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Magic and Colds Don't Mix Dresden Files (Harry Dresden)


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So right off that bat the Dresden Files is a brilliant series that I just adore, I mean snarky wizard can you say HELLZ YA!


Brief info:

Harry Dresden- Main character (first person)

Thomas Raith- ^^^ brother -long story also Vampire *incubus* of the White Court

Molly Carpenter- Wiz in training,Harry's apprentice.

Mouse- Harry's huge intelligent dog *Foo dog*- again don't want to give to much out here-

Mister- Harry's massive cat

Karrin Murphy- Lieutenant of the Chicago PD Special Investigations Unit

Bob- I'm going to leave that description for in the story

***Black Court Vampires -Looks/ are similar to zombies partially decomposed- not your typical Dracula***


Fuego- concentration of fire used for attack

Ignus infusiarus- kinda creates a small sun

Flickum bickum-^^^ smaller version, used to light candles

Warning- *some language- and violence soooo content advisory*

"Let's go out, you said It'll be fun you said," I glared at Thomas.

"Had I'd known, I would've left you in your sub-basement to bicker with Bob." I can hear Thomas' eyes roll.

Bob, the nagging, romance novel addicted, spirit in a skull, on a shelf, who "occasionally" helps me with spells, "occasionally."

Mentally, I rolled my eyes for the up-tenth time, while I kept my gaze locked firmly on the corpse of the Black Court Vampire several feet in front of me, with a wailing child in its distortedly muscular grip. The creature before me could easily pass as an extra for the Walking Dead, or whatever this new generation watched for scares nowadays.

I lifted my Blasting rod at the Vampire, "I'm only going to say this once, let the kid go."

The runes etched in the wood glowed, showing the Vamp I meant business. I just hoped he didn't call my bluff. There was no way I could safely fire at the Vamp without also risking the child getting hit.

Magic was funny that way, extremely powerful, but by-no means controllable. The Blasting rod just merely focused the magic.

To make matters worse, the itch in the back of my nose wasn't helping me concentrate. I harshly scrubbed at my ill-timing appendage as my breath hitched, attempting to avoid the inevitable for as long as possible. My eyes flutter, as I fight to keep them open. I vaguely see the Vampire's face stretch in what appears to be in a nightmarish attempt at a smile, before he bolts.


And like that Thomas, and I were chasing the creature of the 'Nevernever,' once again through the rain. We'd spotted the Vampire in a park where he took the kid, and had since been madly chasing him, from the park to what now looked like a cemetery coming up.

Perfect. Just. Perfect.

The cemetery was the ideal location to duke it out with anything from the 'Nevernever,' with everyone already dead, no possible pedestrian casualties. Downside, it was night, and no lights lit up the cemetery. Providing the Vamp with shadows to hide in, but with the screeching kid in-tow, I could follow.

A cold shiver went down my back when the child's howling stopped.

"Hell's bells," I utter as Thomas and I quickly scale the rode-iron fence. I feel the tug of my duster get caught for a moment but my protection spell keeps it from ripping. I land with a heavy slushing sound in the wet grass, and start in the direction I'd last heard the kid. "Let the kid go, and I won't beat you too badly!" I lie.

The silence is unnerving, as my echoing voice is the only thing I can hear over the rain.

Raising my staff towards the sky, "Ignus infusiarus!" I call out, putting a fair amount of energy into the spell. A streak of flame shoots out of the tip of my rod to form a ball of flame high in the sky lighting up the cemetery like the sun. Unveiling that the Vamp isn't even a yard away from us. It shrieks as the sudden light and quickly shuffles to get back into the shadows. The next thing I notice is my dog Mouse bounding towards the Vampire, his jaws locking on the arm holding the girl. I was really struck with stupor at my apprentice Molly popping out of nowhere having been concealed by her veil to snatch the kid from the stunned Vamp soon after. The creature shrieked in anger, claws swiping toward Molly. With the kid out of the way and Molly a hair's-breath away from it, I point my rod, "Fuego!" And the Vamp's arm is gone.

The creature howls in pain and what sounds like frustration.

It looks at me with it's dead eyes, "Dresden," it growls.

"FUEGO!" I snap back. The creature's knees buckle, what's left crumbles to the ground, the top half is nothing but a smoking empty space now, I lean against my staff, worn out, certain usage of magic could take it's toll on a body and I'd been using mine nonstop all day. Mouse ambles up to me and gives me one of his, 'And you wanted to leave me at home' stares with his knowing eyes that held an intelligence he couldn't verbalize, and with all the stupid things I know he's seen me do I was grateful for that. Already had enough people telling me how idiotic it was when I did something- okay anything.

