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I Think I'm Falling (ill) For You ~Harry Potter~


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Title: I Think I'm Falling (ill) For You

Fandom: Harry Potter

Character: Rose Weasley

Pairing: Scorose (Rose/Scorpius)

Notes: I haven't seen any of this pairing at all on the forum (or much from the newest generation of harry potter in general), and I'm not sure if there are even any Scorose shippers, but I'm hoping this will stir up some interest thumbup1.gif


Rose Weasley was stressed. That was one of the simple ways of looking at it. The O.W.L.s were right around the corner and she had been up past midnight every night for the past two weeks studying. Every waking moment she had spent busting her arse to get top grades and swallow textbook after textbook of information. But it wasn't enough, because Scorpius Bloody Malfoy had still scored higher on over half the exams this year. What did she have to do to insure her position as the top student? What lengths did she have to go to tear that smug little smirk off his prat-ish face?

Her stress ridden body was so hyped up on the building anxiety of everything that had gone wrong in the last (well really, the whole of sixth) year that she fell ill right before a Gryffindor versus Slytherin match. But Rose had the untimely unfortunate Weasley stubbornness that forced her weak body out of bed and down to the Quidditch pitch to watch her cousins James and Albus along with her little (well, that wasn't exactly a word that could describe him anymore since he now stood almost a foot taller than herself) brother, Hugo in the game.

"Hihh...eishxx-!" She shook her head, blinking away the dizzy feeling and pulled a wrist up to scrub against her small red nose.

"Rose!" She looked up to find Dominique, her part veela cousin, waving her towards where she was seated in the Gryffindor stands.

Making her way over, she plopped down gratefully next to her cousin, exhausted from the trek here. She knew it wasn't a good idea to come, but she couldn't seem to stop herself.

"You don't look so good," Dom observed critically with a small frown.

"Wha-What are you talking about? I'm fine," Rose said as airily as she could manage.

"Okay..." Her cousin let the subject drop hesitantly and turned to watch the game that was just about to start.

Shivering, Rose pulled her scarf around her neck a little tighter. She really hoped the seekers were exceptionally good at their occupation because her well-being was quickly dropping along with the temperature outside. Sinuses prickling, Rose brought a wavering hand up to her face, preparing to catch the oncoming fit.

"-Hh...huh...HuiSHeiww!...hictshhiEW! Ectshiiew--!" Rose fizzled out into a round of sniffles.

When she lifted her attention back to her surroundings, she found her cousin staring at her with surprising intensity.

"What were you thinking coming out here when you're sick?!" She exclaimed shrilly, reminding Rose how unwise it was to cross a veela whether purposely or otherwise.

Rose's head gave a painful throb at Dominique's tone, and she shrugged meekly. "I just didn't want to miss the game."

Her cousin rolled her eyes in the severely dramatic way only she seemed to be able to achieve, and latched onto Rose's arm, before standing. "I'm taking you back to the castle."

"But- it's not- I'm perfectly fine!" Rose sputtered, dragging her arm away from Dominique, only to give way to a few harsh coughs directed into her elbow.

"Yeah, right. 'Fine'," her cousin air-quoted mockingly.

"Can I at least wait until the game is over?" Rose asked with pleading blue eyes.

Dominique scowled at her for a few moments, before relenting with a small "okay". Rose nodded in thanks and turned back to the game, her eyes locking with the superior stare of none other than Scorpius Malfoy. He smirked at her in that condescending way of his before zooming higher into the sky on his broom. Before Rose could focus too hard on a silent plea for that git to fall off his broom, she was captured by a burning tingle working it's way up her sensitive nostrils.

"-Hh...hih...!-" Her eyelashes fluttered as she peered up at the sky, desperate for that squirming sensation to cease existing in her nose. "-Hihh...HeiSHxxt! NstchhiEW! Hictshiiew! Tshhiix!-!"

