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Salud, Dinero, Amor (Supernatural, Sam)


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Just something short and silly that I dashed off. Hope you like!

Title: Salud, Dinero, Amor

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Sam, Dean (gen)

Summary: Sam is sick and sneezy. Dean gets to practice his Spanish.

Time frame: Set in the bunker, so... any time post-8x12, I guess.

Warnings: None

Salud, Dinero, Amor

Sam has been sick for a couple of days now with the sneeziest cold he can remember ever having. He feels okay—he’s not miserable, just mildly annoyed, and it’s not really slowing him down much. He and Dean are working a case but they only got onto it yesterday so they’re still camped out in the bunker, doing their homework and waiting for Sam to heal up to the point where he can appear in public in a Fed suit without causing a spectacle.

In the interest of preserving his sanity, Dean has mostly tuned out all the sneezing and sniffling by now, since Sam’s been at it almost constantly for a day and a half and isn’t showing signs of letting up any time soon. They’re each going about their own research in the Men of Letters library, Sam in his brown sweater tucked up in a chair with a tome propped open in his lap with one hand and tissues held in the palm of the other, and Dean at the table leaned over an old, curling parchment spread out and pinned on the lower two corners with his elbows and on the other two with a lamp and a mug with a half an inch of tepid coffee.

Sam has lasted nearly twenty minutes without sneezing—the longest break he’s gotten all morning. He’s just sniffling intermittently and pausing every now and again to blow his nose, drop the tissues into the waste basket by his side, and pull out another batch. Then, he makes up for the hiatus with an especially powerful sneeze that causes Dean to look up from his reading.


“Salud,” Dean says.



“What?” Sam snuffles.

"Dinero. Greenbacks. Cash money.”

“Yeah, I know what you said,” Sam says. “Why’d you say it?”

“Spanish for ‘gesundheit.’”

Sam looks at him from over a handful of tissues with narrowed eyes, partly because Dean’s translation is a little dubious and Sam can’t tell if he’s joking or not, and partly because his nose is tickling again.

“‘Salud’ for the first sneeze,” Dean’s explaining, “‘dinero’ for the second, and for the third…”


“… ‘amor.’”

Sam sniffles and rubs the tissues under his pink nose. “Dude, seriously, you need to lay off the telenovelas. That is not information you need to know.”

“I don’t remember what they bless people with for the fo—“


“…fourth one. ‘Tequila,’ probably.”

“Ughh. Right. Dean? Listen. This stops right now, all right?”

Dean puts his hands up, careful to keep his elbows planted on the scroll of parchment, and when Sam sneezes a fifth time Dean keeps his mouth shut.


They lose themselves in their research again and Sam sneezes in peace. Dean goes to the kitchen for another cup of coffee and comes back with a glass of water for Sam as well.

“Thanks,” Sam says before pitching forward with another sneeze.




“Chile con carne.”

“Come on, you’re just listing f-foo— hEHXRSHoo!”

“Burritos,” Dean says, rolling the “r”s and everything.


Later that evening they get a breakthrough and Dean goes out on an overdue supply run, returning with groceries and an armload of tissue boxes. He tosses one to Sam before retreating to get dinner started, followed not long after by Sam who trails into the kitchen, still sneezing away, to see if there’s something he can do to help. Dean shooes him and his germs away from the food and relegates him to a stool at the kitchen table and Sam leans back against the wall and they plan their next moves for the case as Dean stirs, slices, steams.

Sam’s half of the conversation is punctuated with enough sneezes to give Dean’s Spanish vocabulary a real run for the money. Sam has been a good sport and is willing to put up with whatever other teasing his brother has in store, but Dean has evidently gotten it out of his system in surprisingly short order. He only gives Sam a sympathetic smile and leaves him alone for the remainder of the night, and keeps him plied with tissues and orange juice over the following few days while they’re out on the job.


By the same time next week, when the hunt is taken care of and they’re safely stowed back in the bunker, it’s clear that Dean has caught the cold off his brother.

Sam apologizes.

Dean sneezes.

Sam says random nouns in Enochian.


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Oh God, where is 27_JJ when you need her, she would love this.

