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Giving a Shit (Harry Potter - Dramione)


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This is set after the final battle, Draco and Hermione returned to Hogwarts and were made head boy and girl in order to try and encourage interhouse camaraderie. They aren't friends but have an understanding/civil relationship. Set during Easter holidays, both of them remaining at school for head duties.

Giving a Shit

Hermione was curled up in her armchair trying to read her book. The fact that it was her armchair was established. The armchair was hers and the couch was Malfoy's. Neither of them had a problem with this unspoken rule as they each preferred their seat to the other. The book in Hermione's hands was Pride and Prejudice. After the war she took comfort in disappearing into the worlds of muggle novels more than she used to prefer to devour books on magic.

Although she wasn't having much luck at disappearing into the world of Elizabeth Bennet. Every so often, quite often at that, the comforting silence was punctured by the sound of sniffling produced by the man lounging on the couch opposite her. It was becoming quite apparent to Hermione that Malfoy was ill, or getting ill at the very least. She didn't dare mention anything; they had become comfortable with each other - they had to, they essentially lived together - but she knew the Malfoy, ever so stubborn, would not appreciate her telling him to blow his nose. Even though it came from a - small - place of caring. Just as Hermione was becoming engaged in her book, she was startled back to reality by a harsh, stifled sneeze.

"ehNGXT!' Malfoy was leaning forward slightly, his nose pressed into his fist. He had been fighting that sneeze for almost an hour, unfortunately stifling it did nothing to appease the tickle in his nose. His eyes fluttered and his mouth hung open loosely, his fist still pressed firmly against his nose. "HEHnggxxt!' That one had been more difficult to stifle; but, no matter how civil they were now, Draco was not about to sneeze in front of Granger. It was too much a show of weakness and he didn't want her aware of how steadily he was feeling more and more miserable. He would've spent the evening in his room if he wasn't trying to seem perfectly normal.

"Bless you," Hermione said softly, her eyes on her book.

Draco frowned slightly, "Thanks," he muttered, horrified at the congestion seeping into his voice.

Hermione noticed this, she noticed everything, and frowned into her book as her suspicions about he co-head's poor health were confirmed. Another several minutes passed with no sound other than Malfoy's increasingly liquid sniffling.

Turning a page of his own book, that he wasn't actually reading as much as keeping up appearances, Draco felt the tickle return. Pressing his fist back to his nose, he did his best to stifle his oncoming sneeze, "huhNGXXshhew!" Draco sneezed somewhat openly, unable to control himself.

Hermione looked up from her page, to study her companion. Draco's breathing was uneven, his face slightly pale and his cheeks tinged pink.

"NgxtSHEW he UGHSHHEW!" Draco rubbed his nose with the back of his fist and sniffled strongly.

Hermione sighed, "Bless you," she said again. Malfoy nodded, his eyes focused on his book. He had no desire to hear what his voice sounded like or to see the expression on Granger's face.

Hermione closed her book. She wasn't going to get anywhere with it tonight and she had a small burning desire to help Malfoy. Although she had no idea how to do so in a way he would accept. "Are you alright?" she asked softly, not having high hopes of him answering honestly. Malfoy frowned and nodded, grunting in affirmation. Hermione sighed, her prediction proven correct. "Would you like a handkerchief?" she asked kindly.

Draco's eyes flashed, his anger flaring up as his primary protective mechanism. "Why would I need a handkerchief when I said I'm fine, Granger!" He snapped.

Hermione huffed. She was only trying to help, if he wanted to stay miserable that was his problem. She stalked over to the small kitchen area in the head commons to make herself a cup of tea. If Malfoy was going to be a pain she might as well retire to her room. Her anger melted when she heard a weak cough from behind her. Apparently growling at her had taken a toll on Malfoy's throat.

Cursing her compassion, Hermione turned back to face Malfoy. "I'm making some tea," she said, cooly, indicating the teacup on the bench, "would you like some?" she asked, grudgingly.

