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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Miss mowz's super sneezy stealing spree (F)


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The thief was running to hooktail's castle, the place had been abandoned for years and there was a layer of dust on every wall. Miss mowz was a respected badge thief know all across the land but she had a secret, the only thing she loved as much as her badges, was her sneezing. She used to hate sneezing because it felt undignified and could endanger a mission and for being such a little creature, she had BIG sneezes, all she wanted to use her super sensitive nose for was to sniff out treasure, but now, with her powerful and very sensitive nose she learned to enjoy it because of the frequency of her sneezes, because she goes to places like this all the time and would sneeze up a storm, so she just learned to accept and enjoy them, and she also likes playing games with her nose when no one is around just to appease her loving of sneezes, then her fetish reached its absolute peak when she was informed that there was an ultra rare super badge was found in the dungeon of hooktail castle, the dragon had long since been defeated by Mario and the castle was abandoned, with no one there, the dust gathered, it was a win win for miss mouz, she gets to do her two favorite things, steal badges and mess with her allergy struck, sensitive, always twitching nose. When she got there, she found the door was stuck closed, so she tried to find another way around. She jumped on top of the castle, and started sniffing around, her nose filling with dust. a game she liked to play was to see how much of one of her many allergies she could fit into her nostrils at once, she stopped when she found a crack in the wall that led into the main room of the castle, too small for her to fit through but maybe "if I can hehh... Ahhh... Sn...sneeze hard enough, may... HEEH" she pinched her nose shut, there was maybe a bit too much dust in her nose "maybe I can make a bi... EHH... Bigger h...h...hole" she aimed her twitching nose at the crack and took a deep sniff "HEEEEH... HAAAA.... HYAAACHEEEEEWWWWWW" she sneezed a huge sneeze and it actually broke the wall a bit, now she could fit in, "thank you nose, you never let me down" she said triumphantly as she stuck her proud (and slightly red) nose in the air and leaped into the castle, her nose immediately detected two things, there was treasure, and there was WAAAAAAY too much dust for her poor nose to handle, she immediately had to sneeze again, but she wanted to play another game, see how long it takes for her to break. "HEEH... HAAAAA..." through sheer willpower, she managed to stop the impending sneeze for now. She decided to explore a bit, but slower, and with her hands on her nose. She eventually found a pile of bones, which sprang up upon closer inspection and attacked her, and she let go of her nose by accident "AHHHAHHHH HATCHEEEEEWWWW, HATCHOOOOOOOO" her powerful double blew the bones away but it blew the dust everywhere, double win, sometimes she thought she liked sneezing too much, but that was usually when she stuck small feathers up her nose in private. "Well, time to get busy" she said, jumping into the enormous dust cloud.

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Part 2 is already done, I'm gonna post it when part 3 is finished, and thank you for enjoying it

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"HECHEEWWW, HATCOOOOO GEEH... HAAAAASHEEEEEWWWWW" miss nowz has been doing nothing but sneezing for the past 20 minutes and her nose was more red then the mask covering her eyes. she was going to find the dungeon but every time she was going to, she found more enormous dust bunnies to snort up and sneeze out, it was absolute euphoria for her, "o...ok, just one *sniffle* one more time, *sniffle* for real this though, then I find the badge" she brought out one of her many hankies and blew her Crimson nose violently. Dust was her absolute worst allergy, more then pollen of feathers or anything like that, but mold was a close second. she was just happy she didn't have to dust often in her home. Then she spotted three super big dust bunnies, but she could only pick one, she thought for a bit, then came up with a plan, she put all three in a pile in front of a nearby door, she gathered a lot more and put those in the pile as well, trying as hard as possible not to sneeze it all away, it was like setting up a long chain of dominoes, "ok tha... Ahhh... Ahhhh..." She pinched her nose again "that should do it, now time to get some big ones out" she made a little grove in the dust with her hands, just big enough to fit her whole nose in and then inserted her nose, "HEEEH HEEAAH GAAAAH..." Before she sneezed, she accidentally snorted and her eyes went wide, perhaps she messed up just a bit. She tried to pull her nose out but she pulled it out too suddenly so not only was her entire nose covered in a fine layer of dust but the rest of the pile went all over the place, now normally she would love this but right now, she had a job to do and her nose was in unspeakable agony, she decided to nip this sneeze in the bud and she sniffed up the rest of the dust, her nose was shaking violently and her nostrils were flaring like crazy and her hitched breaths were rapid "AHH-HEEEH-HAAAAA... EYAAAAAAASHHHEEEEEEEEEEEWW," her first sneeze almost destroyed the door in front of her, but she had plenty more "HETCHEEEWW HATCHEEEEEEWWWWW

