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I recently went to see the new 'Spy' movie with Melissa McCarthy and hoo boy let me tell you what! It was so funny and well scripted, I couldn't stop laughing! Anyways, me being the Jason Statham fan that I am, immediately fell in love with Ford. So I decided to attempt writing a fic between him and an OC of mine. Please excuse any spelling errors or grammatical problems.And the first part is short so I can see how well it goes over before I write more.

So without further ado, here we go!


Ford grumbled as he rolled out of bed, and his feet made contact with the cold hardwood floor of his bedroom,”Sodden’d hell..” He

felt hot, stiff, and his nose so blocked he could feel it draining down the back of his throat. After a few minutes of intense mental

preparation, he got up; immediately regretting the decision as it made the room spin and his head pound,”Shid. I feel like he--

Hh’cSSctCH! HS’tCH! *snrrrrk!*” He’d managed to catch the insuing mess in his hands, frowning at the thick and green mucus web

now covering him,”Fudck! *snff* And of course I don’d have any fudcking tissues..” With not-so-much hesitation, he wiped them on

his silken boxer shorts and staggered towards his dresser, grabbing his ear piece and promptly inserting it. A chipper and young

voice immediately greeted him,”Ford! Jesus I was beginning to think you’d gone off the grid! Don’t scare me like that!” He spat,

sniffling thickly and trying hard not to sound pathetic,”Calmb down pobbet. I haven’d gone AWOL...again. I’mb feeling a bid down

and oud though, think I mbight’ve caughd somb sorda mbutand flu bug..” He inadvertantly let a small whine out as those last few

words left his mouth, not quite sure if he regretted it or not. “Aww..poor dear. I told you to get your flu shot but oh no, instead, you

had to make a huge scene in the doctor’s office. I’ve never seen someone use a stapler like that before..”, the voice sighed with

slight embarrassment at her own spy’s childlike tantrum,”Nonetheless, get back in bed and i’ll be there as soon as I can alright?” He

was way ahead of her, already belly down on the firm mattress, earpiece tumbling out and clattering to the floor.


Please excuse the odd spacing. Transferred this from Google Doc's and it didn't save my spacing and formatting. Hasty formatting is hasty.

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