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Here’s some shameless fetish-porn on a show that I’ve been obsessing over since February. The series is multi-national under different names… I highly encourage watching both the Japanese series Hana Yori Dango and the Korean version Boys over Flowers. They are adorable: episodes 4 and 3 respectively have fetish material in both. This fic is based off of the Japanese version, episode 4, contains some spoilage.


Doumyouji Tsukasa strutted into the F4 Lounge, in true Doumyouji fashion.

“Yo!” was the brilliant greeting that the other three members received from their self-appointed leader. Soujirou shot Akira a look of incredulity. Rui glanced up from his book with a half-assed salute.

“Oi! Akira, I seem to remember having plans to take some virginal guy to a club yesterday, but the ingrate didn’t show up.” Soujirou sniped.

“Yeah, poor guy, it was his loss. The ladies last night were beautiful. He might have gotten lucky.” Akira replied, shaking his head sadly.

Tsukasa glared at his two friends, and sat, putting his feet up and his hands behind his head,

“I was busy.” He coughed slightly behind one fist.

Soujirou sniffed the air, making a face,

“What smells like leeks?”

Tsukasa straightens, looking perturbed,

“I don’t smell anything! And my night was better than yours anyway.”

“Ah… Really, Doumyouji-sama, you’ve made a conquest, at long last?” Soujirou mocked.

“What contest?” Tsukasa fumbled, “I spent the whole night with a girl.”




Tsukasa blushed and sniffled, wiping his nose.

“I met Makino Tsukushi for a “commoner’s date”. It was cold out so we decided to go for coffee, and she wanted to go to this cheap cafe. The elevator broke and we got locked inside. How (sniffle) ridiculous!” Tsukasa blows his nose harshly into his handkerchief.

“You caught cold in the snow yesterday.” Rui observed.

Tsukasa puffed up arrogantly. “Never! I am an iron man. I am… having a reaction to spending all night in a filthy elevator. It was dirty and dusty.” Tsukasa coughed bronchially, leaving no doubt in his friends’ minds that he was lying. “Anyway, that girl, thought my reactions were because of the cold. She said she was worried that I was getting sick. What a (sniffle) moron! As if The Almighty could get sick from a little cold weather She used that reasoning as an excuse to hold onto me all night long beneath our jackets.”

“I wonder why Makino would agree to go on a date with you?” wondered Akira. The hit to Tsukasa’s ego was almost audible.

“OI!!!” yelled the offended party.

“I don’t understand why she would treat you to coffee after how you have treated her all year.” murmured Rui.

“OI, OI, OI!!!!!” Tsukasa squawked.

Ignoring his friend, Soujirou chimed in,

“I don’t get why she would care if you died, much less, caught cold.”

This last comment made Tsukasa leap to his feet.

“That’s the best part! I think she is really starting to fall for me!” This revelation was met with the rest of F4 falling over themselves, laughing.

“Don’t you get it? We can use this to run her out of here faster!” Tsukasa whispered excitedly.

“Seriously?” asked Akira, rolling his eyes.

“After seeing that she’s more stubborn than you? She’ll never leave anyway!” said Soujirou dismissively, “Not worth the trouble.”

“Especially after she was kind to you, after all the rotten things you had done to her?” remarked Rui.

“Whatever!” Tsukasa goes back to plotting more things to inflict on Makino.

Akira looks at the others and gets up motioning subtly for them to do the same from behind Tsukasa’s back.

“Tsukasa, we got to go, but we’ll see you later.”

“See ya.”

The three members of F4 met up in a empty classroom.

“No doubt about it. He got sick yesterday and Makino actually took care of that idiot.” said Rui, amazedly, “She has more patience than I thought.”

“Unbelievable, and he responds by hiding his feelings and trying to find new ways to make her life a misery?!?” exclaimed Soujirou.

“He has never had someone care for him before, at least, no one who wasn’t paid to do it.” said Akira, wisely.

Soujirou smiled, wickedly,

“He is being discourteous, he should be taught to appreciate kindness.”

Akira followed his train of thought, perfectly, “Agreed. Maybe a little jealousy might help?” He smirked as both he and Soujirou turned to look pointedly at Rui.

“No.” said the red head, walking away.

Akira shrugged, “It would be one day, Rui… that’s all.”

Soujirou nodded, “A couple of faked coughs and sneezes and Makino will be trying to help you, rather than Tsukasa.”