GAHSHOOOOOOOO" she continued to sneeze for 10 minutes, each sneeze more violent (and almost erotic for her) then the last. Once she got all that dust out and she finally stopped sneezing she say the locked door in front of her was knocked over, "wow *sniffle* I know my sneezes are big but this is ridiculousness *sniffle* well, I guess I learn something *sniffle* new every day, especially about my nose" she looked at her shimmering, still twitching nose, she caressed is, she loved her nose so much, but then she saw what was I the other side of the door, ANOTHER ROOM. She leaped in and started sniffing at the ground like a bloodhound, but her nose put them to shame, she occasionally stopped to shoot a quick "EYATSHEEEEEEEWWW" or somethin like that at random parts of the wall, covering them in a thin layer or mucous. But she couldn't find anything on her search, except dust so it wasn't a fruitless endeavor. At one point a sneeze was stuck in her nose and it wouldn't come out, she tried vacuuming up dust with her nose but to no avail, so she brought out her secret weapon, a small container of sneezing powder which she had with her just in case something like this happened, she put some in her hand and snorted it, to immediate results "AHHHHH GEEEEEAAAHHH... HEEEYAAAAAAAAAAASHEEEEEEEEEEWWWWW" she sneezed so hard she flew across the room, she hit a button on the wall that opened a large hole in the floor, she found it, the dungeon, the damp, moldy, dust covered dungeon, she squeed like a little girl when she jumped inside.

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(This one is really long)

