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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Luke Hemmings(M) Sick day


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(Hello everybody I've always wanted to write a fanfiction on here so here we go!)

I walked through an isle looking for some bread when my phone goes off,I quickly pick it up the caller I.D is Luke,"Hello?" I ask "hi" he says in a congested voice "awe Babe are you sick" "ya" he groans"good thing I'm at the grocery store" "o good could y-you g-g-huh-get some tissues?" He asks his breath hitching "of course!i will be back home in a flash" "ok bye" he says I pout at how miserable he sounds"bye" I hang up and go on a search for tissues,well it's not really a search I find them in 2 minutes,I pick some out,along with some other thing I needed,pay and head home to my sick baby.....

As soon as I open the door I'm greeted with some deep throated coughs,I drop the bags in the kitchen,but grab the tissues,I quietly walk into our room the lighting is dim,but I can still see him,I yank off my shoes and hop into bed with him,"how are you feeling?" I ask worriedly "not good",I wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek,he turns around so he's spooning me,his arms snake around me and he rests him chin on my shoulder,I close my eyes feeling tired,only a couple minutes later I'm awakened by a giant "HaCHOOO!" And I jolt awake....

(Luke's POV)

She must be asleep I think and smile,but suddenly my nose starts to tickle,I rub it trying to stop. The tickle but it doesn't work "huh-huh-HUH" I start but the sneeze doesn't come I sniffle,hoping the tickles gone but it's not it comes back with a vengeance "huh xxgn!" I stifle which intensifies the tickle "haChoooo!" I sneeze incredibly loud and I feel her jump....

(Her POV)

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