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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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A/N: It's been a long while since I wrote something fetish related, so this was a bit of an experiment. I don't know about anyone else, but I find that sometimes touching (the outside of) my nose with my fingers can help me induce. This is real person fiction, but I feel like stating the "fandom" might throw people off a bit...so I'll save that for the closing note. I hope you enjoy this!


Danny loved quiet afternoons like today. He and his boyfriend-slash-roommate Matt were the only ones home, and there was an overall calm, peaceful atmosphere filling the house. Currently, Danny was doing laundry and Matt was off doing who-knows-what.

Fall had finally arrived, and although Danny loved the cool weather and bright colors, it also meant that his allergies came back with a vengance. The season started out nice and ended up with him praying for all the damn plants in the world to just disappear. Until then, he decided to enjoy fall as much as he could.

“Hhhuh…” Danny’s eyes fluttered shut and his shoulders tensed slightly as the tickle that had been residing in his sinuses all day made itself known. His breath hitched a couple times as the itching sensation grew worse until he suddenly swayed forwards with the force of the sneeze. “Hii’shtu! H-he’tchuh!” He sniffled and exhaled through his mouth, relaxing as the sensation disappeared.

Unfortunately, the sneezes had caused his nose to start running and he found himself constantly sniffling and wiping his nose on the back of his hand. It certainly didn’t help that a few wetter and more forceful sneezes decided to force their way out of him, either.

Eventually, he could feel congestion beginning to build up in his sinuses and the sneezing meant his nose was running like a river. Danny didn’t want to drop the task at hand to go look around for tissues or paper towels...he glanced down at the garment in his hand. It was a pair of his own boxers, and he knew they were clean for the most part.

What the hell, they’re about to go in the wash anyway, Danny thought to himself. And it wasn’t like there was anyone around to see him. After a moment of hesitation, he folded the fabric over his nose and blew wetly.

“Are you seriously blowing your nose into a pair of boxers?”

Matt’s voice gave Danny about ten different heart attacks at once and he nearly dropped the garment. He sniffled and wiped his nose on the now-damp fabric. “They were about to go into the wash anyway,” He protested, a blush creeping up his neck and onto his cheeks.

“Hey, I’m not judging you.” Matt responded with a shrug, a smile on his face as he stepped over a pile of darks that Danny was separating. He laced his arms around Danny’s waist and hid his face between the Costa Rican’s shoulder blades. “Allergies starting to bother you?” He asked, his voice slightly muffled.

“Yeah,” Danny replied quietly, closing his eyes and placings his arms over Matt’s so that his hands were over his lover’s. They remained like that for a moment before Matt’s hand began drifting up Danny’s torso. A shiver ran through the other male, since he knew what was about to happen.

Matt had admitted his sneezing fetish to Danny a few months ago, and since then, he had figured out how sensitive Danny’s nose was and how easy it was to make him sneeze- and had been happily abusing that knowledge ever since. Danny didn’t mind at all; he was more than willing to let Matt make him sneeze, and he sometimes ended up enjoying it as well, although not in the same sense that Matt enjoyed it.

The curly-haired man’s hand reached Danny’s nose, where he paused for a moment to pull the sleeve of his just-too-large hoodie over his hand. He gently cupped his fabric-covered hand over Danny’s nose, his fingers gently brushing and prodding the other male’s sensitive skin through the fabric.

The combination of the fuzzy fabric irrtating his nose and the gentle contact in all the places Matt knew he was most sensitive left Danny’s breath hitching and his nose tingling with the sensation of a building sneeze. He squirmed and let out a soft whine as Matt continued. A few seconds later, the ever-shifting, teasing contact payed off, and Danny’s head suddenly snapped forwards in a forceful sneeze. “He’ishu!”

“Bless you, babe.” Matt said, gently wiping Danny’s nose with his still sleeve-covered hand. Danny sniffed, rather wetly, and turned around so he could hug Matthew properly. “Thanks, Matty.”

Although Danny wasn’t a fetishist, he enjoyed sneezing in the way that it was satisfying- especially during allergy season, when it seemed that half his sneezes got stubbornly stuck and refused to come out, it was a huge relief when he finally did sneeze and got rid of the irritating tickle in his sinuses. He also found blowing his nose to be satisfying, which he guessed was a good thing, since he spent so much of his time in the spring and fall doing just that.

The two men hugged for a second longer before Danny pulled away, earning a whine from Matthew. “No, don’t leave me,” He begged, pouting at the brunette.

Danny laughed at Matt’s pleading tone. “We can hug later, I have to blow my nose.”

“The boxers are right there,” Matthew suggested, his tone becoming teasing to match the smile on his face.

“Quit giving me shit for that, you said you wouldn’t judge me,” Danny reminded him with a playful nudge before going off to find tissues.

A couple hours later, Danny was curled up on the couch reading and Matt was on his phone, sitting on the other end of the couch. There was a peaceful silence, broken only by the sound of a turning page or Danny’s occasional sneeze or sniff. Eventually, he set the book down and got up to blow his nose again. Matt’s eyes followed the brunette as he walked into the kitchen. “Maybe you should take some medicine,” He suggested.