She started by tying a hankie to her nose, preventing her from sniffing, one, JUST ONE sniff or snort, would cause her already irritated nose, to go absolutely nuts. But she said as soon as she gets this badge, she will set her timer for 3 hours for her to reward herself with so much sneezing her nose would explode. While it was her greatest asset for badge stealing, she didn't want it to become a detriment. She had to breath through her mouth for this, the mold and dust still tickling her nose, she had a lantern so she could see but she forgot gas so after a short time, it went out, "welp, guess I have to rely on my good ol nose now, but first, let's get those tickles out" she gently removed the hankie, her nose immediately tickled, she wasn't having any of this right now so she took a deep sniff just to get the sneeze out now, "HEAAAA... EAAHHH...GYAAAAAAAACHEEEEEEWWWW" she sneezed into the floor causing dust to rise up, but it cleared the floor so she started sniffing the ground to find the badge, she kept sniffing and sniffing, and sneezing and sneezing, but she was determined, no matter how red her nose got or how many "UACHEEEEEEEEEW"s were shot out of her mouth and nose, she kept going to find that badge. Eventually she found a cell door and sniffed all around it and sure enough, the badge was in there, she broke the bars and went in, sniffing around to find the badge and soon she found it, covered in dust, she sniffed at it to see if it was the real deal and sure enough it was, and it also came with a sneeze "EYACHEEEEWWW" she dusted it off and put it in her infinite pocket that she got from some weird elf boy in a forest while she looked for pollenated flowers to sniff away at. Miss mowz couldn't see because of the darkness, but her nose was firing on all cylinders, probably cause there was a lot of dust in it. she managed to find her way to the entrance of the dungeon. Now she had enough light to see but she was still in the dungeon so she was surrounded by dust and mold, and she brought out everything in her infinite pockets, a large container of pepper, a big bouquet of flowers, a feather duster, a vacuum with a large bag, and one really massive container of her custom made sneezing powder, each little piece was made up of ALL her allergies combined, she had the maker swear she wouldn't tell anyone, if her secret got out, she would be ruined. But at least she had it now, she was gonna go from her least absolutely terrible allergies and work her way up to the sneezing powder, first was the bouquet of flowers, she picked the most pollinated flowers she could find on her way to the castle through petalburg, she sneezed the whole way through the town, thank god no one noticed, somehow. She started by taking one flower and gently sniffing it, she liked to take it slow before outright massacring her nose with her allergies. The flower smelled wonderful as all petalburg flowers do, but the affect on her nose was immediate. It started twitching and involuntarily sniffling "Huuh... Uhh... etshoo" she let out a very small, ladylike sneeze, and she was outraged at her nose for letting out such a small sneeze that she hit it with the flower, and apparently she hit the on switch cause she immediately let out a loud "HETCHEEEWW" she sneezed into the floor causing a cloud of dust to rise up, so she got the vacuum and sucked it up, this would be useful later. "You see nose, just get some big sneezes ok?" She said to her nose, she was alone too much. She went back to sniffing the flower but this time she shoved her nose into it and twisted the flower around, "heeh, haaah, EHHH" she removed the flower and looked, cross eyed at her nose, completely covered in yellow powder "HEAAHEEEEWWWWW" she sneezed into the floor again and vacuumed up the dust in the air again. "Oooh, I'm having so much fun" she said to herself, smiling and wiggling her nose, she always thought her nose was the cutest part of her adorable... Being, especially when it felt sneezy. She arranged the bouquet so that the flowers were pointing towards one spot, and she shoved her nose in, sniffing and snorting the tickly pollen greedily. "AHHH, HAAAAAA" she didn't pull her nose out, she wanted to try something. "HAAAAAA CHUMPH" she sneezed into the flowers, the pollen flying directly up her nose because it had nowhere else to go, "HAAAAAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAACHEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYWWWWW" she blew the pollen away, but she quickly vacuumed it up, after all what's a party without flowers. "Whew, I should take a breather before moving on to the pepper" miss mowz said to herself, she took a short break, during it she poked and tickled her nose with her tail, and very delicately sniffed a flower, she wasn't trying to sneeze, she just liked being tickled, it felt nice. After a few minutes, she looked at the pepper, a sparkle coming to her eye, she had an idea, she unscrewed the pepper, and put her nose on the hole, letting the smell of the spice come to her before she sniffed, she never liked the taste of pepper, or sneezing on her food, so she tended to avoid it, but from time to time she would give it a good sniff. The smell was really tickling her nose, but she really liked the sensation. She was slowly moving her twitchy nose closer to the pepper itself, she almost sniffled a couple of times. Eventually her nose started dripping and she sniffed, causing a few particles to fly into her hypersensitive nose, "heeeeehhh... Haaaaahhh... HEEEEEE" her hitching made a little bit of the pepper rise and enter her nose "HEEEEHHH... AAAAAHHH... HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" in between each hitched breath, she would sniffle and more pepper would go up her nose, until "*sniff* AHHH... HEEEH... HAAAA... *sniffle snort* oh no" a ton of pepper and that shot her over the edge, and she loved the helpless feeling of going over the edge, "HAAAAA AAAAAAH HYAAAAAA HEAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEHHHHHCHOOOOOOOOOOOOO" she sneezed hard, which shot a ton of pepper into her nose and it kept filling up until it reached its capacity, "HEAAAACHHEEEEEWWWWW... UAAAAAAACHEEEEEWWWWWW EYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW" she let forth one earth shattering sneeze after another, until