“Then we will whisper that Tsukasa should have appreciated the kindness and attention when he had the chance.” Akira remarked.

“Plus,” sighed Soujirou, “the mental image of Makino in a nurse uniform, might be worth it by itself.”

Rui flushed a bright shade of pink.

Knowing that they had won, the two operators sidle up to the friend.

“That’s quite good, by the way.” mentioned Akira.

Soujirou nodded, “Keep working on that look.”

The next morning, before school, the two playboys began to coach Rui on his acting skills.

“The easiest way to fake a sneeze is to pretend that it’s too big, or too strong to not embarrass you, so you stifle it into your arm or hands.” Soujirou instructed. Akira then, demonstrated a believable stifle into a tissue, pinching his nose and contorting his face into a wince. “Ah-Ksssssh!” he wiped at his nose for effect.

Soujirou showed Rui how to muffle a “sneeze” into a jacket or sweater sleeve. He made a hesitant, waiting face and began to breathe in hitching breaths. “First (sniffle) sniffle a bit (sniffle), and rub at your nose like it itches, then you-you… Heh… Heh! Hehh! HEH! Hetssscchmf! Groan a bit afterwards, to gain more sympathy. Girls like to see a bit of a guy’s vulnerable side. That moment when he can’t control what’s happening to him.”

“Be sure to sniffle a lot.” advised Akira, “And coughing a little is fine, just cover your mouth, so you don't gross her out.”

Rui sighed, “Do I want to know how you know all this?”

“Years of practice, my friend.” Akira grinned.

“Every so often, one of us would end up on a date with a girl that we just couldn’t stand, so one of us would start “cobing dowd wid a code” and have the other take us home, so we wouldn’t get our dates “sick”. It was an easy out.” Sojirou coughed for dramatic effect. When the masterminds were satisfied with Rui’s performance, they had Akira’s mother’s make-up professional help him look the part a bit more.

Later that morning, Makino Tsukushi was heading to her second class of the day when she heard,

“(sniffle) Huh… Huh! Huhh! Hutschhhmpf!!!” She looked up to see Hanazawa Rui with his face buried in the sleeve of his wool coat. She stared unabashedly, in amazement, as he lifted his head sniffling with a soft groan of discomfort.

Soujirou, aware that he had their audience’s attention, clapped Rui on the back, “Someone’s talking about you, Rui!”

Tsukasa muttered something about too much sleep and weak immune systems.

“Are you sure you are okay, Rui?” asked Akira, feigning concern, “You were coughing a lot yesterday at my place too.”

“I’m fine.” Rui flushed a slight pink under pale skin. He rubs his nose against his wrist and exits, heading for his fire escape.

Soujirou turns on Akira, “You embarrassed him, Akira!” he scolded.

“I know, but I just hope that he’s not getting sick. You know he doesn’t even have servants at home to take care of him, let alone parents.”

Tsukasa barked, hoarsely, “He said, he’s fine! Stop being such an old woman, Akira!”

Suddenly, Soujirou “noticed” Makino and smiled,

“Ah, Makino-san, Ohayo Gozaimasu!”

Ohayo, Makino-san!” said Akira, his eyes distractedly darting back to the hall leading to the fire escape.

“Ohayo, Mimisaka-kun, Nishikado-kun! Ohayo, Doumyouji-kun, are you feeling better today?” Makino asks, following Akira’s gaze worriedly.

Tsukasa turned bright red, trying to save face, he said, “I don’t know what you are talking about! I’m fine!”

Makino wanted to hit the pompous ass, hard. “Good! Great! I’m fine, too! I’m so fine, I can’t stand it!” Makino fumed and heads for the fire escape. She thrusts the door open and stomps down the stairs angrily. She stops as she sees Rui, leaning heavily against the wall. She pauses, staring at him. He rubs at his nose, sniffling; watching her from beneath his bangs. He coughs slightly into his hand and slides down the wall into a sitting position, doing his best to look tired and ill.

“Hanazawa, Rui…” Makino blurted at last, “Are you okay?”

Rui smiled gently up at her, seeming surprised to see her, “Ohayo, Makino-chan. Hai, I’m fine.” Immediately after speaking he pretended to muffle a cough and wiped his nose against his coat sleeve. Makino reached into her bag, drawing out her handkerchief, presenting it to Rui with a polite bow.

