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Distractions (Once Upon A Time)


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So I haven't seen any OUAT fics around so I had a go at writing my own! I'm a little bit in love with Hook tbh, so it just made sense for me to make him sneeze wubsmiley.gif

Spoilers for Season 2 and 3, so just be aware please! It was very difficult to write a OUAT fic with a plot and without spoilers, as the plot of the actual show is quite complicated and confusing at times, so I gave that up as a bad job - sorry sadsmiley.gif

Anyway, should I continue with this? Please let me know! smile.png


Part 1

Night began to fall in Neverland, a night that would span weeks. That’s how it worked in this place – a day of around 48 hours and then a night that lasted so much longer. This didn’t bother anyone in the party trying to save Henry from Peter Pan’s wrath, as they were all adults, but the Lost Boys found this more difficult. The best ones had gotten used to these longs nights, but the newer, less experienced Lost Boys still cried for their mothers at night. Pan sometimes felt sorry for them, depending on how useful they could be to him, but the Shadow felt nothing. He was the one who stole them away from their families, after all.

Henry had been captured by Pan’s associates who had invaded Storybrooke and taken him away. This, in Emma’s eyes, left her no option other than to go and save him from the most powerful and dangerous monster that roamed throughout all lands, as Rumpelstiltskin had told her. And, true to their word, Emma didn’t travel alone – Snow, Charming, Regina, Rumple and Hook followed her through the portal to Neverland, as at least the first three of them cared for Henry. The other two wanted revenge against Pan, who had wronged the both of them in the past.

For one of those people though, this was proving difficult…

Rumple had left the group soon after they had arrived in Neverland, for reasons unbeknownst to the rest of them. He had his own problems but thought he was powerful enough to take on Pan alone, so didn’t see much point staying around with people who frustrated him and were not moving fast enough for his liking.

Hook, on the other hand, had stayed with the group and was becoming more and more infatuated with Emma. She, of course, didn’t care for him as he cared for her. Her love and Henry’s father, Neal, had been shot and fallen through a portal back into the Enchanted Forest. He was dead, to her knowledge, and she still loved him – and was too focussed on saving Henry to notice the way that Hook was falling for her more and more as each hour passed.

Though it seemed as though Hook was developing his own distractions too. As they all were sitting around the fire in some sort of temporary camp that he didn’t really agree with, he felt a slight tickle within his nose. He absentmindedly rubbed at it in an attempt to make the tickle go away but to no avail – the annoying itch just would not leave no matter how hard he tried. He seemed within a war between his mind and his nose, and was only snapped out of it when Emma called his name.

“Hook?” Emma looked at him with the look in her eye – a look that Hook knew and was sure to get to know better. She was worried. “Are you alright?”

“Of course love, why wouldn’t I be?” was his quick and smooth reply, with a slight smile that fooled the rest of them but never fooled Emma.

“You zoned out. You sure you’re okay?”

“I am fine, and even if I wasn’t we have bigger things to worry about right now,” Hook looked over at Regina, half because he could feel her watching him, and half to avoid Emma’s concerned gaze. “Have you found anything to do with Pan’s whereabouts?”

“No. You’re the expert of this land, we were hoping you’d be of more help than you’re being now, quite frankly.”

Hook went to reply, but suddenly found that the tickle in his nose had come back with a vengeance and this time it was merciless. He turned away from the group as best he could before he was overcome with a sneeze, which he managed to stifle silently. How he managed it, he had no idea, but he knew if this didn’t abate then he wouldn’t be able to keep up appearances for much longer.

“Hook, I-” Emma began, but Hook cut her off.

“I’m fine Emma, please,” Hook insisted before turning back to Regina. “Pan moves his camp around all the time, to keep a sense of mystery surrounding him. I would guess that it’s also to prevent intruders, like us.”

“That’s helpful,” Regina rolled her eyes.

“It’s a start, and it’s more than we knew,” Snow defended. “If Hook’s right, surely we have more chance of finding his camp if we start put?”

“That puts us in a bad position,” Hook tried to explain but that wretched tickle was back. “We can’t stay in… in the same place because… h’nxxt! Hh’gnxt! Ugh… excuse me. Because then Pan will know exactly where we are, and that’s something we do not want.” Hook could feel his cheeks redden as he felt everyone’s eyes on him, but not one of them said a thing.

“Okay,” Regina replied slowly. “So what do we do?”

“We keep moving,” Hook ordered, looking at each of the people around him in turn. “It’s the only option we have at this point.” He tried to keep his nose at bay, but that part of him just wasn’t having it. “Hh’nnxt! H’gnxt! Uhh… huh’nxshhu!”

“Bless you,” Snow said softly, and Hook’s already red cheeks turned darker.

“Thanks love, but blesses are not needed,” Hook sniffled, trying not to draw even more attention to himself. His defences were up sky high, and they weren’t going to tumble because of an over-nice hero from the Enchanted Forest.

“Looks like we better get going then,” Emma said, keeping her eyes on Hook who was still constantly rubbing at his nose. “Hook can lead the way.”

“Gladly Swan, don’t fall too far behind!”

“Won’t let you out of my sight Hook,” Emma still had that concerned look on her face, but Hook just smirked.

“Is that a threat or a promise?”

“Hate to break up this lovely chat, but can we please just go?” Regina cut in, obviously irritated with the both of them. Hook went to reply but was overcome with that tickle once more, so left Regina to her moaning and set off heading North towards the mountain, sniffling every now and then but keeping the sneezes at bay… somehow.



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I see you were ready go with this. :) Yes, do continue. I'm interested to see how annoyed you can make Regina and how sneezy you can make Hook.

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I see you were ready go with this. :) Yes, do continue. I'm interested to see how annoyed you can make Regina and how sneezy you can make Hook.

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Nice start. I'd definitely like to see more of this. You were wrong though about there not being any other OUAT fics though. I wrote one several months ago called Too Many Movie References which is a Hook allergy fic. There have been a few others written by other people, but unfortunately I can't remember what they were called off the top of my head.

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Please do! We need more good OUAT fics here.

I'm planning on it :)

I see you were ready go with this. smile.png Yes, do continue. I'm interested to see how annoyed you can make Regina and how sneezy you can make Hook.

Yes I was! I had it almost written and then finished it sooner than expected, and just went with it (after the proof read from my friend haha). I am planning on that! She's going to get sooo frustrated with him, I can't wait 4.gif

Nice start. I'd definitely like to see more of this. You were wrong though about there not being any other OUAT fics though. I wrote one several months ago called Too Many Movie References which is a Hook allergy fic. There have been a few others written by other people, but unfortunately I can't remember what they were called off the top of my head.

Ooohh really? I might try and go find that, or you could link it for me if you wanted haha :) I'm mostly blind when it's something I'm trying to look for, typical me!

Thank you though :)

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Yes! Too Many Movie References, that was the fic I was alluding to in the other post. If you use the search function and put in the title and/or Shayla you'll find it.

Waiting patiently for more. :)

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Ok here's the link to Too Many Movie References http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=57107

Here's another good one with Hook being sick. http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=60336

There are a few others but I haven't read them. You can find them by searching the fanfiction forum for "OUAT" though.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey! I read this fix when it first came out and am still waiting for a sequel maybe??:bounce: Anyway, if you have given up on this idea, maybe you could add a little part that's...say... 3 seasons in the future? Regina and Hook, David and Hook, or Emma and Hook could be trying to stop the cloaked figure and Killian gets an allergy or something? Just an idea, though probably not a very good one:blushsmiley:

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