she couldn't sneeze anymore. She vacuumed it up and fell over, panting, "that... Was... Awesome... I can't wait till I get to the sneeze powder" after she fell asleep, but was woken up by the dust, she got the feather duster, she was going to go easy on her nose for now, she just wanted to tickle herself for a bit, she was highly allergic to feathers, why would she bring it if she wasn't, but she liked stroking herself with them, it produced a weird sensation, like being tickled but not really, she grabbed the duster with her tail and stroked herself, she giggled as it tickled her but as she was stroking her face , one feather gazed her nose, she hoped this would happen and the effect was immediate "eeeh *sniff* *sniffle* ahh... Haaaa..." The light tickle was making her sniffle a lot, she really liked sniffling, it felt cute to her. She kept stroking her small body but still had a small tickle in her nose "*sniff* ugh *sniff* it's not enough for me to *sniff sniffle* sneeze" she loved being at the mercy of her twitchy, tickly nose. She thought about nipping it in the bud, or letting this small tickle dominate her, while she thought, a small ragged breath escaped her nose moving a feather while one of her many sniffles brought the feather in and it touched the tip of her nose, it decided for her "*sniff* oh, oh no *sniff sniiiiiiiiff* I'm gonna *snort* sneeze, again, teehee" even though it wasn't ladylike, she also enjoyed a good snort now and again, she giggled as she very gently brought the tip of a feather to her nostril and touched it, starting the sneeze "Heeeeh... Aaaahhh... *sniff sniff* haaaaa... Eaaahhh *sniffle*" she wanted to draw this one out as long as possible, she very gently stroked the rims of her nostrils, doing figure 8s, and each sniffle would be so delicate that it would just cause the fluff of the feather to graze the insides of her nostrils, she was a professional sneeze inducer after all so she knew the most teasing, tickly, and overall best ways to coax her amazing sneezes out "oooohh *sniff* it's so... Ehh... *sniff* tickly... In my *sniff* nose heeh... I don't *sniffle* know... heeah, how much *sniffle* longer I can h... Haaah... AHHH... *sniff* hold out for" she could easily stop this, pinching her nose would always stop a sneeze, no matter how big, but she really wanted to sneeze right now, she tickled her nose faster, and more aggressively, the tickle getting greater and greater "oh... *sniff sniff sniiiiiiiff* w... ahhhh... HAAAAA.... EAAAAAH... Won't be *sniffle* long n...now uniti I *SNORT*" that snort sucked three of the feathers into her nose, it was over "AHHHHHHHHH, HAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACHEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW" she sneezed massively, shooting the feathers everywhere, and shooting herself backwards as well, and she hit a wall, that kicked up some dust, she accidentally sniffled and sucked it up "oh, AHHH HAAAAAAACHEEEEWWW" her nose hit the ground, "OW, my nose" she caressed her nose again, trying to ease the pain, but her hitting it, plus her caressing just irritated it more, "heh, HAAAA" she kept stroking it gently, "HESHEEW" she let out a small sneeze by her standards, but her nose felt a bit better so she went back to where she was sitting, she vacuumed up all but one of the feathers into her concoction of ultimate sneezyness, and she thought about what to do next, "I want to save the sneeze powder for last just to take it easy on my poor nose, so I guess it's dust sniffing time... again, but this time we're gonna kick it into overdrive, why am I talking to myself" maybe she was going crazy, or she was exhausted, I dunno why, I'm just the narrator. She went and stuck her nose on the ground and starting rapidly sniffing, sucking up as much tickly, dirty, dusty dust as possible into her nose which seemed to get more sensitive and more powerful by the minute, her normally small nostrils were expanding to twice their normal size, and her sniffing power was improving dramatically, she vacuumed up all the dust in a square into her quaking, red, flaring nose, until her her nose was filled to its maximum capacity she then realized something, she had to sneeze more than ever in her life right now. Her nose was shaking, it was flaring and it was on fire "AHHHHHH HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAA GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAATCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW" it only took one sneeze to get all the dust out of her nose, she took her vacuum and sucked up all the dust she could get, even looking at it now made her burst into an allergic fit. "Ok, no more fooling around, time to get super serious sneezes up in this" she unscrews the top on the sneezing powder and immediately she had to sneeze again, her nose twitched madly but her sneeze won't be too big "*sniffle* ahh... Haaaa *sniff sniff* HETCHEW" she rubbed her red nose "oh my, that is some strong stuff, let's play some games with it" she said, she giggled with excitement when she thought of something, she didn't want to outright snort the powder, so she took some and gently poured it into the one rose she had in the bouquet. She brought her nose to the flower and took the smallest sniff, she could, she was just trying to see what it smelled like but one particle of powder got into her nose, and she felt it, her nose twitched again and her breath hitched "Huuh, uuuuhh, haaaa, HECHE" she sneezed delicately, "aw, that was a cute sneeze" this time she sniffed very deeply, sucking up the powder and some leftover pollen "HAAACHEEEEEEEEWWWWW" she sneezed immediately and continued to sneeze about 17 times, her nose quaking madly, "oh my, maybe I should tone the sniffing down a bit, it seems like my nose is getting stronger, weird but if that means better sneezies and better sniffing then it's fine by me" she got the flower back and sniffed it again, more gently this time, "Huuuh haaaah heeheee CHEW, HECHEEW" when she sneezed her nose shit into the rose and she started sniffling *sniif sniff* oh my, *sniff* haaaa... Haaaaa *sniffle* HAAAAAAA *snort* HEAAAAAACHEEWW" the flower exploded and the pollen and powder flew everywhere, some around her, some on her nose and some got sucked up her nose "HEEEEH HEAAAA CHEEEEEWWWWW"