Draco hesitated, he did not want to appear weak in front of the bookworm, but his throat and head were beginning to ache and tea sounded amazing. "Okay," he accepted slowly, "Thank you," he mumbled, cursing his polite upbringing.

Hermione forced herself not to look surprised at his acceptance and began to prepare the tea.

Once he was sure her attention was focused solely on the tea and not on him, Draco reached slowly into his trouser pocket to retrieve his handkerchief. He pinched his nose and wiped at it gently, before returning the soft dark green cloth to his pocket. He would have liked to blow his nose but there was absolutely no way he was doing that in front of Granger.

Hermione approached Draco, warily, and handed him his cup of tea, after placing her's on the small table next to her armchair. Draco nodded his thanks as he accepted the cup, forcing himself to smile slightly. As he waited for the tea to cool slightly, the steam wafted into Draco's nose causing it to run and tickle. Pressing his free hand to his nose, Draco sniffled strongly but was unable to stop himself from sneezing once again. "EISHHO he HEH UGSHOO!" Before he'd even finished his first sneeze, Draco felt soft hands wrap around the hand holding his tea, taking the cup so it wouldn't spill. This small, kind action comforted Draco, but when he opened his eyes to those same hands extending a white handkerchief towards him his defences rose quickly.

"How mbany times do I have to tell you?" Draco snapped, his anger growing at the sound of congestion in his voice, "I Dond't wandt your bloody handkerchief!"

Hermione looked close to slapping him. "For the love of Merlin!" She snapped back at him, slamming his teacup down onto the table, spilling some of its contents, "I'm just trying to HELP dammit!"

Draco looked away and rubbed at his nose, forcing himself not to sniffle.

"I'm sorry if its inconvenient to have somebody do something nice!" Hermione raged on. "That stops you from acting like and untouchable moron! I'M SO SORRY THAT I GAVE THE SMALLEST OF SHITS ABOUT YOU AND WANTED TO HELP YOU FEEL BETTER WHEN YOU'RE SO OBVIOUSLY ILL!" Her tirade over, Hermione grabbed her book and stomped up the stairs to her room, slamming her bedroom door behind her.

Groaning as all the noise caused his head to throb, Draco flopped back onto the couch, feeling frustrated at his automatic nature to push people away. In truth, the thought of Granger taking care of him seemed quite nice, but it just wasn't in him to admit that. Sniffling weakly, he reached for the white handkerchief that Granger had dropped somewhere in the middle of her scolding, and finally blew his nose.


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Giving a Shit (Part 2)

The next day the entire morning had passed with no sign of Malfoy. Hermione only saw him when she returned from lunch. He was collapsed on the couch, her handkerchief resting under his nose. When Draco saw Granger enter the common room, he forced himself to sit up and removed her soft, white handkerchief from his nose in embarrassment.

"Malfoy," Granger acknowledged him, cooly, still sour from the previous night.

Draco cleared his throat. "Gradger," he said awkwardly. His voice was deep and heavily congested. There was an awkward silence as Hermione walked over to the kitchenette for something to do. Draco hesitated, feeling extremely uncomfortable with what he was about to say, "I'b uhh," he cleared his throat again, "sorry for by behaviour last ndight." Hermione turned around, the cool expression on her face softening. "I'b always irritable whed I'b- I was ind a bad mbood," Draco backtracked quickly.

He was telling the truth, he was always grumpy when he started getting sick. Once he was sick, however, he was miserable and a little needy. Draco was extremely uncomfortable that Granger would be the recipient of his neediness. Although it was easier now that they had a better relationship.

Draco sniffed wetly. "So do you, uh," Draco coughed lightly and cleared his throat, "do you really, umb, 'give a shit' aboud mbe?"

Hermione smiled, despite herself. "Of course I do," she said quietly.

Draco gave a small smile before he covered his nose and mouth with Hermione's handkerchief, "HUHUGHUSHOO HuhUGHSHEW! GSSHHEIW!" he sniffled and wiped his nose. He paused then surrendered to his illness and blew his nose, loudly. Removing the handkerchief, it finally occurred to him that it was Granger's. "Uhh, sorry I kidda borrowed your haddkerchief," he said sheepishly, looking up at Hermione.

