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Alright, so I’ve been obsessed with Criminal Minds (mainly Shemar Moore), and I’ve been reading sickfics, but the majority of them are Reid centric, very few are Garcia/Morgan centric (WHICH THE WORLD NEEDS MORE OF). I’m really bad at writing crime stuff, but I’ve been itching to write a CM sickfic for a while now, and I just love them so much, their relationship gives me life and hits me right in the feels, even if they're not actually dating. I’M GOING TO TRY TO ACTUALLY FINISH THIS ONE BUT NO PROMISES. Also, forgive me if I didn't quite get the dialogue down, I tried keeping them in character


“Hey, baby girl.” Morgan greeted Garcia, walking into the break room. She was sitting in a chair, her head hanging down. She didn’t reply, and he frowned. Morgan walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Garcia?”

Her head snapped up, and she looked around bleary-eyed. “Hmm? Oh, hey there, gorgeous.”

“You good? You look upset.”

“I’m great.” She chirped, plastering on a fake smile.

He narrowed his eyes slightly. She was lying to him, he could tell. “Tired today, are we?”

“Maybe just a tad. But don’t you worry your perfect little head, I just need some coffee.” She said, sending him a wink.

“Let me get that for you, momma.” He grinned.

“No, no.” She said, shaking her head and standing up. “Like I said, don’t you worry about me. I can get the coffee, go back to saving the world, sugar.”

He chuckled, walking out of the room.

She slumped back into the chair with a sigh. Her head had been aching since she woke up nearly six hours ago. Usually when she got a headache, it was intermittent, but this one had been constant. Every time she swallowed, it felt like knives were being shoved down her throat. She had taken pain medication a few hours ago, but they’d done little to relieve her headache or sore throat.

She let out another sigh and walked out of the room and into her office.

At best, she was coming down with a cold. At worst, this was the beginnings of a terrible flu, but she wouldn’t be able to tell for a few hours.

She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk and rubbing her temples.

Her phone ringing broke her out of the haze she’d slipped into. She checked the caller ID before answering it.

“Challenge me, you beautiful behavioral analyst.”

Morgan frowned at the hoarseness in her voice. “You ready to dazzle me, dollface?”

“Aren’t I always? What do you need?”

“I need you to look up a name and records for me. Ethan Alfaro, I need you to build me a file with anything relating to him and his military records.”

“Will do.” She said, hanging up.

Garcia sniffled lightly, rubbing her nose with the back of her hand.

Hours later, the team was back, and Morgan went to find Garcia. She was in her office, slumped forward, a tissue pressed to her nose and mouth.

“Ehxxsht! Ih...ixxtchiew! *Snff*”

“Baby girl, if you’re not feeling well, you need to go home.” Morgan said softly, walking over to her.

“I’m f-heh...fine.” She sniffled.

“Come on, I’ll take you home.”

She scoffed. “I don’t need to g-go home-Ehxxsht! Ih...ixxtchiew!”

He chuckled, putting a hand on her forehead, then cheek, then felt her neck under her jawline with both hands. “No fever.”

“It’s just allergies.” She said, batting his hands away.

He nodded slowly, not quite believing her. “Alright, whatever you say, momma.”

Over the next few days, Morgan and the rest of the team watched as Garcia steadily got worse.

“Morgan.” Hotch said, calling him into his office.

“Yes, sir?”

“Have you seen Garcia today?”

“No...isn’t she in her office?”

“Nobody’s seen her, I’ve been calling her for the past ten minutes, but she isn’t answering or returning my calls.”

“I’ll go check on her.” He said. “Maybe she’s just sick.”

But he couldn’t shake the dread that had settled in the pit of his stomach. It wasn’t like her to not show up for work, or to be late and not call in. It also wasn’t like her to be unreachable.

“Where are you going?” Prentiss asked, watching him in confusion.

“Garcia’s place.”

“You want someone to come with you?” JJ asked.

“Nah, I got it.”


“Garcia, baby girl, open the door.” He said, pounding on her door. He jiggled the handle, and muttered expletives under his breath when it wouldn’t budge. “Open the door! Penelope!”