She rubbed her sore nose vigorously and blew it. She then got the feather she saved and coated it in the powder, she brought it to her nose and started gently stroking it, she intended to hold this one back as long as possible, her nose was quaking, and it tickled more than anything in the world, but she kept stroking her nose “*sniff* heeeh… haaaah… *sniff sniff* heeh… *sniiiiiiiff* HAAAAAH…” she wasn’t gonna hold this back much longer after that sniff, so she stopped stroking her nose and she put the feather underneath her trembling nose like someone would with a finger to stop a sneeze, she slowly rubbed the feather back and forth, letting the tickly fluff tease her nose “*sniiiff sniiiiff* oh my, haaaaahh… heeeaaaeehhh *sniff sniff sniiiiiiiiiiff* HAAAAHH… AAAAHHHH… *sniiiiiiiiff snort*” the snort sent the feather up her delicate nostril, “HAAAAAH HAAAAAAAAHHH HAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HETCCCHHHHHHHHEEEEEWWWWWW” she doubled over, falling on her front, the feather flew into the air and landed right in front of her nose, she gave it a quick sniff and sneezed again. She brushed herself off and skipped over to her small vacuum. she removed the bag and unzipped it, letting the collective scent off all her sneezy tools waft out, she took a deep sniff, and the smell alone made her explode into a massive sneezy fit instantly. she was about to shove her nose into it when she saw something out of the corner of her eye, something was moving, a red skeleton rose up from the ground, spotting her, it called upon it’s minions, and a storm of dry bones rained from the ceiling. Miss Mowz panicked, all the exits were blocked and there wasn’t a way out, she was gonna get killed by these skeletons, until she saw the bag, she beat one skeleton with her nose, an army shouldn’t be too bad. she jumped out and found an empty area of floor, and with her pouch ready, she glared at red bones and shoved her nose inside her bag, taking deep sniffs, she kept sniffing and snorting until her entire nose was filled up with dust, pepper, pollen, feather fluff, and sneezing powder, she aimed her nose through teary eyes and prepped for an enormous sneeze, even by her standards “HUUUUH *sniff sniff* HAAAAAAHHH HEEEEEAAAAAAHH *sniffle snort* HAAAAAAAAAAAHHH GYAAAAAAAAHHHH *sniiiiiiiiiiiiff* HEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH HEECHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW” her sneeze shot all the dry bones clear through the wall and into the next room, and shot her through the wall behind her, she was hurt but she ran from the castle, when she finally got outside the light shined brightly and her now, ultra sensitive nose causght a whiff of pollen from petalburg and it tickled her nose “huuuh… hetchew” she let out a small sneeze, “whew, bless me” she said, laughing, and in her laughing she even gave out a snort, which made her laugh more, then she saw koops and his father carrying bouquets of flowers, and she couldnt help but giggle, maybe that’s the pollen she smelled, whatever the case, she had her badge, she had her bag, and she had her nose, her sneezy adventure was far from over.

