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The Weak Link (Ff15, Prompto)


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Hello! I am ChichaiSenpai, and I am very new to this forum.... though I have been a lurker for many, many years. Only now have I gotten the courage to join, and what better way to present myself than the start of a small fic? I'm not sure how many are excited for the new Final Fantasy 15, or have played the demo, but it's something I've been wanted to write since discovering how much I love these four road trip boys.

The beginning isn't very long. I only have a limited time to write(I seriously probably wrote this in a few minutes...), and I don't want to invest too much time into it if people aren't familar with the fandom. ^^; I'm also a bit self conscious since this is my first fic and all, and I'm not that great of a writer. Forgive mistakes!

Anywho, this is a fic about the lovely Prompto! Who I find completely adorable and thus I must torture him. Logic at it's finest!

The Weak Link

Part 1

“H-heh…. heh…” A beat of silence filled the car. Then, finally, sweet release. “Hetchoo-choo! HATCHUH!” The blonde in the passenger’s seat smiled triumphantly, glad to of been rid of the horrid tickle. “That was building up for at least 20 seconds.” Prompto spoke to the driver, his fingers going to wipe under his nose to rid of the mess that was there.

Ignis’s mother instincts were quick to take hold, and even while driving, he was able to swat Prompto’s hand before it could make contact. “We have tissues in the glove box for such things.” Ignis instructed, hand moving back to the wheel. “Oh, and bless you, though I’m surprised your outburst didn’t wake anyone.” Ignis moved the rear view mirror slightly to gaze at the other passengers in the backseat.

“I’m not surprised.” Prompto pipped up, packet of tissues now in hand. He ripped the packet open and placed a tissue over his nose. “Noct and Gladio can sleep through anything. I’m kind of envious.” As if to make a point Prompto blew his nose loudly before quickly looking into the backseat. Gladiolus’s snore filled the vehicle

“We really should make camp soon.” Ignis spoke with a sigh. Eyes scanning the endless stretch of highway in hopes of spotting a camping area. The sun was setting giving the area around them an orange tinge. They had spent the whole day traveling in hopes of coming across a camper so the group could finally get a normal night's sleep and a long over due shower, but the effort was fruitless. The only other source of humanity was a gas station they had passed two hours ago. With night drawing near creatures and monsters were waking up. They needed to find a ‘safe haven’, basically a rock with runes inscribed on it, to set up the tent. Not wanting to leave the car too far out of sight, Prompto and Ignis started scanning the area for a close camp. It didn’t take long for Ignis to spot one and pull over.

The two passengers in the front exited the vehicle and opened the back doors. Ignis gave himself the duty of waking the Prince, where Prompto was to wake Gladio in a, as Ignis put it, civil manner…. but civil wasn’t very fun.

Prompto opened the door. Hands grabbing the older man’s shoulder. “Help! We’re surrounded by goblins! Oh, god they’ve taken Ignis to be their goblin queen!!” With a grunt Gladiolus was out of the car at lightning speed. Weapon already out and ready to attack the goblin hoard… but was only met with Prompto’s pealing laughter.

Gladiolus started towards the younger male. Weapon gone and replaced with menacingly cracking his knuckles. “I guess someone’s up for a round night sparring.” He was closing in on the blonde, who’s hands were up in surrender.

“Come on, Gladio. It was only a-gaack!” Prompto didn’t have time to finish as the taller male put him in a headlock. Knuckles rubbing roughly into his skull.

“Stop! Stop!!” Prompto pleaded, which only made Gladio laugh.

“Not until you say ‘Gladiolus is the strongest, most handsome member of the group’.” His noogie digging harder into the blonde’s head.

“Ignis always taught me it wasn’t nice to lie-Ah! Stop!” Prompto attempted to shove Gladiolus’s arm away from his neck where the man had squeezed a bit tighter. Suddenly, Prompto stopped struggling as the itch returned to his nose at full force. He didn’t have time to give the taller male any warning. “Heh-Hetchoo! Hxtchu!” The ladder sneeze accidently muffled into Gladio’s arm.

“Disgusting!” Came the taller male as he let Prompto go. Stepping back wiping his arm on his pants.