After a few more minutes of pounding, he backed up, and kicked the door in.

“What the hell?” A croaky voice asked. He looked to his right to see Penelope lying on the couch, looking like she just woke up. “Did you kick my door in?”

He sighed in relief. “There you are. What’s up, dollface, not feeling well?”

Then it seemed to register that Morgan was standing in her doorway. “Wait, what ti-Ehxxsht! Ih...ixxtchiew! Ixxtchiew! *Snff* Time is it?”

“It’s nine fifteen.”

What?” She screeched, going into a coughing fit, and scrambling to get off the couch. “I can’t believe y-heh...exxsht! Ixxtchiew! Ih...ixxtchiew! *Snff* I can’t believe you kicked down my door.”

“Slow your roll, baby.” He said, crossing the distance between the two of them and pushed her down gently at her shoulders. He put his hand on her forehead and then her cheek. “You’re sick, you need to stay home and rest.”

“I need to go to work.” She croaked.

“No you don’t. The only thing you need to do is rest and let me take care of you. Let me just call Hotch and let him know you’re okay. And don’t you dare try leaving, I’ll tackle you.”

She groaned, flopping back into the pillows. “Fine.”

“Now, why are you sleeping on the couch?”

“I couldn’t fall asleep in my bed, so I-” She broke off coughing. “-slept out here.”

He nodded and walked outside to call Hotch.

“Did you find her?”

“Yeah.” Morgan sighed. “She’s not feeling very well, would you mind if I took the rest of the day off?”

“Not at all. You can take the next few off, too. Get her better, we need her.”

“Thanks, Hotch.” He said, ending the call. He walked back into her house. “Alright, sickie. What do you need?”

“Ugh.” Penelope groaned, rubbing her aching forehead. “I’m fine, sweet cheeks.”

He stared down at her, his eyebrows raised in disbelief. “You can deny it all you want, baby girl, but the fact of the matter is that you have a fever, which means that beautiful body of yours is trying to fight something off, and you can’t be feeling well.”

“I don’t.” She groaned, looking up at him sadly. She coughed, shivering as she wrapped her arms around herself. “I’m cold.”

He nodded. “I’ll get you a blanket. I take it you haven’t taken any medicine either; where do you keep it?”

“Cabinet above the oven.” She sniffled. “You don’t have to be h-here-Ehxxsht! Ih...ixxtchiew! Ehxxsht! Ehxxsht! ixxtchiew! *Snff* *Snff* I dond’t wandt you to get sigck.”

“If I were afraid of getting sick, I’d have left the moment I kicked your door down and found you on the couch. Don’t you worry, beautiful, I’ll get you feeling better soon.”

She sniffled, which made her cough.

He grabbed a big, fluffy blanket from at the foot of her bed, and then walked over to her and draped it over her. She cuddled up under it, thankful for the small amount of warmth it was giving her.

Morgan walked into her kitchen and located her medicine. “Baby, do you want DayQuil or NyQuil?”

“I dond’t care.” She mumbled. “Surprise mbe, gorgeous.”

Even when she clearly didn’t feel well, she was still witty. He’d really start worrying when she was too sick for wit.

“You said you couldn’t fall asleep last night, what time did you finally come lie on the couch and sleep?”

“Umb.” She mumbled, rubbing her aching temples. “He’EHtsch! Ehtsch! *Snff* Ih...ixxtchiew! I dond’t kndow...*Snff* sombetimbe around three or four, I thingk.”

Morgan nodded, and grabbed the NyQuil. “Let’s help you sleep.”

She nodded, sniffling. He handed her two pills and a bottle of water.

“Thagk you, Mborgand.” She said, taking the pills. He pulled the blanket up and over her shoulders, and then kissed her forehead.

“Anything for you, baby girl. Now tell me, before you fall asleep, what’s bothering you?”

She sniffled. “Mby head and mby throat...and mby sinduses, but I thingk that’s why mby head hurts.”

He nodded, looking at her in concern. “Anything else? Chills? Body aches?”

