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Puppy Eyes (Supernatural, Sam)


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So I realized something...I'm more of a Dean girl, really, but most of my fics feature Sam, because those are the prompts I gravitate towards. Interesting.

Anyhoo, I wrote this one last year, and realized I never posted it here. For once, no angst!

Prompt was:

On a normal day, Sam's puppy dog eyes are good at getting what he wants. But when poor Sammy has a cold and is all pathetic and sniffly, he's capable of melting the hearts of even the most stubborn witnesses, getting free stuff, etc.

I'd love to see the Winchesters deliberately using this skill to their full advantage.

Bonus points if Sam turns the eyes on Dean in the end.


Dean used to call them a gift and a curse, although he only counted once when they actually were a curse. He often reflects on that fateful night, when the damn puppy eyes backfired on them, making those two blondes wanting to talk with voices, rather than actions.

Ehhh, that was only once. Every other time, those soulful orbs are the Winchester ticket to getting what they want or need, when all else fails. Coupled with a cold or Sam’s allergies, they were a force to be reckoned with.

Case(s) in point:

“Hpp-TSCHCHSHEW!” That one got him a free bowl of soup at a diner, somewhere in Montana.

“Hehhhhhh---heh--hehhh-HESCHCHuh!” That one got them access to a high security warehouse.

“ITSCHCH! ETSCHCH! ESCHH!” Those gave them a motel room when the No Vacancy sign flashed out front.

Today, they had a tough case, and they needed information from a witness. She was being a serious bitch, not cooperating even though Dean flashed his badge and issued the threats. She saw what fugly slaughtered that family, and she just wasn’t telling.

As luck would have it, Sam was sick. His fever was messing with his judgement, so Dean benched him at the motel, thinking that intimidation was the route to success.

Apparently not this time.

It was time for the big guns.

So, Dean reluctantly bundled his brother in layers and withheld the cold medicine so Sam looked his worst. If they weren’t on an important case, Sam would’ve pitched a fit. Dean would simply have to wait for Sam to feel better before banking on free diner food. But Sam knows that if Dean asked for help, the situation was desperate.

They knocked on the bitch’s door, ready with their cover story: Sam was Dean’s superior officer. He was obviously sick, but since the witness was uncooperative, he dragged himself out of bed to deal with her himself.

Sam muffled a cough into his sleeve. Dean sighed, loving that this shit always works, but hating that Sam truly felt crappy.

The door opened, and a pretty, middle-aged woman eyed them up and down, her gaze lingering on Sam. She licked her lips, to which Dean actually flinched. “Back again, agent?” She asked, glaring at Dean.

Dean pursed his lips together. “I am. And I brought someone for you to meet. This is Agent Reznor, my boss.”

Sam cleared his throat. “Hello...I kdnow you’ve already spokend with Agent Sumner - “ he breaks off to cough again. “ Excuse be...but there are still a few questionds I’d like to ask.”

The woman fiddled with her necklace, tilting her head to the side, considering Sam’s words.

Sam smiled, and turned on The Eyes. Before long, The Eyes fluttered...a wrist hovered by Sam’s nose, and, “HESCHCH! *sniff* Heh-HESCHCH!

The woman’s whole demeanor changed, and Dean knew they had her. A smug smile crawled onto his lips. She let Sam enter her house, but put out a hand to stop Dean from following. “Not you. Just him.” She nodded her head at Sam, who gave her a questioning look.

Dean shook his head. “Uh-uh. Sorry, sister, you can’t - “

Sam coughed again, waving Dean off. “It’s okay. Wait for be ind the car.” His voice was raspy and deep, thick with congestion.

Dean shot Sam a look. I don’t want you in there alone.

Sam shrugged and sneezed. I’ll be fine. Just wait outside.

Dean narrowed his eyes at Sam.

Sam widened his at Dean.

Grumbling, Dean headed to the Impala in a huff.

At the half-hour mark, Dean was about ready to go in there, guns out, when her front door opened, and out came Sam, apparently unharmed.

He strolled to the Impala, his head bowed and hands thrust in his pockets. He opened the door and sat inside, sneezing softly.

Dean thrust a handful of Kleenex at him and started the engine. “Jesus, Sammy, what the hell took so long?”

Sam sneezed again, and blew his nose before answering. “I got the indforbation we deeded.”

“Sweet! I’m so sorry we had to use them, but I was desperate, man. She just wouldn’t come around.”

Sam’s cheeks were flushed a dark red, and he stared out the window. “I...uh...helped her combe...around.” He cleared his throat, keeping his eyes out the window.

Dean glanced at him a few times as he drove down the street. “You okay? You’re acting weird. Your fever up?” He reached out to feel Sam’s forehead, only to have Sam smack his hand away.

“I’b finde. Just...tired.” He squirmed in his seat before resting his head against the window, coughing weakly.

At the next red light, Dean got a better look at his brother. Sam’s cheeks were a lot redder than they should be. Either Sam’s fever climbed out of control, or something else was going on. He watched his brother sneeze helplessly into Kleenex.

“My God…you’re a mess. How the hell did you get that bitch to talk? Your eyes are barely open with all the sneezing you’re doing.”

Dean watched Sam’s cheeks go even redder. Now he knew something was up.


Sam sighed. “It wasn’t The Eyes, okay?”

“What’re you talking about?”

“Get...getting her to...to...HP-TSCHCH! HIH’TSCHCHEW! HRSCHCHuH! … talk.”

The Impala moved forward as the light turned green. Dean was still trying to figure this out. “Then…?”

Sam squirmed, and mumbled something under his breath.

“What? Sammy, come on, man. Cut it out.”

Sam sighed. “She..ub...liked be.”

Dean’s brow wrinkled. “That was the point, Sammy.”

“Ndo...she liked...ESCHCH! ugh….that.”

Dean’s eyebrows shot up as he remembered her reaction in the doorway to Sam’s misery. “Oh...”

“And...apparendtly, the double cobbo of The Eyes and by cold did her ind.”

“....And it took half an hour because…?”

Sam’s cheeks were practically in flames.


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This was so cute! I swear, I'm almost dead from the cuteness! :wub: And poor Sammy! He's so embarrassed! I just love it! :heart: Great story, Anilkex! I can't wait to read more from you! :)

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Holy mother of Winchester!!! I return after a week and find THIS!?

Oh dear...I think I have to lie down.....yeah, lying down sounds good...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to bump up an old thread but I only just found this :awesum:

You know, I'm usually a total Cas/Dean girl myself but this was just adorable.

Your characterisation is so spot on! I love how Dean manages to utilise someone else's skills to his own advantage, that is so like Dean :yay:

This whole thing was really cute. Despite being a Cas/Dean girl, I have to admit to having a soft spot for Sam's puppy eyes.

Great job!

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Sam is so adorable in this!!! I love the idea that she's one of us :) such a cute fic and really believable

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  • 2 weeks later...

Way to take one for the team Sammy! LOL

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  • 3 months later...

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