Mouse follows up next to me as I meet up with Thomas and Molly as she's calming down the child.

It'd been a long day, I'd helped several people all across the city earlier that day with smaller issues the 'Nevernever' had caused them, so when I turned away to finally sneeze, weaving a bit on my feet, I was grateful when Mouse leaned in to support me. I didn't argue much with Thomas and Molly when they said they'd take the child back to her mother and let Murphy know she was alright. Since of the three of us, they were the least battered and bruised and covered in muck and blood. Solid reasoning in my book so they went one way while I headed home in the other direction with Mouse.

I was on my last leg as I finally reached the steps leading downstairs to my humble abode that had seen far better days. And on the walk back, while the blue beetle was out of commission for another day or two, I briefly considered riding Mouse who was basically the size of a small pony, but the 'don't even' look he gave me had me putting the kibosh on that thought. I could feel my wards as I entered, nothing had tampered with them in my absence. I opened my mouth to light up the room, when my nose itched me terribly, I'm blearily aware of my cat Mister ramming into my shin affectionately, "F-Fli-HihHH! HiEIHISHEOOOHUHHHH!!" The force of my release doubles me at the waist. I hear the shaking of two furry bodies. "Flickum bickum," I finally get out. The room lights up with various candles spread about the room to allow for optimal lighting since electricity and magic don't coalesce very well. I'm fine with working by candlelight, which is less likely to spark and burnout when I walk pass. Two pairs of eyes are looking up at me, Mister looking peeved at having been sneezed on, and Mouse with concern etched across his doggie face. "Sorry," I mumble out as I scratch behind both of their ears. I point at the fireplace with my blasting rod, "Fuego," starting a roaring fire. I empty the pockets of my duster and toss it into the blaze, no damage will come to it with the spells , and it was the fastest way to clean all the muck it had picked up today. Next I head over to throw back the rug concealing the door to my sub-basement or workroom, though wreck-room would be more accurate for all the things that have accidentally burned or gone 'boom' in here.

I make it down the stairs with relative ease, shrugging into my comfy plaid robe before I pitch forward with a sudden sneeze, "Damn," my voice is thick with congestion. Out of the corner of my eye I see two glowing orbs fill the once empty eye sockets of the skull perched on my top shelf that's littered with novels as it wakes up while I'm ruffling out my wet hair.

"I know we're in the Windy City," the motionless jaws chuckle, "but did anyone inform the little pigs that the big bad wolf just moved into town?"

I glare at the skull as I move back to my desk full of books I'd been hunched over before Thomas pulled me away for some fresh air. "Very fu'ddy Bob," I utter with a wince scrubbing at my nose with a long sleeve. Giving a thick sniffle before retorting, "but I'll be laughing when some disembodied jerk's next dirty novel gets misplaced rather then put on the shelf for him..." It's my turn to laugh as the glowing orbs increase in size with his shock.

"Oh come on Harry! I can't very well enjoy much and you want to take THAT away from me? You're cruel, but I'm sure you'll find it once you need something from me..."

I shrug indifferently but I know he's right.

"So it looks like you got more than you bargained for with your trip outside with your brother. I've seen Trolls look better then you, and you honestly can't get compared to much worse then a Troll..."

"Can-it Bob," I snap though it's no use as the talkative skulls keeps chattering on. I do my damnedest to ignore him as I look to the bindings before me again to continue working on the pile of cases as they piled up on before my vary eyes, and that was saying something. Usually things were quiet, which I didn't mind to much since people were generally okay and not suffering from the beasties the Nevernever could produce, but then that left me lacking certain funds, and sharing my food with Mister and Mouse, which I'm sure they didn't mind too much."

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OMG, thank you for writing this. I have been craving some Dresdenverse fic, and this hit the spot. I love the snarky dialogue sprinkled throughout, but I think my favorite line is:

"I know we're in the Windy City," the motionless jaws chuckle, "but did anyone inform the little pigs that the big bad wolf just moved into town?"

It's so... Bob-like. :lol:

Good work! I hope we see more from you. <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just scrolling around... Casually looking when- DRESDEN FILES!?! WHAT!? REALLY?! NO WAY! WOW!!!

(and as always, shut up, Bob"

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  • 4 weeks later...

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