Rose scrubbed at her unrelentingly itchy nose, with watering eyes. While she was distracted with her sneezing, Slytherin had scored a goal and now Gryffindor was losing. The students sitting around her were all booing loudly at the change in scores. Running a gloved finger under her nose, Rose realized with a sense of dread that she had left her handkerchief on her dresser in the dormitory. She heaved a sigh, almost wishing she would’ve let Dominique drag her back to the castle so at least she wouldn’t be freezing and in dire need of a tissue.

“They’re neck and neck!” Exclaimed a nearby Gryffindor that Rose dimly recognized as being in her year.

Her gaze sluggishly followed the boy’s finger across the pitch to see that Malfoy and the Gryffindor seeker, Albus Potter (another one of her cousins) were in fact both rocketing towards the snitch at the same dangerously fast pace. A tickle stirred up in her nose again, and Rose clamped a thumb and forefinger around the twitching appendage, trying to prevent the sneeze, not fancying to miss the last few seconds of the game.


The screams of victory drowned out whatever the Professor said next to the announcer, and the stands were in an uproar. Slytherin on the other side of the pitch, however were crying to outrage that their team had lost. Rose was pushed along as the crowd ran for the stairs, probably eager to get back to the common room and party away the night. She on the other hand, just wanted someplace warm to curl up and sleep.

“-heh…heiCTshhii!-” She pitched forwards, sneezing openly, unable to lift her hands to her face in time.

“Gross! Watch it, Wealey!” A long haired girl turned back, glaring angrily at Rose, who had accidentally sneezed on her.

“S-Sorry!” Rose stuttered guiltily, her ears turning red. But the girl she’d sprayed her germs all over was already long gone, whisked away in the crowd, leaving Rose to shrivel up with embarrassment.

“Rose!” She turned and almost cried with relief to see her Dominique and her little brother Louis, weaving towards her. “Thanks for that.”

“What?” Rose asked obliviously.

“For sneezing on that girl, she’s been cockblocking me for the past week, and now she’s sure to be in the hospital wing tomorrow,” Dom grinned devilishly.

Rose let out an amused laugh, but it caught in her throat, and she was thrown into a harsh coughing fit that had her gasping like a fish out of water. She did manage to pull an elbow to her face though, so she only got a few side glances from the surrounding students. When she had settled, her blonde cousins were staring at her with the same wide, concerned eyes.

“I’m fine,” Rose croaked out and flinched at the sound of her own voice.

“Why don’t we let Madam Pomfrey decide that,” Louis said wisely, and Dom recognized how well Louis fit into Ravenclaw, the House he’d been sorted into. He was cool and collected, rather than blunt and demanding like his sister.

Rose let out a sigh, along with a small cough, and nodded resignedly. She let Louis lead the way and stayed behind him, hanging onto Dom’s arm for balance. She really was beginning to feel awful, her head was pounding and an overall body ache was settling in. Sniffing absentmindedly, she wriggled her nose a little before realizing she was about to sneeze again.

“-hih…ih’ctiEShieww! Hitshyeww! Hh…hictshyEW!-”

She held her sleeve to her nose in an attempt to stop the godawful stinging that was setting her nose running. Inhaling through trembling nostrils, she was thrown forward with another fit of sneezes.

“-Hihh…ItstchyEIW! Hehkshiew!...hah…Hah’SCHshhiew! EhkISHoo!..Heh…eh!--” The last sneeze wouldn’t come and it left Rose feeling incredibly disgruntled.

But that disappointed feeling faded completely when she realized her nose was leaking at an alarming rate. Her cheeks flushed as bright as her hair and she tried to discreetly wipe her nose on her sleeve.


A/N I'll probably write a second part depending on if anyone wants me to continue happysmiley.gif

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Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!!! Please continue this!! Your descriptions are amazing and your choice of characters is a breath of fresh air!

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This is brilliant! I didn't realise how much I needed a second generation HP fic until now. I can't wait for more :)

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