“Bless you, Prom.” The deep, sleepy voice of Noctis called from behind them. The two looked over to see Noctis and Ignis watching them.

Prompto smiled at the two and looked as if he were going to say something, but was cut off as his breath hitched. Nose and mouth being tucked into his elbow. “Hmptch HMPTCh!” He sneezed in rapid succession.

“Are you feeling alright, Prompto?” Ignis ask as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to the gunner, who accepted it gratefully.

“Yeah! I’m fine. Kicked up too much dust while Gladiolus was trying to kill me.” He blew his nose, went to hand the handkerchief back, but Ignis declined. Prompto shrugged and placed the cloth in his pocket. “Okay, no more time to stand around. Let’s make camp! I’m starving!” A large smile filled Prompto’s face as he went to the car to grab the camping gear. Luckily no one seemed to notice how forced the emotion was. If he kept up appearance they’d all be none the wiser. Who knew? Maybe Prompto could will this blooming cold away by just pretending he wasn’t falling ill?

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  • 1 year later...

This is super cute <:
I just finished the game & wasn't ready to be done with it, so I went looking for some cuteness and stumbled upon this. I can't believe you wrote it over a year ago!

Prompto is such a sweetie, I could just imagine this playing out during one of the car cutscenes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/1/2017 at 2:37 AM, coffeecream said:

This is super cute <:
I just finished the game & wasn't ready to be done with it, so I went looking for some cuteness and stumbled upon this. I can't believe you wrote it over a year ago!

Prompto is such a sweetie, I could just imagine this playing out during one of the car cutscenes.

I was just coming back to this thread to reread it and try to get some motivation to write more, because I need more sneezy prompto, and prompto needs more bro love. Thank you!! I'm so happy you liked it! I just finished the game as well, and I've just grown to love them even more!! I'm surprised it's been over a year... I'm a grade A procrastinator! haha

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10 hours ago, ChichaiSenpai said:

I was just coming back to this thread to reread it and try to get some motivation to write more, because I need more sneezy prompto, and prompto needs more bro love. Thank you!! I'm so happy you liked it! I just finished the game as well, and I've just grown to love them even more!! I'm surprised it's been over a year... I'm a grade A procrastinator! haha

If you feel the inspiration, you definitely should, I really like your writing style!
I'll never decline more sneezy Prompto either, he was my favourite in the game ~ ( although I'm starting to think I just have a thing for tiny sneezy blonde anime boiz although Noctis is a qtpi too.)

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Prompto is absolutely adorable! You write him well -- I love all the little in-character touches. Haha, accidentally sneezing on Gladio, too! I adore these boys all to pieces.

It probably goes without saying, but I would love to see more. <3

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Me: I'm going to sit down and give everyone a good, long reply!

Also me: Too busy for their own good, so I'm just going to toss out this shit and hope for the best.

....sorry. I hope it's okay. I'm writing this before heading off to work, whoo. What is 'slowing down'?

Once again, please forgive errors.



Part two

It felt like he had swallowed a cactus. Involuntarily, he started to cough in hopes of ridding the prickly needles that had to of been stuck in his throat. It wasn't until he heard Noctis groan next to him did Prompto remember where he was. In the middle of nowhere, in a tent on a rock, and laying next to three sleeping guys. He covered his mouth with his hands in fear of waking them, and, even worse, them realizing he was starting to feel more under the weather. Prompto knew he wasn't the most useful member of this party, and the last thing he wanted was to become even more of a burden to them. Oh, look at that, Prompto slowing everyone down... again.

Of course, an annoying itch found it's way into his sinuses, breaking him of his self-deprecation. Prompto's breath hitch. 'No no no!' He clamped his hands even tighter over his mouth, as well as managing to pinch off his nose. He needed to exit this tent as quickly as possible! Prompto hurriedly scrambled to his feet as graceful as anyone could while half asleep, and made for the door. He didn't stop until he was as far as one could get on a haven from the tent before he was forced to be overcome.

Lips parting, nose crinkling, nostrils flaring, it wasn't coming! It was a good minute of false starts, hitching breath, and watery eyes before his nose set him free. Knees bent, he hunched over in a near crouch. "Heh-heh- Hxtchu! Heh-Hetchchoo-chuh! HEKUSHUH!"

