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Post-Its (SPN)


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The prompt that sparked this was from over a year ago. I'm working on summer cleaning, both of my home and Google Drive. It's sat unfinished for long enough. I misread the prompt, and missed the slash part completely. I was excited about the idea, and ran with it. I still think it's okay. :)

Prompt was:

Two characters in a relationship work different shifts or different jobs/parts of a hunt/mission/etc. and never get to see each other. They leave each other notes on the kitchen counter or bathroom mirror or something. When they both come down with the same cold, their notes change a little. They leave boxes of tissues or medicine packets. They complain about their symptoms or complain about the used tissues the other left lying around. When their colds both get really bad and one is forced to go home, they finally see each other for the first time in weeks. What do they say/do?

What I did (and...this is pre-series, so there are no cell phones because…I said there are no cell phones... :D):


I’ll get more coffee later today after work. Let me know if you need help with homework.


Like you’re ever home from work. And I bet Dad probably has a hunt lined up for you, like always. Can you really help me with trigonometry? I’ll be at the library after school.


I just got home from work, bitch, and you’re not here. Dad needs help with a spirit tonight...leaving in ten. Shut up. Did you bring a jacket? What the fuck is trigonometry?


I just ate dinner. Alone. Again, Jerk. See how I don’t say I told you so. I’ll probably be asleep when you get back. Totally had my jacket. Trig is math. Have a test in two days.

Well, leaving for school. Got the message on the machine. Sorry I missed your call - would have been nice to talk. Library again after school. Can you pick up Kleenex?


Must have just missed you. Here’s a math problem that doesn’t add up: “Totally had my jacket” does not equal wet clothes in tub and dry jacket in closet, genius. You got caught in the same storm we did. Why is your jacket here? I may have to work late. Will get Kleenex tonight.


It’s tonight, now. Head is killing me. Probably be asleep when you get home. Need to study. Test tomorrow. Forgot jacket. Of course you’re working late.


That was curt. Did you take Tylenol? How come you can memorize the list of presidents and their terms of office, but you can’t remember your jacket? You’re gonna get sick. Good luck on your test. Sorry I’m always working late or out with Dad.


Took Tylenol - didn’t help. Probably sick. Test is consuming all thought so jackets get forgotten. I hate that you have to work late. Thanks for getting Kleenex. Didn’t want to wake you. See you after school?


You should’ve woken me this morning. How much Tylenol did you take? There’s still tea from last month in the cabinet. Drink it for your throat (that I know is hurting). I hate working late when you’re sick and have math tests that worry you. Rather stay home and watch tv together. Helping Dad after work - burning bones didn’t work. How was the test?


Test was fine, I guess. Took some pills. I don’t know how many. 2? Home alone...again. Feel like shit. It’s so cold in here. Library tonight. Why didn’t the bones work?


Stopped home to check on you. You’re sick and not here. Why is that? I bet you have a fever. Two isn’t enough for someone as giant as you. Fixed the thermostat. Dad’s honking the horn...stay home when you get back. Spirit connected to a bracelet.


Home. Crashing.


Sam rolled over and threw off the covers in a huff. He couldn’t keep up with being both hot and cold. It screwed with his ability to sleep, even though he could barely keep his eyes open.

Leaning over, he blindly groped on the nightstand for some Kleenex. His nose started twitching, making it difficult to adequately fumble when his hand automatically moved to cover his nose and mouth.

Magically, soft tissues were shoved against his palm, just in time to catch a couple sneezes.

Looking up, he saw Dean’s concerned face, forehead all scrunched up, a touch of disapproval tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Sam flapped a hand at him, lying back down. “I know, I know. Don’t start.” He closed his eyes and flung an arm over his face. “Did you get the bracelet?”

The bed dipped as Dean sat down, but there was no answer. Sam peeked from under his arm. When Dean caught his eye, he nodded and grinned, only end up coughing harshly into the crook of his arm.

Sat slowly sat up. “Dude...are you sick?”

Dean shook his head, and tugged on the collar of his shirt. Sam sucked in a breath. Dark purple bruises lined Dean’s neck, like a fancy necklace gone awry. Sam gingerly reached out, lightly touching the swollen, mottled, skin.

“Jesus, Dean - what the fuck hap...hahhh...heh’tschhuh! *sniff* happened?”

Dean rolled his eyes, making ridiculous gestures, pantomiming being choked. Now Sam rolled his eyes. “I figured you got choked, asshole. I meant - nevermind.” Sam yawned, scrubbing his eyes. “Fuck...sorry…just so tired.”

Shrugging, Dean rested his hand on Sam’s head, frowning even more. He gently pushed Sam back against his pillow, making raspy tsk-ing noises. Sam curled onto his side, playing with the hem of Dean’s shirt. “Glad you’re okay…wait...you are okay, right?”

Another eye roll, and a hand flop that said, Oh, please. He held up a post-it note.

Move over. I’m tired.

Sam grinned, then immediately tried to hide it in an effort to look cool. He slid over, relaxing when Dean lay down next to him. Dean nudged his shoulder, holding up another note.

Go to sleep. I’m not going anywhere.

Nodding, Sam closed his eyes, feeling better than he had in days.

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The post-it's were fun to read! And the brotherly-ness at the end was awesome. Glad the boys got some time to chill, even if one's sick and the other got choked.

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The fact that Dean was choked and hurt badly, yet still took care of Sam hit a helluva lot of buttons. Dean being mute is also really, really hot for some reason. I loved the story, and the concept!

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Awww, the last two post-its! wubsmiley.gif I love what you did with the prompt, and the brother relationship is adorable. Thanks for sharing!

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