“I’ll be fine,” Danny said with a shrug, grabbing a couple tissues from the box on the table and blowing his nose. He rarely took medication for his allergies, simply because they were so mild- or at least, they used to be. Over the last couple years, they seemed to have gotten worse, but they were still mild and rarely gave him any grief.

Matt shrugged, glancing at Danny. “If you say so. But if the pollen count gets, like, outrageously high and you’re feeling miserable, I’ll take you to the allergist, okay?”

“Okay,” Danny agreed with a small smile on his face, throwing the dirty tissues away and going back into the front room. He grabbed his book again and sat down next to Matt, curling up beside him and continuing to read. Matt smiled and wrapped his arm around Danny’s shoulders as they both continued with their respective activities.

Somewhere along the way, Matt’s hand crept up to Danny’s head and he began carding his fingers through the other male’s hair. The repetitive motion made Danny begin to feel drowsy, so he set the book down and rested his head on Matt’s shoulder with his eyes closed. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he hears Matt say beneath his breath, “I still can’t believe you used a pair of boxers to blow your nose.”

A tired chuckled passed through Danny’s lips as Matt continued, “It’s just something I didn’t think you would do. It was kind of hot, though,” He admitted with a laugh, causing a blush to color Danny’s cheeks.

“Get some sleep, babe.” Matt cooed gently, tipping his head down to kiss the tip of Danny’s nose. He continued to run his fingers through Danny’s hair, earning a soft sigh of appreciation from the other male. Within a couple minutes, he was sound asleep.


So, that's the story. Matt and Danny are both members of a rap-rock band known as Hollywood Undead. I don't know whether or not I'll continue it- if you want me to, go ahead and let me know! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it smile.png

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Yeah continue it I really enjoyed it like to see where it goes.

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The curly-haired man’s hand reached Danny’s nose, where he paused for a moment to pull the sleeve of his just-too-large hoodie over his hand. He gently cupped his fabric-covered hand over Danny’s nose, his fingers gently brushing and prodding the other male’s sensitive skin through the fabric.

The combination of the fuzzy fabric irrtating his nose and the gentle contact in all the places Matt knew he was most sensitive left Danny’s breath hitching and his nose tingling with the sensation of a building sneeze. He squirmed and let out a soft whine as Matt continued. A few seconds later, the ever-shifting, teasing contact payed off, and Danny’s head suddenly snapped forwards in a forceful sneeze. “He’ishu!”

Loved this bit :) the whole thing was VERY cute, I'd love to see more

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, this has been dead for over a month...oops. This was going to be a full chapter, but I wanted to give you guys something to read while I write the rest of it. This story doesn't really have a plot, by the way- it's just sort of whatever fantasy pops into my head.


Later that night, Matt convinced an increasingly sniffly Danny to rest and they ended up going to bed early, falling asleep with their arms around each other and Danny’s face hidden in Matthew’s shoulder. Matt had been getting more and more concerned about Danny- although his boyfriend’s allergies usually didn’t bother him too much, he wanted to make sure the brunette wasn’t uncomfortable. It was times like these that his inner fetishist stepped down and the caring, slightly overprotective boyfriend aspect of him took over to care for Danny.



Danny slowly drifted into consciousness and was greeted by a buzzing in his sinuses and itchy, watery eyes. He wasn’t awake for more than a few seconds before his eyes suddenly shut and he sneezed against Matt’s shoulder.


“Bless you…” Matt murmured drowsily as Danny’s sneezing woke up him. His hand traveled up and down Danny’s back in a comforting motion. “Allergies still?”

Danny nodded, sniffling and rubbing his nose against the fabric of Matt’s shirt in an attempt to either quell the lingering itch or coax it out. “Oh, babe,” Matt cooed sympathetically, continuing to rub Danny’s back. “Is there any way I can make you feel better?”

“No, I’b fine,” Danny said, sniffling back some of the congestion forming in his sinuses. “Just a little sneezy.”

In all honesty, Danny didn’t feel that bad. Other than the sinus headache he could feel coming on, itchy eyes and a runny nose were really his only symptoms, and they didn’t bother him that much.

“Okay. I can stop by the pharmacy and get you some allergy medicine on my way home if you want,” Matt offered.

“That would be great,” His boyfriend replied, sitting up and stretching. Matt smiled at Danny before sitting up and softly kissing the tip of his nose, chuckling when Danny immediately reacted by sniffling and rubbing his nose harshly. “Need to sneeze?”

“I do now,” Danny said, his voice filled with faux irritation as he tried to get rid of the itch. A grin crept onto Matt’s face and he leaned forwards to kiss Danny’s nose a second time, and a third, until the brunette’s head snapped downwards and he sneezed wetly. “Hi’tsshu!”

“Bless you.”

“Thanks. I have to get ready for work, babe.” Danny gave guitar lessons at a local music supply shop and would have to leave in half an hour.

“Take some medicine if we have any before you leave. The pollen count is supposed to be super high today.” Matt advised, getting out of bed and running his fingers through his messy hair.

“I’ll be fine. What’s the worst that could happen?”

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