“Both of those.” She sighed, coughing into the blankets.

“I’ll make you some tea when you wake up. Does your stomach hurt at all?”


“How about some soup then? Are you feeling up to eating?”

She shook her head, her eyelids drooping. “Ndo...tired.”

“I don’t mean now, baby doll. You sleep, and when you wake up we’ll try some soup. You need something in your stomach, or you’re gonna feel worse.”

She nodded tiredly. “Okay.”

“I’m going to try and fix your door while you sleep.”

She giggled, blinking slowly. “D’you ‘ven...know....handyman.”

He laughed lightly. “Go to sleep, beautiful.”

Edited by CHOCOLATE <3
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Firstly, Shemar :drool: the second of two main reasons I watch Criminal Minds. One being I have a pathological obsession with Thomas Gibson. :lol:

Secondly, you are amazinggggg. The Morcia (that's what my friends and I refer to their relationship as) cuteness is killing me, you're such a great writer!

Edited by iSpyAlly
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Firstly, Shemar drool.gif the second of two main reasons I watch Criminal Minds. One being I have a pathological obsession with Thomas Gibson. heh.gif

Secondly, you are amazinggggg. The Morcia (that's what my friends and I refer to their relationship as) cuteness is killing me, you're such a great writer!

Thank you so much!!! All of the actors are so gorgeous, they can arrest me anytime ;) Shemar can pat me down whenever he wants :D

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I love their relationship THE MOST. This is just totally lovely, and a nice surprise for Garcia/Morgan fans like me.

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I love their relationship THE MOST. This is just totally lovely, and a nice surprise for Garcia/Morgan fans like me.

Same here, they're my favorite pairing of any of the characters, and there are so few sickfics with them.

I'm glad you liked it :) Thank you for reading!

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Aww, this was so cute. I love their relationship (platonic best friends or shippy) so it's great to see more fic for the two of them. <3

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Aww, this was so cute. I love their relationship (platonic best friends or shippy) so it's great to see more fic for the two of them. <3

Thank you :) I'm so glad you liked it :D

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Here's the next installment (I know not many people are reading this, probs because people are more into Reid-centric tics, but there's at least three of you, which is good enough for me XD haha). Let me know if you think they're using pet names too much, or not enough. I don't usually use pet names between any of my characters.

Penelope woke up a few hours later. She looked around sleepily, coughing miserably. Derek looked at her from the chair next to the couch

“How’re you feeling?”

“Ugh.” She groaned, hiding her head under her pillow. “Did you fix my door?”

“I did. Sorry for kicking it in.”

“S’fine.” She mumbled.

“How’re your symptoms?”

“Same as before.” She sniffled, looking at him.

“So soup and tea?”

“Yes.” She sighed.

“Coming right up, princess.” He said, kissing her forehead. He stood up, and began walking to the couch.

“You’re too good to me.” She sighed, her eyes welling up with tears.

“Baby, what’s the matter?” He asked softly, sitting on the edge of the couch and brushing her hair out of her face.

She sniffled, squeezing her eyes shut. “You’re perfect...have you seen me?”


“-I don’t know why you’re being so nice to me.”

“What are you talking about?”

She averted her eyes. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

“No, no, no. Come on, what’s bothering you?”

She still didn’t look at him. “Nothing...forget I said anything.”

“If it’s upsetting you then it’s not nothing. Talk to me, baby girl, what’s wrong?”

“People don’t take care of me when I’m sick.”


“When I was a kid, I guess.”

“What about when you were dating Kevin?”

“He bahhh...EHh’tschu! *Snff* He made me sleep on the couch until I felt better.”

“That’s it? He didn’t get you medicine or take your temperature? Anything?”

“No.” She mumbled. “Why are you being so nice?”

He sighed. “You know I love you, right?”

“What?” She asked on the verge of tears. Her chin was quivering, and he pulled her into a hug.

“I love you, and not as a friend, because I know that’s what you’re going to ask next.”

