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Mario, Sneeze-Tortured (M)


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I don't know why I wrote this, aside from the fact that I really love making Mario sneeze in my stories. I don't know why it makes me so happy... it just does. Anyway, here's the story.

"That Mario! Why does he always beat me?!" Bowser muttered to himself out of anger. Earlier today, he had once again captured Peach and taken her to his castle, expecting to keep her for good. Unfortunately for Bowser, Mario realized that Peach was gone, and went off to defeat Bowser and get the love of his life back. This was exactly what had happened around three hours ago. In fact, this had happened at least a thousand times, to Bowser's dismay.

If only there was a way for the villain to get his revenge, then Mario would be the one defeated and angry right now. And yet, no matter how hard Bowser tried, he never got exactly what he wanted. Tonight, he attempted to catch a new plan. He'd do anything for even one victory right now...

"I've got it!" Bowser said, finally coming up with something. "If Mario keeps coming to take the princess, I'll get him before he can! And when I have him, I'll do something horrible to him. Something so horrible, so evil, so emotionally painful that he'll surrender and not take that beautiful Peach just yet. I'm going to make Mario sneeze as much and as long as possible! It'll take lots of sneezes for me to let him go! It won't kill him, but he'll feel miserable for days! Why didn't I think of this before? Heh heh heh!"

He set up a trap door close to the gates of his castle. He could see exactly what would happen tomorrow. When Mario would try to get into the castle, he'd fall through the trap door and end up in the dungeons, where Bowser would be waiting for him. That would be where the fun would begin. Bowser just couldn't wait for his revenge, even if it was only a little.

Tomorrow came, with Mario receiving a message from a Toad stating he had to save Peach from Bowser. Mario immediately went off, going through the usual wave of annoying baddies until he finally reached the castle. But he didn't know that the trapdoor had been turned on and it opened under him. With nothing to do but scream, he fell into the dungeon in which the trapdoor led to. The moment he landed, he was unable to see anything. But when he tried to stand up, he felt something grabbing his legs. He couldn't figure out what was going on, but he closed his eyes, preparing himself for the worst. That was all he could remember...

Then a light came on, with Bowser standing evilly in front of Mario. Mario had just opened his eyes, and realized that he had been captured. He tried to escape, but couldn't move either of his hands. He saw that they were in chains on the wall, so he couldn't escape.

"I've been waiting for you," Bowser said, knowing that he was close to getting his revenge and that he was only one step away.

"Let me go!" Mario begged, but the villain did not want to listen.

"Oh, I will. But first, you'll have to surrender and let me have that beautiful Peach."

"What?! No!"

"Then we'll have to do it the hard way. Either that, or you give up."

"I'm not letting you have her!"

"I knew it. But you know what that means, don't you?"

Bowser, excited over what he would do now, reached back and pulled out a black pepper grinder with a white skull-and-crossbones symbol on it.

Upon seeing this, Mario gasped in fear. He should have guessed what Bowser would do to him.

"Uh-oh..." That was all Mario could say before the torture began.

Bowser just couldn't wait to begin. He moved the grinder toward Mario, pointed it at his face and started grinding the dangerously strong pepper into his nose. As expected, Mario could feel a huge sneeze building, but he held his breath. If he couldn't rub his nose, this was all he could do.

"Good luck," Bowser said sarcastically.

He continued grinding. Mario was still trying not to sneeze, but it wasn't working as much as he thought. It was just too hard to resist this kind of sneeze. In fact, he was forced to breath through his nose. He took one sharp sniff, not knowing just how much of an exceptionally bad idea that was. Due to the amount of pepper he just sucked up, the urge to sneeze continued growing. That was when he finally gave up and started inhaling to sneeze.

"Haaaaah... aaaaaaaah... aaaaaaaahhhhhh..."

Inside, Bowser was laughing evilly. He was finally getting what he wanted, and he was in for one of the very few good times of his life. He stopped grinding and waited for Mario to sneeze. Mario continued inhaling, now realizing that though he still didn't want to sneeze, he was going to have to do it anyway.


He was almost there. Bowser quickly moved out of the way before Mario sneezed, having lost all resistance against it.


The power of Mario's huge sneeze shook the entire castle, but Bowser didn't pay attention to it. He couldn't have been happier at something like this. Just when he thought it couldn't get any better, it did. Mario had to sneeze again.


You could only imagine Bowser's reaction to a fit like that. He was completely amazed. Indeed, why didn't he try this before? He moved back to Mario, getting ready for another fit, but was trying to speak.

"If you want to stop, you must surrender," Bowser said.

"Ahhhhh... I'm not... AHHHHHHHHH...! Gonna surreAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"

"Do it, or else."


Bowser didn't respond when Mario sneezed three times. This pepper must not have been from this world if it worked this much on him.

"Or else you'll never stop!" Bowser said. "At least tell me how it feels to sneeze this much!"

"Ahhhhhh... I haAAAAAAAAAAH... hate it, it... AHHHHHHHHHH...!! It burns... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!! And it won't... HAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH--!!!"

Mario was just about to sneeze another big one, but Bowser put a finger under his nose to stop it. Surprisingly, it worked, but Mario knew that this wasn't over yet.

"It's not supposed to stop unless you say it. Say that you surrender. I swear I'll let you go."

Mario realized what he had to do. He couldn't hold it much longer, anyway. Bowser removed his finger and Mario attempted to say it.


Mario sneezed four more times and finally gave in, having reached the end of his sneeze-filled battles.

"I surrender. Just let me go so I can save Peach... *sniff* please..."

"Good. Very well. I'll meet you at the top floor so you can defeat me yet again."

Bowser began to set his victim free, and then threw him back up the trapdoor. Mario got up, rubbed his nose briefly, and managed to enter the castle without falling through the trapdoor. It was all over. He could finally save Peach like he always did. There was just one thing for certain: he could only hope he wouldn't have to be tortured like that ever again.

Back in the dungeon, Bowser again laughed evilly as he exited the dungeon to go to the top floor and wait for Mario. Doing it just once may have satisfied him enough, but he couldn't wait to do it again. This torture had been more fun than capturing anybody...

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Oh,I love this! :D It's nice to see someone else who writes Mario sneezefics! PLEEEEASE do more! :3

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  • 1 month later...

Wow :D, it's nice to see another sneeze loving nintendo fan :) hopefully, i'll find a meta knight fan.

Keep up the good work. *thumbs up*

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