She smiled, "Don't worry about it."

Malfoy smiled, bigger this time, before he coughed, harshly, into his fist. The coughing lasted a while and turned into a bark towards the end.

"Oh, Draco," Hermione said softly, her concern growing. Draco looked up into her eyes, touched. That was the first time she called him by his first name.

"He-Herbionde," he stumbled slightly over her name, unsure whether it was due to the unfamiliarity of it or the hoarseness of his voice, "Cand you please get mbe a glass of wader?" he mumbled.

"Yeah, sure!" Hermione turned to quickly grab a glass of water, hiding the large smile stretching across her face. Walking over to him she pressed the glass into Draco's hands.

He smiled in appreciation and drank until the tickle in his throat was gone. Hermione sat down on her armchair, leaning forward, her attention on the ill man in front of her. "So," she started, nervous, "how do you feel?" she asked, hesitant. Hermione had no idea how long his openness towards her would last.

"Alrighdt," Draco muttered, hesitating he added, "Nod great."

"Can I get you anything?" Hermione asked.

Draco opened his mouth but his breath hitched and he leaned forward to bury his face in her handkerchief, "HASSHHOOO uh UHH HAARUGHSSHHOOO! Unghshheww!"

Hermione watched in concern as Draco's breathing returned to normal and her blew his nose, wetly. Hesitating for only a moment, she leaned forward to rub his arm, comfortingly. Draco sighed, wiping his nose. He liked the way her soft, cool hand felt as she stroked his arm.

"Bless you," Hermione said, her voice laced with concern.

"Thangks," Draco muttered, sniffling.

"Do you want a cough potion? Or a decongest-" Draco's head snapped up at her offer.

"Ndo!" he said shortly, "I told you, I'mb alrighdt! I'mb dot sigk!" Draco stood up, ignoring the painful throb in his sinuses and the way the room seemed to sway slightly, and marched up the stairs and into his room.

Hermione sighed. She wasn't as offended as she was last night. In fact she wasn't offended at all. Draco had opened up to her slightly, and he was clearly miserable. Hermione knew that his walls were slowly coming down, but that Draco must be incredibly uncomfortable being vulnerable in front of her. Smiling, she remembered the way her name sounded, when he said it. Her first name. Although she still preferred 'Hermione' to 'Herbionde'

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Giving a Shit (Part 3)

Hermione hesitated, her fist hovering in front of Draco's door. She didn't want to overstep her boundaries or push him to another outburst, but she was concerned for him. She hadn't heard a thing in hours and Draco hadn't eaten dinner. She knew this because she'd had Dobby bring her something for dinner, so Draco didn't have to go down to the great hall if he was hungry, since she was fairly certain he wasn't up for that. Gathering he Gryffindor courage, Hermione knocked sharply on the door.

There was no response. She knocked again. Nothing. She was deciding whether or not to give up or open the door to double check he was even in there, when a weak, bark of a cough sounded from inside the room, followed by a hoarse, "Cobe id."

Hermione opened the door slowly, she had never been in Draco's room before. All of the furniture was mahogany with a silver and emerald colour scheme. Hermione's gaze found Draco immediately. He was lying in the middle of a queen sized bed. He looked like death. His face was paler than it had ever been in their sixth year, but his cheeks and nose were both red. His soft hair was sticking to his forehead and Hermione could tell he was sweating.

"Oh my God, Draco!" Hermione exclaimed. Draco winced at the loud noise. Hermione rushed over to sit on the edge of the bed. Hermione's hand was halfway to his forehead when she remembered that this was Draco and he may not take kindly to her touching him.

"Id's fide," he assured her, reading her mind.

Hermione was visibly relieved and spread her hand across his forehead; her relief quickly vanished. Draco had unconsciously leaned into the her cool/comforting touch, but Hermione was too alarmed to notice, "Malfoy, you're burning up!" she exclaimed, quieter this time. She knew yelling wouldn't be helpful as she deduced he must have a headache.