"Ouch..." The last sneeze was much louder than he wanted; his sore throat suffering for it. Sniffling wetly and wiping tears, Prompto looked back at the tent. No one came out, thank the gods.

Something warm and wet touched his top lip. The blonde patted his pockets trying to find the handkerchief Ignis had let him borrow earlier, but the chill of the night reminded him that his vest was currently laying crumpled and forgotten in the tent. The mucus dripped even further. "Ew, tissues, tissues..." He cupped a hand over the mess as he wandered over to Ignis's cooking supplies. Thankfully, things were still left out and he was able to procure himself some napkins. Wiping his nose stirred up a lingering itch. "Hmptch!" Prompto muffled it with the napkin. He finished cleaning himself and threw the thin papers away.

"Prompto?" A voice nearly caused the gunner to scream. Turning around he saw Gladio leaning out of the front of the tent. "What are you doing this late?"

Shit! How much had he heard? Think, Prompto!! "Jus-t-" Prompto's voice cracked then dropped to a whisper. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Just getting some water." The cooler was conveniently at his feet. To make his lie as believable as possible he opened it, grabbed a plastic bottle, and took a swig. At this moment Prompto remembered how blessed he was to live in a time where cold water was easy to come by. The raging fire in his throat had cooled to a dull ember for the time being.

"Heh-huh..." Gladiolus caught his attention. Gladio's eyes squinting, mouth parting in a mirror of what Prompto looked liked a few minutes prior. The bigger man quickly ducked into his elbow. "URUSHOO! ...snf, ugh it's a bit chilly tonight."

"We never need a thermometer with you around, Gladi-Nose." Prompto quietly laughed and then mentally kicked himself as the action made him want to cough. He drank more water to try and stop himself.

"Shut up and go back to bed. I'm going to take a leak..." Gladio sneezed again roughly before disappearing behind the tent.

Prompto sighed, he was safe for now. Reentering the tent, Prompto quietly laid himself back down. Water bottle close at hand to quell the burning sting from inside his throat. The congestion in his nose becoming more apparent as he lay on his back. This was great, just great... Prompto rolled to his side to try and at least clear one nostril to help him sleep better. Yes, sleep. He was going to wake in the morning and be healthy! This cold long and forgotten like the math formulas he was forced to learn in school! 



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It's like magical wish-fulfillment! I'm delighted to see that you've continued this. Poor sickly Prompto; he needs his bros to take care of him. 

And cold sneezy Gladio is just icing on the cake, guhhh. I love the thought of the other three teasing him for his sneezes. 

Thank you for this! 

Feel better, Prompto (but not toooo fast, haha). 

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Ooh, how did I miss this story here? Poor Prompto in denial. I can't wait to read more, and I love how you added Gladio sneezing from the cold weather in there. B)

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poor babbykins!
I wonder how hiding it would affect their bounties or boss fights... Maybe not responding fast enough when Noctis calls for a joint attack, or just plain missing the shot.
I feel like if Prompto was sick, Noct would be the first to notice. Just straight out ask "So, why didn't you tell us you were sick?" & Prompto jumps like "WH-WHAT ARE YOU SAYING WITH YOUR FACE RIGHT NOW?"

A+ for slipping Gladio in there too haha. It's quite nice he also sneezes in the game ~

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  • 3 months later...

Aw, Prompto. Poor boy isn't gonna be able to hide this cold for much longer at the rate things are going...

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Ahhh I LOVE this fic!! Sneezy Prompto is too adorable. <3 I've been so thirsty for FFXV sneezefic lol, if you plan on more updates I'll be very happy to read them!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aw, poor guy! :blushing: Cuties trying to hide colds has always been my weakness. :inlove:  Wonder how long he'll be able to keep the act up. :heart:

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  • 1 month later...

//pops in


(Whoops Gladio's sneezes are super lovely too ????)

I hope you find the time/inspiration to write more!!

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  • 1 year later...

Oh man, this was adorable! You said you were new to writing but this didn't come off that way at all, the descriptions were natural, I'm not super familiar with the game but the characterization felt strong, all their personalities established right away, and the way you spelled the sneezes felt really natural and effortless. I always struggle to figure out how to spell them myself. But yeah, I loved this, thanks!

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