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The Blind Boy(The Fault In Our Stars)


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This story is made with a fake character since Isaac didn't have a girlfriend I decided to make a new girl named Emma who will be the girl he meets....

(Emma's POV)

I was walking through the gardens smelling flowers and humming to myself when I bend over to smell a pink tulip I hear a strangled "hehkshh" weird I think to myself then a small sob comes from behind one of the bushes,so I walk over curiously,and find a boy with a plaid shirt and a jacket over top with some black pants,he sobs again "Hello?" I ask nervously,he sniffles and turns around he has dark sunglasses on so I can't see his eyes "are you okay?" I ask "who are you?" He asks flailing a had out "um-I-I'm Emma"I say nervous from his strange movements "what's wrong?" I ask "I-sob-I don't know where I am" he sniffles "hachoo" the sneeze jolts him forward and he stumbles almost falling over,and that's when it hits me"C-Can you see?" I ask calmly he stays quiet a second "No" he whispers " "hah haCHOOO" " he explodes with the sneeze "are you Allergic to pollen?" I ask "huh-hah-*sniffle* ya" he says his breath hitching like mad"did you come with someone?" I ask "no",I slowly reach forward and gently grab his hand,"Where do you live?" I ask,He gives me his address and I start to lead humour of the garden,I stop looking at some pretty flowers I believe are Lily's "huh-huh-HUH hachoo ha haCHOOO ha ha HA hashew" "He sniffles his nose is running,I lead him quickly through the garden into the parking lot as he starts coughing I open the door to the passengers seat and help him in,as I'm walking around to the other side he has a full out sneeze attack "Hashoo hashoo,ha ha hashew haCHOOO" I get in the drivers seat,and buckle his seat belt then mine "Hah" the sneeze gets stuck,I look in my glove compartment and find some tissues I Hand him one"thank you" he mumbles,and I start driving to his house as I'm driving he cough/wheezes which sounds terrible I pat his back lightly "oh god were there Lilly's there?" He asks and the word itself coaxes out three sneezes "hachoo,hachoo,HAchoo!",I bite my lip"maybe" i say feeling guilty,he blows his nose loudly,I glance at him his nose is bright red and his mouth is slightly ajar,I pull up in front of his house and see a group of people,I help him out of the car"o my god Isaac!" Someone yells in a squeaky voice there's a girl and a boy the boy looks kinda sick himself,then two adults that must be his parents "o thank you so much-" "Emma" I say smiling "thank you Emma" says His dad "whee was he?-""HACHOOOO" I smile lightly "the gardens"........

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Update before I bang my heads repeatedly against the wall

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Hello I got a few amazingly sweet comments on this so I will try and make a part 2.

Part 2

A couple weeks later

I'm taking a afternoon walk through the street it start to sing along to the song playing on my phone when I hear his voice "Emma?" Then a tapping noise grows closer,I pull out my head phones and turn to face him"oh hey Isaac" I say in a friendly voice he smiles which melts my heart "hey can you help me with something?" He asks ". "Sure what is it" "I want to set up Christmas lights but-" I cut him

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I cut him off already knowing why "Yes" I say quickly "Yes?" He asks "Yes I'll help you"...

We get to his house "ok the box of decorations are in the attic let's go" he says walking into his house I follow him slowly into the attic,where's the box,"uhh" he says and I bite my lip and mentally slap myself"y-ya -I'll find it" I say walking around "what kind of decorations do you have?" "We-" i knock into a shelf and stub my toe "aw aw" I squeak "Are you okay what's wrong?" He asks "nothing I just stubed my toe" "I there it is!" I squeel reaching for a box full of lights I grab it"ok lets go back down stairs,i hold his hand and lead him down stairs.we get down stairs and I open the box pulling lights out there is also some sort of fabric,I pull it out its covered in dust like'COVERED' the dust is visable,I pick it up and shake it dust flys everywhere I can see it in the air "ahh-huuuh" "Shit" I whisper to myself "haha hachooo,haCHOOO,haCHOOO,hah hah hachoo-hahchoooo,huhcheww" he sniffles inhaling for dust with his sunglasses on all you can see is his nose flaring like crazy as the dust irritates it"what the f-haCHOOO!" He sneezes"Oh Isaac I'm so sorry" I say taking his hand and bringing him outside "Achew!" His nose is running,I fumble in my bag and find tissues "here your nose is running" I say hand him some tissues "huh-hah hachoo ha-ha-hashew hashew" he sneezes so much I don't even have time to say bless you,he takes of his glaces and blows his nose......

3 hours later he stopped sneezing and we decorated his whole front yard,now we sit on his couch "where are you?" He asks "right here" I say grabbing his hand,and with the other he touches my face,then leans forward and kisses me,I blush and he pulls away it's silent for a minute then he yawns and leans down "c'mere" he says,I lie down next to him and he wraps his arms around me,I sigh feeling relaxed,until I feel his breath hitch "hachew.-huh hachew" and sniffles I turn around and kiss his pink nose "Bless you" I whisper"your a pretty sneezy boy"

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The suspense of this the dust causes a fit gah I love the ending *turns into liquid*

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