Draco shrugged. He wasn't surprised he had a fever, but didn't really have the energy to do anything about it. Hermione sighed, then realised her hand was still on Malfoy's forehead and removed it, embarrassed. Draco really wished she hadn't; it felt really nice. It had been months since he'd had loving human contact and he didn't realise how much he missed it.

Feeling a sneeze growing, Draco rolled away from Hermione so his head was buried in a pillow. Assuming he was rejecting her presence, Hermione made to stand up until she heard muffled sneezing. "Unghshheww hehUGSHH RUGHSHOO GUSHhew URGSH ERSHEW!" The fit was loud, harsh and long. By the end, Draco had no energy to sniff, let alone move to find a tissue or handkerchief. All he could to was moan into his pillow and cough weakly.

Hermione's heart ached for him and she reached forward to rub circles into his back. "I'm sorry you're ill Draco," she whispered, sincerely.

Draco felt more comforted in that moment than he could remember. His programmed response was to insist he was fine, but he didn't have the energy to push her away. If he was honest, he didn't want to. "Be too," he finally responded, rolling back over onto his back so he could see her.

Hermione moved so she was rubbing his arm instead and reached over to grab a fresh handkerchief from his bedside table. Draco accepted it silently and wiped his nose. After deliberating for a moment or two Draco blew his nose into it. He tried to be as quite and polite as possible, but his blow produced a loud gurgle. Flushing, he folded the handkerchief and threw it back onto the table. As he did so he noticed Hermione's white handkerchief.

"Sorry aboud thad," he said, gesturing at her soiled hanky.

"It's not a problem," Hermione insisted. She hesitated, unsure of what to say. "There's some dinner downstairs if you'd like some? That's what I, er, came to ask you."

Draco frowned. "I'b dot really huggry," he croaked.

Hermione frowned too, "Have you eaten anything today?"

Draco shook his head "I probably should," he said grudgingly.

Hermione nodded. "You stay here, I'll be back in a minute," she told him, standing up and heading for the kitchen. When she got there, she cast a heating charm on a bowl of soup and a cup of tea. She wanted to slip a fever reducer or cough potion into his tea but decided that betraying his trust so soon after she seemed to have gained it probably wasn't a good idea. However, when she head harsh coughs and sneezes coming from his room, she added the potions to the tray holding the tea and soup.

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Awwh, this is sweet. Plus your sneeze spellings are wonderfully evocative. You've really captured the progression of congestion in them, if that makes sense.

Ah, dramione. My guilty-pleasure fanfictionland-only ship. Thanks for this.

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I really like this so far, but I wish that maybe Draco didn't admit his illness so quickly. It would be nice if Hermione had to force it out of him a bit more. And I would hope that he washes and gives her back her handkerchief.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ohhh this is cute!! I've never read a Hermione x Draco fic before, but I like. :wub2:

Please do continue this!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please please continue this dramione my crack ship lol. And Sick Draco is sooooo adorable:) your amazing writer.

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  • 2 months later...

Giving a Shit (Part 4)

Draco lay in the middle of his king sized bed, utterly miserable. It had been a while since he'd last been sick and he'd forgotten how awful it was. His head pounded, his sinuses ached and his throat throbbed with every swallow. His nose was stuffed and rubbed raw, but had at least stopped its tickling for the moment. He hated sneezing in front of Granger. He didn't want to appear any more weak than he had to. It made his skin crawl thinking how vulnerable he had already become to her.

A knock at the door announced Hermione's arrival with dinner, Draco quickly raised himself into a more seated position, wincing as his head protested in anguish and his nose resumed running. "C'bin," he called hoarsely.

Hermione entered the room, a dinner tray floating alongside her. Granger was clearly assessing his condition and, as much as Draco tried to appear as well as possible, the concerned look on her face told him he failed. When the dinner tray set itself on the bedside table Draco eyes zeroed in on the health potions and he frowned.

Hermione handed him the bowl of soup and cup of tea, but decided it was best not to acknowledge the potions. She'd seen Draco glare at them and thought the best chance there was of him taking them was if she pretended as if they weren't there.