“Why? I’m not...have you seen you?” She asked, her voice much hoarser than it was to begin with. He pulled out of the hug and she laid back in the pillows. Morgan leaned back, his eyes searching her face, and she groaned. “-I’m sorry. I’m being stupid...fever’s making me emotional.”

“You aren’t being stupid. Is that how you really feel? That you’re not good enough for me?”

She nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact with him again and playing with her fingers nervously.

“Penelope.” He said. “Look at me, baby girl. You are absolutely gorgeous.”

“But all the girls you date...they’re perfect. I’m just...I can’t compete with them.”

“You don’t have to. I love you exactly the way you are. They’ve got nothing on you.” She was glad her cheeks were already flushed from the fever, because if they weren’t, she’d be blushing.

“So wait...you love me?” She asked slowly, her brain far too muddled to comprehend what was going on.

He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the sides as he grinned down at her. “Yes. I’m in love with you, silly girl.”

“I love you, too.” She smiled, and then promptly sneezed on him. Her eyes widened. “I’m so sorry...I’m so, so sorry...oh my God...I’m so sorry.”

He laughed. “It’s completely fine.”

“Way to ruin a moment, huh?” She sniffled.

“I’ll be right back with your tea and soup.”

She drifted back to sleep, only to be woken up by Morgan tapping her forehead lightly.

“I have your tea and soup. Which do you want first?”

“Tea.” She croaked.

He nodded, handing her the mug. She took a sip, sighing in relieve as the warm liquid soothed her aching throat.

“Feel better?”

“Mmm.” She mumbled.

“Do you have a thermometer anywhere?”

“It’s on my nightstand.”

“Did you have a fever last night?”

“One oh one.” She mumbled.

“Let’s see if that’s gone down at all. I’ll be back.”

five minutes later, he’d taken her temperature, unimpressed by the fact that it had not gone down, and was, in fact rising. After she’d let out a flurry of sneezes, he coaxed her into finishing her tea, and half the soup. She fell asleep almost immediately after.

His phone rang, and he stepped out of the room so he didn’t wake her.

“Morgan.” He said, leaning against the doorframe.

“It’s Hotch, how is she?”

“She’s...not feeling any better. She’ll be fine though.”


“Almost one oh two.”

Hotch sighed, running a hand over his face. “Keep me updated. If you need to take her to a doctor, do it. We need her healthy again.”

“Will do, Hotch.”

He walked back into the room to find her sweating profusely, and flipping from her side, to back to stomach restlessly with her face screwed up in discomfort.

Morgan frowned and put a hand on her forehead.

“Shit.” He hissed. “Baby, wake up.”

She groaned, but still didn’t open her eyes. Morgan grabbed the thermometer and stuck it in her ear.


How the hell did it get so high so fast?

He scrambled around the house, grabbing washcloths, wetting them, and then grabbing all of the ice packs from her freezer. He walked over to her and began putting the icepacks and wet washcloths over her in an attempt to lower her body temperature.

After a few minutes, the restlessness stopped, and she was completely still. He put the thermometer in her ear.



He let out a sigh of relief, and flopped down into the chair next to the couch.


She opened her eyes a few hours later, letting out a low groan and raising a hand to her head.

“There she is.” Morgan said softly, kneeling in front of Penelope, and brushing her hair out of her face. “How do you feel, baby girl?”

“Like I got hit by a truck.” She croaked.

“Your fever spiked pretty high, but I got it down.”

“What time is it?” She asked, sounding incredibly weak.

“Five forty five. Are you dizzy?”

“And lightheaded, yeah.”

“You’re dehydrated. I’m going to get you some water, I want you do drink it all.”


“Are you hungry?”


He grinned. “Too bad.”

She sniffled, her nose itching. “He’EHtsch! Ehtsch! *Snff* Ih...ixxtchiew! Ehxxsht! Ih...ixxtchiew! Ehxxsht! Ehxxsht! ixxtchiew! *Snff* cough cough cough COUGH COUGH COUGH cough cough cough Unnngh.” She groaned, blowing her nose into a tissue.

Morgan winced, rubbing her back soothingly. “I think it may be time to get you to a doctor, princess.”

