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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Pretty Little Liars (Hanna Marin...a fic for Imweirdandiloveit)


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I'm so sorry that this took so long. Things have been a bit crazy at my house and I've had a bit of writers block. This is just the first part but I hope you like it, Imweirdandiloveit, and welcome to the forum! Also I just wanted to give a quick shoutout/thank you to MoonChop for editing as always even if she's not a part of the Pretty Little Liars fandom.

It had been twelve days since they were rescued from the “dollhouse.” Twelve days since they had been trapped, all alone, playing along with A’s games just to survive. The girls were coping as well as could be expected. They were jumpy. Expecting A to pop out behind every corner. They had only been only there for 21 days, but to them it felt like a lifetime.

Hanna’s mom had started letting Caleb spend the night, noticing how it had calmed her daughter down dramatically when he was there. She trusted that the two of them wouldn’t do anything stupid with all that had happened recently. Ms. Marin peeked in at Hanna and Caleb snoozing soundly one last time before heading to bed. Hannah was curled in a ball and Caleb had his arms wrapped around her tightly as if he was trying to protect her from anything that might take her away again. The girls were supposed to go back to school in the morning. They had tried to go back to school once last week, but they all ended up bailing out.

The next morning dawned bright and early. Caleb woke up to the sound of Hanna snoring.. That’s weird, he thought. He didn’t remember ever hearing Hanna snore before, but he shrugged it off and went to take his shower. She was still sound asleep when he returned dressed in his usual t-shirt and jeans. He sat back down on the bed beside her and started rubbing her back. She didn’t budge. He started stroking her short, blonde hair instead.

“Hanna, wake up” He spoke softly so as not to alarm her. She started waking up and stretching out. “Good morning, beautiful” Caleb smiled as planted a kiss on the top of her head.

“Mbording.” Hanna mumbled as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She was still so tired, even after a long, restful night, and she couldn’t breathe through her nose at all. She shivered.

“You okay?” Caleb asked as he studied her up and down. She looked more pale and tired than usual, not to mention the fact that it looked like she was freezing. Hanna nodded “yes” as she got up and began to gather the stuff she needed to get ready for school. In all honesty, Hanna just wanted to curl back up in bed and go to sleep, but she couldn’t ditch school again. Especially not if she wanted to graduate this year.

Caleb knew Hanna was anything but a morning person and just left her alone to go get ready. Once he heard the shower begin to run, he grabbed his and Hanna’s backpacks and headed downstairs to make them some breakfast.

Hanna sighed in relief when she heard the sound of Caleb closing the door behind him when he left the room. She turned the shower temperature up as high as it would go. She was freezing and she hoped that the steam from the shower would help clear her stuffy nose. She let out a few quick sneezes as the vapor loosened up her congestion. “EH’CHIEW! Heh’TSHHew! N’tchh!” She hoped Caleb hadn’t heard that. If he knew she was sick he would never let her go to school today, and if she didn’t go today she didn’t think she would ever feel ready to go. She just had to put on a brave face and get the first day back over with. She turned off the water as soon as she finished and made quick work of getting ready for once. She made her way downstairs and found Caleb placing two plates of eggs, toast, and bacon beside one glass of orange juice and another of apple juice.

“Juice?” Hanna questioned. Usually she drank coffee, or as she liked to refer to it recently, ‘‘liquid energy.” Caleb came over and gave her a quick kiss before leading her to the seat with the glass of apple juice. He knew that she preferred it over orange juice.

“Yes, juice. It’s your first day back and I want you to have a healthy breakfast to help you focus.”

Hannah smiled at his thoughtfulness and decided not to question his judgement. They ate mostly in silence. Caleb tried to make small talk, but he could see Hannah was anxious for the day and wasn’t up for much talking. He cleared the table, handed Hannah her bag and the two of them walked to the car. Hannah, not in the mood to drive, tossed her keys at Caleb who caught them and drove them to school.

“Heading in?” Caleb asked when Hanna stopped at the bottom of the school’s entrance steps.