Draco relaxed slightly when it appeared Granger wasn't going to pester him about taking the potions and turned his attention to his dinner. The soup and tea were both steaming slightly. They looked the same as ever but Draco didn't find either the least bit appetising. However, he wasn't about to let Granger know that. Stubbornly, Draco grabbed the spoon and started to eat, the soup burned and it took everything in him not to cough and splutter.

Hermione sat wordlessly on the side of his bed as she watched him eat. Draco was eating at his usual pace, but she noticed his eyes moistening. She wished he wouldn't make himself suffer in order to keep up appearances.

By the time he had finished the soup, Draco's nose was running madly. He'd had to alternate between sipping and sniffing. After handed Hermione the bowl in silence, he slowly sipped his tea. It was amazing, he was pretty sure she'd used some special recipe because he'd never tasted this before. As much as he appreciated her special-throat-soothing tea, he really wished she'd leave. He was exhausted and his nose was starting to tickle.

As Draco set his tea cup back on his bedside table, Hermione, sensing his desire to be alone, stood with the empty soup bowl in her hands and turned to leave. When she reached the door she turned back and said, "I'll probably go to bed soon so... goodnight."

Draco smiled, grateful there would be no more disturbances. It was to much energy keeping just how terrible he felt hidden. "Good dight Herbionde," He said quietly. He wanted to thank her for everything and beg her to stay and lie with him but he stayed silent.

Hermione hesitated before whispering, "Feel better, Draco," as she left.

Draco smiled slightly. He almost called out for her to stay, but when he opened his mouth, the tickle in his nose grew. Reaching for Hermione's handkerchief, he sneezed harshly, "UnghRUGHSHOO!" Draco blew his nose miserably, glad Hermione hadn't been around for that. He flopped back against his pillows. His silk sheets usually felt slinky and comfortable, but now they were hot and sticky. Draco could only imagine how good Hermione's cotton sheets would feel right now. The same sheets he had scoffed at when Hermione returned from Hogsmeade with them. The tickle flared in his nostrils again. Draco couldn't even bring himself to sit up; he simply rolled his head to the side and sneezed openly, "ERSHEW! Unghshheww hehUGSHH URGSH huhGUSHhew!" Draco groaned, which caused him to cough into his pillow.

Hermione stood outside his bedroom door, wishing he'd let her help him.

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Giving a Shit (Part 4)

Draco lay in the middle of his king sized bed, utterly miserable. It had been a while since he'd last been sick and he'd forgotten how awful it was. His head pounded, his sinuses ached and his throat throbbed with every swallow. His nose was stuffed and rubbed raw, but had at least stopped its tickling for the moment. He hated sneezing in front of Granger. He didn't want to appear any more weak than he had to. It made his skin crawl thinking how vulnerable he had already become to her.

A knock at the door announced Hermione's arrival with dinner, Draco quickly raised himself into a more seated position, wincing as his head protested in anguish and his nose resumed running. "C'bin," he called hoarsely.

Hermione entered the room, a dinner tray floating alongside her. Granger was clearly assessing his condition and, as much as Draco tried to appear as well as possible, the concerned look on her face told him he failed. When the dinner tray set itself on the bedside table Draco eyes zeroed in on the health potions and he frowned.

Hermione handed him the bowl of soup and cup of tea, but decided it was best not to acknowledge the potions. She'd seen Draco glare at them and thought the best chance there was of him taking them was if she pretended as if they weren't there.

Draco relaxed slightly when it appeared Granger wasn't going to pester him about taking the potions and turned his attention to his dinner. The soup and tea were both steaming slightly. They looked the same as ever but Draco didn't find either the least bit appetising. However, he wasn't about to let Granger know that. Stubbornly, Draco grabbed the spoon and started to eat, the soup burned and it took everything in him not to cough and splutter.

Hermione sat wordlessly on the side of his bed as she watched him eat. Draco was eating at his usual pace, but she noticed his eyes moistening. She wished he wouldn't make himself suffer in order to keep up appearances.