I love it, too. It's so well put together. I don't know if this makes sense but it just feels really tight, like, it has everything it needs and nothing is superfluous. It takes you neatly from A to B, you know? I'm explaining this poorly, I'm sorry, and I think I did something similar with your last fic. Forgive me, when I like something often I just kind of having a feeling about it, and I struggle to articulate it. Anyway, I liked it a lot.

The characters are brilliant. Sam's perpetual state of slight exasperation is spot on (and I love this kind of cold, where it's sneezy and inconvenient but doesn't make the person feel too bad), and this Dean is my FAVOURITE Dean, when he has just the tiniest hint of devilment.

You are fantatic at setting the scene. It's not too much, just a snapshot, but it put me right there, I think it's because there's not a lot of description, but there's a lot of close detail in what is there - the curl of the parchment, the amount and the temperature of Dean's coffee, the relative positions of Sam's book and his tissues...

This is my favourite line:

“Dude, seriously, you need to lay off the telenovelas. That is not information you need to know.”


I think you nailed both personalities in two short sentences there. Bravo!

In short, this is wonderful. I love your work, and I'm thrilled that you're here and writing SPN (and Sam!).

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“Chile con carne.”

“Come on, you’re just listing f-foo— hEHXRSHoo!”

“Burritos,” Dean says, rolling the “r”s and everything.

seriously i shouldn't drink when i read something like this :lmao:

i nearly spill over my laptop from laughing :eek:;)

nice and very funny oneshot!!!! :yes:

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I'm a through and through Deangirl and don't usually bother reading the Sam stuff (not that I don't love him too ;) ) but this... THIS. Was so good.

It was really succinct and flowed so nicely, was very descriptive without being overly wordy, and your characterisation was spot on.

Loved it. :)

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This is easily the best thing I've read in a long long time. I haven't been able to dig into Supernatural much lately, but this totally hit the spot for me. Very in character, very well written, and I'm such a sucker for blessings and non-negative sneeze reactions in general. This is the best! Thank you so much!

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“Chile con carne.”

“Come on, you’re just listing f-foo— hEHXRSHoo!”

“Burritos,” Dean says, rolling the “r”s and everything.

I nearly died of laughter. Your characterization is on point and really funny. Thanks for writing this!

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Omg I'm dying! :rofl:

This, this right here is the reason I love reading fanfics. The reason why I love the show. Beautiful! Thank you so much for making my day! :D

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Lol loved it!

By the same time next week, when the hunt is taken care of and they’re safely stowed back in the bunker, it’s clear that Dean has caught the cold off his brother.

Sam apologizes.

Dean sneezes.

Sam says random nouns in Enochian.

Dean blessing his brother in spanish and using random food item when he runs out of word is sooooo Dean. But when you finished with that line, I just lost it. Sam is such a geek. Cas would be proud :P

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lol.gif PERFECTION biggrin.png

Heehee! I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks so much for reading. biggrin.png

Oh God, where is 27_JJ when you need her, she would love this.

I love it, too. It's so well put together. I don't know if this makes sense but it just feels really tight, like, it has everything it needs and nothing is superfluous. It takes you neatly from A to B, you know? I'm explaining this poorly, I'm sorry, and I think I did something similar with your last fic. Forgive me, when I like something often I just kind of having a feeling about it, and I struggle to articulate it. Anyway, I liked it a lot.

The characters are brilliant. Sam's perpetual state of slight exasperation is spot on (and I love this kind of cold, where it's sneezy and inconvenient but doesn't make the person feel too bad), and this Dean is my FAVOURITE Dean, when he has just the tiniest hint of devilment.

You are fantatic at setting the scene. It's not too much, just a snapshot, but it put me right there, I think it's because there's not a lot of description, but there's a lot of close detail in what is there - the curl of the parchment, the amount and the temperature of Dean's coffee, the relative positions of Sam's book and his tissues...

This is my favourite line:

“Dude, seriously, you need to lay off the telenovelas. That is not information you need to know.”


I think you nailed both personalities in two short sentences there. Bravo!

In short, this is wonderful. I love your work, and I'm thrilled that you're here and writing SPN (and Sam!).