“Ndo...ndo doctor.” She croaked.

“Your fever isn’t going down.” He said. “That cough doesn’t sound good, it could be something worse than the flu.”

“I’mb fide.” She coughed.

“Don’t do this, baby girl. You know you need to see a doctor.”

“I hate the doctor. This is exactly why I dond’t get sick.”

He laughed. “I’m not sure that your dislike of doctors has anything to do with how often you get sick.”

“I’mb finde. Hondestly.”

“Baby, I absolutely adore you, but you are anything but fine.”

She sighed, looking at him in irritation. “I’mb FINDE.”

He chuckled. “You aren’t ‘finde’. You’re sick, and you need a doctor. Gotta get my girl feeling better.”

Penelope sniffled. “I’mb just really really tired.”

He nodded, putting a hand on her head. “Sleep, love. We’ll see how you’re feeling when you wake up.”

Her eyelids drooped shut, as she drifted to sleep.

Edited by CHOCOLATE <3
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Firstly, Shemar drool.gif the second of two main reasons I watch Criminal Minds. One being I have a pathological obsession with Thomas Gibson. heh.gif

Secondly, you are amazinggggg. The Morcia (that's what my friends and I refer to their relationship as) cuteness is killing me, you're such a great writer!

Thank you so much!!! All of the actors are so gorgeous, they can arrest me anytime wink.png Shemar can pat me down whenever he wants biggrin.png

I dunno, I think I'd rather Hotch pat me down. As I said, pathological obsession. My mother thinks he's hideous, but honestly, I think he is so. Damn. Attractive. I don't know why, but I do. I suppose Shemar would be a suitable second choice, though. Love the new chapter! Keep it up!

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Firstly, Shemar drool.gif the second of two main reasons I watch Criminal Minds. One being I have a pathological obsession with Thomas Gibson. heh.gif

Secondly, you are amazinggggg. The Morcia (that's what my friends and I refer to their relationship as) cuteness is killing me, you're such a great writer!

Thank you so much!!! All of the actors are so gorgeous, they can arrest me anytime wink.png Shemar can pat me down whenever he wants biggrin.png

I dunno, I think I'd rather Hotch pat me down. As I said, pathological obsession. My mother thinks he's hideous, but honestly, I think he is so. Damn. Attractive. I don't know why, but I do. I suppose Shemar would be a suitable second choice, though. Love the new chapter! Keep it up!

I didn't think he was that attractive until I was watching the bloopers and saw how much of a goodwill Thomas Gibson is. But I still prefer Morgan. Then Reid, then Hotch.

Thank you :)

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Firstly, Shemar drool.gif the second of two main reasons I watch Criminal Minds. One being I have a pathological obsession with Thomas Gibson. heh.gif

Secondly, you are amazinggggg. The Morcia (that's what my friends and I refer to their relationship as) cuteness is killing me, you're such a great writer!

Thank you so much!!! All of the actors are so gorgeous, they can arrest me anytime wink.png Shemar can pat me down whenever he wants biggrin.png

I dunno, I think I'd rather Hotch pat me down. As I said, pathological obsession. My mother thinks he's hideous, but honestly, I think he is so. Damn. Attractive. I don't know why, but I do. I suppose Shemar would be a suitable second choice, though. Love the new chapter! Keep it up!

I didn't think he was that attractive until I was watching the bloopers and saw how much of a goodwill Thomas Gibson is. But I still prefer Morgan. Then Reid, then Hotch.

Thank you smile.png

Haha, yesss. I always think of Reid as more cute than sexy because he's portrayed as so innocent :lol: either way, I love all of them!

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Firstly, Shemar drool.gif the second of two main reasons I watch Criminal Minds. One being I have a pathological obsession with Thomas Gibson. heh.gif

Secondly, you are amazinggggg. The Morcia (that's what my friends and I refer to their relationship as) cuteness is killing me, you're such a great writer!