“No, I’m waiting on Spencer, Aria, and Emily. We’re all going to walk in together.” Caleb nodded and kissed her goodbye. It wasn’t long after he left that the rest of the girls arrived. Aria, Spencer, and Emily talked amiably as they walked into school. Hannah’s throat was sore and she had a headache. She wasn’t in the mood to talk.

"Han? You okay over there, you look a little spaced out" Spencer asked.

“Yeah, just a little nervous is all.” Hanna smiled to show that she was indeed okay and continued to keep quiet as the other girls talked. Emily was the only one who had the same first period as Hanna, so the two of them waved goodbye to their friends as they parted for the day. They paused before walking in, taking a deep, calming breath, then walked into the science classroom. Everyone was staring at them as they made their way to two seats towards the back of the class. They knew that everyone was wondering what exactly had happened when they were kidnapped and how they escaped. Thankfully, the awkward stares didn’t last too long, though, as the teacher, Mrs. Guild, made her way into the classroom and instructed to students to open their books to page 327.

Hanna rubbed her nose as the teacher droned on about the circulatory system. She couldn’t quell the incessant tickling no matter how hard she tried. She knew she was going to sneeze, but she didn’t want to draw any more attention to herself. She pulled a tissue out of her purse and attempted to muffle the sound of her sneezes as quietly as she could.. “H’etch! N’xshh! NNXch! Eh’tchh! Hxtsh!”

Emily, who was sitting in the seat directly behind her, watched Hanna’s shoulders shaking up and down during the sneezing fit. It wasn’t until the third sneeze that Emily finally figured out what was going on. She could hear Hanna’s thick, congested sniffling when the fit finally ended, and Hanna softly trying to blow her nose without making a lot of noise.

Emily tried to turn her focus back to the board, but Hanna was shivering. She thought about offering Hanna her jacket, but the bell rang, dismissing them to their next class and Hanna had already gathered her books and was waiting on Emily so they could leave.

Edited by Seniorstatus14
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This is very adorable. I don't watch Pretty Little Liars much, but from what I have seen, the characterizations are on point. I would love to see this continued. :)

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Perfect perfect perfect ❤️ We needed more PLL on the forum! The characterization is so gooooood. So glad you're writing Hanna/Caleb too, ahhh!! Sorry for rambling, can't wait for the next part!!

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Wow I love this! I don't usually like female sneezing but this is good!! And I haven't seen much PLL on the forum! This new season is soooo frustrating lol.... Anyway hope you continue! :)

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Ahhhh thank you thank you thank you!!! I can't tell you how much I love this already :D the wait was definitely worth it and I'm so excited to read the next part <3 You captured the characters absolutely perfectly!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really hope you continue this when you have time :)

I am! I actually have like half a part written but I've been away chaperoning camp and working and etc. Thursday and Friday are my last 2 days at work before I head back to school and I have Saturday-Monday to write, netflix binge, etc....I mean, uh pack. Yeah packing and cleaning. JK, I'm definitely writing this weekend because if I don't I won't get to it until probably after classes start on like August 17th.

P.S. Thank you everyone who posted for your kind comments! I promise not to keep y'all in suspense too much longer!

P.P.S. Melody you are so right! This new season is EIAUFEOIAFCHI;DOSVH;O;IDN! Like I don't even want to watch anymore the only reason I am is because I WANT TO KNOW WHO A IS! It's been haunting me since freshman year of high school & now I'm going into my sophomore year of college! Lol. Although, did you see this past Tuesday's episode? Don't wanna spoil anything for those who may not have seen it butttt OFDFCHOIJFKEMWAFF!!!!! :D

Edited by Seniorstatus14
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  • 4 weeks later...

My God,I LOVED it!The fic's absolutely PERFECT!

Thank you so much for sharing!Hope you post a new part soon!

Edited by Blessing Queen
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AHHHH! Y'all I am so so so sorry about not updating this! I had my back to school appointments and found out I had some infection so then I got put on antibiotics and I found out I was allergic so then I broke out and move in and getting everything together for school, and starting classes, it's just been a hectic month. So I thought I'd post a little snippet from the next part that's already edited to tie y'all over until everything settles down and I have time to finish it. So sorry again, I really need to do better at finishing fics in a timely manner! Thank y'all again for all the sweet comments!

