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A Cold Is A Very Human Experience (ST:TNG, Data, M)


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  • NorthernLady


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  • Leafeon78


  • Cutelittlenose


This is soooo awesome! I love when someone is able tincture an episode we all wish could air on the series! You have the characters totally down, too!!! I see a future in screenplay writing!!

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But for reals, I do need to sit down and update this more often. >_<

LOL you do :)

"Yes. I have never experienced a random function of my body before. The same part of me that allows me to think also governs my bodily functions. Although it is not at the forefront of my thought at all times, I retain a small awareness of everything every system in my body is doing. I believe this is quite different from the way the human subconscious operates. I know exactly when my "heart" will beat, and the exact strength it will use. I know exactly when I will blink. I have no idea when I will sneeze, nor do I know what pattern the sneeze will take until the moment it happens. I have never experienced this before. I am unsure how to come to terms with it."

I love when you do this. Have Data explains how he sees things. So uniquely him :D On of the many reason I ADORE this fic.

"I do not wish to go back to my quarters."

Oh... something tells me Data doesn't want to sleep and risk seeing those strange people again....

"I don't believe it...take a breath in for me."

Data dutifully obeyed.

"Data...are you having trouble breathing?"

Data shrugged. "Yes. However, as that function is not essential to my survival, I decided to disregard the problem for now."

"Yeah, not essential except that the circulating air cools your internal systems, which are running pretty damn hot right now." And he used air to power his speech function, which explained why his voice sounded slightly off.

Geordi put a comforting hand on Data's shoulder.

"Wanna go back to your quarters and rest for a while?"


And another symptoms to add to the lot :) Yay! Can't wait for the next puzzle piece to fall into place....

Edited by Northern Angel
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