Thank you so much!!! All of the actors are so gorgeous, they can arrest me anytime wink.png Shemar can pat me down whenever he wants biggrin.png

I dunno, I think I'd rather Hotch pat me down. As I said, pathological obsession. My mother thinks he's hideous, but honestly, I think he is so. Damn. Attractive. I don't know why, but I do. I suppose Shemar would be a suitable second choice, though. Love the new chapter! Keep it up!

I didn't think he was that attractive until I was watching the bloopers and saw how much of a goodwill Thomas Gibson is. But I still prefer Morgan. Then Reid, then Hotch.

Thank you smile.png

Haha, yesss. I always think of Reid as more cute than sexy because he's portrayed as so innocent heh.gif either way, I love all of them!

Reid is so awkward, it's endearing and he's adorable (If I were a genius we'd have a lot in common) and Morgan is just damn sexy *Swoon*

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usually I am more of a JJ/Hotch fic, but THIS is amazing!! I love it! Can't wait for more

Thank you so much! :D

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Guys, guys, guys. I was watching Criminal Minds, and in Season 4, Episode 17, Shemar Moore sounds like he has a cold. His voice is deeper than normal, and he sounds all croaky and congested. HE’S SO CUTE


“I hate you, you know.” Penelope grumbled, shooting him the evil eye s he helped her back onto the couch.

He chuckled, pulling the blankets up over her. “You needed to go to the doctor. You have bronchitis, you’ll feel better soon.”

“I hate doctors. I haven’t been in ten years.”

“Wait, what? You haven’t had a check up in ten years?”


“Are you crazy? You’re that scared of the doctors?”

“Well that, and it’s not like our schedules allow for appointments.”

“That’s true, but you need to take care of yourself, or this happens.”

She went into a coughing fit.

There was a knock on the door, and she pushed herself into a sitting position. Morgan pushed her back down gently.

“I’ve got it, just relax.”

He opened the door, revealing Prentiss and JJ standing on the front stoop, both holding multiple tupperware containers.

“Hey, Morgan.” JJ grinned. “How’s she doing?”

“The doctor says she has bronchitis and a horrible cold. She should be better in a few days.”

“We have stuff to help her feel better, we can’t stay, but we wanted to drop this off.” Emily said, looking around Morgan to take a peek at Garcia. “Hey, girl. How’re you feeling?”

“I’ve had better days.”

“We have a case, but if you need anything call us.” JJ said.

“Will do. What exactly is this?”

“Just some comfort food we picked up from the store.” Prentiss shrugged.

“Where’s the case?”


“Have fun, guys.” He called after them.

Morgan shut the door and locked it before turning around to look at her.

“You feeling up to food?”

She shook her head. “No, not really.”

“I’ll put it in the fridge, we’ll try later.”


She was feeling a bit better the next day, and Morgan was happy that she was finally eating. Her fever was down, too, which filled him with a sense of relief.

“How was it?” He asked, taking her dishes and bringing them to the sink.

“I can’t really taste anything.” She sighed, coughing.

“But you at least have an appetite, it’s a start. Still tired?”

“Mmmm.” Garcia hummed, closing her eyes. “You’re so nice...so patient...could be a doctor.” She mumbled, drifting to sleep.

He burst out laughing, which caused her to jerk awake. He sobered up quickly, grimacing. “Sorry, baby.”

“Can you help me to my bed? The couch is uncomfortable.”

He nodded, getting up and pulling her to her feet. She swayed slightly on her feet, and Morgan wrapped an arm around her waist.

“Easy there, gorgeous. Let’s get you lyin’ down.”

She sniffled, rubbing at her nose as Morgan lead her to her bed.

“Lie down with me?” She asked, shooting him her best puppy dog eyes.

She still didn’t feel well, and she just wanted to cuddle with him.

He said nothing as he climbed into bed next to her and wrapped an arm around her. She immediately cuddled up to him. He shifted his position so that her head was resting on his chest.

“I’m glad you’re starting to feel better, sweetness.” Morgan said, kissing the top of her head.

“Me too, sugar.” She rasped, clearing her throat.

She could feel his chest shuddering as his breath hitched. She sat up, staring down at him with a frown.