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I love your stories. I can't wait for the next update for either this story or to "The Goddess and her nosey".

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So, I'm at a bit of a loss for ideas, so why don't you guys give me some, I know in the past I haven't taken many requests but I was only gonna do one story with miss mowz, but with how much fun it was to write her sneezy adventure, I really want to continue it, so, suggest away

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  • 2 weeks later...

Miss mowz hadn't heard from any of her sources in a while about any badges lately, so she decided to go get more sneezy tools instead, but ever since the hooktail castle heist, her nose was way more sensitive, and she really likes that, he'll it was so sensitive that the smell of rougeport itself was enough to get her to sneeze, she couldn't even imagine what peralburg would do to her, so she decided to find out. When she entered the sewers, the smell hit her, hard, "ugh, this place smells aah... Absolutely h... Haahh... Horrid" she rubbed her nose with her tail, trying to ease the tickle being brought about by the odor, but to no avail. "eugh *sniffle* haaaahhh... C...cmon nose, please w... Wa... Ahhhh.... Heeeeaahh..." She rubbed furiously at her nose "wait till I g... Get to pet... Ahh, guaaaaahhh...." She tried to put a finger under her nose, but not even that could soothe her nose "haaaahhh.... Haaaaaaaahhh... HATCHEEW" she sneezed loudly, her sneeze echoing through the sewers, she grinned "i know your excited to sneeze, but you have to wait, we're gonna have a lot of fun" she really needed to get out more if she was talking to her nose, she sniffed around to try to find the pipe to petalburg, each sniff causing her nose to tickle more, she paused for a moment lifting her nose in the air, the tickles finally starting to break her, she rubbed at her nose again, trying to suppress the incoming sneeze "uughhhh... *sniff sniiiiiiiff* haaaahhh... Oh my, haaaahhh, HAAAAHHHH" she took huge sniffs, trying to get the dust and stink from the sewers into her nose, her nose wanted to sneeze, but she didn't, but her nose made the decision for her, "ahhhh... *sniif snort* oh... Ho no, GAAAHHH... hHHAAAAAAHHH.... YAAAACHEEEEWWW" she doubled over, her sneezes were getting louder and way more powerful, she had to find the pipe. After many sniffles, snorts, and sneezes, she finally found it, she jumped inside and made it to petalburg, thankfully it was nighttime so she could grab her tools and go. She started sniffling already, won't be long till she sneezed her head off, she darted around, grabbing a bunch of flowers, sniffling and snorting many times along the way, she really didn't want to sneeze right now, but that's all her nose wanted to do. This was just like something out of a movie, the heroine trying not to sneeze, it was thrilling to her, she rubbed her nose with her tail, trying to subdue it, but the pollen from the flowers that she was holding was already affecting her nose, and it started turning bright pink "heeehhh... P...please not now, haaaahhh... HEAAAAAAAEEHHH...." Her nose was shaking now, she quickly looked about and saw a bush and shoved her nose into it "HAAAACHUUUMPH" the bush stifled her sneeze, while her nose was calmed, she took the flowers she had and darted towards hooktail castle again, once she got there, she let loose her built up sneezes, once her nose was cleared, she took one of the flowers and started gently sniffing it, she was gonna savour these sneezes and hold them back as long as she possibly could, the flower smelled very sweet, so she kept sniffing. "Oh... It... Ahh *sniff* smells... So... Haaahhh... *sniff sniff* good, *sniff sniff sniff* ahhhh... My... *sniffle* nose... Tickles" her nose was itching, twitching and wiggling, but she kept sniffing up the tickle pollen, causing her nose to run. "Oh no... *sniffle sniff* my nose... Is... Ahhh... HAAAAAAHHH *sniff* dripping" that was the one thing she didn't like about her nose, her mucous would always clog up her nose, and it gave her headaches, and it would get her sneezy tools all wet, that was always a hinderance. She started taking deeper sniffs to keep her mucous in her nose, but more pollen got in her nose, making the sneeze come out faster "HAAAAAHHHH... AAAAAAHHHHH.... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH... *sniiiiiiiiff* HATCHEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW" she fell over with that huge, body bending sneeze, then, when she got up, her nose started tickling again, "eugh... *sniff* haah... Haaaahhh... HATCHEEW, goodness, what made my nose tickle so badly" then she saw what was bothering her nose out of the corner of her eye, a large, white, fluffy, feather. She blew her nose and ran towards it. She loved feathers, and this one was perfect, she brought it over to her pile of flowers, she picked up another flower and put her nose very close to it, the smell alone was gonna make her go into a sneezing fit, so she decided to be a bit ballsy and took a DEEP sniff of the pollen filled flower, her quacking nose was now a deep shade of red "HAAAAHHH *sniff* HEEEEEAAAHHHH HAAAAAAAAAHHHHH.... HATCHEEEEEEEEWWWWWW... HATCHEEWWW HATCHEEEWWW" she sneezed a huge triple. Once she regained composure, she grabbed the feather and brought it close to her nose. "Let's see how long I can hold back a sneeze from a feather" her feather allergy was almost torturous when she was near birds and the like, but when she was alone, feathers were probably her favourite way of coaxing out sneezes, even getting close to the fluffy tendrils would make her small nose explode, she grinned as she brought the sneeze weapon closer to her nose until the tips met, she was already sniffling, "ooohhh *sniff sniff* this is *sniff* a good feather" she started gently stroking her nose, doing figure eights again, it tickled her nose so much, "oh, oh goodness that *sniffle sniff* tickles, I think *sniff* I'm gonna... Ahhh... Haaaahhhh... Sn... Sneeze" her nose kept twitching, wiggling, and sniffling, but she refused to sneeze, "mmmm *sniffle* tha... Ahhhh... Haaaaaahhhhh... That feels so... So good" she was enjoying this way too much. "Haaaahhh... Gaaahhhh... HAAAAHHHHH... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH" the sneeze was so close, she could feel it but it was, stuck "n...no don't ge... Ehhhhh... Eeeeehh... Stuck" it was actually hurting now, she tries the feather, nothing, she tried the flowers, nothing, then she felt something unfamiliar brush across her nose "HAAAHHH... GAAAAHHHHH.... HEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAACHEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW" she sneezed hugely, and fell over dizzy, then she heard a voice say "my my, for such a little creature you have a big sneeze sweetie" she couldn't see who was speaking "wh...who's there, show yourself" miss mowz shouted. The voice was laughing. Then a ghostly figure appeared in front of her, it was a boo, but this one was different, "hello there, my name is lady bow, but you can just call me bow, I know who you are cause you traveled with Mario, just like I did, what a small world eh, so, what brings an adorable sneezy mouse like yourself out here" miss mowz approached the phantom "w...well that's none of your business now is it" miss mowz retorted "let me guess, you are out here with flowers and a feather trying to sneeze, is that it" miss mowz stepped back "what, how did you..." She was shocked "please honey, I make myself sneeze all the time, or at least I try to, I made the best sneezy tool ever but I have never sneezed, but I reaaaaaally want to, I've had a tickle in my nose for over 1000 years and I want to get it out so badly" miss mowz almost had pity on bow "well, why can't you sneeze, if I knew why, maybe I could help you" bow looked at her "back when I was alive, I had the most sensitive nose of anyone, anything could make me sneeze and my sneezes were huge, and I would induce them all the time, but now I don't know why but I can't sneeze, even with my sneeze fan"