By the time he had finished the soup, Draco's nose was running madly. He'd had to alternate between sipping and sniffing. After handed Hermione the bowl in silence, he slowly sipped his tea. It was amazing, he was pretty sure she'd used some special recipe because he'd never tasted this before. As much as he appreciated her special-throat-soothing tea, he really wished she'd leave. He was exhausted and his nose was starting to tickle.

As Draco set his tea cup back on his bedside table, Hermione, sensing his desire to be alone, stood with the empty soup bowl in her hands and turned to leave. When she reached the door she turned back and said, "I'll probably go to bed soon so... goodnight."

Draco smiled, grateful there would be no more disturbances. It was to much energy keeping just how terrible he felt hidden. "Good dight Herbionde," He said quietly. He wanted to thank her for everything and beg her to stay and lie with him but he stayed silent.

Hermione hesitated before whispering, "Feel better, Draco," as she left.

Draco smiled slightly. He almost called out for her to stay, but when he opened his mouth, the tickle in his nose grew. Reaching for Hermione's handkerchief, he sneezed harshly, "UnghRUGHSHOO!" Draco blew his nose miserably, glad Hermione hadn't been around for that. He flopped back against his pillows. His silk sheets usually felt slinky and comfortable, but now they were hot and sticky. Draco could only imagine how good Hermione's cotton sheets would feel right now. The same sheets he had scoffed at when Hermione returned from Hogsmeade with them. The tickle flared in his nostrils again. Draco couldn't even bring himself to sit up; he simply rolled his head to the side and sneezed openly, "ERSHEW! Unghshheww hehUGSHH URGSH huhGUSHhew!" Draco groaned, which caused him to cough into his pillow.

Hermione stood outside his bedroom door, wishing he'd let her help him.

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Draco and Hermione are my favorite HP pairing!!! This is so adorable and cute. They have the best tension. Thanks for writing and sharing, I'll keep my fingers crossed for more!

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  • 1 month later...

Giving a Shit (Part 5)

Hermione woke slowly, her room slowly coming into focus. She was usually a morning person and wasn't sure why she felt so sluggish. At least until she looked out her window and saw that is was still the middle of the night. Hermione yawned and rolled over to go back to sleep when a loud moaning solved why she had woken up in the first place.

Suddenly completely alert, Hermione bolted upright and grabbed her wand. As she quickly left her room her mind gradually reminded her that Draco was ill and was probably feeling poorly, not being tortured by death eaters. Her only hesitation only lasted a second before she threw the door to the male head's bedroom open.

Draco was thrashing in his bed in the grips of a fevered nightmare. His whole body was glistening in sweat and his silk sheets were tangled all over him, stuck to his moist body. Hermione's face drained of colour and she ran to the bed, dropping her wand on the bedside table next to the unopened health potions. Seating herself behind his head, Hermione pulled Draco into her lap and rubbing his arms. Every inch of his shirtless body burned and she strained to keep her voice calm.

"Draco!" She said firmly, but with an underlying note of fear. "Draco, It's just a dream! Wake up, Draco! DRACO!"

Draco's eyes flew open to reveal terrified, fever-glazed eyes. They darted around the room until they recognised his bedroom and the woman with her arms around him. He surrendered into a harsh coughing fit as a result of all his distressed breathing.

Hermione continued rubbing his arms soothingly. "It's okay, you're okay. You're in you bedroom in our dormitory at Hogwarts. You're sick, you had a nightmare. It's okay, you're going to be okay." Hermione continued her reassurance throughout the duration of Draco's alarmingly long fit of hacking, fighting to keep her voice strong and calm even as tears sprang to her eyes.

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Giving a Shit (Part 6)

Hermione didn't know how long they sat like that but eventually Draco calmed down.

"Herbiode?" He choked hoarsely. Her glistening chocolate eyes found his haunted greys. "I don't feel good." He moaned, rolling over to nuzzle his head into her stomach.

Hermione's heart broke and she tightened her arms around the burning man. "I know," she whispered, her voice breaking slightly.