“EHh’Xxtchuh! *Snff*”

“Don’t tell me I got you sick.” She groaned. He chuckled, shaking his head.

“It was just a sneeze, I’m fine, baby girl. Lay back down and get some sleep.”


The next day, she was feeling well enough to return to work.

“You sure you’re ready to go back to work?” He asked, a wave of exhaustion washing over him.

“I am...are you okay, angelfish?” She asked, furrowing her brows. “You’re pale.”

“Don’t worry about me, baby girl. You want a ride to work?” He asked and she nodded. “How’s your throat?”

“Still a bit sore.”

“I’ll make you some tea. Mind if we swing by my place first? I need to change.”

“Sounds good to me.” She chirped.

His sinuses began to tingle, and he rubbed his nose with the back of his hand. “Ehhh...heh...EHh’Xxtchuh! Ehhh...EHh’Xxtchuh! *Snff*”


“Baby cakes, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, I don’t get sick.”

He walked into her kitchen, and heated up a mug of tea.

She got changed quickly, and walked out to where Morgan was.

“H-here.” He said, handing her the tea. He turned away from her, burying his face in the crook of his elbow. “EHh’Xxtchuh! *Snff*”

She cocked an eyebrow. “Bless you.”

“Don’t look at me like that.” He said, sniffling lightly.

“I’m not looking at you like anything.”

He rolled his eyes. “Ready to go, baby girl?”

“More than ready.”

“L-let’s g-heh...hihhhh...*Snff*” He said, rubbing his nose in an attempt to relieve the tickle. “Let’s go.”

Nearly forty minutes later, they walked through the doors of the BAU.

“You’re back!” Emily cried happily. “How are you feeling?”

“Better.” Penelope smiled.

EHh’Xxtchuh! *Snff*”

“Morgan, go home.” Hotch said, walking past him, not bothering to look up from his case file.

Derek rolled his eyes, and walked over to his desk. “I’m fine.”

Hotch looked up at Garcia. “I assumed you’d be out for longer.”

“No can do, boss-man. I can’t afford to be out for too long.”

The corners of Hotch’s mouth twitched upwards briefly. “Glad to have you back.”

“Thank you sir.” She grinned, and then walked to her office.

Morgan leaned back in his chair, squeezing his eyes shut and letting out a sigh.

“Did you know that the average incubation period for rhinovirus is around one to three days, and it usually takes seven to ten days to go away, although it’s only contagious for the first three days.” Reid said. “Most workplace illnesses could be avoided if the contagious person stayed home, but about sixty percent of people go to work when they’re ill.”

“Good to know, kid, but I’m not sick.”

“You were around Garcia for the past three days, chances are she passed the virus onto you.”

Ehhh...heh...*Snff* cough cough *Snff* Yeah, well, I’m fine.”

“You don’t sound fine.” JJ said, cocking a brow.

“Coughing, sneezing, and congestion are all symptoms of the common cold.” Reid said.

“He’s really pale, too.” Emily observed.

Derek sighed in frustration. “Stop it, I’m fine.”

He was getting agitated. His head was killing him, and their incessant talking was just making it worse.

JJ, Emily and Reid all looked at each other, sharing a knowing glance, and then went back to their work.


“Morgan, you aren’t going.” Hotch said, looking at Derek.

“I’m fine.” He rasped. “We have a case.”

“You’re not going.”


“That’s an order. You’re staying here. I don’t care if you stay here, or go home, but you are not getting on that jet.”


“Don’t argue with me.”

“I’m f-Ehhh...heh...EHh’Xxtchuh! EHh’Xxtchuh! *Snff*”

“Go home.”

Derek sighed in frustration and walked back out to his desk.

“Angelfish, you’re not going with them?” Garcia asked, walking out of her office. His head snapped up, blinking and looking around sleepily. She shot him an apologetic look. “Oops, did I wake you?”

He rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. “Hotch wouldn’t lehhh... EHh’Xxtchuh! EHh’Xxtchuh! EHh’Xxtchuh! EHh’Xxtchuh! EHh’Xxtchuh!*Snff* Ugh...let me.

