofa crease.

Phil hopped off the car and helped Zoe with her bag, which made her smile sweetly at him. The three made their way into the lift and soon enough they had to go separate ways for their rooms were in different floors.

"Goodbye Zoe! Bye Alfie!"

"See ya later Phil!"

Phil smiled and waved until the elevator door closed yet again and he leaned back on the elevator wall, waiting for it to reach his hotel room.

The doors opened and he skipped out, brisk walking back to the hotel room because he couldn't wait to see Dan again.

He swiped his card and the door opened, he swung in and sang, "Daaaan~!" Phil readied to throw himself at his best friend and play video games for the rest of the night but his heart sank as he realised that no one was there.

Phil's heart skipped a beat and he yanked the bathroom door open, no Dan. He rummaged through the closets and under the beds to make sure he wasn't being pranked and when he found that the room was empty he wished he had been pranked.

Phil gasped and sat on the sofa, steadying his breathing until he was rational again. He pulled his phone out and hoped that he would answer.

Phil went to his recent calls and clicked on Dan's name, and each ring that came to his ear was a thunderdrum of panic and worry. Each ring that passed made the unsettling flame in Phil's chest even bigger and bigger.

He gave up by the 10th call.

Phil rushed out of his room and out of the hotel as fast as he could, feet pattering loudly and he did not care for the boy he loved could be in danger. As he came to the ground floor he jogged to the receptionist with hope in his eyes.

"Have you seen this man?"

He asked, showing a picture of Dam on his phone. The receptionist shook her head,

"Sorry sir. Last time I saw him was with you when you left for the convention."

"Okay, thank you."

Phil rushed out of the hotel door and ran in the direction of Dan's panel, his ribs began to hurt from running and his lungs screamed for air but his heart kept him running just to find Dan.

However his lungs eventually won and he sat on a bench and caught his breath, swearing to run when he caught his breath. He was going to find Dan.




Dan awoke, the most terrible pain in his head. He gasped and coughed, his phone fell out of his pocket to reveal 10 missed calls from Phil. Phil!

However Dan couldn't move. It was too far, he cried desperately and he felt so useless in that moment because there was his chance and he couldn't even move.

Just as he felt that nothing could ever be right again, he heard a voice. It was like light in the form of sound, and hope soared through his veins as he heard it.

"Dan..Dan where are you..? Please come back to me.."

'Phil, I'm here! Phil dammit I'm right here! Please!' Dan thought but couldn't say, his throat was too sore. As a tickle grew in his nose, he knew exactly what to do.





Phil stopped, his heart seeming to freeze. "Dan?" He whispered. "Dan!" He yelled, and ran over to an alley. His heart broke into a million pieces as he saw what laid before him.

A broken boy laid sprawled in front of him, paler than snow and nose red from sneezing and eyes red from crying. A scratch at the right side of his right eye appeared to have stopped bleeding but had left a trail of blood on his face.

Phil's mouth parted slightly and his eyes welled up because he could not process this image before him. This was the boy he loved and he was hurt.

Phil ran towards Dan and picked him up, kissing his temples.

"Dan! Dan you're here! Oh fuck you're alive! Shh, I'm taking you home. Okay? You're safe now."

Phil began to cry softly and felt bad because Dan had more reason to cry than he did. Dan turned to face him and gave him a weak smile,


Phil smiled softly, wiping away his tears,

"You win Captain America."


"Bless you. Let's go home."

And that's what they did. The breeze was cold and harsh and it worried Phil so so much. He held Dan tight in his arms never letting go, trying all he could to make him warm and shield him from everything else.

When they arrived at the hotel he didn't care for the passerby's oddly staring at them because nothing mattered more than Dan's safety. Dan was all that mattered now.





Phil laid Dan gently on his hotel bed, kissing his forehead sweetly. Phil got up to sit on his own bed which made Dan groan in annoyance.

Phil stared at him innocently, which made Dan really pissed and really happy. He loved how adorable Phil was but he was also pissed off at his adorable behaviour because it made him feel all mushy on the inside.

Dan was pleased to know that Phil finally caught on and watched as the older boy pushed his bed to Dan's to form a double bed.

"Finally caught on now, have you Phil?"

Phil smiled as he saw Dan's cheeky smile come back but played along and rolled his eyes. Dan watched as Phil came closer to him. Somehow, his vision began to blur and his face felt all tingly as--wait was he in fact going to??


Dan blushed and turned away from Phil in embarrassment, and hugged his pillow as he curled up. Phil chuckled a bit and came closer.





Phil came closer to Dan and turned him over to his side and kissed his nose, "stop it, bear, that was really cute." Dan shook his head furiously, hurting his head a bit. Phil sighed inwardly and watched as Dan struggled against another sneeze; and he swiped his finger against Dan's trembling nostrils.

"Ph-phil!! HEH..huh--shhhIEEEWWWW! EHH-ASHHUUU! heshhtjshuuu!...ughh..damn."

