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Sneeze Fetish Forum

No Turning Back (kind of Creepypasta.)


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(So this story is kind of a creepypasta, but kind of not. The characters in it are two characters that a lovely artist decide to give faces to they are shown in this video:

I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do and let me know if I should continue.)

Keith ran, he ran as far as his legs would take him never looking back. The rain was pouring around him and his body was starting to go numbfrom the cold, but he ignored that. He didn't care, he was a wanted man, on the run for the rest of his life. Not regretting a single thing, it was all for him making it worth while. He tripped stumbling falling onto his face, getting scratched up. Keith laid there exhausted, unable to move futher sobbing. A small transparent figure came out of the shadow, he knelt down to Keith, speaking knowing it wouldn't be heard,"Hey come on Keith, you can't stay here it's cold and wet...you'll get sick." The small freckled ginger was the recently deceased Randy Warren. He had stuck around Keith keeping an eye on him, watching as Keith tore his life appart trying to avenge him. From fighting his killer Jeff to running after supposidly burning him alive, Randy had stayed with him. He had to protect his friend,"Come on Keith I know you can't hear me but you have to get your butt up, no stopping now."

As if hearing him, Keith sat up wiping away his tears, getting up and brushing himself off he kept moving. He kept going until he found an old shed, it looked like nobody had used it in years. Keith went to the door of it, a large rusty lock inhabbiting it. He pick up a fairly big rock smashing it easily. Keith opened the door going inside. It wasn't very warm in there but it was dry and beat wandering around in the rain for another two hours. Keith sat down curling into a tight ball trying to conserve a little warmth in his shivering body. Randy wished for nothing more than to pull Keith close and shield him from the cold, but being dead he could only watch him shiver violently. He had almost fallen asleep when a tingle in his nose distracted him. Rubbing the appendage ruffly he snorted trying to get rid of the feeling. But that only seemed to make it grow, as his expression grew dazed and confused his nostril twitching and flaring,"HICKIEW HAISHIEW PSHIEW HUHhuh HACHEW." He snapped foreward sneezing harshly and uncovered. Keith wiped his nose roughly groaning, Randy clicked his tounge,"See what I tell ya your sick." Keith coughed into his fist roughly laying down trying to sleep. Randy sighed,"What am I going to do with you?" He mummered running his tranparent hand over the boy hair. As if sensing this Keith relax a bit, letting his eyelids droop sleepily, until he fell asleep. Randy smiled softly,"sleep well Keith."

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Liking this! I am a big plan of lots of plot in fics, with the sneezing incidental, so this is very much straight up my alley. Although I don't know the characters I am intrigued by the situation and what might happen next!

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Keith woke the next day sore, with a throbbing headache and a blocked up nose. He tried sniffling but no air got through, and it just made a painful sounding squeak. He felt terrible cursing himself for somehow managing to get sick. He just wanted to go back to sleep but he had to keep moving, he couldn't let the cops find him. So he forced himself up onto his aching legs. "That's it Keith keep going, we'll find you a real bed to sleep in."Randy mumbled keeping up with his friend, worried about him. Keith opened the door to the she wincing at the brightness of the sun. He stumbled along not quite knowing where he was going but was too exhausted to care. "There we go Keith slow and steady." Randy said wanting to help him and make sure he stays standing but was left unable to do anything because he was well dead. Keith was struggling to walk exhausted just wanting to sleep more, and not have to walk. Randy went ahead looking for places for Keith to rest a bit to sleep off his illness a bit.

Up the road he found a motel, he knew Keith had some money on him. He was sure it was enough for him to stay for at least a few nights. Randy returned to Keith sitting with his head on his knees exhausted. "Oh no Keith you've got to keep going, you can't stop now your almost there." Keith rubbed his forehead his sinuses throbbing coughing wetly, sneezing,"HIPSHEE TCHIEW KURSHIEW PSH PSH PSH HSH...ugh" Randy sighed frustrated,"Come on Keith just a little further please." Keith bit his lip getting up onto his sore legs continuing to move. "Thats it there you go Keith." He walked until he saw the small motel, and almost yelped for joy. He made it to the front door, getting a room for a few nights. Retrieving the key he went to his room flopping down on the bed exhauted. Coughing wetly he rubbed his irritated nose,"HICHEW PSHEW TCHEW HAKIEW CHIEW...cough cough cough ugh." Randy rubbed his back,"You did well Keith now rest you deserve it." Keith's eye lids drooped exhausted as he nodded off falling in a deep well deserved sleep.

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Another update liking very much wonder where this is going.

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