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This is just a story I decided to write for fun. I'm still not sure whether I want to continue it or not. Let me know if you like it!

Fluttershy gracefully twirled around in the air. She danced and sung in the fantasy wonderland she had found herself in. Overhead, colorful birds chirped as butterflies fluttered about. The yellow pegasus gently held her hooves in front of her to resemble a suitable flat surface as a bright red cardinal landed upon it.

“Oh my, how pretty your feathers are Mr. Cardinal! You’re looking most lovely this morning,” she remarked. The dazzling bird fluttered effortlessly above her hoof and gave a long, beautiful chirp as he flew off to join his companions in the sky. As he flew off, a single red feather shed from his glossy, crimson body. Distracted by Angel Bunny on the ground craving attention, Fluttershy didn’t notice the incoming feather as it landed between her eyes squarely on her soft snout.

“Gah!” The startled Fluttershy squeaked and hopped backwards. The feather fell gently to the ground in front of her. “Oh, it’s just a fea…. feathe… featheee..rr…” The feather had instantly irritated the shy pegasus’s sensitive nose, which caused her nostrils to flutter and twitch. Eyes half shut, Fluttershy took soft, shuttering breaths. “Haahhuhhuhhuuuhuhhaaaaah!” The tickly little barbs were too much for her little snout to handle, and seeing as though no other ponies were around, she decided the coast was clear. She turned away from Angel and let loose.

Hahsheeeww!!!” She sneezed. The noise was no louder than the volume of a normal speaking voice, but the outburst of air echo’d and caused the animals to flee like Fluttershy had just released the sound of a thousand dragon roars. Bunnies, deer, and animals of all size scattered away, running over each other and bumping into one another. Angel flee’d alongside them.

“Oh no! Wait! Stop!” Fluttershy panicked, quickly scrubbing her now irritated nose. “I’m so sorry!” She ran after them to apologize, not stopping to think how that gargantuan sound had been produced by such a small, timid pony such as herself. After following their trails for a few minutes, the animals ran over a tall hill. Rushing to catch up, Fluttershy followed a few pony-lengths behind. However, after scaling the hill and looking down on the other side, Fluttershy saw no animals, but a small log cabin surrounded by mysterious trees she

had never seen before. Confused, she frantically looks around.

“Angel? Angel? Oh where are you? Angeeeeeeel!” She cried. The white bunny suddenly popped his head out from the wooden door of the cabin and waved his paws toward himself, signaling Fluttershy to approach him. “Oh, Angel, there you are!” The pegasus sighed, relieved, then cantered over to her rabbit friend, who had disappeared back into the mysterious shack. Fluttershy reluctantly opened the door, a bit skeptical, and peeked her head in. Dust. Everywhere. On the floor, on the tables, bookshelves, chairs, fireplace, even on the petals of a wilted potted flower. Her nose began to sputter and drip. Dust was one of Fluttershy’s worst allergies, the superior being pollen. She placed her hooves over her face as her eyes widened, but that didn’t stop the influx of tickly powder to make it’s way up her delicate nostrils.

As she was about to let loose, tens of little ponies walked out from the shadows of the cabin. Startled, Fluttershy attempted to lift her legs to flee, but she found herself stuck to the ground where she was standing, as if she were standing in glue. Terrified, she looked forward to see the ponies sitting in a circle, staring at her with curious eyes, like they were expecting something from her. Some of them turned to their peers and whispered to each other in a seemingly cruel manor. Fluttershy felt a familiar wave of anxiety shoot through her. They seemed strangely familiar… Her nose continued to twitch and run. Fluttershy looked through her trembling hooves at the strange ponies. Upon closer inspection, Fluttershy discovered that these fillies and colts were foals from her flight camp that she attended when she was young. What are they doing here, though? Not being able to flee, Fluttershy attempted to speak, but suddenly felt a tickle shoot up her left nostril.

She had to sneeze? Now? In front of all these judgmental ponies? The pegasus fought against the annoying tickle, attempting to make it go away. “Haaaahh…” If only her hooves would move! Fluttershy was in a panic. She shook her head and scrunched her nose this way and that, but the sneeze was persistent. “HEEEEH….” Just as her eyes fluttered shut, a lanky orange pony with a messy brown mane covering his eyes wiped his hoof across a shelf, gathering the dust Fluttershy’s nose was reacting so desperately to, and walked up to her. Fluttershy’s eyes were shut and salty, allergic tears streamed down her cheeks. A thin stream of snot ran out of her left nostril and dripped onto the floor below her. The orange pony looked back at his admirers and giggled, before turning back to Fluttershy and rubbing his dust-sodden hoof all over the poor yellow pegasus’s flaring nostrils. She couldn't take it; the tickle was way to intense for anyone to hold back, much less this meek little pony.

“Hyehhhh…. geehhh…!” Fluttershy’s chest puffed in and out like an inflating vacuum cleaner and her eyes leaked like a drippy faucet. “GAAAHH… HYAHHHHH…EXCHEWWWWWW!!” The house exploded around her and ponies flew in all directions as her monstrous sneeze rang out amongst the hills. Fluttershy opened her eyes to see the cabin she had been in was shattered to pieces. Globs of spittle and snot coated the destroyed ruins of the wooden house. Fluttershy was shocked. She lifted her hoof to rub her nose. She was no longer stuck. She frantically looked around her in all directions, but found herself to be all alone.

Let me know what you guys think! This is one of my first stories, so I know it's not very good. Comments are incredibly appreciated. :)

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Oh my gosh, my inner Brony is tingling :D This was a very good fic! Fluttershys just a bundle of cute, eh?

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Oh my gosh, my inner Brony is tingling biggrin.png This was a very good fic! Fluttershys just a bundle of cute, eh?

She sure is! :)

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