Emily followed Hanna to their lockers so that they could grab their stuff for their next classes. Hanna cleared her throat, trying to fight off a cough, but the clearing made her already sore throat more irritated in she winced slightly.

“You alright, Han?” Emily asked as she slammed her locker shut. Hanna cringed at the sudden noise from Emily’s locker and she gently closed her own.

“Yeah, I’m fide, got a little dust or something in my throat.” Hanna waved her off, showing her that she was in fact fine. “I’ll see you at lunch!” Hanna told her before taking off towards English class. Emily watched her for a minute as she left, debating whether to inform the others or at least Caleb that Hanna was acting a little under the weather, but seeing as Hanna was determined to go to class she decided not to tell anyone. Hanna was always the first to try and ditch class, so if she wanted to be in class for once, she was going to let her.

The next two classes flew by in a blur for Hanna. She could feel herself getting steadily worse every class. By time lunch came her throat was hurting so bad she didn’t even know if she could talk, her head was pounding, and she had ceased to be able to breathe through her nose.

Hanna went through the line and despite not being even the slightest bit hungry, picked chicken nuggets and fries to eat along with a water to drink. She sat down next to Aria, and started to nibble on her fries when she noticed that the other three girls were staring at her.

“What?” Hanna croaked.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Emily asked again, trying to give Hanna another chance to admit that she was sick.

“If you’re sick you should go home and get some rest.” Spencer told her.

Aria tried to reach her hand up to feel Hanna’s forehead, but Hanna slapped it away. “I’m fide! Why won’t you believe me!” Hanna croaked in frustration. Before the girls could even respond to that statement,Hanna started coughing deeply and harshly, the attempt at talking being too much for her already irritated throat to handle. Aria moved her hand to Hanna’s back and began rubbing small circles onto it. Emily reached forward and opened Hanna’s water bottle for her and handed it over to her. Hanna took a long sip before thanking Emily.

“Really, Hanna, go home and get some rest. We’ll come visit you after school.” Spencer told her.

“Fide.” Hanna said as she texted Caleb to ask for a ride home since they didn’t have the same lunch period. She didn’t tell him why she needed the ride home. She just asked if he could drive her.

Caleb looked down at his phone in confusement. Hanna was so adamant about going to school today, why did she want to go home. He texted her back “You’ve done so good so far, are you sure you want to go home?”

Her response was a simple “Yes. Meet you at the car?” Once he texted back that he was on his way, Hanna signed the two of them out at the front office and went to wait for her boyfriend the car. It was unseasonably warm for Rosewood this time of year, but Hanna still felt like she was freezing.

It wasn’t long after she got to the car that Caleb arrived. “Hey what’s wrong?” Caleb asked, the concern showing on his face.

Hanna opened her mouth to speak, but instead sneezes came out instead of words.. “Eh’heh’TSHHh! Ih’shh! HEHh’tchhew!

Caleb stood there momentarily in shock. When she finished sneezing, he pulled her into his arms for a hug. He ran his arms up and down her back soothingly. “Hanna, we didn’t have to go today if you were sick. We could’ve stayed home and watched The Notebook and eaten a gallon of ice cream and soup.” He gave her a wry grin that made Hanna crack a small smile.

“I just wanted to survive the first day.” Hanna sighed.

“You did. Mostly. Let’s get you home.” Caleb opened the door for Hanna.

It wasn’t a long ride home from the school, but Hanna was asleep in the passenger seat before they had even left the school parking lot. Caleb took the opportunity once he safely parked the car in the Marin’s driveway to feel her forehead while she was asleep and couldn’t protest. She was burning up, as he had suspected.

Sorry it is very very short! The next piece will be longer and it'll be the end. Hopefully I'll get it up soon!
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This is absolutely adorable. I can't wait to read the end of the story.

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Oh my gosh this is so freaking adorable :D I can't thank you enough for continuing this and I can't wait to read the next part!! Also I'm so sorry about you getting sick and having a reaction to the medicine :( I hope you're better now!!

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