"Is that what you brushed my nose with to get me to sneeze"

"Precisely right my dear,"

"Well for helping me get my stuck sneeze out, I'll help you get your stuck sneeze out"

"Aaww, that's sweet, thank you" they got to work immediately. "Ok Bow, so when you try making yourself sneeze, does your nose at least itch" miss mowz asked

"Oh like you wouldn't believe darling, my allergies carried over, but my sneezing ability did not I'm afraid, anything makes my nose itch"

"So I'll keep irritating your nose until you sneeze, maybe 1000 years of itchiness will finally be released"

"Well, it's worth a try"

Miss mowz took one of the flowers and held it in front of bow's face, "try sniffing this" bow took a deep sniff "oh, that's making my nose itch so much, I WANT TO SNEEZE SO BADLY" miss mowz kept up the nasal assault for hours, she even sneezed a bunch of times, the flowers didn't make bow sneeze, the feather didn't,

Nothing was working. After hours of trying, it seems like they got something right cause bow said "oh my... I think I'm gonna... *sniff* gonna sneeze"

"Wait, really,"

"Oh... Oh yeah, I'm finally gonna sneeze"

Her breath began to hitch "Huhhh... Haaahh..." She kept hitching for almost 10 minutes, then "HAAAAAAHHHHH....HHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHCHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" she blew away everything in front of her with her powerful release "oh my, we finally did it, you got me to sneeze, thank you so much"

"Aw it was no trouble at all, I had fun actually"

"Maybe we could meet somewhere and induce each other, that could be fun"

"Alright, how about this time next week"

"It's a deal, see you then" bow then disappeared, with miss mowz returning to her home and going to sleep

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This was an awesome chapter! Especially with all of the stuck sneezes. Maybe, for the next chapter, Miss Mowz could be hiding from someone, but shere were birds where she was hiding, and she'd have to hold her sneezes back!

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This was an awesome chapter! Especially with all of the stuck sneezes. Maybe, for the next chapter, Miss Mowz could be hiding from someone, but shere were birds where she was hiding, and she'd have to hold her sneezes back!

That's a good idea, thanks

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