Draco sat up quickly and ducked his head into his hands, "UnghRUGHSHOO... URGSH huhGUSHhew!"

Hermione rubbed circles into his back then moved so she sat on his left side. Cupping his warm face in her hands, she looked him sternly in the eyes. "I know you don't want to accept help or feel vulnerable, but you need to take some potions," the fierce tone of voiced turned scared as she whispered, "please."


I don't really like the way this has turned out so if anybody has some suggestions or wants to adopt this story let me know :) Otherwise I probably won't update anymore. I only did so to try and finish it but i can barely remember how I wanted this to go and I don't write extremely high fevers/incoherent thought very well

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I like it. I wish you would continue. Im new to HP but I think you write the characters wonderfully well. Draco is one of my favorites and really the only one I would want to see all sick and sneezy so thank you!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I was going back through the pages of stories to find one I liked and I figured why not give this one a try.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not a big fan of non-canon shippings in HP, but I liked how you wrote this.

Very sweet. My heart was melting. I hope you write more stories in the future :)

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  • 1 month later...

So it turns out I just needed some time away to continue this so.... I'm back!


Giving a Shit (Part 7)


Draco's heart skipped when he heard the fear in Hermione's voice. He couldn't remember anyone other than his mother ever fearing for his wellbeing, but Hermione was. Even after everything he'd done to her, she didn't want him to suffer. He glanced at the potions, almost giving into her plea. Then he heard a cold, malicious laughter. "You're weak, boy!" It yelled. Draco jumped away from the potions, that the nightmarish voice came from, shaking his head, frantically.


Hermione jumped as well, nervous and confused. When Draco looked at her his eyes were terrified but they were also glazed with fever. Hermione reached for Draco's hands and he clung to them with a surprising amount of strength for someone so ill. "Draco, Draco it's okay!" She tried to keep her voice under control as she repeating the soothing words over and over. It was no use, Draco began to moan staring at the potion bottles in fear.


"Draco! Look at me!" Hermione raised her voice and shocked his eyes back to hers. "You don't have to take the potions, okay?"


Draco calmed slightly but his eyes were still scared, "Make them go away," he moaned. "Please make him go away."


Hermione had no idea what hallucinations his fever had conjured but she banished the potions back downstairs. As soon as they were gone Draco fell back against the pillows in relief, coughing weakly. Hermione ran her fingers through his hair before stretching her hand over his burning forehead. It was alarmingly warm and Hermione knew she needed to bring his temperature down with or without the potion.


"Draco?" She whispered. He half hummed, half moaned in response. "We need to cool you down, do you think you could have a cold bath for me?"


Draco hesitated before nodding slowly. Hermione got up of his bed and walked around to stand in front of Draco so she could help him to his feet. Once he was standing with his arm around Hermione and she was supporting most of his wait he moaned into her shoulder, "Mm tired Miode."


"I know," she whispered back, leading them to his bathroom, "You can sleep soon, I promise."


Once inside the bathroom Hermione waved her wand to instantly fill the tub with cool water, too anxious to wait for the tub to fill on its own. Not to mention she was starting to struggle with Draco's weight. She decided he could bathe as is, he was only wearing a pair of boxers, and helped him into the bath. As soon as he felt the water Draco recoiled instinctively towards Hermione. "I know, Draco, I know it's cold but it will help, I swear!" Slowly Draco lowered himself, with a little help from his CoHead, into the tub where he began to shiver. Hermione cupped some water into her hand and lightly poured it over his burning face, running her hand softly down his face as she did so.


Draco moaned lightly and ducked his head, "UGHSsshhh! Ughschew!" His abs tensed with each sneeze.

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This is... Amazing... 8|

I love how Malfoy's handkerchief is green, that was a good detail.

And I also like it because someone is finally putting Malfoy through the gauntlet. :D 

Keep going!

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Oh gosh, love that this is continuing.

Kinda cute how Hermione helps Draco into the bath and cools him down. A bit surprised at the same time though that she doesn't feel awkward bathing him. I guess it's because he's not really fully naked.


Really hope you write more! That last sentence was unf.

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