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Even Warriors Need to Rest ( Sick! Sokka; A-TLA)


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Hello lovelies! I love ATLA , and I adore Sokka! He's so smart and handsome and cute! Sick Sokka in " The Blue Spirit" was perfect, and I was dying for more! So here we are! Also, this takes place while the Gaang is in Ba Sing Se. I've felt like Toph would be able to sense if somebody wasn't feeling well

Sokka woke up shivering, which would have been fine if he hadn't grown up in one of the coldest places on the planet, waking up in a relatively balmy spring morning in Ba Sing Se. He sat up, dark hair falling to the sides of his face and sighed, immediately coughing , barely having time to move his forearm in front of his mouth. He cleared his throat and winced at the dry pain, before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, and standing in front of the mirror. Aang was still fast asleep on the other bed ( Katara and Toph had shared the adjacent room). He looked at his bare torso a bit, shivering slightly in just his underpants. He pulled on his water tribe shirt to cover up a bit before walking to the kitchen and filling a glass with water , and draining it.

He leaned against the side of the wall , pushing his thumb against the space between his eyes, sighing through his nose. He scrunched his face at the prickling sensation forming at the bridge of his nose. Clearing his throat, he pushed open the curtain and found it was barely dawn. He squinted as the light aggravated the tingling sensation, and sneezed three times into his elbow,

" Ha...Ha-ATSHOO! ...hA-Ha-HUH-ASSSCCHHTT! ....HA..Haek-SHOO!...Ugh..." He sniffled and rubbed the back of his hand under his nose, sighing as the stinging sensation faded.

Spirits , his head hurt. He pushed his palms into his temples and sighed, there was no going back to sleep now.

Toph had just woken up minutes prior, and just as she was pushing her feet onto the ground, she could sense Sokka standing there, shivering slightly, his breathing just a little rough and shaky. It was barely dawn, why was he awake?

Then she heard someone sneeze, three times. They sounded irritated. Toph had never heard Sokka sneeze before, but the way he hastily lurched his face into his arm was kinda cute. She walked over to where Sokka was standing in the living room,

"Everything Okay, Snoozles? It's not like you to be up so early."

Sokka jumped slightly at hearing Toph behind him. He sniffled thickly, eyes losing focus for a second before answering.

"Fine. Just got up for some water. "

"Was that you sneezing earlier?" She smirked a bit " Bless you."

" Thanks." Sokka replied, feeling awkward that Toph heard him. NOt that there was anything wrong with sneezing, it's just that he thought he was alone. " It's not that big of a deal...sometimes bright light makes me sneeze a few times."

" Okayyyy." Toph singsonged. " Well, I'm going back to sleep."

Sokka stared after her for a few seconds then shook his head and flopped down on the couch. His nose was still tingling, but besides that he felt fine. Maybe he'd make himself some tea at breakfast, there might be some in the small kitchen.

I hope you guys like! If you want me to continue let me know, I'll only go on with this if you want. Also, that wasn't meant to be Tokka, just Toph teasing Sokka because she knows he's coming down with something. I have to go now , be sure to review!

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Awww~! It's been a while since I've seen some ATLA around here, so this is a treat! I also have a soft-spot for Sokka, so I had to run over here and comment immediately >w<. I like the pacing so far, and the dynamic between the characters is spot on :DD. Toph is always a fun addition to any fic; seeing her here made me smile, haha~ If you choose to continue, I would love, love, love to read some more :)

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