OMG, thank you! Can't say how much this means to me. It makes me so happy that you liked Sam in this, that you liked Dean, that you liked that line in particular! And thanks for the kind words about the structure and scene exposition, too. I'm still getting the hang of this fanfic business so it means a lot. Truly, thank you! Cheers!




“Chile con carne.”

“Come on, you’re just listing f-foo— hEHXRSHoo!”

“Burritos,” Dean says, rolling the “r”s and everything.

seriously i shouldn't drink when i read something like this lmaosmiley.gif

i nearly spill over my laptop from laughing eek.gifwink.png

nice and very funny oneshot!!!! yes.gif

Glad you liked it! Thanks for taking the time to read! smile.png

I'm a through and through Deangirl and don't usually bother reading the Sam stuff (not that I don't love him too wink.png ) but this... THIS. Was so good.

It was really succinct and flowed so nicely, was very descriptive without being overly wordy, and your characterisation was spot on.

Loved it. smile.png

Yaaay, thank you so much! I really appreciate the feedback. And thanks for taking a chance on a Sam story. wink.png Hope it paid off with the smidgeon of sick!Dean at the end. biggrin.png

This is easily the best thing I've read in a long long time. I haven't been able to dig into Supernatural much lately, but this totally hit the spot for me. Very in character, very well written, and I'm such a sucker for blessings and non-negative sneeze reactions in general. This is the best! Thank you so much!

omg.... Wow. Thank you. I am sooo glad you enjoyed it and I'm hugely humbled by and grateful for your comments. I can only say again... thank you!!

This was honestly just too cute! Loved it! smile.png

Aww, thanks! I'm glad you liked it!




“Chile con carne.”

“Come on, you’re just listing f-foo— hEHXRSHoo!”

“Burritos,” Dean says, rolling the “r”s and everything.

I nearly died of laughter. Your characterization is on point and really funny. Thanks for writing this!

biggrin.png Thanks for reading!

Omg I'm dying! lol.gif

This, this right here is the reason I love reading fanfics. The reason why I love the show. Beautiful! Thank you so much for making my day! biggrin.png

Well, thanks for making my day!

Lol loved it!

By the same time next week, when the hunt is taken care of and they’re safely stowed back in the bunker, it’s clear that Dean has caught the cold off his brother.

Sam apologizes.

Dean sneezes.

Sam says random nouns in Enochian.

Dean blessing his brother in spanish and using random food item when he runs out of word is sooooo Dean. But when you finished with that line, I just lost it. Sam is such a geek. Cas would be proud tonguesmiley.gif

Yup! smile.png Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you liked it, especially the ending. biggrin.png

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I love how sweet and simple and lighthearted this is! I really like stories focusing on small details of interactions like this. And you captured their characters perfectly!

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OH MY GOD!!! laughingsmiley.giflaughingsmiley.giflaughingsmiley.gif

(and I haven't even read all of it yet)


Oooh this is great! So in character too wub.png

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!! smile.png

This was so cute!

Yay, I'm glad you liked it! smile.png

I love how sweet and simple and lighthearted this is! I really like stories focusing on small details of interactions like this. And you captured their characters perfectly!

Thank you! smile.png I'm so glad you enjoyed!

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God I love this. And YOU. So lovely, so in character, and just made me smile in general.

Thanks for writing!!

Shucks, thanks for reading! biggrin.png Glad it made you smile. Yay!!

Haha this was great. The ending was awesome!

Thank you! Sam had to get him back just a little.... wink.png

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I'm a through and through Deangirl and don't usually bother reading the Sam stuff (not that I don't love him too ;) ) but this... THIS. Was so good.

It was really succinct and flowed so nicely, was very descriptive without being overly wordy, and your characterisation was spot on.

Loved it. :)

Exactly this and nothing to add!!!!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a through and through Deangirl and don't usually bother reading the Sam stuff (not that I don't love him too wink.png ) but this... THIS. Was so good.

It was really succinct and flowed so nicely, was very descriptive without being overly wordy, and your characterisation was spot on.

Loved it. smile.png

Exactly this and nothing to add!!!!!!

I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for letting me know. smile.png

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