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jaspidot fic :0


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Aaaa this is my first fic ever i wrote it cause there was a severe lack of steven universe here


“What the hell is this?” Jasper said as she pulled out a rose from one of Peridot’s scout bots.

“It’s an earth flower, commonly called a rose,” Peridot replied, carefully removing the flower from Jasper’s large hand.

The taller gem’s eyes widened, “A rose? Like Rose Quartz?! In that case we must destroy it!” She quickly tried to grab the rose from Peridot, but the green gem held it out of her reach.

“No, Jasper! We have to catalog all of these speci-” Suddenly Peridot stopped speaking as she experienced a new sensation, a buzzing in her nose. Barely thinking, she wiggled her nose to rid herself of the feeling, but it persisted.

“Peridot? What are you doing?” Jasper asked, extremely confused. “What were yo-“

“Hah- Hi’tchiew!” Peridot snapped forward, her eyes shut tight.

Jasper jumped slightly. “What was that?” Peridot didn’t reply, her eyes still closed.

“Huh- hah… Hetchiew! I…huh…I…htch! Tch! Tch! Heptchii! Huh…hh...hi’tchiii!” The green gem jerked forward several times, unable to stop.

Jasper looked down to see the rose still in Peridot’s hand, and gasped. “Rose is to blame for this! I knew it had to be destroyed! This is an attack!” She grabbed the rose, holding it in her gem destabilizer until it burned away.

Peridot was trying to gain control of herself. “H’tchh! Tchh! Hatschiew! Hetschieww! H’tchii! Hatschii!” She gasped for air as the buzzing slowly went away upon Jasper’s disposing of the flower. “Hatschh! J-jasper, thank y-you. Heptchii! A-and it’s not an attack from Rose Quartz, I believe it’s what humans call ‘allergies’.”

Peridot sniffed sharply and rubbed her eyes. “That was… unpleasant.”

Jasper laughed, “No kidding.”

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This is so cute omg. I read it a few days ago and was debating whether or not to comment, I don't usually comment cuz I'm a little shy but. This is adorable! Peridot's just trying to do her job and things never go like they're supposed to for her. XD

Also Jasper's comments about the rose being "like Rose Quartz! IT'S AN ATTACK!" were both super in character and just hilarious, I read it all in her voice. ( If you're ever stricken by the mood to write SU again, I haven't really noticed any Jasper suffering anywhere here? Just an idea if you would ever like to do it! I dunno how it would work with her nose technically being her gem but. XD )

Anyway! Overall this was pretty cute~ I love how flustered Peri got and it was adorable how she could barely even get a word out without sneezing. I think this is well done, I really like it!

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I love love love how Jasper was all "DESTROY THE ROSE QUARTZ FLOWER" omg. I mean usually I go for Lapidot but there's a spot in my heart somewhere that's reserved for Jaspidot and this was adorable. I love Peridot too much oml

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  • 3 months later...

This is so so cute, and I also head canon that Peridot has allergies (because she has all the problems, at least when it comes to Gems getting sick.)

Nice funny contrast between Jasper wanting to destroy the "Rose" and Peridot trying to gather data. The non-stop helpless sneezes from Peridot made me melt. Her stuttering words as she tried to thank Jasper as the sneezes finally died down was just perfect and amazing.

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