“Come on, I’ll take you home.”

“I don’t need to go home. I’m n-ehhh...heh...hihhh...*Snff* I’m n...heh...not-heh...*snff* cough cough cough cough *Snff*”

“Yes you are. Now come on, I’ll take you home.”

He groaned. “I’m too tired.”

“You don’t think you can make it to the car? Come with me to my office, it’s dark, you can sleep there.”

“Okay, but this doesn’t mean I’m admitting I’m sick.”

“Of course not, angel.” She said, helping him to his feet. They walked to her office, and she made a makeshift bed on the floor out of jackets. “You lie there, if you need something, just let me know.”

He nodded, going down on the ground and lying on his side.

Only about ten minutes passed when her phone

“Office of unmitigated superiority.”

“Have you talked to Morgan yet?” Hotch asked.

“Indeed I have. He’s asleep in my office right now. He refuses to admit he’s sick, but he’s an awful liar.”

“Keep an eye on him.”

“Will do, boss-man. Was their anything else you needed?”

“Not as of yet.” He said, ending the call.

She glanced at Morgan, who was sprawled out on his stomach half asleep.

“You want some tea, sugar?”

“I don’t need tea.” He mumbled tiredly.

She sighed lightly. “My throat is bothering me, I was going to make some for myself and thought I’d offer.”

“Well if you’re offering...sure.”

She bit back a grin as she walked out of her office. She made two cups of tea, and walked back to her office.

“Here you go, my vision.”

He propped himself up on an elbow, and took the cup of tea from her. “Thanks, baby girl.”

She sat in her chair, watching him intently as he took a sip. The warm liquid ran down his throat, soothing it, and he sighed in relief.

“Throat hurt?” She asked, grinning lightly.

He scowled at her briefly. “No. Because I’m not sick.”

“Okay, okay.”

He sniffled, his nostrils flaring as his eyelids fluttered. He put the tea down, and sat up. “EHh’Xxtchuh! EHh’Xxtchuh! *Snff* Ehhh...ihhh... EHh’Xxtchuh! EHh’Xxtchuh! EHh’Xxtchuh! EHh’Xxtchuh! *Snff*”

“Bless you.”

“Thagks.” He sniffled. She tossed him a box of tissues, and he took one hesitantly, blowing his nose.

“So, are you still going with the ‘I’m fine’ routine?” She asked.

“I am, though.”

“Angel cake, we both know that’s a lie.”

“I’m fine.” He muttered, looking and sounding very much like a child.

She burst out laughing. “I’m sorry for laughing, I am, but you look absolutely pitiful, Derek. Just admit you don’t feel well, and we’ll go home.”

He sniffled, rubbing his nose on the back of his hand. He flopped backwards.

“I’m fine.”

Penelope sighed in frustration. “Okay, whatever you say.”


The work day came to a close too slowly for Derek’s liking. He felt as though he had been drugged. His mind was moving entirely too slow and sluggish for comfort, and he was exhausted. Judging by the chill that had settled deep in his bones, he was fairly certain that he had a fever. His sinuses felt like they were filled with sludge, and it was hard to breathe through his nose.

He felt awful.

“Come on my sick puppy. Let’s get you home.” Garcia said, crouching down in front of him.

“I’b dot-”

“Save it. You have a fever. What was it that you told me when I had one? ‘You have a fever, which means your beautiful body is fighting something off’.”

“You rebebered that, huh?” He sniffled, rubbing his aching forehead.

“I do, and you sound awful.”

“I soud worse thad I feel.” He lied.

“You liar.” She grinned, pulling him to his feet. He swayed dizzily, and braced himself against the wall. She put her hands on his back, in an attempt to help steady him.

“You ready to go?” He asked, once his vision had cleared. “I’ll take you home.”

“I’m driving. You aren’t getting behind the wheel like this.”


“I love you, I really do, but you, my sweet, are sick. And it’s my fault, so I’m going to take care of you.”

He sniffled, rubbing his nose. “I’b capable of takig care of byself.”

“I know you can, but I’m offering to take care of you.”

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