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Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6)


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I recently watched the movie "Big Hero 6" and when I saw there was a character named "Honey Lemon" I knew I had to wright a sickfic with her in it. Besides, I really enjoyed the movie itself smile.png

Title: Honey Lemon

Author: Likesn

Fandom: Big Hero 6

Disclaimer: I don't own the movie or the characters

Summary: Haven't you ever wondered where that nickname came from?

After spending some time with the gang, Hiro learned that it's best not to ask Fred about the origins of everyone's nicknames. It's not that Fred didn't want to tell him, it's just that he couldn't remember, or so he claimed. The truth was, there were stories about the origins of the nicknames he did remember, but was too embarrassed to tell. He could've told Hiro that Go Go, for example got her nickname due to the fact that she was always in a hurry to be somewhere, that was pretty obvious, but he didn't tell him. The reason was that Fred was afraid that if he tells Hiro one story he would have to tell him the others and he was especially afraid that he would have to tell him the story about how Honey Lemon got her nickname. Fred didn't want Hiro to find out about the origin of Honey Lemon's nickname for two reasons. First, he didn't come up with that nickname all by himself, unlike the other nicknames in the gang. Second, the story of that nickname involved a personal story that none of the people who were a part of it wanted to share. However, the story itself is quite interesting.

It all started one wintry morning, when Honey Lemon came into the lab and found only Go Go.

"Good morning Go Go, where is everyone"?

"Takig a day off *sniff*" Honey Lemon noticed Go Go didn't sound like her usual self.

"Well, I don't blame them- the weather outside is terrible. If it weren't for the special umbrella Wasabi built for me I would've been completely soaked by the rain outside".

"Good for you. I wasd't that lucky. Bayabe I should ask Wasabi to bake adother ubbrella for be as well".

"Hey, are you O.K.? You don't sound too good".

"I'b fidd He KtChoo"!

"Wow, bless you".

"Thadks Ha KetChoo!" Go Go let out another wet sneeze.

"Looks like you caught a cold. Maybe you should take a day off as well".

"Do way! I have too buch work to do Ha KitCho"!

"And how do you plan to get any work done when you can't stop sneezing"?

"We're id a lab. There bust be subethig here I cad use to stop by Ha EChoo! sdeezes".

"Do you have any idea"?

"*sniff* Do you"?

"I'm a chemist, not a biologist".

"Yeah, right, we really should get a biologist od board sobetibe KtChoo"!

"Until we do, would you please go home and rest"?

"I'b dot goig adywhere. I'b workig today add do cold would stop Hek TChoo! be".

"In that case, I might have something that can help you".

"Thad why did't you say so? What is it"?

"You'll see. Wait here, I'll be right back".

Honey Lemon came back a few minutes later, holding a steaming mug.

"You bust be crazy if you thidk I'll be dridkig ode of your experibedts Heat Choo!" said Go Go.

"It's just tea, silly. I did put my secret ingredient in it though".

"Add what would that secret idgrediedt be"?

"Honey and lemon".

"Hodey add Lebod?! That's it?! You bust be Hak EtChoo! kiddig be".

"It's my grandmother's recipe, now drink it quickly before it gets cold".

Too sick to argue, Go Go drank the tea.

"How are you feeling now?" asked Honey Lemon.

"Buch better. By dose dosed't tickle so buch adybore add I cad fidally Hak TChooEh! get to work".

"You can't work like that, it's not safe. What if you sneeze in the middle of an experiment"?

"I'll...... Ha....... hold by........ He...... sdeezes......... Ha Ket Choo!" Go Go let out a huge sneeze.

"Like you did just now? Come on, off to bed with you".

"Huk TChoo, Ashoo, Hek TCho!" the helplessly sneezing Go Go had no choice but to allow Honey Lemon to take her back to her dorm room and tuck her in bed. Go Go was so tired she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The next morning, Go Go woke up in her room feeling better. She felt a tickle in her nose and sneezed- "Hak TCheah"! She noticed she wasn't as congested as she was the day before, but still pretty stuffed up. She grabbed a tissue and blew her nose into it. She then remembered that her friends in the lab took two days off, so she got dressed and went to the lab, hoping to have a quiet day alone to work on her project, However, when she got to the lab she heard the sound of a sneeze behind the door- "Hui Tshi"! Go Go entered the lab and found Honey Lemon blowing her nose wetly into a tissue. She looked like she didn't get much sleep the night before.

"That's what you get for hadgig aroudd with sick people Hek TChoo!" said Go Go, sneezing herself.

"Oh hey Go Go. Dod't worry- it's just by bordig sdiffles He Tshi, Ishoo, Hu TiShoo"!

"Bordig sidffels? Really? Did you really thidk I'll fall for that"?

"What are you doig here adyway? You're still sick He TiShi"!

"Look who's Hak TCh! talkig".

"I..... I.... have to......... get by project dode Hei Tshoo, Hitsh, Ha Ishi"!

"Wait here" Go Go said. She returned a few minutes later with a steaming mug.

"What's that?" asked Honey Lemon.

"Cad't you guess"?

"Hodey add Lebod"?

"Hodey add Lebod".

At that moment, Fred showed up. It turned out that he had heard the girls talking. He asked them both to go home and rest and they agreed, after they made him promise not to tell anyone about what happened that day, they were both embarrassed. The next day, when the others came back to the lab, Fred told them Go Go and Honey Lemon decided it was their turn to take a day off. That was the first time Fred used the nickname "Honey Lemon" and when the others asked him about it he said that he thought that it was time for her to have a nickname and that seemed like a good one. The others were too busy to wonder about that or argue with Fred and from that day on Honey Lemon was known by her nickname.

The End

Edited by Likesn
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Honey and GoGo sneezing! YAY!!!

Somebody please draw this!

Edited by Pseudosneeze
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And that's how she got her nick name folks! I love it.

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Omg That was actually really cute and believable! If someone were to ask the creators or something, I bet that would be a valid backstory. :) Loved it!

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  • 9 years later...

Oh, I LOVE this! My personal favorite character is Honey Lemon, but GoGo’s cool too. 

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21 hours ago, Katzoo12 said:

Oh, I LOVE this! My personal favorite character is Honey Lemon, but GoGo’s cool too. 

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. Finding out that you wrote a story about someone's favorite character is always nice.

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