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Tradey trade with the lovely Sitruuna - Durarara


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hey hey! its been a while since i posted outside the drabbles section xD its nice to be back up here hahaha!

Today i did a fic for the lovely Sitruuna as part of a trade ^o^ i love trades!

i hope you love it! and hope everyone else does too hile im at it! *people pleaser* ^o^

this was super fun to write xD i love durarara xD

if anyone else wants to do trades with me then please please pm me! i adore trades! i gets to make people happy, i get lots of writing practice, i gets to make requests without feeling too selfish xD looking forward to it! xD


Iiiizaaaaayaaaaaa kunnnnnnnnn!”

A familiar booming voice reached the informants ears. He barely had the chance to turn towards it before a fist swung towards his face.

Ahh, Shizu Chan, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Izaya curled his lip up at one corner and tilted his head, smirking like a cat as he dodged.

No matter how commonplace this scene had become, people on the crowded streets of Ikebukuro quickly moved away as Shizuo, his shoulders heaving with fury, swung another missing punch at the smaller man and then stopped to catch his breath.

Ikebukuro's strongest man launching an unprovoked attack on Shinjuku's most infamous informant in the doorway of a local drugstore. This was a well known scene.

Izaya's smirk faltered for a moment, and he slipped one hand out of his pocket to gently rub the red tip of his nose.

Iiiiiiizaaaayaaaaaaa! Damn you, what are you doing back in Ikebukuro? You little flea!”

*snff* Shizu Chan, don't make a fuss. We both know exactly how much I'd like to kill you, but I'm not here for you today, so lets do this another time. Kay <3”

Shizuo's scowl didn't falter and in fact seemed to grow even more intense. His hatred for the young informant was so strong it almost seemed to seep out of him in a black wave.

What are you here for then? You're not cooking up another one of your sociopathic schemes again are you?”

Do you always have to think the worst of me? Shizu Chan.” Izaya purred before turning away and coughing quietly over his shoulder. He paused for a moment, and then turned back thinking it was over, only to be struck with a sudden tickle, and he doubled over with a fit of softly stifled sneezes.

Shizuo looked unperturbed.

There's nothing good about you to think of, flea.” He snarled, and then raised his eyebrow, silently telling Izaya that he was still waiting for an answer. He had to play it carefully here, or he'd soon be on the receiving end of one of Shizuo's trademark punches.

I'm just picking up some medicine,” He answered honestly, following up his words with a slightly reluctant huff and a sniffle. For a second his expression reflected something akin to melancholy, before his usual smirk slithered across his lips. “Happy now? Is the Shizu Chan interrogation over? Can I go now?”

Izaya flashed a cocky smile, which lasted only until his lips tugged down as a ticklish haze took over his expression and his eyes watered and he doubled over with a pair of sneezes that he stifled into the palm of his hand.

HiiTchmmph! HhhhTtchmmph!”

Medicine? What, flea, you sick?” Shizuo raised his eyebrows, and for a second all the anger and hatred drained out of his expression, replaced with pure, innocent curiosity. The idea of someone as...Izaya as Izaya doing something as normal as catching the common cold seemed too ridiculous to even consider. Quite frankly it was facinating.

Can't you tell?” Izaya lightly tapped his fever flushed cheeks and nose as if to say 'look, isn't it obvious' shivering violently when the touch coaxed another stifled sneeze out of him. “You're not *snff* very observant are you, Shihh...hizu...ChahhHiiTchhmphh!”

Cut the crap, Izaya.” Shizuo scowled, turning his eyes away. He didn't know why, but seeing his enemy in such a sorry state made him feel a little bit guilty. No matter how much he wanted to kill Izaya, at that moment he didn't want to want to kill him. “...fine, go. Get out of my sight before I change my mind, flea.”

Aww, Shizu Chan, you're so kind.” Izaya raised his eyes for a moment, looking almost genuinely surprised, before the innocent expression was wiped from his face by a harsh hacking cough, and by the time he'd finished a devilish gleaming grin had already taken its place. “You're such a nice person at heart, that's why you're so easy to manipulate.”


Maybe he'd taken it a bit too far this time.

Iiiiiiizaaaaaayaaaaaa! Damn youu! How dare you! Sick or not I swear I'm gonna kill you!” Shizuo yelled, lashing out his open palm and reaching for the informant's neck. Normally, Izaya would have been able to dodge, but his dizzying fever made him slow, and Shizuo had easily slammed him up against the shop wall before his eyes had even registered the man's movements.

You're bold, Shizu Chan, aren't you worried about catching my germs,” Izaya's taunts were quickly cut off when Shizuo rammed his forearm into the other man's throat. The informant was pinned up against the wall by his neck so high and so tight that his feet were struggling to touch the floor, and his strangled coughs were no longer just caused by his sore throat.

Heh heh...Shizu Chan, do you always...have to be...so violent...” Izaya rasped, the force of Shizuo's hand around his throat made a shockwave of dizziness run through his body, and Izaya was fighting to keep his conciousness. Who knows what might happen to him if he passed out now. “...I really...hate you...”

Slowly the informants body grew limp and slumped over onto Shizuo's chest. The blonde physically recoiled at the sudden contact and tried to move away, but Izaya's unconscious body hung onto him like a spiders web.

Technically, he could have just let his arch-enemy fall on the floor and walked away without a care, but before he realised what he was doing Shizuo had scooped up the smaller man in his arms and was holding him princess style, a worried expression knitting his eyebrows together.

Dammit, he's burning up. This is my fault, isn't it?! Even if it is the flea, I shouldn't have hit a sick person! What should I do, what should I do!?

Still startled by the sudden situation and his uncharacteristic concern for the man he hated, Shizuo laid Izaya down on a nearby bench. He stood over the informant, who was moaning feverishly in his sleep, with his usual scowl burned into his expression. Izaya's face looked flushed and his cheeks were red, his usual smirk was gone and he looked unusually weak. So vulnerable. So young.

Shizuo smiled.

When Izaya awoke, he found nothing but a bartenders jacket draped over his chest and a single bottle of medicine on the bench beside him.

Edited by Animania
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This is really, really awesome

Thank you

The idea of someone as...Izaya as Izaya

This made me grin very stupidly

There's really no other way to capture in words what Izaya is, lol.


Dammit, he's burning up.

This (and all it's variations) is definitely one of my favourite lines to find in a story. I don't know why.

Poor Izaya. :heart:

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