Phil chuckled and then looked at Dan, and then realised there was scratches all over Dan's body. He widened his eyes and jumped off the bed, exclaiming, "shit!"

"Language," Dan laughed, although doing so made him violently fall into a coughing fit. Phil instinctively patted Dan on the back until he was able to breathe again. Phil shook his head, "Really, Daniel? Now is not exactly the time."

Dan rolled his eyes, forcing himself to sit up, "I'm just trying to find some light in this situation."

Phil snapped, facing Dan, "There is NO light in this situation, Dan!"

Dan didn't know how to reply, shock taking his entire body, "You try being yanked across an alleyway and try to call out for help when no one can hear you!"

Phil didn't reply, accidentally dropping his phone and awkwardly picking him up. Now he just looked stupid.





Dan groaned loudly, his throat hurting from the outburst. He buried his face into the pillow, and yelled mentally as he tried to stop the burning feeling in his face and chest, trying not to cry. He felt his shoulders shake and eyes burn from fatigue and fever. Suddenly, the annoying burn in his nose returned and he couldn't help but succumb to the sensation.

"hissshhh-yooo!! Hnggxt-shEEEEUU! huh-nggggtt! huh-chhh..hshhhhh!"

Dan forced himself to hold back the sneezes, not wanting Phil to worry too much despite being cross with him. However each of the stifles left his nose very unsatisfied and wanting more.

He couldn't stop, and he could feel his lungs burn from the lack of oxygen and he nearly jumped as he felt a figure approached him. The person pulled him close to him and brought a hanky to his face and dabbed at his nose. He felt trapped and scared, nearly having a panic attack.






He felt awful for doing this to Dan. He didn't want to make Dan feel uneasy again but he needed help desperately. He held Dan close to him and felt Dan slowly settle into him, as if he began to realise it was only Phil. As Dan's panic began to decrease, the sneezes only became stronger.

"Huh-SHEUU! Ehh..hah-chahh! Ahh-Chauu!!"

Then Dan paused. His nostrils had began to twitch and tears streamed from Dan's eyes. "P-Phil.." Dan mumbled, placing a hand on Phil's chest and pushed him away a bit too harshly. "I godda sdeeze...idts godda be big..hehh..hauhh..Hahhh!!!"


Phil watched Dan in awe, even when Dan was sneezing he was unbearably beautiful. Phil kissed Dan's temples and pushed the hanky to Dan's nose.

"Blow," Phil instructed. Dan blew obediently and his eyes fluttered shut again, breath hitching. "hetcchhh!..ahh..hoo!" Phil caught the sneezes with the hanky.

"I'm sorry Dan," Phil whispered quietly, ruffling Dan's hair.

"I'm sorry too." Dan croaked. Phil just sighed softly and was about to get up when he felt Dan pull him down to bed, "Don't go. Please."

Phil sighed. "Dan I have to get you medicine."

Dan whimpered, "..I don't want to be alone.."

Phil gave in, flopping back on the bed and pulled Dan close to him, wrapping his arms and legs around Dan's cold body. He pulled the covers over them.

"You know, I see why people ship us so much...hahhshieewww!!"

"..they would totally gif this if they could..oh and bless you."

Phil leaned in and kissed Dan on the lips, and he felt the same way he did the first time they kissed.

"You're a sap."

"Thanks, Dan."


Phil chuckled, Dan was safe. That's all that matters now. He leaned in to kiss Dan again, and they both fell asleep shortly afterwards.

Phil loved Dan so much.

And that's all he can do.




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Aahh, this is so cute, Snowydays! :heart: I know I flailed at you briefly via PM, but since I have a laptop now I can flail at you properly. :bleh:

Phil finding Dan by his sneezes is such an adorable idea! And poor Dan, awwww.... :cry: The angst practically broke my heart!

Also, this:

"stop it, bear, that was really cute."

I love Phil calling Dan 'bear'. Such a cute nickname, and so many 2009 Phan feels~!

"You know, I see why people ship us so much...hahhshieewww!!"

"..they would totally gif this if they could..oh and bless you."

I loved these two lines in particular. Very accurate. :laugh:

Thank you very much for writing this for me, Snowydays! :hug: I really enjoyed writing your fic, it was a fun trade!

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Aahh, this is so cute, Snowydays! :heart: I know I flailed at you briefly via PM, but since I have a laptop now I can flail at you properly. :bleh:

Phil finding Dan by his sneezes is such an adorable idea! And poor Dan, awwww.... :cry: The angst practically broke my heart!

Also, this:

"stop it, bear, that was really cute."

I love Phil calling Dan 'bear'. Such a cute nickname, and so many 2009 Phan feels~!

"You know, I see why people ship us so much...hahhshieewww!!"

"..they would totally gif this if they could..oh and bless you."

I loved these two lines in particular. Very accurate. :laugh:

Thank you very much for writing this for me, Snowydays! :hug: I really enjoyed writing your fic, it was a fun trade!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!! I loved your fic so much, and your fic is much more superior to mine, but I'm still happy that you're happy. (^-^)


Thank you!~ :D
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