“Here! Please use it.”

Rui stared at her for a moment, before accepting the gift. He wondered inwardly, just how thick Tsukasa was to reject this girl’s kind nature.

He closed his eyes, as he pretended to dab at his nose with Makino’s handkerchief, it smelled of Cherry Blossoms. His eyes shifted towards the windows where he knew F4 was watching and then, he made his eyes slam shut with two faked stifles, “Huh-Ksssh! Ktsch!!!” muffled into the handkerchief. He sniffled and wiped at his reddish nose. He wrapped his arms around himself and coughed a bit more forcefully into his sleeve.

Makino frowned, “You don’t seem fine…” cautiously she reached out a hand and felt his forehead. Rui blushed furiously at how close she was to him.

“You feel like you might have a slight fever, shouldn’t you go see the nurse?”

“No! I’ll be… (koff-koff) alright. Just stay with me for a while? Please?”

Akira smiled, Rui was playing his part with remarkable skill. He was sure that Rui’s feelings towards Makino were growing as well as Tsukasa’s. “Oi, Soujirou, I guess I don’t have to worry about Rui not having someone to take care of him. Makino-san has him well in hand.”

“Eh???”exclaimed Tsukasa. He raced to the window and watched in horror as Makino took a scarf from her bag and wound it around Rui’s neck. Sojirou slung an arm around Tsukasa’s neck before he could bulldoze his way to the fire escape.

“Even the “Almighty Doumyouji” could take a lesson from Rui, right now. Rui has discovered a girl’s greatest weakness: a man, who is willing to show her a side to himself that he doesn’t let anyone else see, his vulnerable side.”

“Vulnerable, huh?” Tsukasa repeated, tilting his head as he thought.

“I bet you wish you had taken advantage of her caring nature while you were sick,” Akira said, knowingly, “She might have done all these things for you. If only you hadn’t been so cold and ungrateful towards her.”

Soujirou sighed, “Makino-san in a nurse’s outfit, bringing food to you in bed, gently soothing your symptoms. Ah, now that would be worth getting sick for. I wonder if I fell ill, if she’d care for me… in my bedroom, of course. He finished with an actor’s flourish and a lecherous grin. Tsukasa turned bright red and hit Soujirou squarely on the back of the head.

“Perverted LECH!” He cried, indignantly.

“What do you care, anyway?” Soujirou yelled, holding his head, “What is this pauper to you?”

“Nothing!” Tsukasa roars, choking off into a fit of coughing. Akira pounds him on the back and whispers to him,

“Next time, she gives you attention, like this morning, thank her for her concern and accept any help offered. She will feel appreciated and… she might be as kind to you in return”

Akira pointed towards the window and Tsukasa watches dumbfounded as Rui, leans forward and gently kisses Makino on the cheek. Makino looks like she was electrocuted and bowed awkwardly, excusing herself, and fleeing back into the school. Rui watched Makino leave and smiled contentedly.

“See Tsukasa, that’s what we are talking about…Appreciation… Gratitude!” Soujirou looked around, “Tsukasa?” The boy in question, watching his best friend kiss the girl he liked was too much for him; he lay on the floor in a dead faint. Akira shook his head.

After the next bell rang, Tsukasa was waiting just outside of Makino’s classroom. As she turns the corner, avoiding eye contact, he calls out, “Makino, Wait!” She stops, but readies herself for more abuse.

Tsukasa shuffles uncomfortably and says, “Um… I just wanted to thank you for the other day… What you did in the elevator… What I mean is… I appreciated that you cared. So, Thanks.”

Makino looks stunned for a moment, until Tsukasa succumbs to a violent sneeze. “HEH-ISSSSSSHUH!” Makino smiles and reaches into her bag, pulling out a small white bottle.

Here, I picked this up yesterday. It’s for your cold. I hope it helps.”

Tsukasa is flabbergasted at this genuine act of kindness and accepts the bottle. Makino turns to leave and says,

“Get well soon, Doumyouji-kun, so we can go on a better date soon!” She dashes into her class, leaving Tsukasa with a lot to consider.

The End

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I love this fandom XD Tsukasa is so cute and silly in the manga. Thanks so much for the fic, you definitely captured their personality! You rock!

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Stupid dumb babies. I've seen almost all the versions of this drama and they're all dumb. I love it and this is beautiful I could totally see them doing this <3

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